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Discussion What RPGs Are You Most Excited About Walking Into 2022?


Magical Girls <3 #TeamJRPG #TrustTheProcess
RPGs are probably my favorite genre of video games and as one of the most active genres there is always tons of upcoming RPGs to look forward to. Famiboards has an awesome passion for RPGs and with the start of a new year, now seems like an excellent time to check in and see what everyone is looking forward to. Feel free to discuss games coming to any platform, games both announced and rumored, and games coming in 2022 and beyond. I'll kick things off with 5 RPGs I'm most excited about:

Xenoblade 3: Even if it wasn't heavily rumored or had the big leak from Imran Khan at Fanbyte, I can feel it deep in my drifting soul, Xenoblade 3 is coming this year and it's going to be awesome! Xenoblade 2 was one of my top ten favorite games the year it came out, but I had my reservations with it, from a combat system that takes too long to get exciting (and still is weaker than the others) to way too much off-putting fanservice. But that's why we look to what Monolith has done since. Torna was incredible, both story and gameplay, and Future Connected was a ton of fun too. While I expect the battle system to be different again, tonally Monolith is back on track. All of their experience on Switch and them taking the time to get this one right are going to pay off and we might just get the best game in the series.

Trails From Zero: I've already played Trails From Zero via the awesome Geofront fan translation which serves as the basis for the official release this year. I'm equal parts excited to have my own copy of the game on Switch and for all of y'all out there to easily play this awesome JRPG. It's the most standalone Trails game since the first one and makes a great entry point into the greater saga. It has lovable characters and an awesome battle system. If you loved the classic JRPGs on the SNES and PS1 especially, mark this one on your calendars, Trails From Zero is going to be perfect for Switch :)

Final Fantasy XVI: We've barely seen anything of Final Fantasy XVI, but that absence of information and impending window of Spring 2022 for more information has reenergized my excitement. The little bits we do know are exciting. It's the first brand new world for Final Fantasy divorced from the XIII saga (which I still enjoyed) in what, 15 some years? It's helmed by the FFXIV team which has a deeply beloved reputation (I'd love to play, but I never can get the free trial to work...). Finally one of the combat designers worked on Devil May Cry which is super exciting after FFXV was seemingly afraid to be the proper action game it should have been. (I still adored FFXV for what it was)

Sports Story: The sequel to perhaps the premiere Switch indie game exclusive, Golf Story, will hopefully for reals come out this year. I can't wait to mix different sports together and journey through what appears to be an ever crazier world than the original game with tons more activities. From the brief snippets we've seen, the humor looks to be on point again. Fingers crossed we see it at the next Direct.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2: I don't always think of Breath of the Wild as an RPG, but it is. With possible exception of Smash Ultimate, Breath of the Wild is my favorite game on Switch. We know terribly little about the sequel, but the longer the wait the more my excitement grows. One of the areas I expect it to evolve from the first game is with deeper progression systems since it is reusing the same map. I have no idea what that looks like, but I can't wait to find out!

OK that's it from me! What RPGs are you most excited about walking into 2022?
I'm so excited for Triangle Strategy and potential Xenoblade and Fire Emblem games. If we get all 3 in 2022 that would be amazing. These are the types of games where I'd be more shocked not to love them.

I'm also looking forward to Baldur's Gate III leaving early access. I played Divinity: Original Sin II with a group of friends and we had a great time and it's one of my favorite games ever now. Hoping to get a similar experience playing Baldur's Gate III, potentially with that same group of friends.
For me for currently announced games, it's Elden Ring (if that counts), Triangle Strategy (also if that counts, lol), and on the Indie side Sea of Stars. Xenoblade 3 would be absolutely #1 if it's a thing this year. I'm also hoping for a Labyrinth of Galleria English release, a new Fire Emblem, and FF16 making it this year.
I'm definitely excited for Trails from Zero and the possibility of a Fire Emblem remake. Also, Sea of Stars.
After finishing Xeno 1 and 2 and Torna, Xenoblade 3 is now my most awaited game. Can't wait to jump right into another huge Monolithsoft world and adventure with some gorgeous music.
Sports Story: The sequel to perhaps the premiere Switch indie game exclusive, Golf Story, will hopefully for reals come out this year. I can't wait to mix different sports together and journey through what appears to be an ever crazier world than the original game with tons more activities. From the brief snippets we've seen, the humor looks to be on point again. Fingers crossed we see it at the next Direct.

How am I just learning about this now? I must have missed the announcement and I haven't seen anyone talk about it. I'm excited - Golf Story was a lot of fun!
How am I just learning about this now? I must have missed the announcement and I haven't seen anyone talk about it. I'm excited - Golf Story was a lot of fun!
Definitely check out the trailer then! It looks so good!

Eeeeeehhhh... I mean if it counts then that, but it doesn't count lol
I’m hardly the only person to consider it one. Game Informer had it on their top 100 RPGs of all time list and it is called out as one in the Essential Guide to Japanese Role Playing Games book. Call it RPG adjacent if you prefer :)
That's a great list, @xghost777 . I'm very glad I'm not the only one here who can't wait for the official release of Trails from Zero. Until the announcement, I had been negative that the Crossbell duology would ever come to the west.
Add to this BOTW 2 and Xenoblade 3, and the last quarter of 2022 might be the best ever. Xeno 3 announcement in the next direct is inevitable.

Besides that, I'm waiting for Elden Ring, Granblue Fantasy Relink and Star Ocean: The Divine Force. I'm certain what we get with ER, and hope tri-Ace doesn't drop the ball with SO.
I’m hardly the only person to consider it one. Game Informer had it on their top 100 RPGs of all time list and it is called out as one in the Essential Guide to Japanese Role Playing Games book. Call it RPG adjacent if you prefer :)
Jeremy Parish’s video series made a good case for the series being classified as a simplified action-RPG (especially when you look at the context of its release not long after things like Tower of Druaga). Or at least enough that I’m willing to stand down on the whole “is Zelda an RPG” debate.

But I’m also one of those weirdos that says Zelda shares a lot of DNA with Metroid and Kid Icarus so what do I know?
Baldur's Gate 3 if it comes out this year, FF16 if it comes out this year and Elden Ring if it counts as a roleplaying game. Also curious to see a new/remade Fire Emblem and Starfield has potential. Edit: The Granblue game looks cool too but I need to see if it has some depth to it first.

If Xenoblade 3 dials back the terrible character designs it'll probably jump to the top of my list instanly. The first game is one of my favorite jrpgs ever but I just can't do XB2, I tried multiple times because I really enjoy the combat but the urge to skip every cutscene because 75% of the roster is embarassing to look at makes it a struggle to actually sit down and play.
Sea of Stars, She Dreams Elsewhere, Pokemon Legends, Monster Hunter Sunbreak, Advance Wars, that is it off the top of my head.

Final Fantasy XVI has the chance to be an action RPG from Square that is actually fun, so I'm looking forward to seeing it in action, either way will have wait for it to come out on something I own, so it wouldn't be a priority regardless.
Xenoblade 3 for sure, nothing else compares in terms of hype, even FFXVI which I'm really excited for. Monolithsoft is just too good at what they do, now with 2.5x times the amount of employees and more dev time.
2022 seems like a weird RPG year for me. There's a lot of stuff I could get really excited about, but they're either not confirmed for this year (some not even at all), or games I'm not sure I'll be able to play. If either Xenoblade 3 or the next Fire Emblem came out this year, they would easily be at the top of my list. FFXVI I don't expect to come out this year, and I still want to see a little more before getting excited. Granblue Fantasy Relink looks great, but not sure how much it'll rely on being familiar with the mobile game. It's cool that Trails from Zero is finally being localized, but I still haven't tried out any of those games (hoping to remedy that this year).

For stuff I know I'll be able to play, that pretty much leaves Pokémon Legends Arceus, Triangle Strategy, and Sea of Stars. Not sure if I'll get any of them day one, but I'll play all of them at some point. I wouldn't really mind it being a quieter RPG year for me, I'd actually be able to get through a lot of the ones in my backlog.
Just Xenoblade 3, I'm hoping they announce it early 2022 and then release it around Nov - Dec.
Xenoblade 3. It's Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I don't think I can properly explain my excitement for it.

If the rumors (and my theories) are true, it's going to be wild. Maybe we'll something close to the same level as Xenogears again 🥲

I just hope this next Direct is the one where it's unveiled.....
Think triangle strategy pops into my head sometime daily. Not sure what I'm going to do if that game turns out disappointing (probably play advance wars or metal slug tactics). It'd also be great to hear about what's next for fire emblem, because there are never enough tactics games.

Never really tried bethesda rpgs but i'm willing to give starfield a shot.

And on the more action side, Elden Ring and FF XVI.
Xenoblade 3, Fire Emblem are the ones I look forward to the most.

Plus a silent hope that we get Golden Sun back after the revival of Advance Wars.

EDIT: I forgot Triangle Strategy & Legends Arceus
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Right now, Triangle Strategy and Elden Ring. Everything else seems too far away right now with no date or just rumoured. Otherwise it'd be BotW2.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3. XC2 was one of the best games I’ve played in years, so the hype is going to be something.

I’d be thrilled about Trails from Zero, but I just played the Geofront localization last year so I’m not getting it at launch. Maybe at some point depending on the changes they’ll make.
Officially announced

Triangle Strategy
Dragon Quest 3 remake
Sports story
Sea of stars
Advance Wars (dunno if it counts)
Rune factory 5

Xenoblade 3
Fire Emblem
Triangle Strategy and (hopefully!) the Dragon Quest III remake will be taking up a bunch of my time this year. Sea of Stars looks awesome too. I really like Xenoblade 1 but didn’t much care for 2, so it would be interesting to see what 3 is all about!

Between those and Splatoon 3 (not an RPG but just sayin’) I’ll be set through 2022 easy.
That's a great list, @xghost777 . I'm very glad I'm not the only one here who can't wait for the official release of Trails from Zero. Until the announcement, I had been negative that the Crossbell duology would ever come to the west.
Add to this BOTW 2 and Xenoblade 3, and the last quarter of 2022 might be the best ever. Xeno 3 announcement in the next direct is inevitable.

Besides that, I'm waiting for Elden Ring, Granblue Fantasy Relink and Star Ocean: The Divine Force. I'm certain what we get with ER, and hope tri-Ace doesn't drop the ball with SO.
Meant to respond earlier, but got pulled away for a few hours. First, thanks! I’m also glad to see that there are more RPG fans excited for Zero. I’m hoping to increase awareness here where appropriate since people can actually jump in with this one way easier than most and it’s been such a long time coming.

I’m also looking forward to Granblue and Star Ocean if it turns out well. Not terribly optimistic either.

Jeremy Parish’s video series made a good case for the series being classified as a simplified action-RPG (especially when you look at the context of its release not long after things like Tower of Druaga). Or at least enough that I’m willing to stand down on the whole “is Zelda an RPG” debate.

But I’m also one of those weirdos that says Zelda shares a lot of DNA with Metroid and Kid Icarus so what do I know?
Yeah I really could see the first game and obviously the second Zelda easily fit the definition. Once you have the first, the rest sort of fall into place as action RPG lite as well. Breath of the Wild with its limited, but present growth system (raising health or stamina), extensive cooking/crafting with buffs and debuffs to juggle, and then the complex equipment system, managing hot/cold, and the way it tracks/handles side quests definitely cements it into the RPG category.

Also yup 2D Zelda especially shares elements with Metroid. It works similarly with getting items to get to new places, the main difference is there is an overworld uniting otherwise unconnected areas.
Do we have any idea when Trails is coming out or is it just "2022"? It’s the first time in ages I have been interested in a Falcom game.
Elden Ring and Triangle Strategy are the big ones for me and of course they had to release a week apart from each other, but that's how it usually goes.

Aside from that there's a lot of unconfirmed stuff and a bunch of indies i'm keeping an eye on, like Sea of Stars and SacriFire.

Do we have any idea when Trails is coming out or is it just "2022"? It’s the first time in ages I have been interested in a Falcom game.

Fall 2022 for Zero, 2023 for Azure. I would recommend playing the Sky trilogy before though, as they make Crossbell arc even better than it already is.
I’m still waiting for the EU release of Undernauts at the end of the month, I like Experience’s dungeon crawls.

Other than that, I’m not sure what’s announced/dated for this year. Triangle Strategy I’ll pick up at launch. And MH Sunbreak if that counts? Is the DQIII remake this year? I’d love to play that. Sea of Stars looks cool too, and if we get a Fire Emblem I’ll be all over that.

The physical edition of Disco Elysium I might pick up.

Monark looks interesting next month, reminds me of Lost Dimension, I’ll check out reviews for that.

I’ve got zero interest in Trails and Xenoblade any more at this point, but I’m glad there’s a ton of RPGs coming out, surely something for everyone :)
The releases I'm most excited for:

Triangle Strategy - Needs absolutely no introduction. You all know what this is :LOL:

She Dreams Elsewhere - This looks to be a heady blend of Mother surrealism, SMT's press-turn combat system, sprite work that evokes Chrono Trigger for me. and humor / writing reminiscent of Lisa: The Painful. Played the demo at PAX East in 2020 and then the extended demo that was available on Steam at the time and absolutely loved it.

Nighthawks - Richard Cobbett (of PC Gamer, RPS, and other sites) finally made a game! With Dave Gilbert and Ben Chandler of Wadjet Eye Games! I eagerly backed this a couple years ago on Kickstarter and I think this will be the year they finally deliver on their promise of a visual novel / rpg / card game.
Actually announced titles: Dragon Quest 3, Triangle Strategy, Pokemon Legends Arceus, Digimon Survive.

And if Xenoblade or Fire Emblem come as well I will be stoked.
If Xenoblade Chronicles 3 becomes true, I'm there for it. That game on top of a Monster Hunter expansion, a third Splatoon and the sequel to Breath of the Wild will make 2017 vs 2022 a new contest in my book.

Team Asano has never let me down, even as their games have always been less than the greats they could have been. Triangle Strategy will be the same.

In case of sudden drought or delay, I'm looking forward to finally playing through Dragon Quest XI, the biggest log on the backlog chopping block and something I only want to start on when I'm confident I'll have time to stick with it from beginning to post-credits end in one chunk, rather than break my session down into distinct segments. As a small treat that can be slipped in somewhere, I want to re-experience Final Fantasy Adventure - my introduction to Final Fantasy as a kid and maybe my first RPG ever - thanks to the Collection of Mana.

Jeremy Parish’s video series made a good case for the series being classified as a simplified action-RPG (especially when you look at the context of its release not long after things like Tower of Druaga). Or at least enough that I’m willing to stand down on the whole “is Zelda an RPG” debate.

But I’m also one of those weirdos that says Zelda shares a lot of DNA with Metroid and Kid Icarus so what do I know?

Not a weirdo. In fact, a correcto! Zelda, Metroid and Kid Icarus are all action-adventures, except for Zelda II which belongs in the Action-RPG category, according to my Grand Unified Theory of Video Game Genres.
Triangle Strategy if my most wanted game as of right now. Otherwise, a new Fire Emblem ( or at least new to me) or Xenoblade 3 ( as long as I like the world and battle system)
Possibly announced for this year:
Xenoblade 3 is definitely up there. Loved the original.
Yakuza 8/Like a Dragon 2 is most definitely up there too. Really excited to see how they improve the combat, listen to the awesome hard electronic music beats and see how they continue Ichiban's quest.
New Fire Emblem since they're firing on all cylinders nowadays when it comes to that series.

Triangle Strategy - I'm all about Final Fantasy Tactics vibes and this is by far my most anticipated Square-Enix release this year over Forspoken and FFXVI.
Elden Ring - From Software never disappoint, sure it can happen, but I have faith in them.
Metal Slug Tactics - looks so awesome. I love Metal Slug and I love Tactics games, so this was a crossover I never knew I needed in my life until now. Sprite work looks really impressive too.

I so wish I could be excited about Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 but woof, they have killed all my hype for that project so much.

Monark and Omori I am both very curious about also and will be playing both on Switch most likely.
I completely forgot this in my earlier list, but Songs of Conquest which is RPG adjacent enough in my book. Ubi's pretty much given up on Heroes of Might & Magic so this is the next best thing until Fanstratics materializes in like 2027.

Chrono Cross Remastered, if the rumors are true. Hopefully Dragon Quest III HD-2D comes this year too.

I suppose I'll pick up Triangle Strategy, Trails from Zero and Monark somewhere down the line but they're not priorities.

My two most anticipated rpgs are Dragon Quest XII and Eiyuden Chronicle, so yeah life is pain
Huge fan of FF14 obviously, but as far as single-player games go, it's been 16 years since the last Final Fantasy game came out that I actually like... cared about. Not to go all old-man-yelling-at-clouds, but as much as I think FF7 is a masterpiece of a game, I'm not so much a fan of how its success altered the course of FF games to come. There was a notable change in the look, feel, tone, style, presentation, etc of most FF games after FF7. FF12, FF14, and FF16 are more what I want out of the franchise. They feel a lot closer to the Sakaguchi-led games that I grew up with.

I probably won't play FF16 in 2022 though since I'll be waiting for a PC release.

Asano has nothing to prove to me. I'll buy all of his games sight unseen. I think I've already pre-ordered Triangle Strategy. Really looking forward to that.

If the Chrono Cross remaster rumours are true, I'll definitely buy that as well. One of my favorite games of all time.

Got my Pokemon Legends pre-order in too. Always looking forward to more Pokemon.

Hasn't been announced yet, but I'll never say no to more Fire Emblem either. I do hope though that they find a balance between what they went for in Three Houses and the 3DS games. The story and presentation in Three Houses was much better than anything in the series before, but it did feel like a regression in gameplay. Sometimes I think the team learned the wrong lessons from Fates, to be honest. That game was absolutely torn to shreds for its story/storytelling/worldbuilding, and rightfully so, it was all garbage, but seemingly in an effort to distance themselves from it completely, the dev team also discarded pretty much all of the gameplay ideas from that game, which were almost all fantastic. Fates was the peak of the series in terms of gameplay, IMO.
I wonder if She Dreams Elsewhere is going to come out this year.
More of a low key release but I’m excited to play rune factory 5. Been wanting a nice life sim rpg

Behind that the big ones for me are Triangle Strategy , Starfield, out of the stuff we know confirmed for this year.
I am excited for XC3 obviously
I also want to see a new Fire Emblem, the new Etrian Odyssey, and at least one entry from an SMT spinoff series before the Switch wraps up
Really enjoy reading ppl's picks here. Also, I'm a fraud...totally forgot about Omori.

She Dreams Elsewhere looks cool too.
Triangle Strategy. I haven't gotten a chance to play Octopath Traveler yet, but anything that's a successor to the FFT games sounds incredible.

Otherwise....Legends Arceus and Forespoken look good enough to buy. I doubt FF16 hitting the year end.
Triangle Strategy. I haven't gotten a chance to play Octopath Traveler yet, but anything that's a successor to the FFT games sounds incredible.

Otherwise....Legends Arceus and Forespoken look good enough to buy. I doubt FF16 hitting the year end.
Forspoken is a weird one for me. I really need to see more of it, especially gameplay. Is it even an RPG, really? Parts of it look interesting, but also parts of it have felt a little off, so I don't really know what to think

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