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News Square Enix announces dungeon exploration RPG Dungeon Encounters, directed by Hiroyuki Ito, releasing on October 15

I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Cleared about 8 floors before deciding to head back to the surface. The stores stock a bunch of stuff at this point that put my equipment to shame lol. Decided to throw down 500 gold on the magic attack that deals 250 damage to every enemy because that seems nuts at this point.

I actually like the presentation quite a bit. Something about it just works for me. I also really like the character design and monster design. The character backstories are pretty good but it doesn't look like there's going to be much story going on here.

Tempted to experiment with how many characters to bring with me. Starting to think 4 may not be optimal. Would be tempted to try to run it with a solo character if I wasn't worried about petrify ruining my life.
I think I saw mention somewhere that Voice of Cards is getting a physical release in Japan or Asia, but I haven't seen anything for this one.

A $50 double-pack containing both games would've been ideal I think
Was going to pick this up, but realized the physical release is just special edition goods + a download code.

Divinity OS2
Care to expand? Skill tree etc? Game looks really darkest dungeon style to me.
Was going to pick this up, but realized the physical release is just special edition goods + a download code.

Care to expand? Skill tree etc? Game looks really darkest dungeon style to me.

Characters and enemies have physical/magical defense barriers and a separate HP meter which work pretty much exactly like OS2; to actually damage HP you need to empty either barrier and continue using that damage type. Apart from that, yeah, Darkest Dungeon is also a good comparison, though obviously DE is less oppressive and punishing.
Hopefully is Play-Asia and not LRG handling the physical releases.
Square hasn't partnered with LRG ever :LOL: If a physical release happens it'll probably be for Japan or Asian territories and you can then import via Amazon JP or P-A

Was going to pick this up, but realized the physical release is just special edition goods + a download code.

That's super disappointing
I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Cleared about 8 floors before deciding to head back to the surface. The stores stock a bunch of stuff at this point that put my equipment to shame lol. Decided to throw down 500 gold on the magic attack that deals 250 damage to every enemy because that seems nuts at this point.

I actually like the presentation quite a bit. Something about it just works for me. I also really like the character design and monster design. The character backstories are pretty good but it doesn't look like there's going to be much story going on here.

Tempted to experiment with how many characters to bring with me. Starting to think 4 may not be optimal. Would be tempted to try to run it with a solo character if I wasn't worried about petrify ruining my life.

I haven't had much time to play the game only spent about an hour or so with it. But are the character backstories triggered as events on specific floors and are they only for the wandering characters?
This games looks weird as hell! But it's from Hiroyuki Ito, and this man made some of my favourite games of all time with legendary great battlesystems. I may need to check this out sometime later this year. I love some hardcore minimalist RPG's.
I think I'll get this for my SWOLED. It looks kinda strange, but Ito hasn't made a game since the 2000s and I desperately want a new one.
May end up getting this after I finish Lost Judgment. The man is a legend. Got to support the man. Game looks unique and experimental.
The deeper I go into the dungeon the more interesting it gets. The setup is really simple but you need to figure out good strategies for later floors. I also like the fact that you can pick which enemies you want to fight and that there are no random battles. You can take your time and I find that relaxing.
I haven't had much time to play the game only spent about an hour or so with it. But are the character backstories triggered as events on specific floors and are they only for the wandering characters?
Oh I just mean the backstories listed on the composition page. You can read a little about each character. Nothing crazy but what's there is solid.
I need to check this out at some point, looks really interesting. Curious as to how meaty it is.
I watched a friend stream this, and honestly agreed with him. It's a fun stream game, but I'd not play this alone.
I got to floor 18 with a solo character before getting petrified by a cockatrice. Solo characters are a lot of fun. With Valiant Strength and Fluorite you output a lot of damage at this point. The iron golems are the only things that survive more than two Maliare 2 uses. You level up super fast too, and with HP seemingly increasing at an exponential rate you start to feel very strong (with instant death and petrification being your downfall, fuck you cockatrice).

Anyone have any luck with Map Riddle 2 and 3? I've been keeping my eyes peeled for those patterns as I make my way back down to floor 18 with my party but I haven't found these yet.
I got it in a whim after reading the positive impressions and now I am hooked. I like how the seemingly simple elements of the gameplay have great synergy together and the enemy encounters feel almost like a puzzle game at times. I love also how snappy this game is on Switch with almost non existent loading times.
I'm really intrigued by this, after watching some gameplay and reading some impressions. Thinking about picking it up before the launch discount period ends later this week.
Ooooo interesting. Not sure how this flew under my radar.
I got to floor 73 and I'm kind of burnt out on it. The game is fantactic but some of the levels like floors 50 and 60 are annoying. The mechanics there made me skip them and I basically just went straight to 70. I already has a good few chars I picked up (definitely get the cat and the culnary set, thank me later) so I was destroying enemies but now I'm kind of under leveled skipping so many floors. I need to grind some more but I kind of got bored after 20 hours or so. Maybe I'll finish it this weekend but I'll give it a rest for now.
Sounds good. I can't help but cynically feel the review was timed to publish after the early bird sale on this. I took a gamble with 20%. I've not tried it yet but I'm looking forward to delving in.
The people who can get into the mechanics seem to be really enjoying it from what I’ve seen on other sites, presentation be damned.

I think this had the misfortune of coming out around Dread and the lack of presentation probably had a lot of people writing it off as a lazy cash in.
I beat the game today and thought I'd give some brief thoughts on it.

I liked it. Despite being a game that really is just battling monsters for 99 floors straight with a very stripped down backdrop in terms of audio, visuals, and writing, I felt the game was able to continually evolve in meaningful ways pretty consistently all the way through. I was constantly tinkering with my party to deal with what new enemies were bringing to the table all the way up through the floors in the 70s, at which point I settled on a fairly strong team that got me pretty safely up through endgame, at which point the doors are blown off on your potential with some pretty powerful options.

I also liked that the designers were able to make every new area in the game feel unique as every group of floors has their own twists and design philosophy that they tend to adhere to. I actually didn't quite realize it at first, as the first 20 floors I would say are pretty slow to get you running with the game's mechanics, but after that point I started to realize these differences. It doesn't really feel like there are a ton of mechanics in the game, but the devs got a lot of mileage out of the ones they used.

I'd really recommend this game to people who like tinkering around with builds in turn-based RPGs and enjoy battling in JRPGs, because you get a whole lot of both of those, and would also recommend going in with a willingness to let the game troll you with mechanics, because it can slap you in the face when you least expect it and that doesn't appeal to everyone. I personally didn't have much experience with RPGs like this that are basically designed around dungeon-crawling, but I enjoyed my time with this one. Closest I can think of is probably Persona 3 or something when going through Tartarus, but I much preferred my time going through Dungeon Encounters' dungeon.
This reminds me how bad I want Etrian Odyssey VI

Reviews are still trickling in, Eurogamer's Martin Robinson gave it a Recommended grade:

And here's Destructoid's CJ Andriessen with a 8.5:

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