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Discussion What should be the main third party game in the future Switch 2 first trailer? (PLEASE READ STAFF POST)

What will be the main third party game in the Switch 2 reveal trailer?

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Art bitch
Hello Fami, this is my first ever thread!

So, after recent talk of a potential march reveal for the Switch 2, I decided to rewatch the 2016 Switch reveal trailer. I noticed that they showcased Skyrim right after Breath of the Wild and they actually spent a lot of time with it. You know, the whole segment of the guy taking a plane and then arriving home and resuming playing. I was wondering what prestige third party game (or gameS) they should get for the announcement of the Switch 2, and I have some ideas:

Elden Ring: one of the most important games of the generation. Only Dark Souls 1 was on the Switch, it would make a cool comeback.
Final Fantasy VII Remake: loved by many fans and one of few big Square Enix games absent in the Switch. Not that huge of a seller though.
Red Dead Redemtpion 2: heavily rumored and in many GOTY lists. Would be a nice follow up to Red Dead Redemption 1.
Baldur's Gate 3: has just won GOTY and has sold tons of copies. Divinity 2 was on the Switch.
GTA V: even if it's old, it's been requested by a lot of people and it's arguably one of the most popular games ever.
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth: this one is very recent, but it's received critical acclaim and people seem to be buying it. This series has skipped the Switch because it's too mature for it (not my opinion).
Dragon Quest XII: would be cool to have its first real trailer alongside the Switch 2 reveal. The Switch 2 will arguably be its lead platform, especially in Japan.
Resident Evil 4 Remake: considered to be one of the best remakes ever, and a very important game historically.
Dragon's Dogma 2: the first one has some devoted fans. This game is poised to do well, looks unique and seems very fun to play. If ported well it could be one of the technical marvels of the Switch 2.

I think these could be good candidates to be shown alongside the new console. I've left out games such as Final Fantasy VII Rebirth since they have a deal with Sony and for now it's a Playstation game. I've also left out two big games that damage the trans community and I hope Nintendo does not promote them.

If you think I've left out a very important game (critically acclaimed or big seller) please tell me!

Please choose 3 from the list!
My bet is on Elden Ring. Could also see Baldur's Gate 3 or Cyberpunk filling that "we got real 3rd parties on this" slot that Skyrim had last time

Seriously, though…

DQ XII would be cool, considering SE had announced XI for NX. I also think RE4 remake would be a good one. Not in the poll, but throw MK1 and Street Fighter 6 in as well.
Imo, it's either Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3. Both are impressive current-gen open-world titles that utilizes their ideas in awesome ways and are great games to have at launch. I think Elden Ring is more likely due to Bandai's relationship with Nintendo, but I wouldn't be shocked if Nintendo looked at BG3 winning over TotK at several shows and said "Lads, they're bloody good" and gave them a dev kit.
It has to be Elden Ring. Its more trailer-bait than BG3 for example, it also mirrors the Skyrim sense of adventure.
something from this year
  • Capcom - Resident Evil 4 and or Dragon's Dogma 2
  • Ubisoft - Star Wars Outlaws and Assassin's Creed Red
  • Square Enix - Final Fantasy 7R and or Final Fantasy 16, Visions of Mana
  • EA - Madden, not-Fifa, Dragon Age
  • Sega - various Atlus games, Sonic x Shadow
there's a lot. but I'd say the headliner isAssassin's Creed and Star Wars

EDIT: not gonna chance mods getting pissy again
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I think Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth would have the most impact, especially since Rebirth is coming out this year. It would definitively show that the Switch 2 is capable of playing games made for the PS5. All of the options listed would be great, though.

Edit: I didn't realize Baldur's Gate 3 was also a next-gen exclusive, so I think that would also be equally as hype.
I think it needs to be three games, and I think theres a bit of regionality.

I think there needs to be an action game and a RPG. Like for the US, I'd want Baldur's Gate 3, GTA VI, and Elden Ring. Japan might swap Baldur's Gate 3 for Dragon Quest XII or FF7 Remake.

If they do enough footage, they can make several versions and just blue screen in whatever game makes sense for each scene for each version.
Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon Quest XII or Elden Ring are for sure these titles. Potentially Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
Balan Wonderworld 2, Foamstars, Banjo Kazooie, Redfall, Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin, Gollum.
I couldn't care less about that game, but I say Elden Ring. It has like Skyrim mass appeal world wide and is a Japanese game.
Final Fantasy 7 Double Pack would be great, but I am very very confident that Sony paid SE a huge load of money for being exclusive, especially for Japan-relevant systems. Also even if FF7 is a great game, it does not have the impact as Elden Ring.
Baldur's Gate 3 would be interesting, but here I am more confident that the space limitations on Switch (and cartridges) would cause a major backlash, especially if it would be so prominently promoted.

The others would be considered more irrelevant or too late, nothing I would like to see associated with the Switch 2.
What else could work? Cyberpunk, as it is still one of the graphical most impressive games and it would scream "Now you can play also graphical impressive games on Switch". Another big one would be of course GTA VI with promised to release same time as on PS5.
It should be Elden Ring or BG3, but I'm pessimistic about those getting ported at all. RDR2 is as good is going to get IMHO (which is a fine game, just a tad bit too old...) and Capcom is the only publisher I can see releasing a recent or new AAA game during the launch year. There's also DQXII, but a console getting a DQ mainline title in its first year is one of those things that are too good to be true (it only happened once and it was in the WiiU of all things).
Quoted by: Ab
Elden Ring or BG3 if they have those games. Those seem like the most "wow! Look at this game running on a handheld!" type of attention-getters.
For western audience that unnamed game with futuristic setting that got an expansion in September. Other options can be Baldurs Gate 3 and/or Red Dead Redemption 2

For japanese audience (or japanese made games), Monster Hunter Wilds can be a good candidate. Other ones can be Final Fantasy VII Remake or Elden Ring.
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I feel the "skyrim equivelant" for marketing will be either Elden Ring, Cyberpunk or Baldur's gate 3. I personally think Cyberpunk is more exciting from a technology view, but Elden Ring is my preffered and Baldur's Gate is newer. Can't really go wrong either way.
It should be EA FC (formerly Fifa). The full-fat, modern console version.

You want to keep winning in Europe, you make sure that game's in the trailer.
Cyberpunk would be huge move considering it could look amazing with Nvidia's technologies, but Elden Ring would be cool too.
I hope they get all the bangers

Garfield kart 3

Calculator for Nintendo Switch 2

The last hope: deadzone
Survival 2
Would be cooler if they went beast mode and showed multiple in succession. In 2016 Switch concept wasn't proven and there weren't many flashy third party ports to show off yet. Imagine if by that time they had Witcher 3, DOOM etc. ported, that first trailer would have exploded heads.

Fuck it, show RE4 Remake, Elden Ring, BGIII, FFVII Remake, freaking Lies of P, all of it in a sizzle reel.
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Elden ring is the one I want the most and tbh just give me all the from software soulslike for switch 2, I need my portable soulslike experience.
Tbh if the next switch gets monster hunter wilds, the soulslike and final fantasy remake trilogy I don't think I'll need a ps5 for the entire generation.
I'm thinking either

-Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
-Elden Rings
-Monster Hunter Wilds

This is probably going to be a multi-language presentation for the Switch Successor reveal. So it's likely going to have the main third party game be one that transcends most of the market. All those games seem to do well in at least most of the major game markets, so I'm guessing its going to be one of them. Of which I think Elden Rings/MHWilds has the most possibility with how much a cloudy situation FFVIIR is with non-Sony/PC platforms.
I forgot that Elden Ring DLC was a thing.

That would be good synergy.
The majority of these would not make a great impression since they're already released current gen or even previous gen compatible games. I'm not even a big Dragon Quest head but revealing XII feels like it would be the most impactful.
It should be Elden Ring or BG3, but I'm pessimistic about those getting ported at all. RDR2 is as good is going to get IMHO (which is a fine game, just a tad bit too old...) and Capcom is the only publisher I can see releasing a recent or new AAA game during the launch year. There's also DQXII, but a console getting a DQ mainline title in its first year is one of those things that are too good to be true (it only happened once and it was in the WiiU of all things).
RDR2 is only a 2018 game. It's as old as Skyrim was when it was Switch launch title
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Hi everyone, just a quick reminder that discussion of Cyberpunk 2077 is banned on Famiboards, per our Banned Content List in Research & Development. Please remember our banned content list when recommending/discussing games in this thread. Anyone who posts about it, or other banned content, further will get feedback or a ban.

- meatbag, MissingNo, xghost777
How about Monster Hunter Wilds? Getting that on the next portable will be huge, it’s still a way off for all platforms anyway, it is likely going to be fairly impressive visually and will be a huge third party seller. Probably aiming to be Capcom’s biggest ever game following World and Rise.
Imo, it's either Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3. Both are impressive current-gen open-world titles that utilizes their ideas in awesome ways and are great games to have at launch. I think Elden Ring is more likely due to Bandai's relationship with Nintendo, but I wouldn't be shocked if Nintendo looked at BG3 winning over TotK at several shows and said "Lads, they're bloody good" and gave them a dev kit.
i think elden ring is a great game but it is neither a current-gen game nor technically impressive
Quoted by: Ab
They'll probably want to go for that "big and modern" feeling again, like BotW and Skyrim. Elden Ring fits that like a glove, with the bonus of attracting a different segment of the gaming audience (because From games are barely on Switch).

I'd adore FF7r being there but don't think it has as much mass appeal. BG3 likewise is more niche perhaps, but I can see it being there with Larian's older games also being on Switch.
I agree with @Serif that the best way to do it is to show multiple, to cement that they have big third parties on board. Just showing a single game does not do that. If you can have RE4, MH Wilds, Elden Ring, BG3, and GTA6 is one trailer, then that would turn eyes in a major way.

The majority of these would not make a great impression since they're already released current gen or even previous gen compatible games. I'm not even a big Dragon Quest head but revealing XII feels like it would be the most impactful.
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but Dragon Quest is a tiny franchise outside of Japan. Something with more worldwide appeal seems like a better idea for this purpose.
There was a special thanks to someone from Nintendo in the credits if I recall correctly. Some think it's proof it's coming, some think it has nothing to do and that special thanks can mean many different things.
Interesting for sure, even if it might mean nothing. But I think Baldurs gate is for sure coming regardless, I mean if the switch 2 can handle it (which considering it ran the matrix awakening at 60fps, it probably can) them not bringing the game over would be like throwing money into the dumpster
Interesting for sure, even if it might mean nothing. But I think Baldurs gate is for sure coming regardless, I mean if the switch 2 can handle it (which considering it ran the matrix awakening at 60fps, it probably can) them not bringing the game over would be like throwing money into the dumpster
Yeah, personally I think from the list I posted it's the one (with Dragon Quest XII) that has a better shot at being ported to the Switch 2.
I want Resident Evil 4 (and 2. And 3. And 7. And 8. And 9, why not), but I can see how both Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate would both be pretty big.

My only caveat is GTA 5. Switch was huge, partner up, remake Chinatown Wars in 3D.
Interesting for sure, even if it might mean nothing. But I think Baldurs gate is for sure coming regardless, I mean if the switch 2 can handle it (which considering it ran the matrix awakening at 60fps, it probably can) them not bringing the game over would be like throwing money into the dumpster

This is news to me. Where did you read that?

The original PS5/XSX demos were 30fps (and spotty at that).
The Gamescom reports didn't mention anything about 60 FPS Matrix. Only that it was using DLSS and RT. It was the Breath of the Wild demo that was running at a higher framerate, presumably 60.

Regardless, the mere fact that they were showing off that heavy demo to devs indicates their intentions for courting third-party support.

The PC port of BGIII runs 28-40 FPS on Steam Deck with FSR2. The game has DLSS already, and with console optimization, a Switch 2 port should be within reach. Even if features may need to be cut like co-op.
I felt that their presence at Gamescom and showing developers a demo of The Matrix Awakens running on targeted specs was a statement of intent. This mattered a lot because two years of negative momentum preceded the Wii U launch, and the list of partners was barren compared to the one for the Switch. To build on their 140m+ success, creating as positive a perception as possible is imperative. Showing XB1/PS4 ports won’t do that, even if they’ve had performance boosts for their respective successors, because we’ve seen the goalposts shift to “Yeah, but those are last gen games we’ve already played” - Same thing happened with Batman: Arkham City on the Wii U, although to this day, it remains the highest acclaimed superhero title.

GTA5 being on that list is actually embarrassing. That ship has sunk, especially as a lead third-party launch title, and when the discussion has shifted full throttle to GTA6. Drawing a false equivalence with Skyrim doesn’t help here, either, because that was a remastered edition, and more a statement that Bethesda were on board with a Nintendo platform after a long absence, and in part because they wanted that game on the Wii U. Bethesda also expressed an enthusiasm for the Switch pitch, and said at the time that they looked forward to putting more games on it. That isn’t the case for R*, as they’ve been present with LA Noire and RDR1. GTA6 is the statement it needs, and I’ve said elsewhere that I believe Nintendo wants that game, and will endeavour to get it on their platform. Also, bear in mind that it needs another audience, as R* won’t have PS/XBox owners to double-dip, and that already puts it some tens of millions down from the last GTA title. I would also rule out RE4 Remake and Red Dead Redemption 2 because if any of those games come at all, they should be mere formalities, and NOT the height of aspiration for new Nintendo hardware.

Elden Ring is a cross-gen title, and it’s a lock-in at some point because Nintendo doesn’t put out a tweet acknowledging it before its launch “for the love” - Its forthcoming DLC means it’s in the discussion, and a complete edition could be the one. COULD be. I’m confident it’ll come, but I don’t have it down as a lead title.

So, What else is there? I have a feeling that Dragon Quest 12 is a strong possibility for a lead third-party Japanese title, and the reason we haven’t seen it yet is because it’ll make its premiere at a Direct or conference. Monster Hunter: Wilds is a close second for me in this area because unless Sony has a domestic exclusivity deal on it, that game will not achieve its true sales potential at home without the existence of a Nintendo version. LADGaiden should be a formality, but I don’t see it because I don’t have a great deal of confidence in Sega currently, or feel that new hardware would change the toxic attitude of their studio’s developers.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a lock-in, and should be the lead Western third-party launch title, in order to create a very positive perception if GTA6 can’t be confirmed on the reveal. If they can show it with a split screen mode, that would be some flex because the XSS didn’t have it. The banned-on-here CDPR title is another strong contender in this area because Nvidia had done some work with it - I believe it’s in the discussion, and more so, if it can be shown with ray tracing and a better performance than the XB1/PS4 versions. Don’t wish to say any more than that on it because I want to be as mindful as possible. I wouldn’t rule out EA Sports, specifically Madden, because the Switch reached this point without it, and now would be a good time for it to make a comeback. At the same time, I remain sceptical because of the reality of that publisher’s anti-Nintendo culture and industry politics.

Most of all, I feel that collectively, we must move beyond a handful of XB1/PS4 ports that aren’t on the Switch. They won’t move the needle in meaningful ways for Nintendo, or turn a 140m+ success into one that can push closer to 200m, or at least eclipse the PS2 lifetime sales with confidence. PS5/XS games are the aspiration. We know this because the successor has DLSS/neural unit and RT cores on chip, as well as Ampere and Lovelace elements - These things wouldn’t be there if Nintendo aspired to XB1/PS4 ports, and it will never not be wild to me that the gaming community and discourse continues to disrespect them like this. Still, let’s not forget that Nintendo recruited an ex-PS employee for their Developer & Partnership Relations. That says to me that they will push harder for certain titles, and I believe they’ve answered the third party question “Why buy the Nintendo version?”, too. So, fans can, and ought to dare to expect more. 💕✨

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