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Discussion The Matrix Resurrections Reviews - Currently 64% in RT


Touch Fuzzy get dizzy
He, Him

Some highlights:


Bloody Disgusting

Thanks to an endearing and entertaining reunion with old friends and new ones, the two-and-a-half-hour runtime breezes by. While it relies heavily on the past, it’s more interested in examining it from a current, lived-in perspective. It makes for a new entry guaranteed to polarize. This isn’t the Matrix that we met just over twenty years ago, but a modern update that builds on its legacy with surprising and often funny tenderness. Whether you’re willing to follow the white rabbit and take the red pill this round will depend on how much you find comfort in Neo and Trinity and their enduring love story.


But Resurrections does eclipse its predecessors for full-on, kick-you-in-the-heart romance: Reeves and Moss, comfortable with silences, lean into an adult intimacy, so rare in blockbusters, that's more thrilling than any roof jump (though those are pretty terrific too). Their motorbiking through an exploding city, one of them clutching the other, could be the most defiantly sexy scene of a young year. B+

Vanity Fair

Wachowski realigns the hierarchy of her characters with triumphant defiance, asserting herself as the master of this world, as the one who gets to set its terms and invite in its desired audience of fellow positive-thinkers.



This is a heavy-footed reboot which doesn't offer a compelling reason for its existence other than to gouge a fourth income stream from Matrix fans

Roger Ebert

A reboot with some striking philosophical flourishes, and grandiose set-pieces where things go boom in slow motion, but it is also the weakest and most compromised Matrix film yet.

Daily Beast

Devoid of its trademark style, action and depth, it's a pointless follow-up that falls back on cheeky self-referentiality in order to justify its existence.
I am at least interested, I thought it would be a lot more negative so the fact people are enjoying it at all surprises me
These are actually strong reviews for The Matrix franchise, all things considered. Especially in 2021. Looking forward to catching in IMAX.
Yeah was looking forward to catch this in theatres, but with Omicron, I'm going to stay home. At least I got to watch Dune and Ghostbusters this year.
One of the many movies this holiday season that I can't go see in theatres but looking forward to seeing eventually. This is not too bad considering its a fourth instalment in a dormant franchise tbh.
Lucky enough to have already seen it (left feeling pretty positive on it), can definitely understand why it seems to be a touch polarising for critics though.
Score went down to 68%. Oh well, still going to see it and i know still going to love it (Going by the positive reviews), mainly due to how well the love story of Neo and Trinity is handled.
One of the many movies this holiday season that I can't go see in theatres but looking forward to seeing eventually. This is not too bad considering its a fourth instalment in a dormant franchise tbh.
It's also on HBO Max, if you want to see it now
Leaving for the theater now. Only think I'm wondering about is which Rage song will play over the credits.
Was planning on seeing it on the cinema, but with Omicron causing havoc I've had to put that plan on hold.

Will watch it when it comes out on home release though, and as a fan of the whole trilogy, I'm ready for Lana Wachowski to take me places, even if they're not always the places I'm expecting
Between on-call for work and Omicron stuff I'll just watch this on HBO Max tonight. Excited, but man work is pulling all the stops to keep me here late =/
Well then. I was definitely surprised by the song that played over the credits. 😂
Watched it with the whole family. 4 of us voted to abandon ship half way, but got stuck watching the whole terrible movie due to being overruled by those who had hope some miraculous last minute twist could salvage the experience. If you find yourself in the same situation, fight harder for your side. It only gets worse.

My review? This is insultingly bad. Of all the terrible reboots of old franchises, this is the bottom of the barrel. It's as if it was written by one of those joke machine-learning scripts that couldn't actually understand what made the first film good and instead just randomly inserted words that reminded you of it.

It's absolutely stuffed full with references, dialogue rips, and even like 20 minutes of actual direct clips from the old movies that all accomplish the same thing. Reminding you that you could be watching a far better movie.

It is completely impossible to care about any of the characters or what is happening. The pacing is horrendous. The dialogue is atrocious. The action is a blurry mess of quick cuts and bad CGI. The agonizingly long plot directions and dialogue trees go absolutely nowhere.

It has no heart. It has no brain.

I bet that you could slice any random hour from this movie and what is left would still be basically the same movie.

The only thing that this movie accomplishes is retroactively making the 2nd and 3rd film look like cinematic masterpieces by comparison.

0/5 stars
Finished the movie over an hour ago. I liked it a LOT more than I expected for different reasons!

Initial rating of all the movies so far for me is

1 > 2 = 4 > 3

Thank goodness for HBO Max and the deal WB has going on this year 🙏🏾
Is it just me, or were many of the fight sequences like 15 fps? Like, it could have been my stream, but things looked rough. I got some motion sickness from it.
Is it just me, or were many of the fight sequences like 15 fps? Like, it could have been my stream, but things looked rough. I got some motion sickness from it.
I saw it in a theater and the only parts that looked like low fps were the parts where NPH went into bullet time, (christ, I can't believe I just unironically typed that sentence, thanks Lana 😂) and even then only during specific movements, to accentuate what was going on. Definitely not during the fight scenes.
My main takeaway is that Lana should have let WB make it without her. The constant use of flashbacks alone disqualified this movie from any chance of being good.
Watched it with the whole family. 4 of us voted to abandon ship half way, but got stuck watching the whole terrible movie due to being overruled by those who had hope some miraculous last minute twist could salvage the experience. If you find yourself in the same situation, fight harder for your side. It only gets worse.

My review? This is insultingly bad. Of all the terrible reboots of old franchises, this is the bottom of the barrel. It's as if it was written by one of those joke machine-learning scripts that couldn't actually understand what made the first film good and instead just randomly inserted words that reminded you of it.

It's absolutely stuffed full with references, dialogue rips, and even like 20 minutes of actual direct clips from the old movies that all accomplish the same thing. Reminding you that you could be watching a far better movie.

It is completely impossible to care about any of the characters or what is happening. The pacing is horrendous. The dialogue is atrocious. The action is a blurry mess of quick cuts and bad CGI. The agonizingly long plot directions and dialogue trees go absolutely nowhere.

It has no heart. It has no brain.

I bet that you could slice any random hour from this movie and what is left would still be basically the same movie.

The only thing that this movie accomplishes is retroactively making the 2nd and 3rd film look like cinematic masterpieces by comparison.

0/5 stars

YIKES, is this movie THIS bad for real?

I'm still debating if i go to the cinema or not. I live in Mexico and it's not going to be on HBO MAX for quite some time, at least a month.
YIKES, is this movie THIS bad for real?

I'm still debating if i go to the cinema or not. I live in Mexico and it's not going to be on HBO MAX for quite some time, at least a month.
It's a "love it or hate it" situation. The reactions I've seen have had very little middle ground. I really enjoyed it, a friend went with me and he was very impressed, we both thought the way Wachowski handled making the audience question what's real in the movie all over again was gutsy and it certainly worked for us. We loved the villain, I loved the new captain. I'd say it's a more solid movie than 2 and 3, which I felt spent too much time trying to toss around philosophical buzzwords and show off how much money they were given for CGI action scenes. It felt like at its heart it was a plucky, experimental, brain-twisting scifi film that just happened to find a blockbuster budget. Which is what the Matrix should be.
I guess it is a "love it or hate it" situation, because I watched it last night and really enjoyed it. Go online this morning and some people can't articulate fully just how much they hate it. 🤷‍♂️

I think there are some really cool scenes and ideas presented in it. Love the Sentient designs, and NPH was a surprisingly good choice for his part imo. And those "dive bomber" attacks at the end, jeepers!

I don't think it's anywhere as good as the first movie, but I liked it better than the other sequels.
Just finished up the movie. I really liked it and the other people in the theatre seemed to as well.

It's not as good as the Original or Reloaded, but I like it better than Revolutions. Also auch more satisfying ending than Revolutions too. I'd be into a 5th movie if Lana/Keanu/Carrie all come back. So many possibilities for the future.
YIKES, is this movie THIS bad for real?

I'm still debating if i go to the cinema or not. I live in Mexico and it's not going to be on HBO MAX for quite some time, at least a month.
It's fantastic but it is very meta. It's like the first act is almost a video essay on the original movies.
Just finished up the movie. I really liked it and the other people in the theatre seemed to as well.

It's not as good as the Original or Reloaded, but I like it better than Revolutions. Also auch more satisfying ending than Revolutions too. I'd be into a 5th movie if Lana/Keanu/Carrie all come back. So many possibilities for the future.

I'd be into a 5th movie if Lana/Keanu/Carrie/Jessica/Yahya... hell bring the whole cast back, I loved everyone in this movie.
I'd be into a 5th movie if Lana/Keanu/Carrie/Jessica/Yahya... hell bring the whole cast back, I loved everyone in this movie.
Yeah the cast was really solid. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about someone other than Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus, but after learning what's going on with this version of the character I'm cool with it. And also yeah Bugs need to come back, love Bugs.
I love the original trilogy - all three of them! I went in having no idea what the plot would be or what to expect and loved it. Groff was really fun to watch in this role, and consider me another that now wants Henwick in every movie ever now. She was great!
Okay finally finished it. I didn't hate it. It was pretty average. I hated the first half hour with the stupid meta commentary and constant flashbacks. I thought it picked up in the middle and got better than the third act went nowhere.

** 1/2 not something I'd watch again. Homeless Merv was the highlight.
I liked it a lot! I also like Reloaded and Revolutions. This was definitely the cheekiest Matrix movie, but I appreciated it.

The movie does miss the presence of Laurence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving, though. Not sure why they didn't make that work.
I liked it a lot! I also like Reloaded and Revolutions. This was definitely the cheekiest Matrix movie, but I appreciated it.

The movie does miss the presence of Laurence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving, though. Not sure why they didn't make that work.
Hugo Weaving was supposed to be in the movie, but he was already commited to other projects and they couldn't schdelue around it. As for the original Morpheus, he apparently died in the Matrix Online, though I'm not sure if that is still canon or not. I've only read a story summary, didn't play the game back when it was around.
Hugo Weaving was supposed to be in the movie, but he was already commited to other projects and they couldn't schdelue around it. As for the original Morpheus, he apparently died in the Matrix Online, though I'm not sure if that is still canon or not. I've only read a story summary, didn't play the game back when it was around.
Dang, I thought Weaving was left out so the initial bit that "he was Anderson's business partner and Smith was based on him" wouldn't be so obviously a fake-out. As much fun as Jesse St. James Jonathan Groff had with the role, I thought Hugo could've still played that character and the fake-out would've still worked. If it was just a damn schedule conflict then that sucks. I would've loved to see his realization while picking up the pistol, his face twisting back into the old familiar grin. Ugh, lost opportunity.

And the way they played out the Morpheus issue in Resurrections looks like they ignored his death in Online and are using the excuse that "more time has passed in the real world than we thought," so Morpheus is long gone of old age by the time Neo wakes back up.
Dang, I thought Weaving was left out so the initial bit that "he was Anderson's business partner and Smith was based on him" wouldn't be so obviously a fake-out. As much fun as Jesse St. James Jonathan Groff had with the role, I thought Hugo could've still played that character and the fake-out would've still worked. If it was just a damn schedule conflict then that sucks. I would've loved to see his realization while picking up the pistol, his face twisting back into the old familiar grin. Ugh, lost opportunity.

And the way they played out the Morpheus issue in Resurrections looks like they ignored his death in Online and are using the excuse that "more time has passed in the real world than we thought," so Morpheus is long gone of old age by the time Neo wakes back up.
seems like his death is left purposely vague. They make it very clear that he's dead without actually saying how he died.
I loved this movie. Watched it today. Made me realise how much I actually like The Matrix and how little I usually like any other geeky media in comparison. I was actually emotional of "going back" to The Matrix and this totally caught me off-guard. That's not something that happened with any of these other big franchises or blockbusters. I never felt emotional with them, and at least now I understand how their fans might feel.

The way the movie used its awareness of itself to justify its loops, its retreads, its nuances; to communicate itself with the viewer and to add information. It's absurd how Avant-Garde the original movie seems when you consider it's from 1999 and how it reflects the online experience BETTER NOW then when it was conceived. It's just insane.

I throughout loved this movie and everything that came with it. To the point I actually want more. This was a very, very fulfilling experience and I'm glad I watched it.

Don't care about public opinions, reviews or scores. Never have, never will.
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Yeah 71% for a super-meta brain-twister movie that gleefully spits in the face of both Hollywood franchising and fan expectations is actually a pretty good score.
i just need to figure out the logistics to catch it at the theater because every room is spooderman, the movie that celebrates hollywood franchising and fan expectations like a profit rocket...and there's just too many people
i just need to figure out the logistics to catch it at the theater because every room is spooderman, the movie that celebrates hollywood franchising and fan expectations like a profit rocket...and there's just too many people
LOL OMG I didn't even realize that juxtaposition was there. 😂😂😂 Hey maybe if every room is Spidey then the Matrix rooms will be empty? 🤔
My wife hated it. I didn’t hate it but I didn’t like it either. It felt to me like a nostalgic project just to get the two main characters back on screen. It just didn’t have the same feel as before. Even the action sequences seemed off to me. Just my two cents though. Hope others enjoy what they see.
Loved the film. Right up my alley and exactly what I wanted. I guess I get to be a weird Matrix sequel enjoyer now.
I saw it, and the action sequence sucks, the music is a big let down, and the antagonists didnt have the same bang, no hugo weaving and the analyst kind of sucked.

I actually liked the story, the new morpheous made sense within the context of the story, the new agents and so on.

Solid C for me
Just watched it a second time, now able to enjoy the ride since I'm not trying so hard to figure out what they're doing, still love it. One thing of note: the combination of the music and Henwick's performance during the rabbit tattoo scene gave me chills both times I watched it. Even though we saw it in the trailer, the way it was cut and scored in the film was SO much more impactful. The way the music swells as she shows more confidence in Neo leading up to that reveal was awesome in proper context.

I say 1>4>2>3
I watched it. It's probably much better than Reloaded and Revolutions. I told myself I was gonna rewatch the trilogy before watching 4 but I didn't, so some things might have gone over my head. But in my mind the pacing is a lot better and the pay off as well.

I loved the Analyst, honestly. I liked the movie poking fun at Matrix fans all the time lmao.

It's just not as iconic as the OG one (btw, I watched it recently and I just can't believe in under 30 min in you get so maaany iconic scenes), but it's not trying to be either. And that's fine.

I reaaaaally love what was going on with Trinity and Neo. Matrix is a love story~ heh!!!

I just didn't get why they needed to recast Morpheus and Smith but not Neo and Trinity. Like, I got but didn't get it. Didn't they do the "disguise" program with Trinity as well? Or did they want Neo to keep recognizing her?

It kind of reminded of The Last Jedi, which I loved and it's kinda the last movie that watching on the theaters really made a difference. I get chills remembering the scene when Kylo explodes the ship. I got some chills in Matrix 4 too, albeit not as hard as the ones I got from TLJ.
Imo the movie had a really strong first hour. After that there was some interesting ideas here and there but nothing amazing.
That scene where a man wakes up with his wife in bed and jump the building was really good
Anyway, I want to rewatch it to grasp some stuff I didn't understand in the first time.
I loved this movie. Watched it today. Made me realise how much I actually like The Matrix and how little I usually like any other geeky media in comparison. I was actually emotional of "going back" to The Matrix and this totally caught me off-guard. That's not something that happened with any of these other big franchises or blockbusters. I never felt emotional with them, and at least now I understand how their fans might feel.

The way the movie used its awareness of itself to justify its loops, its retreads, its nuances; to communicate itself with the viewer and to add information. It's absurd how Avant-Garde the original movie seems when you consider it's from 1999 and how it reflects the online experience BETTER NOW then when it was conceived. It's just insane.

I throughout loved this movie and everything that came with it. To the point I actually want more. This was a very, very fulfilling experience and I'm glad I watched it.

Don't care about public opinions, reviews or scores. Never have, never will.

I love your post because its basically 100% how i feel about it, I even got a little bit emotional when the first trailer was released and Neo says hello to Trinity.

Anyway, i loved the movie and i love the series as a whole.
This is hitting VOD in Canada on the 14th. I still have to watch Dune(!), but this’ll be right after that. Can’t wait to see where I land on it
Me my wife my brother and his wife all were very disappointed in it. We just were not fans.
I watched all four of the Matrix movies this past week. I only ever saw the first one a decade ago and didn't really vibe with it. My takes now:

Original: I still don't completely vibe with it, and it takes a bit long to get going, but also it's basically a perfect movie. The action sequences are impeccable and iconic, Reeves and Fishburne are legendary in it, and the movie executes a high concept with perfect pacing.

Reloaded: A completely bonkers roller coaster ride of the movie with the choreography of the first turned up to 11 and very high end effects for its time, but unfortunately it's also the movie that does the most heavy lifting in terms of lore and story and background development and it's not very good at doing any of that.

Revolutions: An over two hour long climax sequence that has the same exact energy as Attack of the Clones.

Resurrections: A below average to decent (depending on the scene) Hollywood action film set in the Matrix universe, that also happens to be a pretty brilliant deconstruction of what it means to be a reboot or sequel of a previously dead franchise. The villain is also philosophically interesting, but take that away and a lot of the movie is kinda whatever.

My ranking is 1>4>2>3, but I think Resurrections is probably the one I'll remember the least about (Reloaded definitely sticks out in my head more at least). I also think the first is the only great one, but Resurrections was at least worth watching, and an edit of Reloaded that's just the action and the Architect scene would be sick.
This is yall's weekly confirmation that the music playing while Bugs and Neo are walking through the door (the middle part of "I Fly or I Fall" from the OST) continues to be stuck in my head. I love the music in this movie, hell.

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