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TV What are your favorite TV shows, and do you have any favorite episodes from them?


Hi all. This is my first thread on Famiboards, and I don't think I've seen a thread on this subject here. I'm just hoping it's a fun subject to cover and a satisfying first thread attempt here.
I'm sure watching TV is something a lot of us have in common and share joy in doing. I didn't know if it'd be fun to see not only watch TV shows the Fami community enjoys, but it'd be fun to hear (or in this case, "read") about our favorite episodes from our favorite shows!

I'll begin, of course, but by NO MEANS do you have to be detailed in your responses. Be as detailed or as brief as you'd like, all! I'm going to be the former here to start things off. ha

One of my favorite episodes of M*A*S*H aired recently on TV. It's called Dear Sigmund from Season Five. It's an episode where Dr. Sidney Freedman (Allan Arbus), a recurring guest character and psychiatrist, heads to the 4077th MASH in hopes of curing his blues after a recent case of his ended in tragedy. So, he details the hijinks and antics of the 4077 in a letter to Sigmund Freud, with some antics being funnier than others, like a practical joker running amok in camp causing all sorts of hilarious moments and playing all sorts of funny tricks.

Each of the main cast is talked about and has their own stories and incidents within the episode. One of the more pivotal and emotional moments comes when Captain Hawkeye (Alan Alda) crosses paths with an aircraft bomber who had to parachute from his plane. He's a hotshot pilot who brags about doing a bombing run and then going back to his comfy abode afterwards. Hawkeye has the pilot help him bring in the wounded, and one pivotal moment has him in the operating room while the doctors work on a child. This dialogue is paraphrased as I don't quite remember it 100%, so bear with me.

"What happened to her?" The pilot asks.
"A plane bombed her village." Is the answer.
"Who did it? The pilot questions.
"He only blew up the village with the bomb, he didn't autograph it." Hawkeye retorts.
"No, but WHO did it?" The pilot starts to get agitated.
"What does it matter?" Colonel Potter, the 4077th's CO asks back.
"It matters. It matters a hell of a lot!" The pilot responds, wanting to know if it was one of the "enemy's" bombs or "our" bombs.
"It doesn't matter to her." Potter replies back grimly.

Afterwards, the pilot realizes he was brought in to help carry wounded and to enter the operating room as a lesson from Hawkeye. "Listen. You seem like a nice guy," Hawkeye begins, "Too nice to think this is a clean war."
"It was... up there," the pilot begins to choke up. "It's not anymore..." and begins to sob uncontrollably.

I like Dear Sigmund because it's a lovely mix of poignant drama, emotional moments, and pure comedy. It's the MASH "dramedy" in full display and all its glory. It's not the BEST episode, imo, but it's one of my favorites indeed each time I do a watch of the show.

I think I've rambled too long, so I'll let everyone else now chime in on their favorite TV shows and episodes from said TV shows!
Simpsons - Who Killed Mr. Burn? Part 1 and 2
Twin Peaks - Season 2 Finale
Game Center CX - Paris Dekar Rally
King of the Hill - Joust Like a Woman
The Sopranos - everyone loves Pine Barrens, for good reason, but I think my favorite is Test Drive. I love trippy symbolic dream sequences... avatar related.
The Simpsons - everyone loves Marge Vs. The Monorail... and so do I. Perfect episode.
Gurren Lagann - the last episode The Lights In The Sky Are Stars, for obvious reasons. Possibly my favorite TV finale of all time, alongside...
Cowboy Bebop - The Real Folk Blues Parts 1 and 2. Just rewatched the whole show for the fourth time a few weeks ago and still a gut punch of an ending.
Futurama - but I'd be remiss to not mention its original finale, The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings. Honestly proof the show should've stayed untouched after.

I could get into my favorite longform serial anime like Dragon Ball and Yu Yu Hakusho but those don't really have distinct episodes thematically/story-wise, heh.
Here are mine:

House - I was obssesed with this show as a teenager, and it really helped me cope with my emotions at the time (it would imvolve a lot of uglycrying, which is just sometimes what a teen needs)

Friends- I know, big cliche, it just cracks me up every single time.

Twin Peaks - I was very litrle when it first came out so I watched it in my early twienties and it just blew my mind. A bit slow at the begining, but definetly worth it.
I also loved Big Little Lies: awesome plot, great acting.

The Simpson - another big cliche but yes... Im the kind of person who could comunicae just by phrasing The Simpson's quotes (not ashamed!).
I also like Phineas and Ferb. It is childish but it definetly has something

Haunting of Hill House - Big YES if you are into ghosts, jumpscares and a good plot. Definetly worth a watch!

Another - if you are into thriller Animes this one wont dissapoint. A cursed classroom, a new student....what could go wrong?

And that would be it! Im sure missing some but since we live in the binge watch era, those are what stick to me the most!

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