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Discussion Your Wii U swan song

What was the last Wii U game you bought, by date?

  • Xenoblade Chronicles X

    Votes: 12 16.2%
  • Twilight Princess HD

    Votes: 6 8.1%
  • Starfox Zero

    Votes: 8 10.8%
  • Paper Mario Colour Splash

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • Breath of the Wild

    Votes: 21 28.4%
  • Other (Post in comments)

    Votes: 10 13.5%

  • Total voters


Chain Chomp
Following on from the Wii thread, for those of you who owned a Wii U, what was the final game (by release date) that you bought for it, and was it a fitting sendoff?

Key dates:

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Dec 4th 2015 in NA/EU

Twilight Princess HD: 4th March 2016 in NA/EU, 10th in JP

Starfox Zero: 21st April 2016 in JP, 22nd in NA/EU

Paper Mario Colour Splash: 7th Oct 2016 in NA/EU, 13th in JP

Breath of the Wild: 3rd of March 2017

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Starfox Zero, basically.

Game I have a lot of mixed feelings about, but somehow feels like a fitting game to end the WiiU with.
The WiiU's kinda a weird one for me. I bought one off ebay like two or three years after launch (Smash was out by this point and that was probably what got me off the fence) and that came with most of the major 1st party games that had released up to that point. Might have had to buy Kart and Smash separately, but I got them basically at the same time I got a WiiU. It wasn't really something I was following the releases too closely for because most of what I'd want to play was already out

So while I ended up buying a lot of eshop/virtual console games, I think the last (and maybe only?) retail Nintendo game I bought that wasn't part of that initial purchase would have been Mario Party 10 in 2015. And that certainly was ... a game of all time
I played Star Fox Zero and Colour Splash after the Switch released so I can't really count them 🤔

I loved the Wii U but I didn't have as much money to spend on new games then so I didn't play as many things close to release. Looking through my logs I think Super Mario Maker was probably the last game I played around its launch - also looks like I picked up Amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis Ultra Smash not too long after they released lol.

I remember thinking about giving Star Fox Zero a shot as like "the one big Wii U game in 2016" but just didn't happen
Color Splash, I really liked it. Definitely one of my favourite Mario games, maybe not Mario Galaxy level, but as high quality as his best 2D adventures.

(Technically the last game I got on Wii U was actually 1/2 Genie Hero, but I can't say I... Loved that game, despite its beauty.)
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Goodness me, I stopped buying Wii U games pretty early on in the life of the console, so maybe one of the Mario Party games?
I finished BOTW and - BOOM - that thing was on the first FedEx outta town.

It busted in transit so I had to refund the sale. Even to its last day the Wii U made me suffer.
Wind Waker HD. It's a fantastic game, and the swift-sail's a great addition. It's also the first time I beat Wind Waker.

I just wish it looked as good as the original upscaled does.
Last new game I played for Wii U at that time was Splatoon. Not a fan of Xenoblade even though it looked promising and ambitious. The rest of the mentioned games: TP HD, Star Fox Zero and Color Splash looked meh to me, while I bought BotW with the Switch at launch.
Brand new......the last game I bought new was Paper Mario Color Splash (thank goodness the game leaked like 2 weeks prior to release because it sold me on it despite some of its flaws overall)

I bought XCX from someone on eBay 3 years ago.
Breath of the Wild

tho it was for adding on to the Wii U collection. it's still left sealed and I played BotW on Switch instead
I technically bought Breath of the Wild last, but that was a shipping accident because I ordered the Switch version. I never played the Wii U version and sold my copy off.

I think the last Switch game I bought that I put significant time into was Devil's Third. I had to know how bad it actually was.
Technically it was some virtual console game, I think maybe Super Mario RPG? But last at retail was Breath or the Wild
Honestly none of these. I was really over Wii U by then and finally bought a Ps4 in time for bloodborne. I didn't play it until years later but Starfox Zero is great.
The Tokyo Mirage Sessions#FE and Pokken disrespect

It was Star Fox Zero for me and it killed off my last interest in the Wii U in it's entirety. A mess.
Still regret not getting Paper Mario though because I was a believer that it was going to release on the Switch.

Star Fox
Paper Mario
Twilight Princess

Is honestly quite a good last yearish lineup for a system that's struggling as hard as the Wii U did.
I sold on my WiiU fairly early. Probably the last game I put any time into on it was Mario Kart 8 (2014) but I did dabble with Xenoblade X before realising I just didn’t have time for it. I sold it on shortly after that and stuck with the 3DS/Vita.

Probably why WiiU ports on Switch worked well for me, I missed most of them on their original release.
Color Splash was the last new game I bought for the Wii U in terms of latest release date. The Wii U part of it was whatever, but that game rocked otherwise. Not counting Virtual Console (which was DK64 in November last year), the last actual Wii U game I finished was Fatal Frame. I didn’t like that one much…sorry…
I played TPHD in March and Star Fox Zero in April. Had an excellent time with both, as TP is one of my favourite Zelda games and Star Fox was a nice surprise. Was interested in both TMS and Paper Mario but ended up skipping both.

What a lovely machine.
I only played 5 hours of XBX. I got too overwhelmed doing everything. I even bought a hard drive for it I think my swan song was Bayonetta 1+2.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, I stopped from ons day to another and never finished it. It's still in the WiiU and it's still hooked up, I just... Never bothered finishing it...
The final game I bought for my Wii U was Breath of the Wild but that was for collection purposes and I played the game on Switch

My actual Wii U send off was Paper Mario: Color Splash which was.... alright I guess. Not the best send off and I lost interest around halfway through but it was a better experience than Sticker Star at least.
I used to have an external HDD for my Wii U storage, and that was actually a nice thing from Nintendo to be allowed to do so, looking at the pitifull storage of the console.

I was playing Xenoblade Chronicles X, when all of the sudden, the game froze.
I just saved so I thought, eh, things like that happen sometimes.
I restarted the Wii U and watched in horror my Wii U homescreen : 95% of my games were missing.
Turns out my HDD just died and with it, all of my games and their saves,
Because the Wii U is shoooo stupid and the game saves are stored on the same device of the games.
So if said device dies, it's a farewell for your saves.

I said screw it. Sold my Wii U and all my physical games and waited for the NX, which costed me 30 € with BotW, a Pro Controller and two amiibos.
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The last game I personally bought for myself was Xenoblade X's special edition, which sucked because I ended loathing the game. I was later given a copy of Star Fox Zero.

And Galaxy 2 digitally!
Thought I'd be contrarian with Color Splash so I'm surprised to see it so high in the ratings.

I remember people on the multiple forums I've frequented live posting through its reveal with "lol sticker star 2" which turned me off of it and only through streams of a person by the moniker of TieTuesday have I checked it out, being prepared to laugh at it only to laugh with it.

To this day I believe that many people who hate this game have never actually played it or hold some weird connection to TTYD because aside from "lol toads" not many complaints actually feel deserved. The writing is snappy and witty, almost to the levels of something like Undertale in terms of humor, the battles are faster and ask you to perform multiple button presses with stuff like "hold left for 5 seconds" of heavier hammer attacks being gone, and the card system adds some interesting novelty without being too restricting. The game is also absolutely gorgeous and I genuinely hate people who focus so much on paper jokes because I feel like if N64 could produce the same results they'd do it too (not like they didn't! There are a bunch of said jokes!), and almost no joke of that kind feels wasted as they do really fun things with the world, from places furling in on themselves to forced perspective gags.

I also really enjoy the addition of the world map as previous PM titles struggled with backtracking a LOT. In 64 not so much with Flower Fields having a central hub and Toy Box being curcular, but TTYD and SPM effectively took the straight line through which you go back and forth to the very extreme, and with them already having open design it only meant I never actually did any optional stuff because the main game already got me to go through their levels. Color Splash was the first Paper Mario that didn't require an editor to step in and trim the fat, and with Origami King being the same I hope they've learned their lesson and no matter where the series goes we'll at least be free of pointless backtracking.
the last one i bought was tokyo mirage sessions the day it came out. i drank an entire bottle of marijuana infused lemonade(it was meant to be like 4 or 5 separate servings), played it for like 6 straight hours and had a headache so bad i had to lie down. didnt end up playing through the rest until encore came out lol

the last wii u game i played through was yoshi's woolly world, which id owned since launch but had only made minor progress in. played through it right before crafted world hit. theres still a couple wii u games i need to either go back to (xenoblade x) and at least give a shot because its relatively divisive and i wanna see for myself (color splash, star fox zero) but who knows when thatll happen. i DID touch star fox zero becuase a roommate bought it day 1 but i was immediately put off by the copter stages.
I guess the last big time sink was XCX, though iirc SFZ came out later so I guess it was my "final" new WiiU game?
BOTW for me! I couldn’t get a Switch at launch since I was a dumb-dumb and didn’t preorder it (lesson learned), but I still got BOTW for Wii U on March 4th. I ended up getting a Switch (and another copy of BOTW for that system) around March 27th that year, but my first experiences with BOTW was actually on the Wii U!
The last title I purchased during the Wii U’s life would have been Star Fox Zero based on that list. I was really looking forward to it as a fan of 64 and Command. I had hope that the control scheme would work, and while it did for some people, I found it to be completely clumsy while playing solo. I didn’t end up finishing the game until I gave co-op a try at a friend‘s house. It was better that way but still an average game overall. Star Fox Guard still sits on my shelf in its shrink wrap.

I got a Switch on day one so I played Zelda there.
Twilight Princess HD and it significantly enhanced how long I held onto the system (otherwise I probably would have sold it in 2017 instead of like 2021 when I did)
Paper Mario Color Splash was the last and newest game I bought for the Wii U.

I thought it was quite the emblematic representation of the Wii U: Pretty decent but convoluted in an attempt to justify the second screen. In most ways it's a big improvement over Sticker Star which made the clunky card inventory on the game pad even more baffling. Just completely missing the appeal of deck builders. What's funny is that just a year later Slay the Spire came out with a much more elegant and fun system.
I have like over 100 Wii U games so I dont know which game was my last. or my swan song. I played my Wii U about every day I had it since launch untill I got the Switch at its midnight Launch at gamestop with botw. I would either be playing A Wii U game or a Wii game on it.

Pikmin 3 was probably my most played game. I remember waiting years for Pikmin 3 and was so damn happy with it on Wii U. I loved seeing Pikmin and the creatures for the first time in hd. Especially when It rained. Just a fantastic experience. Othwerwise Wind waker hd was also phenominal. Twilight Princess hd was great but Wind Waker In hd with its artstyle was just literal Eye candy. I had about 200 hours in mario kart 8, and about 150 in Super Mario 3D World.

Too many games on the Wii U I had almost every single First party Nintendo title. I love the Wii U
Paper Mario Color Splash (Barf!)

Maybe the most fitting swan song to what is Nintendo's worst and most disappointing home console.
BOTW baybee didn't need a new console for a cross gen game. It was perfectly fine on Wii U (after a patch, I remember day 1 korok forest, good times). It's also how I know the gyro on the gamepad works better for me than the joycons in many scenarios.

I did really try to like color splash. But just didn't despite its fantastic presentation.
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Im between Xenoblade and TPHS but the last one gets the vote, this half assed remaster, made by none other than an external partner showed me that they didnt care beyond this point, they gave up and the next games were filler and BOTW was more of a compromise than anything else, what a bad time to be a nintendo fan it was

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