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StarTopic Fire Emblem Engage |ST| Your Hidden Desire to Have Neon Joy-Con-Coloured Hair. Mark spoilers!

Skirmishes are tougher, I've only had one so far but since I don't have effective knife-counters, the thieves were a pain in the butt. The other day I read someone claiming they got a map full of flying units lol Kind of a wild change after the bluff battles in Three Houses.
The bridge map only spawns fliers. I beat it once and hated it and now they’re back.
Yeah I haven't gotten as far as others have in the game, but have definitely found skrimishes to be tougher to beat than the main story missions depending on what decides to spawn on the map.

As for the game itself, I have to say I have really started to like the characters and story now. A good number of funny and endearing moments! I guess the beginning was just rushed trying to get the base story over with and there are also more characters too.
Yeah I'm already starting to feel like I'm swimming in units and am lacking space to fit them in, and I know it's only going to get a lot worse. Is this normal in most FE games? I feel like in Three Houses unless you do a ton of recruiting (which I did very little) you mostly just have your house + the teachers and that's kinda... it?

Also doesn't help that the game keeps making me only choose like 8 or 9 people in a map, feels quite low
Yeah and tbh it leads to me just ignoring much of the newer units you recruit. Maybe just use them for paralogues so my main crew doesn't get OP.
I'm still only at chapter 6 because I refuse to move on with the story until I clear Tiki's paralogue. 😤
It doesn't help I'm probably underleveled and playing on hard mode, but I have made it my personal mission to clear it without casualties!!!

Been stuck at it for 2 days now LOL.
Anyone else notice that if you bench units for too long then they ask for you to let them fight again? I have’s used the twins for a while and Framme goes “Not being by your side is the worst!” while poor Clanne goes “If you let me join you I promise I’ll try really hard 🥺”. They’re really trying to guilt trip me huh?
Similar to this, units will also apologize if they take too much damage during a fight. Poor Citrinne got rocked in one of the paralouges and said “That fight made me keenly aware of how weak I am. You gave orders so well… I do apologize.” I’m so sorry Citrinne, it’s not your fault 😭.
Man, I forgot one thing I don't like about fire emblem: Leaving characters behind! I can't choose to not level up characters :(
I wish I could deploy like 20 of them.
What do you do, how many characters do you have as "main" force?

Side note: Am I the only one not using Alfred? I gave Louis the Sigurd ring and he is just unstoppable while also moving around like a cat with zoomies.
My Favorite characters atm is

Citrinne, because I made her an extreme glass cannon with Dire Thunder
Yunaka surprising grew on me and became my first powerful character.
All 3 characters in chapter 13. I like thier designs.
The guys are kinda disappointing me esp all 3 characters in chapter 12. I don't like thier desgins or personalities. One makes a specific noise when you select him and he was immediately on my bench list. I feel like Diamant wins by default in this game. Maybe if one of them carry thier weight in battle I will like them.

I do like that I have a handful of powerful characters and still feel very challenged and have had to do alot of protection plays to avoid a death. Also, based on the ring pulls I have done, I think Bond Rings per Emblem only have 1 S Rank ring with a skill. So once you get an S Ring with a skill from an Emblem its kinda not worth pulling from that Emblem anymore outside of completionist reasons.

Am I the only one not using Alfred?

I stopped using Alfred very early. He didn't appear to pull his weight for me. Even if he does later...too many people have my attention atm.
It's very goofy how you and your sworn enemies just stand around chatting it up for 20 minutes after every mission.
Also the level of instant forgiveness. It’s Trails level of ‘after the bodies of our allies hit the floor, let’s just wave as enemies decide to walk away after we defeat them’.

Chapter 10-
“Ok- you may have led the army that attacked our castle, leading to dozens of dead people, and then led another army attacking us and containing the Fell Dragon’s undead minions while we tried to get through to someone being dragged off to a ritual sacrifice, but it’s ok. You’re a named character and your dad doesn’t like you. All is forgiven. Seems weird that Diamant didn’t at least demand Ivy and her pals imprisonment for a bit out of post-battle anger (and reasonable precaution) given what was going on. The constant ‘I won’t take a life!’ insipid posturing from Alear as if there’s absolutely no options between zero consequences and immediate execution for leading multiple attacks and commanding the undead is ridiculous. It’s not just about you and your personal squeaky-clean ideals, Alear. :D

It’s like the only people that matter are named characters and their friends- any harm done to actual citizens, soldiers and NPCs that aren’t the young heroes doesn’t matter as long as they seem a bit sad about it after because reasons. Even then, Ivy is only sad for herself, not what she was a part of or what she’s done in supporting what she knows is the Fell Dragon. It just seemed like a really good place for a bit of conflicting opinions between the heroes as Diamant and his brother and retainers being totally cool with Ivy going free for having helped their father and king be dragged off feels really off given the characterisation of Brodia in general.

I don’t know, it just seemed like an obvious opportunity for someone to disagree with Alear’s immediate post-battle forgiveness of all enemies no matter what they’ve done, rather than just endless nodding along to naivety. I get that it’s part of the story that they all think Alear is a literal divine child, but it all feels a bit close to Life of Brian. The party seems like a cult in how they hang on their every word without even the mildest of dissent that might finally show off some differences of opinion and sparks of interesting dialogue. This is a demigod they are happy to have dinner with and work out with, they are supposed to be friends as well as followers. If Alear were a more distant divine figure I’d understand it (in the same way their initial acolytes react), but zero dissenting opinion between a dozen people where they’ve had some time to warm up to each other, friendships are growing and they are now facing some high-ranking enemy commanders feels weird to me. At this point Alear could command them all to jump off a cliff and they’d all just nod before doing so while the emblems swore they’d be with them all the way down.

Please let just one person firmly disagree with Alear before the end (and not be made out to be both immediately wrong and unreasonable), please. :D It’s fun to have amnesiac characters that don’t know what they are doing, but that doesn’t mean they need to somehow be so right about every minor decision that not one out of a dozen allies closeby can ever think of an alternative or a reason why it’s a foolish idea either.
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I think Bond Rings per Emblem only have 1 S Rank ring with a skill. So once you get an S Ring with a skill from an Emblem its kinda not worth pulling from that Emblem anymore outside of completionist reasons.
it's 2 per emblem, except byleth who gets 3 for that one
Welp since apparently public codes don't work for Relay Battles I'd love to get some codes going here.

I've started one with ID: 7J73HN4 and have killed a decent amount of enemies with no deaths, anyone wanna join? I'd love to help too so if you've got some floating around, I'm down!
At this point Alear could command them all to jump off a cliff and they’d all just nod before doing so while the emblems swore they’d be with them all the way down.
I hate how correct this is, and how much it reminds me of a certain other Fire Emblem story that has its, uh, moments.

Main reason why Corrin stunk so much is because nobody bothered to actually challenge them outside of Leo/Takumi, and even then they didn’t exactly put up much resistance. And yet the Engage cast is putting up even less. Alear has already dropped a bit in my eyes already because of this, and I’m afraid it’s only gonna get worse.

Hard mode has also become a bit too easy, although that could be due to the DLC. Alear is already an untouchable god by now, which took away any challenge from Chapter 11.
Just got tonal whiplash going from a Chloe support about eating weird food to Citrinne and Yunaka's C support... it's surprisingly intense.
Hortensia sweep at the Ugliest Design Awards 2023, let's go!

You top 5 favourite characters? I'm on Chapter 10 and mine are Pepsi (FAlear), Citrinne, Yunaka, Diamant and Alfred

Louis, Clanne, Alcryst, Yunaka. Then maybe Saline or Alfred for their early game utility, though I enjoy the former more overall. I am actually loving Sigurd just being here as well to be honest, even though the bond support conversations are often like someone talking to an action figure with a pullstring.

re: the twins conversation - I actually like Clanne as a character and as a design, and he's been a good unit so far. His magical boy transformation with Celica's ring is cool too. Framme's regular outfit isn't cute, I have always hated healing being tied to limited use staves, and although I still always deploy her she's basically a healbot who every so often will inflict break on a tome user or maybe provide a useful chain guard. I find their Alear fan club stuff fine (the supports aren't too bad because they're played as "look how deranged these kids are" and it makes sense if all they've ever known is training to be stewards), but Framme gets the single worst repeated voice line in the game ("the divine dragon looked at me").

Hard mode has also become a bit too easy, although that could be due to the DLC.

This is part of why I'm waiting to get the expansion pass later on (that, the fact I only really care about new stories/characters, and the possibility of a discount). Having to get by with 'just' the main game rings keeps me a little more in check. I got Alear and Marth to bond level 10 so figured I should move that ring to someone else - imagine my joy/panic when I realised during a boss encounter that Chloé's Lodestar Rush is a bag of shite and I no longer had my 'press Engage to win' crutch! (Though at least while that map was one that gave you a boss who moved first when attacked at half health and had a high crit rate, it was also the map that gave you a ballista to finish her off so you could bypass that lol)

I am a little concerned I'm gonna totally screw myself because I am not thinking much about what my team will look like and how I'll promote everyone (I don't even know what advanced classes are in this game yet), so I haven't been assigning rings to work on people's weapon proficiencies. I'm hoarding bond fragments and hoping they'll cover some of that with the emblem training feature.
Did Chapter 5 ... or 4? The one with the castle from early on.

Can i just say how much i love that Armor Knights have an actual use here? Louis tanking shit like there's no tomorrow was vital given nearly all enemies charge at you like madpeople.

Read up a bit on classes, class change and Emblem skill shenanigans and i can safely say that i'm going to have decision paralysis in this game.

Which is especially annoying since i'm right now having a massive decision paralysis in Heroes regarding giving my +10 Nephenee the Arcane Lance and max invest in her since she's one of my absolute FE series favs.
Y'all weren't kidding abour Chapter 11, huh? I literally said "OH" out loud when I realized
I couldn't go back in time to save my Lapis who was killed by the random Celica Ragnarok attack. She's dead for good now since by the time I got rewinds back I'd progressed pretty far and no one else had died.
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I have three Master Seals and am having trouble deciding who to use them on. They certainly don't come easy as early in the game I'm in.
Chapter 12- credit where it’s due-
Having to fight a retreat mission without emblems or the time Crystal and a wave of strong enemies behind you is a nice change of pace.

I still think the cut scenes make no sense in that enemies seem able to run away and monologue and steal stuff without your huge party noticing, as they just stand there while Alear says ‘nooo!’ a lot. Also, if the enemy can use the time crystal in a cut scene to steal all the rings without anyone noticing, why couldn’t Alear whenever enemies are monologuing in earlier scenes? It just feels really cheap to have major losses occur in cut scenes due to rules and abilities random anime girl #27 has pulled out of her arse.

To then have a few items returned by Ivy’s bunch who were able to steal them back, when there’s already at least two thieves in the party (Anna and Yunako) just feels like a cheap way of Ivy worming her way into the party too. Alear apologising for the Brodia archer Prince being mad about Ivy delaying them while they were trying to rescue his dad was just grim in its immediate push for bland ‘let’s get along, I’m in charge and everyone loves me’ too. A moment of actual, valid emotion from a party member not acting like a robot, and some interesting party conflict, and Alear is written to just immediately undercut it and discard it as irrelevant. Something I suspect won’t apply when their dead mother comes up again.
Just started yesterday and man it can't be stated how much better this game looks even on my 4k TV compared to Three Houses. Using the MCable Classic and it's a huge upgrade over its predecessor. The clouds are finally not a pixelated mess lol
The Boutique is a fun feature, but almost every character's default "casual" outfit is better than everything in the Boutique.

At least I can give everybody sunglasses.
The Boutique is a fun feature, but almost every character's default "casual" outfit is better than everything in the Boutique.

At least I can give everybody sunglasses.
The only change I made was having F!Alear dress like a Pepsi-colored maid with some of the DLC bonus items.
If you don’t have Jean decked out in his swim trunks and sunglasses 24/7, you’re playing the game wrong.

It kind of corroborates the original leak of the game being complete in 2022 and being pushed for a 2023 release for reasons
According to datamines, the code name for Engage is iron19. Three Houses code name is iron17. Either iron18 is cancelled or releasing some time soon, FE4 Remake?
According to datamines, the code name for Engage is iron19. Three Houses code name is iron17. Either iron18 is cancelled or releasing some time soon, FE4 Remake?
Interesting. Where are these datamines to be found :)?
According to datamines, the code name for Engage is iron19. Three Houses code name is iron17. Either iron18 is cancelled or releasing some time soon, FE4 Remake?
it makes sense if another team started working on a fire emblem game after threehouses before the engage team started like another joint effort with koei tecmo, the fe4 remake rumours could be true as well but I wonder if nate has heard something more on it.
it makes sense if another team started working on a fire emblem game after threehouses before the engage team started like another joint effort with koei tecmo, the fe4 remake rumours could be true as well but I wonder if nate has heard something more on it.
The rumor was always (and inaccurately in hindsight) that two games were in dev. One was being assisted at minimum by KT/Gust (this turned out to be Engage, with no KT/Gust involvement), and the other being an FE4 remake.

So it's entirely possible that Iron18, whoever is working on it, is the FE4 remake that was rumored.
I was looking at upgrade paths and lamenting that there weren’t any flying spellcasters, but then I just got Ivy so… never mind! I love that archetype. Although I do miss having a bit more movement on most everyone.

I’m assuming this game doesn’t have accessories like Three Houses? Shields, rings (non-gacha ones), things you equip that give you random bonuses? I’m missing that a bit too. Just feels like between not having that, battalions, or much for upgrade paths, there’s just so much less to tweak and fiddle with other than engage rings.
Seeing Alcryst call everyone out for letting Ivy join the party after Morion’s death, only for everyone (even Diamant) to tell him to buzz off was so damn frustrating. Finally, some actual tension, only to be immediately swatted away by Alear’s fan club.

Alcryst essentially getting kicked out of the main plot afterwards is salt on the wound, too.
I just spent like 20 minutes meticulously plotting out how to take out the Chapter 7's boss minions while also keeping my own units as safe as possible. It was perfect, all my squishies were safe and I got the boss alone

...And then Hortensia decides to get a 15% crit and kills Louis.

I hate everything
I just spent like 20 minutes meticulously plotting out how to take out the Chapter 7's boss minions while also keeping my own units as safe as possible. It was perfect, all my squishies were safe and I got the boss alone

...And then Hortensia decides to get a 15% crit and kills Louis.

I hate everything
Yunaka is your best bet for baiting out Hortensia, especially if you kept the Micaiah emblem on her. Covert on the avoid panel and have her dodge tank.
So the gameplay definitely is a step up from Three Houses where I could just bum rush everyone and win 90% of the time, but this story... goddamn. It's the worst parts of an Isekai mixed with the worst parts of a Musuo crossover story. I expected a few steps back in terms of story since it was the Fates writer but holy shit this is an Olympic long jump backwards from Three Houses.
Yunaka is your best bet for baiting out Hortensia, especially if you kept the Micaiah emblem on her. Covert on the avoid panel and have her dodge tank.
That's exactly what I tried afterwards and she was dodging hits like a champ.

But it didn't matter, no matter how I tried to reroll the situation, Hortensia and Rosado kept getting crits and onceshotting people, even off a counterattack, so now I have to restart the level
I just spent like 20 minutes meticulously plotting out how to take out the Chapter 7's boss minions while also keeping my own units as safe as possible. It was perfect, all my squishies were safe and I got the boss alone

...And then Hortensia decides to get a 15% crit and kills Louis.

I hate everything

I was playing the same mission last night and she crit killed me like 5 times in a row. I thought she must have had some kind of special skill/ability which gave her guaranteed crits or something. Ended up having to redo the entire battle and realised I was just having terrible luck the first time.
this story... goddamn. It's the worst parts of an Isekai mixed with the worst parts of a Musuo crossover story.
I just picked up Divine Edition (beautiful package) but haven't played yet.

I was feeling skeptical a out the story from Trailer 1 ... But at this point, I'm wondering if it's getting into "so bad it's good" territory 🤞

One was being assisted at minimum by KT/Gust (this turned out to be Engage, with no KT/Gust involvement), and the other being an FE4 remake.

What if ... Koei-Tecmo/Gust are actually the ones behind Genealogy remake this whole time??

Timeline-wise, this checks out? I.e. Dev begins 2019ish targeting 2024?

And tonally matches up, I e. having now-seasoned Three Houses staff transition into another wide-ranging war epic?

Edit: on reflection, that theory has prolly already been communicated 100 times by now 😅
Still, gotta enjoy a personal potential-epiphany!
I was playing the same mission last night and she crit killed me like 5 times in a row. I thought she must have had some kind of special skill/ability which gave her guaranteed crits or something. Ended up having to redo the entire battle and realised I was just having terrible luck the first time.
Ok, so it's not just me

I guess the RNG sometimes decides that it just really hates you. Shit's ridiculous.
I almost hit a roadblock for the first time on maddening on chapter 10.

Multiple bosses and that utter nonsense skill the third one had from the ring where he would do effectively five attacks with his clones on you, holy hell.

I eventually managed to bait him against a wall through sheer luck and trap him from three sides with Thief lady (on a pillar tile), Alear and Louis on each side, and managed to cheese it because the dude kept trying to hit Thief lady because he could technically one round her, but with a 3% hit rate, that wasn't happening. Then I could send a few units up the side to take out the clones.

And then on to chapter 11
They took away all the emblem rings and we now are getting bombarded by 6 rings at once and chased by two dragons. That's a forget it, I'll try tomorrow, if I ever did see one
I just spent like 20 minutes meticulously plotting out how to take out the Chapter 7's boss minions while also keeping my own units as safe as possible. It was perfect, all my squishies were safe and I got the boss alone

...And then Hortensia decides to get a 15% crit and kills Louis.

I hate everything

I have had a couple a situations like that but thankfully in my rerolls and Obstruct cast or Framme with Chain Guard saved me. I just keep her HP topped off for Chain Guards with that skill that heals her when she heals people. Framme went from benchwwarmer to protector of my squishies as I play too agressive in my current playthrough, especially now that she is wearing the Emblem Ring that has a superior Chain Guard.

While I don't remember it was Hortensia or someone else, I do remember there was a loop where I kept getting Crit and I had to switch to one of those lighter weapons like Slime Lance in order to increase my dodge and drop the enemies crit chance. But yeah, I am still cursing at times at the game (which is good). The pressure is really high when you only have a couple of time loops left and still havn't figured out how to save someone.
No upgrade class for thieves feels a bit odd, doesn’t seem much reason why they couldn’t have an assassin class or something. Ah well. Ivy’s henchman seems pretty good with his ‘not quite’ ability, he’s pretty much replaced Yunaka for me now.
The Boutique is a fun feature, but almost every character's default "casual" outfit is better than everything in the Boutique.

At least I can give everybody sunglasses.
I just wish there was an option to use the outfits outside the somniel.

Also did some skirmishes and finally decided to upgrade some classes and, well there are a lot of options. I want wolf Anna but it seems I have to level her up in mounted Axe and then change, but I also upgrade her to berserker.... decisions, decisions
Man, I forgot one thing I don't like about fire emblem: Leaving characters behind! I can't choose to not level up characters :(
I wish I could deploy like 20 of them.
What do you do, how many characters do you have as "main" force?

Side note: Am I the only one not using Alfred? I gave Louis the Sigurd ring and he is just unstoppable while also moving around like a cat with zoomies.
it sucks in this game especially cause they blatantly powercreep characters. and the game generally has 12 on big missions, 8 as a minmum and near the end you get a couple more slots open.

No upgrade class for thieves feels a bit odd, doesn’t seem much reason why they couldn’t have an assassin class or something. Ah well. Ivy’s henchman seems pretty good with his ‘not quite’ ability, he’s pretty much replaced Yunaka for me now.
I would like to say yunaka has better speed growths, unless you feed him speed zlekov will fall off eventually. i had to grind skirmacshes with yunaka for ahwile to cathc her up, though both are pretty close zelkov needs much more resources that could go eslewhere.
it sucks in this game especially cause they blatantly powercreep characters. and the game generally has 12 on big missions, 8 as a minmum and near the end you get a couple more slots open.
Characters introduced later have to come with stats balanced for that part of the game because the game can't assume that your starting roster is still alive at that point.
No upgrade class for thieves feels a bit odd, doesn’t seem much reason why they couldn’t have an assassin class or something. Ah well. Ivy’s henchman seems pretty good with his ‘not quite’ ability, he’s pretty much replaced Yunaka for me now.

I Second Sealed Yunaka into Wolf Knight and she has still been going strong for me....so strong that I occasionally bench her to avoid the temptation of her eating all the exp.

I need to look more at Ivys henchman...too many characters xO

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