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Maybe, but if a game doesn't demand it, why drastically lower the potential userbase to sell it to, especially if it won't have any benefit to Drake users. A GBA game was always going to be very lacking on DS, not taking advantage of the screen or buttons available. Same for DS on 3DS, GCN on Wii, and Wii on Wii U. Doesn't seem like Switch->Drake poses any such basic issue.

We're nearly 2 years out from PS5/Series launches, and we're still seeing even AAA games being announced for PS4/One, let alone the smaller scale games I'm mostly thinking of long term.

From same reasons i wrote already, at one point Nintendo will not bother with older hardware any more and they will want that all previous Switch owners upgrade to new hardware (and best way to that is to cut completely support).

Thats good example, its similar with Sony and PS4 support, Sony will release some PS4 versions of games in next year too, but after next year I dont see an more PS4 version of games coming from Sony, offcourse there will be more games even after next year from 3rd party.
Having that example on mind, I will change 2-3 years support after Drake support, to around 3 years of Nintendo support after Drake launch.

Talking about 3rd party, most of multiplatform games are still cross gen because for instance PS4 can handle those games,
but current Switch models cant handle those games (at least without huge cuts) because have weak hardware for today standards and few bottleneck,
thats why right away after Switch Drake launch we will see some 3rd party exclusives announcements that will not come to current Switch models.
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Those were one of 1st consoles on market that were successful, so they are not best examples (I mean they were released in 85" and 92"), later better examples:
Shortly after GC was released N64 support was stopped, soon after Wii was released GC support was stopped (regardless basically same architecture and tech), soon after Wii U was launched Wii support stopped, soon after Switch was launch Wii U support was stopped. You mentioned success, why Nintendo stopped Wii support after Wii U launch, when Wii was 100m+ seller?
Offcourse I talking about Nintendo support not about 3rd party support that more-less releasing some games even if new hardware is released.
There's a whole 4 hardware platforms that you left conspicuously absent there.
Those were one of 1st consoles on market that were successful, so they are not best examples

* cries in Atari *

(I mean they were released in 85" and 92"),

1983 and 1990, but sure.

later better examples:
Shortly after GC was released N64 support was stopped, soon after Wii was released GC support was stopped (regardless basically same architecture and tech), soon after Wii U was launched Wii support stopped, soon after Switch was launch Wii U support was stopped. You mentioned success, why Nintendo stopped Wii support after Wii U launch, when Wii was 100m+ seller?
Offcourse I talking about Nintendo support not about 3rd party support that more-less releasing some games even if new hardware is released.

Okay. Now do Nintendo portables.

Like, say, their most recent transition, the one from 3DS to Switch.
In my mind Zelda & Drake are definitely releasing together in May. Nintendo is likely quite nervous about launching a Switch successor because of the infamous Boom & Bust cycle they've been on, so they'll try to make it as similar to the Switch launch as they can.

Other Switch OG launch window sequels have already been released, likely because COVID threw the planning in disarray - Xeno3, Splatoon 3 and MK8 DLC (and stinky horse is finished, 1 2 switch's sequel). Zelda seems to be purposefully held back with the way it's being marketed, probably as the final Switch launch followup to help Drake.

thanks for reading my fanfic

Seeing the differences between BotW on Wii U and Switch there's definitely so many ways to spruce TotK up for Drake: resolution, draw distance, shadow quality, texture quality (BotW on Switch definitely had less conspicuous textures), reflection quality, particle amount etc. etc.. TotK was made for Switch primarily so stuff like loading masks when transitioning between Skyrule and Hyrule will likely stay in, but considering that BotW is still the best looking Switch game and it was made for Wii U I have no doubts that TotK will be stunning on Drake.
In my mind Zelda & Drake are definitely releasing together in May. Nintendo is likely quite nervous about launching a Switch successor because of the infamous Boom & Bust cycle they've been on, so they'll try to make it as similar to the Switch launch as they can.
I could see them being willing to release it earlier for a significantly big third party title, and I think, say, Resident Evil 4 is big enough to be that title.

I think they’re going to be making a big push for third party support with this system. It seems almost purpose-built to break down the excuses for not supporting the Switch. Not powerful enough for your PS4 games? Well, here you go.
May is a strange month to launch new hardware, I personally think that if the new Switch is indeed launching H1 '23 it's gonna be in March/April with an unannounced game.
May is a strange month to launch new hardware, I personally think that if the new Switch is indeed launching H1 '23 it's gonna be in March/April with an unannounced game.

Gamecube launched in the UK in May. Hopefully it’s not an omen because it was a huge flop here!

If it comes in March then I could see it launching with maybe something like Red Dead Redemption 2 and maybe a couple of Nintendo classics ‘now in 4K’.
I could see them being willing to release it earlier for a significantly big third party title, and I think, say, Resident Evil 4 is big enough to be that title.

I think they’re going to be making a big push for third party support with this system. It seems almost purpose-built to break down the excuses for not supporting the Switch. Not powerful enough for your PS4 games? Well, here you go.
Yeah, they made a big third party push with Switch, and RE4 has Nintendo history. Interesting!
Ah I see what you're saying...
I still think it would... well as showpiecey as a cross gen game could get I suppose.

This hackey, non official implementation of Raytraced GI that's been floating around forever... does look pretty stunning in some cases... certainly Nintendo's artists could jazz it up even nicer than this.

As for the other stuff... I was surprised to see that the wii U version has 2k texture assets. I think that would look fine DLSS ... this isn't TLOU2 ...

But I guess we'll have to see

To your point... I would LOVE to see Metroid Prime 4 take full advantage of Drake for example... when talking showpiece... I think of that game more than anything.

The 1050ti in this laptop can't cope with the 8K setting on that video, but even in 4K It looks gorgeous! 😱
I definitely need to invest in a PC if card prices keep falling
I also in team Drake announce in Jan next year and release in March with something else big 1st party game, not TOTK
I don't pay much attention to hardware stuff. But I heard some talk about Nintendo trying to wait the chip shortage out. But I don't see how much longer they could realistically wait it out?

It's like the situation with Advance Wars getting indefinitely delayed. How long does Nintendo expect the war between Russia and Ukraine to last?
we had heard that Goldeneye was delayed for similar reasons having a lot of russian military etc... (whether true or not idk), and seems like thats not coming til 2023 possibly onto Switch Online so I could certainly see them just waiting out 2022 and launching it sometime next year
There's a whole 4 hardware platforms that you left conspicuously absent there.

Did you actaully read post I did reply to? My point in that reply was about home console platforms.

* cries in Atari *

1983 and 1990, but sure.

Okay. Now do Nintendo portables.
Like, say, their most recent transition, the one from 3DS to Switch.

Atari succes couldn't be compared with NES and SNES, and NES is actually platform that made gaming mainstream.

I was thinking more about western releases when those consoles really started taking gaming industry back than.

Why I would do portables now?
Its point of context of previous my posts, you didn't read my previous posts, you just reply to my last post without knowing what I wrote in previous posts or context of my last post you did reply to.
I am very well aware of all Nintendo hardware transitions, including handhelds (3DS counting).
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I could see them being willing to release it earlier for a significantly big third party title, and I think, say, Resident Evil 4 is big enough to be that title.

I think they’re going to be making a big push for third party support with this system. It seems almost purpose-built to break down the excuses for not supporting the Switch. Not powerful enough for your PS4 games? Well, here you go.
I don’t think Nintendo will make the launch dependent on a 3rd party game which could still be delayed (the launch date was revealed quite a long time ago). I agree that they could go big on 3rd party, but it’s most often not what people expect or what „makes sense“. Similarly to Skyrim for the OG Switch, it might be some left-field thing like RDR2 or Elden Ring.
If they do plan to launch Drake next spring, they‘re gonna have their own big or small title to go along. I‘m betting on 2D Mario, since 3D would fit better for the holidays but theres the movie coming out and theres still a gap between FE/Kirby and Zelda.
I don’t think Nintendo will make the launch dependent on a 3rd party game which could still be delayed (the launch date was revealed quite a long time ago).
If they do plan to launch Drake next spring, they‘re gonna have their own big or small title to go along.

That’s why earlier I said I thought they could pair RE4 with a wide audience/blue ocean title like a minigame collection or something like Nintendogs. I don’t think Nintendo would release a new system and not have any first part title with it.

Atari succes couldn't be compared with NES and SNES, and NES is actually platform that made gaming mainstream.
That’s…debatable. I’m going to go with no. You can definitely compare the success of Atari to that of the NES and SNES, they’re not like orders of magnitudes apart. Atari sold over 30 million 2600s. That’s not as many systems as Nintendo but certainly enough to be mainstream. Normal people knew what an Atari was and what a video game was, it wasn’t some weird niche hobbyist thing. The NES was “the new Atari” when it came out (well, one of them; there had been multiple “Atari killers”).
Launch in March with Metroid Prime Remakester and (free!) pro-patches for Xenoblade 3, Mario Kart 8, Smash and Splatoon 3.

Have Capcom do a Rise pro patch and maybe some pro exclusive (even Re Village would work), maybe the same from SQEX.

Have Gamefreak do a pro patch for ScarVio.

This should really cover all bases and is definitely enough to uncouple TotK and the Pro launches.

Of course, i don't mind a May launch with TotK ... but the earlier the better.

In the end, i just want one really solid, undeniable leak or hinthint about the launch time frame so i can start saving.
That’s…debatable. I’m going to go with no. You can definitely compare the success of Atari to that of the NES and SNES, they’re not like orders of magnitudes apart. Atari sold over 30 million 2600s. That’s not as many systems as Nintendo but certainly enough to be mainstream. Normal people knew what an Atari was and what a video game was, it wasn’t some weird niche hobbyist thing. The NES was “the new Atari” when it came out (well, one of them; there had been multiple “Atari killers”).

NES is platform that made gaming mainstream in late 80" and generally changed gaming,
much more people know about NES and Mario in late 80" and media attention and generally popularity couldn't be compared with Atari.
But we can say we disagree.

Just a couple of articles on that matter
NES is platform that made gaming mainstream in late 80" and generally changed gaming,
much more people know about NES and Mario in late 80" and media attention and generally popularity couldn't be compared with Atari.
But we can say we disagree.

Just a couple of articles on that matter
Of course Nintendo changed gaming. I don’t really need links to puff pieces written for NES anniversaries to know that. But, uh, thanks?
The month of May is a weird time to launch a new console, yes. But let’s not pretend like March isn’t any weirder which is just 3-4 months after the Christmas shopping times and also after New Year’s holiday money gift for children and teenagers. Nothing happens in May, so making May an eventful month could be an interesting outcome.

I mean really, when you think about Zelda TOTK is launching in May, hardly any major release happens for a time like that.

May is a weirdly quiet month for a major game release.

Perhaps someone can look through all games released in May that were major? Because I’m drawing a blank on what major releases choose May of all months to release in.

Even February and March have had higher historical games than May I’d reckon.
May is the month of the year with the least spending on average, that's why few games release that month.
May is a weirdly quiet month for a major game release.

Perhaps someone can look through all games released in May that were major? Because I’m drawing a blank on what major releases choose May of all months to release in.
The Witcher III was released in May, and its developers actually credited its quiet release period with its success. (Then they proceeded to forget all about that and force Cyberpunk out during the holiday season because they felt they needed to).

Bethesda really likes May releases, in the same way that Capcom and Square Enix are some of the only companies that drop AAA titles in January. From Bethesda, Brink, Doom (2016), Wolfenstein: The New Order, and Rage 2 were all released in May.

NetherRealm prefers April releases (another quiet month) but they’ve been known to release some games, like Injustice 2, in May as well.

February and March do have a lot more video game releases historically than April or May; for many companies March 31 is the end of their fiscal year, so they’d rather try to rush the game out in March to goose their annual profits than release it in mid-April.
I don't believe the next platform is tied to LOZ:TotK, as it won't be a showcase for what is possible on the new hardware, and could add to some confusion. It would also mean a sense of predictability for Nintendo, which would ultimately lead to less reward in risk, complacency, lack of innovation and imagination, followed by stagnation, and ultimately, decline. There is no "copy and paste success" strategy. I'm also more convinced that 2024 is a possibility for it now - To be clear, most of the optimism I have is based on following the software, and a belief that a successor would launch later (i.e., not in 2022), allowing it to have better performance. Late 2023 at the earliest. Much depends on what happens in the Summer/E3 Season, and I find it hard to see how there would be a flurry of huge announcements before then. So, I really feel that this rules out a new platform in the first half of the calendar year, tbqh.

I don't feel we can or should understate the impact of a pandemic, which isn't over, by the way, and the reminder in the opening message of the last Direct should be a testament to that. But beyond that game, 3D Super Mario, perhaps a new Smash, or Kid Icarus/Nintendogs & Cats/returning IP, Or Nintendo World (theme park is opening, and a new entry with more attractions could be interesting), or perhaps a new IP could be showcases, and from 3rdP, DQ12 or a new Monster Hunter title. RE4R with motion controls is a nice call, but I feel we're further out than that. The rumoured RER3 title hasn't been revealed yet, and a platform hasn't been announced, either, so, perhaps that, too, is possible. If I recall correctly, the RER1 appeared first on the 3DS.

It might be fair to say 2D Super Mario is due, but I see that as more of an existing Switch title than a launch title - Wii U launched with 2D Super Mario, but while the NSMB series were hugely popular, having it 3 months after a 3DS entry didn't help. It was also the first time since Super Mario 64, where the 2D entry preceded the 3D one - the 3D one, while it has sold fewer copies than the 2D, is a bigger driver of hardware sales because it does a better job of communicating hardware capabilities. A 2D entry becomes a "must-have" once customers have bitten, but it is NOT the game which makes customers think "I want to buy a new $X00 console for this!!", so, I don't think they'll want to fall into that trap. SM3DWorld & Bowser's Fury was last year, with SM3DAllStars in late 2020, so, late 2023 or early 2024 for a new 3D Super Mario title would seem plausible; that's also accounting for the impact of the pandemic.

It appears that many of the big hitters/prospective showcases are currently supported on the existing Switch with no new entries announced/in sight. Splatoon 3, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, FE: Engage, Mario Kart 8 DX, LOZ: TotK won't show capabilities of new hardware. Pikmin 4 was announced yesterday, so, it won't be a showcase for the next platform, and the same is true for Metroid Prime 4 - the idea of them being moved to better hardware is a pure fantasy for a set of fans who so desperately want Nintendo/Metroid/Retro Studios Game to be "That Nintendo Visual Fidelity Piece" or "Nintendo Naughty Dog", and is a gross misunderstanding of what they're actually about. Very eye-rollworthy, but amusing nonetheless. Switch Sports has DLC, and it isn't clear whether there's more to come to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, or a new entry is in development. Even there, it's an evergreen title. Scarlet/Violet will likely have DLC, as Sword/Shield did. It's hard to see where the software momentum and key sales drivers are for the successor right now, and they would have to arrive sooner than later, with more of them, so as to avoid a 3DS launch window situation - this is another reason why I've been making the point about the importance of being fit for 3rdP PS5/XS titles. They would become a factor in this case, not "more XB1/PS4 ports".
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Given whom Drake would initially sell to, I don't think Nintendo should overthink the "showpiece" title. I'm sure there will be one, but Zelda is what everyone wants regardless of demographic. Day one Drake purchasers only want one thing and it's disgusting: up to 4k, 60fps, and maybe some added visual flourishes. It's enough justification for them.

Who knows what the "proper" showpiece even would be. Given the audience, something like 3, 4 Switch or Nintendo Land 2 doesn't make sense. IMO it's gonna be the brevy of third party games that won't be on Switch but on Drake thanks to the new horsepower. Shit like Cyberpunk and Metro Exodus Enhanced
Zelda TOTK is most definitely a showpiece title, especially if it ends being another GOTY candidate. People are going to want to play that game in its's best form at a reasonable price.

In this case i would make sure that the device to play this in the best possible way is "readily" available when Zelda drops! ;D
I love how some want to overthink this. It’s TotK. It’s the game. They’re not going to depend on some third party game to carry a Nintendo system like this. Not some casual title. ToTK is there. Setup and ready to repeat March 2017 all over again. It’s the focal point and all the other 3rd party games like RDR2 will follow.

The great thing this time is Nintendo has lots of momentum. They’ll have tons of third party support to fill out a boisterous line of games to show off on it.
Just like in Switch first trailer (october 2016) they showed both Zelda Botw and Skyrim

In 4k model initial trailer will show both Zelda Totk and RDR2

Mark my words.

Remember the Zelda cross over content in skyrim when you used amiibo? That but in RDR2. Can't wait to see Epona get mauled by a bear.
In this case i would make sure that the device to play this in the best possible way is "readily" available when Zelda drops! ;D

Yeah, if they release this day and date with Zelda and some of us don't luck out on the pre-orders this time we're going to be in an extremely uncomfortable position.
I love how some want to overthink this. It’s TotK. It’s the game. They’re not going to depend on some third party game to carry a Nintendo system like this. Not some casual title. ToTK is there. Setup and ready to repeat March 2017 all over again. It’s the focal point and all the other 3rd party games like RDR2 will follow.

The great thing this time is Nintendo has lots of momentum. They’ll have tons of third party support to fill out a boisterous line of games to show off on it.
This system likely doesn’t need to be carried by a new game. The bottleneck for months/ possibly years will be how many of these things they can produce.

Also with a long cross gen period and BC, there is no immediate need for a large install base.
I imagine some of the trepidation around Zelda as a launch title is that people suspect it designates (or at least Nintendo thinks it designates) a distinct new generation, whereas I feel like a lot of us still think Nintendo will try to market Drake as a revision, at least at first. But I don't think that's necessarily an issue. Hypothetically, if some were to buy Drake because they thought it was the only way to play Zelda, that's a win in Nintendo's books. (I say hypothetically because I think such a customer would be less enthusiast, and therefore less likely to be successful in getting the console day one.) As long as they continue to support the current Switch and it's 100m+ users for a decent period of time, I think they avoid backlash for the most part, as well.
Does Nintendo need a showpiece title to launch new Nintendo hardware? No, but rising inflation is putting pressure on consumer disposable income. So, launching expensive hardware with a system-selling title is a very good idea.

3DS XL was launched with New Super Mario Bros 2.
Nintendo Switch Lite was launched with Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
Nintendo Switch OLED was launched with Metroid Dread.

The truth is, there isn't a more highly anticipated Nintendo game in 2023 than "Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom". Not Fire Emblem, not Donkey Kong. Even if they released Metroid Prime 4 in 2023, TorK is still way more anticipated than that game. If you're launching new hardware, you couldn't pick a better game to launch with than 3D Zelda.
I do not see Drake's release before Zelda as unlikely, neither needs the other to make stratospheric sales.
A March/April release with a minor title (a remastered maybe) and a good number of third parties to show off the newcomer's muscles, seems like a good plan.

(Needless to point out, all these cloud titles on Switch seem to be made to not leave owners of the first model behind)
Just like in Switch first trailer (october 2016) they showed both Zelda Botw and Skyrim

In 4k model initial trailer will show both Zelda Totk and RDR2

Mark my words.
I'd say it be TOTK and Skyrim: Anniversary Edition cause Todd wants his baby on every platform under the sun, (also it was rated in Taiwan for Switch sometime back)
Zelda TOTK is most definitely a showpiece title, especially if it ends being another GOTY candidate. People are going to want to play that game in its's best form at a reasonable price.
Yup, many households with 4k TV sets nowadays - the difference between playing a game like TOTK in 900p or native 4K will be massive in addition with smoother frame rate and additional effects.

Step No. 1 is making sure that Switch games are presented in the best way possible and can be marketed that way starting from 2023, so in that way TOTK would be a perfect showcase title. They can use stuff like RDR2, Cyberpunk 2077, Genshin Impact etc. to show off other improvements.

The Direct latest Direct despite many cool games was already showing that presenting and showing off these games with OG Switch footage is starting to push things, when even simpler looking games like Tunic or It Takes Two cant make the transition without loosing lot of their visual appeal. the clock might be ticking.
I don't know what the date meant, but I'm already curious. Does anyone have the source for that? Because maybe there is some previous context in the thread where he has put it
It was his guess for the date of the September Direct. This has been resolved for a few weeks now.

It had nothing to do with hardware.
If Nintendo markets/brands this new hardware as a "revision", they need to plan this out very, very carefully. When Switch Lite first launched, sales were a bit underwhelming according to JPMorgan and Citigroup. I don't think Lite ever performed as well as Nintendo hoped. And as of August 2022, Nintendo continues to struggle to hit its Switch production targets as a result of the global chip shortage - and it's dragging down their sales. That will continue to be painful for Nintendo as we head into 2023.

As I mentioned earlier, Nintendo is in a very awkward position right now. Rising inflation, interest rates, taxes and fuel costs, are putting pressure on consumer disposable income. That affects spending on electronic products such as PCs, smartphones and gaming products. Timing is everything, and I believe Nintendo has been very smart about waiting things out.

Branding is another issue if they choose to market this as a revision. Can they clearly explain to consumers the difference between a $350 Switch OLED, a $450 Switch 4K and a Switch 2? Nintendo initially thought Wii U would be an instant hit simply because it was "Nintendo in HD". What could possibly go wrong with "Nintendo in HD"? Well, Nintendo found a way to fumble "Nintendo in HD". And the same company could easily fumble "Nintendo in 4K" @ $450 during a weakened economy and a global chip shortage.

If they launch new hardware next year, I hope they're smart enough to launch "Tears of the Kingdom" alongside it.
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