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Discussion What are you getting in August?


I was checking the coming soon in August and noticed how packed it was for indie game fans.






Maybe you're in for Baten Kaitos.

The cozy gamers are well catered for with Fae Farm and My Time at Sandrock.

Us gamers are spoiled imo.
Probably Baldur's Gate 3, but there's a chance I'll wait a bit on it. Depends on when my friends get it. I'm hoping to do a multiplayer playthrough like with Divinity Original Sin 2.

If I end up waiting on that then I may get Sea of Stars. I'm not a huge fan of Chrono Trigger, but I loved The Messenger so I'm curious to see their take on that type of game.

The last August game I'm interested in is Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew from Mimimi Games. It's their third game with this type of gameplay after Shadow Tactics and Desperados III. I really liked Shadow Tactics a lot so I'm definitely interested in trying this out. That said, I haven't actually gotten around to playing Desperados III yet so maybe I'll play through that soon and wait on this.
MAYBE Armored Core if it's reviewed well enough? Nothing in August is really speaking to me so that might just be a catchup month.
Might pick up Sea of Stars if the word of mouth on it is solid, but mostly I've kinda been looking at August as the calm after and before the storm tbh. Late spring into summer were packed, and this fall's looking almost just as packed, so August is probably gonna be when I try to circle back around to various things I've been meaning to get around to.
I ended up ordering a few games that were on sale from Play-Asia, so I'll probably get the FF Pixel Remasters and Chocobo GP Racing in later this month, and then BK remasters and Live A Live in after that.
Rhapsody 2 and 3, Armored Core VI (my first one!), Sea of Stars, and Vampire Survivors are my August games.

I hope I have time to actually play these while I’m juggling Final Fantasy XVI, Rain Code, Trails Into Reverie, Pikmin 4, and This Way Madness Lies lol.
Pre-ordered Baten Kaitos in PlayAsia

BLASPHEMOUS 2 - I have the first game 3 times; Steam, Xbox and physical version on PS4.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk for sure and probably Sea of Stars. Stray Gods has my attention too because it reminds me one of my favorite comics, The Wicked + The Divine. Also maybe Shadow Gambit if it runs well on Steam Deck.

I was kind of interested in Goodbye Volcano High until I watched some demo gameplay.
Armored Core I’m committed to buying day one even if I probably won’t get to it for some time. Need to support that franchise.

Anything else I’m waiting on a sale on because the backlog beckons
Probably Armored Core, depending. Fall is looking pretty stacked and I bought a lot this month so I really need to watch my wallet.
nothing really grabbing my goose til October right now as a "MUST BUY" but see how things review etc...
I'm waiting on reviews for Sea of Stars and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Might pick both up.
Baldur's Gate 3 will be coming out of early access so probably that. I have been tempted many times to play it in early access but managed to hold out for the final release. Hopefully I can find some folks who might want to mess around with some co-op as well.
As someone who both loves Chrono Trigger and The Messenger, I’ve been looking forward to Sea of Stars for years.

I am curious about Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. The rest I can take or leave.

Edit: Oh! Wrestlequest! Gees. Indies are back on the menu.
Is Sea of Stars still August? I noticed on the eshop it's back to TBD 2023. Might pick up Vampire Survivors but IDK. Not getting Baten Kaitos because of no physical edition. F that's cheap.
No physical for Baten Kaitos? Well there goes my one game that montg

Need to finish Fire Emblem Engage, Octopath 2, and Pikmin 4 anyway. I'm already eatin.
Probably nothing, but I'm glad Blasphemous 2 is coming out. I keep meaning to play the first one.
Oh, Blasphemous is that soon? probably that one, if they don't block it on Steam for Russia for no reason.
I didn't really enjoy the first one due to it being somewhat buggy at launch, but its style appeals to me, so I might pick the second one up
Blasphemous 2, Vampire Survivors and maybe Samba de Amigo. A quiet month in preparation of the very busy third quarter of the year.
I'm interested in Baten Kaitos, but I'll likely wait a bit to get that.

Also, September 1st is when Marl Kingdom Chronicles drops, so I'm in for that.
There's a chance I will get Vampire Survivos, but probably not because it would be crack on the Switch. It was bad enough when I had to play it on the TV hah.
Otherwise I was only planning to buy Sea of Stars but since the physical version comes a bit later I will wait for that one so August will be a perfect month to work on the backlog.. unless the very likely indie showcase has some neat shadowdrops.

No physical for Baten Kaitos? Well there goes my one game that montg

Need to finish Fire Emblem Engage, Octopath 2, and Pikmin 4 anyway. I'm already eatin.

Yeah only Japan is getting physical and even though it has English I am not importing it. Every where else is digital only.

It's getting a physical release in Europe (but it's a September game)
I’m gone for the back half of July and early August so I will first play Pikmin 4 (which I’m getting as a late birthday present). After that most likely Armored Core 6 and Sea of Stars.
Stray Gods is the only game I'm 100% sure I'm picking up. I'm interested in both Baten Kaitos and Sea of Stars, but I'm concerned I won't have time for them on release, so they might be games that sit on my wishlist for a while.
Nothing, July has my covered, I'm getting MM Clash of Heroes, Pikmin 4 and potentially F1 Manager 23. Haven't even looked at August releases.

PS: Many people mention Baten Kaitos but it's September.
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Already have Vampire Survivors on Steam Deck. Might get Baten Kaitos, depends on time really.
Maybe Sea of Stars via Gamepass, but that’s a big maybe. Nothing here looks particularly interesting.
I backed Sea of Stars, so that. Getting a physical copy of Baten Kaitos in September, which'll become Backlog Kaitos in all probability.
It's required for participation on this message board to buy, play and love Baten Kaitos.
Baldur's Gate 3, don't know about anything else.
Been looking forward to Baldur's Gate 3 for years so I'm pretty excited for it.
Probably just VS 'cuz it's cheap. I gotta pay off money I borrowed this month, will more than likely have at least dental appointment that my insurence won't be covering , & a basket/bag for the rear rack of my new E-Bike (AKA the reason I owe money). I live in the Las Vegas area & I'm sad that I won't be able to afford attending EVO.
I'm drowning in my backlog so...but I want to play sea of stars, so I'll pick it up via gamepass, game seems dope.
I probably should not get anything since I haven't made any real progress on my backlog. However, I will probably grab Vampire Survivors and I would like to get Bomb Rush Cyberfunk , but I want to see how that runs first.

Sea of Stars and Wrestlequest are both wants of mine, but they are both pricier than I thought they would be and since they will most likely be longer than the other two games. I probably should wait on those a bit longer since I will most likely not finish those any time soon.
Armored Core VI is my most anticipated game for the rest of the year. Series has been gone for so long, glad to see it back again.

I really need to play the first Blasphemous since the sequel looks so beautiful, amazing sprite work and animation.

I may get Baldur's Gate 3 and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk down the road since they both look great, but I think I'll be playing my backlog mainly in August. Sea of Stars is a maybe, depends on the reviews, I still need to get Chained Echoes and have heard frequently how great that is. Brad from Easy Allies was always talking it up on the podcasts and shows and it really does sound fantastic.
I am not looking for more games at the moment, but I will keeping my eyes on Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Marble It Up! Ultra and OU.
Pikmin 4 is already pre-ordered. Miyamoto, do not fail me on this one. I will be judging you, and I intend to be merciless
Vampire Survivors day one for sure, also want


But they’ll wait for sales
Sea of Stars is the only title I'm considering getting day 1, there's lots of other games but nothing I want to get right away.

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