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StarTopic What Kinda Gimmicky Launch Title Do You Think We're Going To Get With The Next Nintendo Console?


Did You Get that Thing I Sent You?
The Wii Had A Sports Game Collection With Wii Sports, The Wii U Had a Mini Game Collection With Nintendo Land, And The Switch Had A Milking Game With 1,2 Switch, What Will the Next Console Have?
I really hope we're done with gimmicky launch titles. They're honestly the worst, more specifically when it comes from an accessibility front...
Next console will be the Nintendo Switch 4DS, complete with a game that allows you to actually travel through time and kill Hitler in the crib or ride a T-Rex.

Then, some idiot will step on a butterfly in the past and Deutscher DeSantis will end up as supreme ruler of Earth. But the T-Rex ride will rule!
Too hard to say. If they have something truly new and interesting, it's beyond my guessing. If they just do something simple like bring back the camera and mic they killed, those will only offer the same gimmicks they used when they were introduced the first time over a decade ago.
I predict a zero bezel - all display handheld (with real buttons) for the next gen so a true Nintendogs experience can finally be had. I want my puppies to fall asleep on my analog sticks!

Nintendogs + Cats was the gimmicky game for 3DS launch.
I read a touching story once about a woman playing 1-2-Switch with her blind husband - so uh you know, maybe gimmicks = inaccessible isn't a strict moral stance

Being disabled isn't a monolith. We have different disabilities that impact us differently. Motion controls and gyro is absolutely a double edged sword, but for many of us, it can be an accessibility issues.

Like, for example, in my case, many of these gimmicks are serious problems with my neurological conditions that make it extremely difficult to play, notably and specifically with motion/gyro controls, which causes confusion in my brain using them while trying to use the controls, making it a miserable and difficult experience for me.

I also have other disabilities (not being able to tell depth or spatial reasoning, left/right and directional issues, auditory issues where I mishear things on the opposite side, and among other problems) that also impact my enjoyment of video games too. Many times, these games also use gimmicks that cause problems with me on these issues.

So yes, it can be an accessibility issue.

Also I don't want to assume anything, but I do need to say this: please do not use another disabled person's experience to try and downplay another disabled persons experience with accessibility problems. It comes off ableist and furthermore, you're downplaying the fact that other people struggle with something caused by barriers due to their disabilities. Acting like one disabled person represents everyone in the disability community is not a good idea for various reasons. In fact, makes trying to discuss about these problems incredibly difficult.
Being disabled isn't a monolith. We have different disabilities that impact us differently. Motion controls and gyro is absolutely a double edged sword, but for many of us, it can be an accessibility issues.

Like, for example, in my case, many of these gimmicks are serious problems with my neurological conditions that make it extremely difficult to play, notably and specifically with motion/gyro controls, which causes confusion in my brain using them while trying to use the controls, making it a miserable and difficult experience for me.

I also have other disabilities (not being able to tell depth or spatial reasoning, left/right and directional issues, auditory issues where I mishear things on the opposite side, and among other problems) that also impact my enjoyment of video games too. Many times, these games also use gimmicks that cause problems with me on these issues.

So yes, it can be an accessibility issue.

Also I don't want to assume anything, but I do need to say this: please do not use another disabled person's experience to try and downplay another disabled persons experience with accessibility problems. It comes off ableist and furthermore, you're downplaying the fact that other people struggle with something caused by barriers due to their disabilities. Acting like one disabled person represents everyone in the disability community is not a good idea for various reasons. In fact, makes trying to discuss about these problems incredibly difficult.

Fair enough, I came off too hot and didn't think through the implications of what I was saying. Still though, your initial statement draws a fairly broad brush to call something people can enjoy and be benefitted by "the worst" and shouldn't be made at all, not just implying they can be made better and more accessibly. So I was inflamed a bit because these sort of "gimmick" titles can feel like an un-championed cause of their own, that's why I responded that way.
Fair enough, I came off too hot and didn't think through the implications of what I was saying. Still though, your initial statement draws a fairly broad brush to call something people can enjoy and be benefitted by "the worst" and shouldn't be made at all, not just implying they can be made better and more accessibly. So I was inflamed a bit because these sort of "gimmick" titles can feel like an un-championed cause of their own, that's why I responded that way.
Nah this ain't it. Mendinso didn't even imply that "the worst" was a statement that applied to all people, even all disabled people. A person can say that something is the worst without it defining how other people should feel about it, and a disabled person is entitled to have feelings about gimmicks that restrict their ability to play games.
Nah this ain't it. Mendinso didn't even imply that "the worst" was a statement that applied to all people, even all disabled people. A person can say that something is the worst without it defining how other people should feel about it, and a disabled person is entitled to have feelings about gimmicks that restrict their ability to play games.

They said "I really hope they're done", before they even got to the point about accessibility; I mean, obviously I know no one has power here to actually make them not made but that's what it implies. Anyway, I'm not advocating they make games that are inaccessible so I don't think you need to drag me, I already apologized for sounding too dismissive.
Wii Sports, and motion crap in general, is my problematic fave

should they stop making them, as has been said in this thread? probably. will I slurp that shit up until they do? you betcha
They said "I really hope they're done", before they even got to the point about accessibility; I mean, obviously I know no one has power here to actually make them not made but that's what it implies. Anyway, I'm not advocating they make games that are inaccessible so I don't think you need to drag me, I already apologized for sounding too dismissive.
Explain how it paints an overly broad brush for Mendinso to say that he hopes for something to not happen
A game that uses Nintendo properties and goes deep. Not necessarily a card game, but their own spin on Marvel Snap, mixed with Nintendo Land.
Explain how it paints an overly broad brush for Mendinso to say that he hopes for something to not happen

I like "gimmicky" titles, think they can be made accessibly and even provide accessibility benefits, and so should happen, that's all I was trying to argue.
I like "gimmicky" titles, think they can be made accessibly and even provide accessibility benefits, and so should happen, that's all I was trying to argue.
I'm not sure that you can make an accessible Wii Sports. Maybe the analog stick could be used as a facsimile of motion control but I can definitely recognize the stance that such games just straight up should not exist

If it hadn't been for Nintendo Switch Sports this year I'd think we were getting there. I don't think we'll see anything like Super Mario Odyssey's forced waggle again, for example
I like "gimmicky" titles, think they can be made accessibly and even provide accessibility benefits, and so should happen, that's all I was trying to argue.
Okay, but it doesn't comment on your enjoyment at all to say that he doesn't enjoy them. You're the only one who painted with an overly broad brush by wielding another person's disability against Mendinso's argument. Just take the L and stop trying to find a way to make your initial boneheadery seem more understandable.
I'm not sure that you can make an accessible Wii Sports. Maybe the analog stick could be used as a facsimile of motion control but I can definitely recognize the stance that such games just straight up should not exist

If it hadn't been for Nintendo Switch Sports this year I'd think we were getting there. I don't think we'll see anything like Super Mario Odyssey's forced waggle again, for example
I guess that's just NES golf lol
I guess that's just NES golf lol
yeah, you can definitely make sports games with button controls, but the level of control would be greatly reduced

the exception in switch sports would be volleyball which is mostly binary timed inputs anyway lol
If we consider gimmicky games to be titles made to highlight different aspects of the console, regardless of whether that aspect is new, there are some things that might be retained or otherwise might return.

For instance, the whole Share the Joy thing with Joy-Con? A single-player game that immediately becomes two-player by handing someone a Joy-Con?
[...] coordinate their efforts to fight faeries and solve puzzles. Use the Left Joy-Con™ controller to move Cereza and bind enemies with her magic. With the Right Joy-Con controller, move Cheshire to slash and chomp foes.

This almost does seem like something that could be translated to a Single-Player--[Instant!]--Two-Player Zelda title starring simultaneously played Link and Zelda.

You know, Nintendo, do it.

Kirby's Rainbow CurseI, with the inclusion of Canvas Curse could highlight pointer controls. And also the ability to connect two Switch consoles togetherand emulate Wii U functionality. But, of course, this is ports and likely not a big launch title.

Whatever different functionality it might have, a new Nintendo Land could be built around it, especially since putting the original and Game & Wario inside for those who can connect the additional console for Wii U emulation would further highlight that proposed function.

Really, though, it comes down to what console functions need to be highlighted.
I'm not sure that you can make an accessible Wii Sports. Maybe the analog stick could be used as a facsimile of motion control but I can definitely recognize the stance that such games just straight up should not exist

If it hadn't been for Nintendo Switch Sports this year I'd think we were getting there. I don't think we'll see anything like Super Mario Odyssey's forced waggle again, for example

Well yeah, we've had button-controlled sports game for forever - it's not impossible to imagine you could pack in controls like that as an optional, buried in the options thing.

Okay, but it doesn't comment on your enjoyment at all to say that he doesn't enjoy them. You're the only one who painted with an overly broad brush by wielding another person's disability against Mendinso's argument. Just take the L and stop trying to find a way to make your initial boneheadery seem more understandable.

Discussions virally sway people's thoughts and if we get the vibe that gimmicky games are unwanted and inaccessible, Nintendo won't make them. I care a lot about accessibility and interpreted it as threatening to say a game like 1-2-Switch shouldn't be made. I apologized already. Why not just be more charitable and accept that I'm defending in good faith?
Well yeah, we've had button-controlled sports game for forever - it's not impossible to imagine you could pack in controls like that as an optional, buried in the options thing.

Discussions virally sway people's thoughts and if we get the vibe that gimmicky games are unwanted and inaccessible, Nintendo won't make them. I care a lot about accessibility and interpreted it as threatening to say a game like 1-2-Switch shouldn't be made. I apologized already. Why not just be more charitable and accept that I'm defending in good faith?
Okay, so if someone said they wished they would stop making sequels for a game they do not like, that paints with an overly broad brush? I literally cannot possibly comprehend the logic that, just because someone doesn't like something, that it's a threat to its existence lmao
Okay, so if someone said they wished they would stop making sequels for a game they do not like, that paints with an overly broad brush? I literally cannot possibly comprehend the logic that, just because someone doesn't like something, that it's a threat to its existence lmao

Yeah, I do find it kind of threatening because it already feels like a pattern that Nintendo is trending away from. Make some jokes about how the Wii U is irrelevant and obsolete and oh boy you'll get me irrationally going 🙃
Yeah, I do find it kind of threatening because it already feels like a pattern that Nintendo is trending away from. Make some jokes about how the Wii U is irrelevant and obsolete and oh boy you'll get me irrationally going 🙃
Well, I guess it's possible that a single poster on a forum Nintendo's never heard of might influence a company that doesn't listen to its fans
Nintendo is so far behind in terms of accessibility, the two or three games using motion controls are like at the bottom of the list of stuff they need to improve in this regard.
Well yeah, we've had button-controlled sports game for forever - it's not impossible to imagine you could pack in controls like that as an optional, buried in the options thing.
things like mario odyssey's baffling motion inputs sure, but wii/switch sports really are motion controls. as I said above, maybe they could use analog sticks to get close to the range and complexity of motion, but a buttons vs motion tennis game for example would be very unfair, whether by demanding too little of buttons (press a to hit in the right direction automatically) or too much (flick with the analog stick)
You know, after dealing with countless people talking down to me about accessibility issues (difficulity issues, lack of modifiers to help people with various issues surrounding with difficulty, motion control, impairments, etc.), and attempts to make accessibility posts only to be attacked or just outright ignored, I am just absolute tired of being talked down and also having my posts attacked and overanalyzed.

Like, I deal with this shit every single day, people talking down on my disabilities and it continues into my hobbies, even when I try to talk about the importance of accessibility, and then I make grievances about how gimmicks impact this for me, it gets blown up in a negative way.

Like, I'm tired of this shit.

When a disabled person expresses disasification of something and has issues, listen. Don't fucking attack us over it.

Fucking done with this shit. This was a problem on the previous site and this is still a problem here. I am absolutely NOT okay with this.
Nintendo is so far behind in terms of accessibility, the two or three games using motion controls are like at the bottom of the list of stuff they need to improve in this regard.

You know, after dealing with countless people talking down to me about accessibility issues (difficulity issues, lack of modifiers to help people with various issues surrounding with difficulty, motion control, impairments, etc.), and attempts to make accessibility posts only to be attacked or just outright ignored, I am just absolute tired of being talked down and also having my posts attacked and overanalyzed.

Like, I deal with this shit every single day, people talking down on my disabilities and it continues into my hobbies, even when I try to talk about the importance of accessibility, and then I make grievances about how gimmicks impact this for me, it gets blown up in a negative way.

Like, I'm tired of this shit.

When a disabled person expresses disasification of something and has issues, listen. Don't fucking attack us over it.

Fucking done with this shit. This was a problem on the previous site and this is still a problem here. I am absolutely NOT okay with this.
I feel conflicted on this whole issue of accessibility. One one hand, if you are able to open the game up to more people, without compromising its creative vision or quality, then that's fantastic. But I feel like "accessibility" is just being used as another one of those cynical, corporate scams focused more on high profit margins and virtue signaling, rather than actually making things acessible.

What people also tend to forget is that Nintendo has historically been a very creator driven company. Their developers and designers typically have a very specific experience they want to give the user, and often that means locking down the options to create a focused experience. Can Nintendo do better on this front? Yes, but that's on a game-by-game basis. Something like Zelda lends itself well to flexible control and accessibility options, while something like Ring-Fit Adventure benefit from less options.

It's also important to know that Motion Control =/= inaccessible necessarily. Not all disabled gamers are the same, and some of them probably able to use motion controls just fine. It's a very complicated issue that shouldn't have a one-size-fits-all solution.
You know, after dealing with countless people talking down to me about accessibility issues (difficulity issues, lack of modifiers to help people with various issues surrounding with difficulty, motion control, impairments, etc.), and attempts to make accessibility posts only to be attacked or just outright ignored, I am just absolute tired of being talked down and also having my posts attacked and overanalyzed.

Like, I deal with this shit every single day, people talking down on my disabilities and it continues into my hobbies, even when I try to talk about the importance of accessibility, and then I make grievances about how gimmicks impact this for me, it gets blown up in a negative way.

Like, I'm tired of this shit.

When a disabled person expresses disasification of something and has issues, listen. Don't fucking attack us over it.

Fucking done with this shit. This was a problem on the previous site and this is still a problem here. I am absolutely NOT okay with this.

Sorry. I didn't have that context in the initial post and was glib and felt threatened in my own (less important) way.
I feel conflicted on this whole issue of accessibility. One one hand, if you are able to open the game up to more people, without compromising its creative vision or quality, then that's fantastic. But I feel like "accessibility" is just being used as another one of those cynical, corporate scams focused more on high profit margins and virtue signaling, rather than actually making things acessible.
I mean, watch just one single video of a visually impaired gamer playing The Last of Us Part II and tell me how it's not making things more accessible.
None because I hope they understood that 1-2 Switch (relatively) flopped, no one bought a Switch for that. Nintendoland wasn’t an attractive reason to buy a Wii U. Neither are on the level of Wii Sports, which is kinda already available on Switch via Switch Sports (btw it will have BC, if it doesn’t it will fumble the bag bigtime)

Either way gens are irrelevant right now, until we get a big exclusive to the successor like Mario or something there is no need to push people to upgrade with some kind of gimmick launch game
I mean, watch just one single video of a visually impaired gamer playing The Last of Us Part II and tell me how it's not making things more accessible.
I mean yeah, that's great. But not every game is like The Last of Us Part II. Like I said, it's a complex issue that shouldn't be forced into a one-size-fits-all answer. Every game is unique, and each requires different approaches.
I feel conflicted on this whole issue of accessibility. One one hand, if you are able to open the game up to more people, without compromising its creative vision or quality, then that's fantastic. But I feel like "accessibility" is just being used as another one of those cynical, corporate scams focused more on high profit margins and virtue signaling, rather than actually making things acessible.

What people also tend to forget is that Nintendo has historically been a very creator driven company. Their developers and designers typically have a very specific experience they want to give the user, and often that means locking down the options to create a focused experience. Can Nintendo do better on this front? Yes, but that's on a game-by-game basis. Something like Zelda lends itself well to flexible control and accessibility options, while something like Ring-Fit Adventure benefit from less options.

It's also important to know that Motion Control =/= inaccessible necessarily. Not all disabled gamers are the same, and some of them probably able to use motion controls just fine. It's a very complicated issue that shouldn't have a one-size-fits-all solution.
lol way to miss the point of Mendinso's posts
for my part if they killed gimmick control games I'd be like "yeah I get it"

I'd at least be willing to take one for the team
Platforming game that automatically charges $5 to your credit card any time you die
I feel conflicted on this whole issue of accessibility. One one hand, if you are able to open the game up to more people, without compromising its creative vision or quality, then that's fantastic. But I feel like "accessibility" is just being used as another one of those cynical, corporate scams focused more on high profit margins and virtue signaling, rather than actually making things acessible.

Absolutely how-dare-you. You do NOT get to talk down to me about this shit. This is not virtue signaling, this about actually improving options for the disabled.

This is the fucking shit I was talking about in my post.

It's also important to know that Motion Control =/= inaccessible necessarily. Not all disabled gamers are the same, and some of them probably able to use motion controls just fine. It's a very complicated issue that shouldn't have a one-size-fits-all solution.

I also absolutely touched upon this topic. And the thing is, I'm fucking disabled. I know how games impact me. And how they impact other disabled gamers. I also know for some (for example, motion/gyro controls) can also help as an accessibility. I recognie this, but as a disabled gamer, this is the stuff that affects me and I know that not one size fits all. This is also why numerous options to allow for accessibility helps.

Stop trying to talk over people like me. Like, absolutely how-dare-you.
Downplaying the importance of accessibility features, especially when disabled people tell you of their importance, is simply unacceptable. You are banned for a month.
Absolutely how-dare-you. You do NOT get to talk down to me about this shit. This is not virtue signaling, this about actually improving options for the disabled.

This is the fucking shit I was talking about in my post.
I understand your frustrations. But I'm just saying there are developers and companies who are just jumping on this issue to make a quick buck, and there are also those who are genuinely making an effort to make games acessible. There's both sides to this issue.
I also absolutely touched upon this topic. And the thing is, I'm fucking disabled. I know how games impact me. And how they impact other disabled gamers. I also know for some (for example, motion/gyro controls) can also help as an accessibility. I recognie this, but as a disabled gamer, this is the stuff that affects me and I know that not one size fits all. This is also why numerous options to allow for accessibility helps.

Stop trying to talk over people like me. Like, absolutely how-dare-you.
Nobody's trying to insult you here though. I'm all for accessibility if the game benefits from it, and I believe most games would benefit from these options. I just think each game should have its own options tailored to them. Every game is unique and every disabled gamers is unique.

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