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Discussion Will the switch 2 library be re-releases from the 3ds?

The Nintendo Switch was filled with Wii U remasters, or remakes, or re-releases.

Do you believe Nintendo will start doing the same for the switch 2 but using the 3ds' library?

We had some games released already like Mario Vs DK and the upcoming Luigi mansion 2, Miitopia (i wanna say is a 3ds game right?).

I believe these are signs of things to come for the Switch 2. They will rely on the 3ds library to fill some gaps...

Mario vs DK is a GBA remake though.

I think they will just take whatever fits.
WiiU was just ripe for picking because the general populace didnt know a lot of the games .

We have seen them take old games from all over theor gernations and rerelease them

We get A Thousand Year Door soon which was GC,
we just had Another Code which was Wii/DS (admittedly pretty much a remake though)
and Xenoblade from the Wii.
I don't think they will focus on just one system again like they did with the WiiU.
I think they'll use a mix of ports / remasters from GC, Wii, and 3DS, and remakes from older generations. We've already seen this strategy in motion the last few years with Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, the Mario RPG remake, etc.
This seems unlikely. I could see a couple of remasters (Metroid: Samus Returns, Link Between Worlds or Kid Icarus all seem likely to return one day), but ’will the library be 3DS games’ seems hyperbolic to me. I doubt Switch 2 will see as many 3DS games as the Switch saw WiiU games, if only as the latter seemed like a really obvious use of games much of the Switch audience had either not seen or bought first time around.

Nintendo often raids its back catalogue, but if anything, I imagine the Switch 2 is way more likely to be bolstered by third party PS4 ports.
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The Nintendo Switch was filled with Wii U remasters, or remakes, or re-releases.

Do you believe Nintendo will start doing the same for the switch 2 but using the 3ds' library?

We had some games released already like Mario Vs DK and the upcoming Luigi mansion 2, Miitopia (i wanna say is a 3ds game right?).

I believe these are signs of things to come for the Switch 2. They will rely on the 3ds library to fill some gaps...

MvDK isn't a 3DS port though, it's a GBA remake

I do think we could see more 3DS remasters in the future now that the WiiU mines are largely tapped out (still a few stragglers though like Wooly World and Xenoblade Chronicles X), but I also expect we'll see them continue to branch out into their wider back catalog as a whole; these past few years have seen them bringing back games from across the Gamecube, GBA, DS, Wii, and even SNES and I expect that to continue

imo it's probably also been long enough that circling back to N64 again is a strong possibility. I'll be shocked if the Switch 2 comes and goes without any kind of remaster/remake of Ocarina of Time, for example

e: If Switch 2's library is gonna be lopsided towards any particular console, my money would probably be on Gamecube and/or Wii; unless they've got some solid tech behind the LM2 remaster that really streamlined things, Gamecube/Wii games are probably still the closest they can do to "drag and drop" remasters thanks to Hagi
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I hope so. Nintendo 3DS game accessibility is at an all time low with the looming online shutdown and lack of digital purchase support. That's not even mentioning the damage that's been done to Nintendo 3DS emulation because of Tropic Haze. 3DS emulation was seemingly set back further than Switch emulation was, which is frustrating.

Honestly, I hope the Switch 2 has 3DS and PS3 ports, remasters, and remakes. Those are the systems that have the most inaccessible libraries at this point.
Updating Wii U titles for Switch was a special occasion due to two factors. One, the games were effectively new for the vast majority of the Switch audience, and two, the level of effort to upgrade their assets to HD was small since the Wii U also an HD system. That’s not to say the overall effort didn’t involve actual work since the engines needed to migrate and QA and all that.

But the 3DS sold substantially better than the Wii U and it’s going to be a lot more work to update the visuals for HD as the original resolution was like 400x240. That’s a huge jump in fidelity you need to cross.

So no. There might be some one-offs here and there but we’re not going to see anything on the scale of the mass porting done in order to recoup previous investments that were made on a system that flopped for all intents and purposes.
A two pack of Kirby Triple Deluxe + Planet Robobot in the Return to Dream Land Deluxe style is pretty much a given
I am sure they will selectively remaster some games but unfortunately I think the vast of majority of DS/3DS games will be stuck on the console due to the form factor.
We will probably see some remakes of first-party 3DS titles, but it isn't like that's the only platform they have available to go back to for old games. So far this year, we've got/getting remakes of GBA, GameCube, DS, Wii, and 3DS titles. There's a lot to mine from, to say nothing of third-parties who have already been transferring their 3DS titles over.

The sheer amount of Wii U re-releases on the Switch was, as already stated, a way to breathe new life into more recent titles that had a pitifully small audience and could be brought over with reasonably little effort. I don't see any single platform dominating the lineup again.
The Nintendo Switch was filled with Wii U remasters, or remakes, or re-releases.

Do you believe Nintendo will start doing the same for the switch 2 but using the 3ds' library?

We had some games released already like Mario Vs DK and the upcoming Luigi mansion 2, Miitopia (i wanna say is a 3ds game right?).

I believe these are signs of things to come for the Switch 2. They will rely on the 3ds library to fill some gaps...

Switch sucessor library will be filled with remaster/remakes of Game Cube, Wii, GBA, DS e 3DS games
I think we'll continue to see remasters and rereleases from their various consoles, including resolution updates for Switch releases. That said, I think you're onto something! The Wii and GCN mines will continue to be drilled, but 3DS has a lot of beloved games with no equivalents on Nintendo Switch. They're also relatively modern games that don't need a lot of reworking. If they're worried about whether it presents value, they can add a new mode, or what I think will happen is a new subscription tier with a focus on rereleases and early Switch titles. GCN and 3DS games a bit too big to fit into dedicated app updates? Put the remakes on a new tier and put a launcher in the NSO home screen app.
Mario Vs DK
That's a GBA game.

Also no, why would they? We got so many Wii U games because the Switch was similar power-wise and it gave those Wii U games a chance to actually sell. 3DS software doesn't need that.
You could arguably see more straight ports that upscale to 1080p with widescreen if it didn't have it before from Gamecube and Wii like Pikmin 1 + 2 and Super Mario Sunshine, but I think the games on 3DS and DS will require more work to recreate assets, and games from the N64 can only be polished so much when they look like they do on NSO.

The amount of ports will go down drastically I imagine, but I hope they don't outright stop because there are some games Nintendo should seriously consider reinvesting in to make them shine with modern technologies and made easily accessible again to the market
They ported a bunch of WiiU games because the systems were similar in power and the WiiU sold terribly. They weren't looking through their back catalog for games they needed to preserve, they were just cheap ports that would probably guarantee more money back for the WiiU release.
This seems unlikely. I could see a couple of remasters (Metroid: Samus Returns, Link Between Worlds or Kid Icarus all seem likely to return one day), but ’will the library be 3DS games’ seems hyperbolic to me. I doubt Switch 2 will see as many 3DS games as the Switch saw WiiU games, if only that the latter seemed like a really obvious use of games much of the Switch audience had either not seen or bought first time around.
Totally okay with that. And to be honest the three games you mention are absolutely all I need personally, although I can also see something like Todomachi coming out in HD as it happened for miitopia.

If they make a Super Mario 3D All-Star 2, or a deluxe version of Super Mario 3D all Star, I can also see them bring out Super Mario 3D Land in addition to Galaxy 2.

However, having replayed 3D Land recently, 3D integration looks like a nightmare for a future port, because when you turn it off or when you play 2DS, the depth is catastrophic.

I think they'll use a mix of ports / remasters from GC, Wii, and 3DS, and remakes from older generations. We've already seen this strategy in motion the last few years with Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, the Mario RPG remake, etc.
For the Wii and GameCube they also have the possibility to make fairly fast ports thanks to the HD emulation technology they have developed.

But again, I think the number of potentially affected games is limited. And the games in question have been in the conversation for a while: Metroid Prime 2 and 3, Luigi’s Mansion, Starfox, F-Zero, Donkey Kong Country returns, Galaxy 2. I don’t see many other examples of first party games that deserve an HD port.

If we get this half dozen games it will already be fine. And that will certainly be enough to help fuel the pace of Nintendo’s releases.
Think you've misinterpreted the strategy, as others have said the Wii U ports were giving a library that barely anyone experienced a second chance as well as filling games in their development schedule.

At this point you're more likely to see remasters and remakes of Gamecube and Wii titles, as well as reintroductions of old franchises/series they want to produce new entries for.

If I was going to bet, I'd say that the Switch 2 launch year would most likely be characterised by new games and the crossgen period would see the remasters/remakes. I'd imagine they'll want to repeat their strategy of spacing releases out and having synergy with third parties. 2017 was a great launch, they won't have Zelda but they will have opportunities for other stuff to have a similar sort of impact.
I think they will port forward things they think will do well and people want, regardless of platform.

Just like always.
Wii U was a "very nearly same tech level" situation and still amounted to only about a dozen games over an entire generation. 3DS games still look old when ported to Switch 1, let alone Switch 2, so are not the same fast solution to fill in a release slot. But we've seen some 3DS remakes on Switch 1, and I expect we'll see others on Switch 2 and whatever follows that.
Nintendo still has a LOT of great classic games across multiple platforms that they can remaster or remake. Lots of games from the past I never got around too that I would love to see be made available on Switch or Switch 2 so I appreciate a healthy offering of both new and classic titles being available for me to purchase and play.
There will be remakes and remasters from almost every prior Nintendo system, including the Switch, released as native Switch 2 games. Such is the way when some of these games are 5-30 years old.

Edit: Put almost before someone "well actually they've never remade or remastered a VB game"'s me

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