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Discussion The 3rd Party guest fighters in Super Smash Bros. and their history with Nintendo


I talk more about games than I play them
Hey! First thread on Famii, and I hope it's the first of many in the future! I wanted to take the opportunity of our small and comfy community as of the current member count and my very first thread to bring something special I've been working throughout the whole Smash Ultimate speculation (as some will recognize from my posts from the old place):


Since Brawl on the Wii, Smash has opened the floodgates for 3rd Party companies have their characters in this incredibly lucrative marketing opportunity and be part of gaming's biggest celebration; And with Ultimate capping off its DLC and certainly without more Smash discussion for a couple of years from now, I finally concluded this little analysis of these characters and their presence on Nintendo hardware (outside Smash itself);

This is all about the particular characters from 3rd Party companies that are playable in Smash Bros. and how many times they popped up on Nintendo systems before and after their inclusions in the Smash franchise; Not much on the series they come from, not much discussing on said companies and their support on Nintendo systems (Capcom on N64 is the biggest tragedy ever told...), but the icons whose occupies about 20% of Ultimate's roster.

But first, I have to rundown some guidelines I had to establish for myself before going after all those games.. because, you see, there's ports, costumes and so much other factors need to be considered on case by case, and so there are some things to keep in mind before going through the results

Once again, I went with whose characters are the ones that are playable in Smash, which means that Mega Man is the Classic Rock we know from the NES days (not X, not Volnutt, not .EXE and so on..), and the Dragon Quest Heroes are Erdrick, Solo, Eight and Luminary/Eleven; BUT, there are the exceptions on the rule:

- Snake is undebatable Solid Snake in Smash, the protag of certain particular titles in the Metal Gear franchise, but, as much Donkey Kong in Smash is referred as the original Arcade character, while the one playable is clearly using the likeness of the character introduced in Donkey Kong Country, Snake is also a mix of Solid Snake and the face of young Big Boss from MGS3! With that, I accounted the whole set of "Snakes" for his timeline... (though if I didn't, that would subtract just.. one game lol); Note that this is how Smash deals with characters like Link as well;

- Sonic and Pac-Man also got some variations of their selfs in many games; Boom Sonic, Ghostly Adventures Pacster, didn't much matter in the end... these were also accounted; firstly for Sonic, because before his inclusion there was no such thing as different versions of the character but just redesigns of the same character; and for Pac-Man, I used as evidence how Bandai NAMCO themselves handled the IP in things like Pac-Man Museum and even Nintendo themselves used the ever so beloved GA game as part of promotion for Pac's inclusion in Smash4;

in conclusion: LINK
This is was the most daunting of going through, because I know not everyone will agree with my stipulations, but I had to draw the line somewhere, if not so many would have their numbers inflated by certain metrics.. and even so, they still got away with a bunch of same games repackaged in different circumstances; but here what I decided:

- When a game is released for the very first time on a Nintendo console, I do account it;.. but if it end being re-released or ported for another system with no significant changes, rebranding or part of a collection (say.. Bayonetta 1 and 2 on Switch), they weren't accounted;

- As mentioned, when the game have same content, but some changes were made to accomodate new hardware, or it's part of a compilation (even if previously was already part of other compilations and even it got re-released standalone before), they are accounted; -But, say if a game gets released on a SNK compilation on the Wii, but later released alone in the Arcade Archives on Switch, it wasn't accounted;

I also decided to establish certain way to view those.. minor cameos shouldn't have much of a significance on the character history I don't think.. It's a nod sometimes and a not much beyond that; and so are costumes, when given the context, it's just another character wearing the clothes or skin (yuck) of another

- Cameos have to be of real substance; the character needs to be there, physically (officially licensed too, of course), not be just a vague reference and it needs to be more than just a billboard texture, a little background element, and preferentially have a certain role on the game they appear; be part of a quest, have dialogue, interactions; it depends on the game and what it means there... like, be a card in a card game should count!;

- Costumes and Skins also are a more tricky subject than it seems, especially when we go down to the Fortnite and Minecraft rabbit holes.. The character needs to be presented as themselves and not an avatar wearing their likeness; Minecraft skins are not all built the same... The Banjo skin, for example, is just a normal texture change, while Pac-Man and Sonic got their whole packs that change how you play the game and/or are limited somewhat on their usage. While Fortnite, despite being just cosmetic changes, have shown in trailers that characters are themselves brought from their worlds;

Finally.. despite all what I said, it's arbitrary; I was having fun doing the research, but it also took me awhile to do this and illustrate on mockups, so I had to cut corners too; So don't mind if this sounds wrong to you in certain aspects; I'm open to criticism, of course! 🐺

Let's start showing a basic chart of all our guests and their first appearance on a Nintendo system, before going to their individual timelines:

Yep, every single one of them had at least one appearance (not matter how big it was) on a Nintendo system prior their inclusions in Super Smash Bros.! Not stating that none of that matters much of the end of the day, but it's a streak that wasn't broken at all until the very end of Ultimate!.. It's a courtesy not a rule, and Sakurai himself said so when Cloud joined the battle:

Sakurai: "At the same time, I think it’s only natural to prioritize the character who enjoys worldwide popularity. I might have had misgivings if Cloud had never appeared on a Nintendo console in any form, though."
Source: Source Gaminng

Let's get on the meat and potatoes of this, shall we? Games are organized by release date, regardless if the content in reference to said characters were added later as DLC or updates ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

The Tactical Espionage expert sneaked into Nintendo's fighting series and since then Smash has never been the same! Originally asked by Hideo Kojima himself to be part of Melee's roster, ended on the Wii entry and by that point, despite of the heavy association with the PlayStation brand, Snake had a healthy history with Nintendo, including the at the time still recent released remake Twin Snakes! And AFTER his inclusion, he'd pop on more occasions on Nintendo hardware than what Konami was willing to do usually;


Yes, he was in two Scribblenauts games only in Japan; and also had a cameo in a Yu-Gi-Oh! game, which... could be debatable, but since it's also a Konami IP, no need to be shy about it.

What it needs to be said about Mario's long rival from the 90's? Sonic was the perfect candidate for Smash and by many the only guest that the series ever needed! And sure enough.. by the point Sakurai managed to get Sonic in Brawl, SEGA had already flooded Nintendo systems with both new releases and classics with the blue blur; And.. it hasn't slowed down a bit since then... heh..


Worth pointing out the Arcade collaborations with Nintendo's IPs, which isn't an exclusive situation for Sonic, but it counts all the same.

Super Fighting Robot used to be Capcom's face and for a good while, Rock has always guaranteed presence on a Nintendo system, that less informed people would even think he's part of Nintendo's catalog! Heck he was even in Captain N, after all! But soon things would shift when other sub-series would be introduced like Mega Man X and the Classic series wouldn't get as much representation as their younger brothers;


Again, good to say that is about Mega Man as a character and not as the overall series, because sure we weren't in shortage of Mega Man games during the GBA and DS days...

The yellow muncher represents not just the face of Bandai NAMCO, but video games as a whole, surpassing even Mario himself! And the symbolism of his inclusion also has the legacy of NAMCOT becoming the Famicom's first 3rd Party licensee! With a whole game being designed by Miyamoto and constantly appearing in Mario Kart on arcades, Pac was a no brainer!


Yeah there are lot versions of simply the Arcade game ported for consoles and handhelds, but I had to be sure those are different with a significant margin (and they are... trust me..); Also Tengen games were ultimately deemed illegal and demanded to stop being sold, but during its brief period on the market and while Atari had an epic lawsuit with Nintendo, those games were as legit as NAMCOT's own efforts (I recommend the Gaming Historian videos on the matter for more info)

There was a time I run a support thread for Ryu on Smashboards and I had to defend that Street Fighter had legacy with Nintendo... like, WHAT?! of course it does, the SNES version of SFII World Warrior it's the 5th best selling game in the system and the only 3rd Party title! lol ... Oh well, what matters is that Ryu got to yet again CLASH with a NEW AGE OF HEROES and be the ULTIMATE ALL-STAR


This is one of the lists I'm sure will be outdated quickly, much like Sonic's; The Fight is Everything...

The shocking reveal of Cloud Strife is, somewhat, what made people realize that everything was on table for guests! "He didn't appear on a Nintendo system!" they said.. and yes he did! And yes it counts! Cloud's main adventure took a while to pop up on Nintendo's systems (in a cartridge no less!), but he was already showing his spiky hair on spinoffs


A modest timeline compared to his fellow guests, for sure; but still valid! He didn't break any new ground guys, settle it up! Fun Fact: Final Fantasy Explorers had a big segment on the exact same Direct he was revealed for Smash!

Said to be an honorary Nintendo character at this point and the Ballot "winner" for Smash4, the Umbra Witch Bayonetta sure has to be a long history, right?

Well that's not fair, of course, she's still super young in the industry (despite of the canon age..) and we have yet see the franchise take off for real, so here's hoping Bayo 3 is a tremendous success and she starts be added everywhere as the labor of love of Nintendo, SEGA and Platinum! 💋

Castlevania is one of the cases, much like Mega Man, that the bulk of its legacy is heavily associated with Nintendo, and no Symphony of the Night will EVER change that... (ahem..); Hey Simon was ALSO in Captain N, in a way... And so, the natural progression for getting the whole saturday morning crew together is having the vampire hunter in Smash!


And the timeline also doesn't lie,.. doesn't matter if it's Death Note's Simon or beard rebooted LoS Simon, he's always there somewhere seeking for roasted meat on the walls

What about the younger generation of the Belmont lineage? Richter also had a start with a not so acclaimed SNES game, but the wrongs were corrected when Rondo of Blood released internationally on the Wii Virtual Console!

Still not surprising he wasn't as around on Nintendo as Simon, but not completely lacking of appearances either!

As much Ken would like, he's not as predominant in crossover and cameo appearances as Ryu, but still, Street Fighter had its share of entries on Nintendo systems and so Ken has to be there for the ride!


The banana hair martial artist missed on things like TvC and Power Rangers, but I debated if I should had included his Trophy in Smash4.. but ended dropping because that would be the sole exception of including a Smash game in those timelines;

Here's where yet another discussion on the Nintendo apparences got a resurgence; But Joker can steal hearts around more than on PlayStation, and he managed to get a couple of appearances before the grand Smash debut!


As I mentioned earlier, games are organized by their release dates and the Dragalia Lost collaboration happened long after his Smash inclusion; But the Phantasy Star Oline 2 did not! It did got a Dancing in Starlight event where P5 characters would show up on stage to dance and that wasn't restricted for PS4 players!

Also, I should make the observation that currently I have no info if the upcoming Another Eden port on Switch will include the Persona 5 content (which by my research was a permanent inclusion on mobile), but if does.. here it is for future proof!

Man.. let me tell you.. I also tried to go by franchises first when doing these timelines, and Dragon Quest would absolutely demolish any of the other guest in terms of appearances! But this is about the specific Heroes that are playable in Smash, and.. despite the lack of info on many spinoffs out there, I managed to get a comprehensive list of appearences

Note that the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has no platforms announced yet.. (hoping Square doesn't pull the carpet underneath us and announces for mobile only...), but there's lot of different versions of DQIII on Nintendo systems already naturally

The funny thing about Banjo and Kazooie is that at one point they weren't 3rd Party characters and were fully owned by Nintendo themselves, but alas... times have changed and nothing much has changed in the catalog of games of bear and bird;


The NSO inclusion won't change anything here either, since by the guidelines I established, wouldn't be the first time Banjo-Kazooie was playable on Nintendo hardware.. (now if they released the XBLA version would be a different story...)

The different side of the coin happened when South Town wolf showed up; Terry was for many an unexpected inclusion for different reasons of Joker or Cloud, but because many thought he was an obscure choice (lol, as a brazilian I always thought this funny as heck).. but look at this, Terry was slowly crawling to get his deserved place in Smash!


Having a perfect attendance on The King of Fighters games also helps, of course, but you see.. when they had an otome visual novel on the DS, Terry was the perfect choice too

Minecraft is bigger than Steve and Alex, that's no discussion; People call them "Minecraft Steve/Alex" for a reason! But early days of the simulator was interesting with Steve having presence on games like Super Meat Boy as an unlockable character on the PC and Xbox 360.. and that's how he ended in Retro City Rampage on the WiiWare in 2013, before even Minecraft being on Wii U.. that got me good.

Also, many Minecraft spinoffs have a Steve/Alex references here and there, even if they are not the main characters or default skin, but I decided to go just the Minecraft Dungeons skin because they are labeled by name.

With the all the jokes about Sephiroth following Cloud around so he can torment him, you'd expect that timeline to be somewhat similar to the ex-SOLDIER right? But he missed a couple of Kingdom Hearts titles


Fitting that someone as sophisticated as him would only debut in a Theatrhythm game!

No beating around the bush... Kazuya has the least amount of appearances on Nintendo hardware of all the guests; it's pitiful! And Bamco doesn't seem to willingful to bring any old Tekken games to the Switch... they should but, this is not a port beg thread!

Funnily enough, Heihachi have a bigger amount with Tekken Advance, Pac-Man Fever and being on the first Project X Zone game unlike Kazuya! .. I am not saying it should have been Heihachi instead... but it should have been Heihachi instead :p

We conclude with the Destiny Island refugee that let dinner get cold on the table and his mom waiting so he could beat Jafar with a big key! Frankly, despite the tiny timeline you see, Sora's natural fit when comes to Nintendo audiences, since the handheld adventures were always there and therefore big slice of its fandom are Nintendo fans as well! And thanks to Square... efforts, soon we will get the entire KH franchise on Nintendo systems!


and there you have it! the "misgivings" that Sakurai once mentioned were never ever an issue throughout the whole set of guest fighters and that probably will paint the discussion for future Smash games (even if shouldn't be taken that seriously..); -If you want a summarized version in numbers, here it is: LINK

Here's a couple of fun trivias about all of this:

- The Switch is the only place where most of these guest has at least a single appearance (Banjo with or without the NSO re-release whatever floats your boat; and Kazuya is missing altogether);

- In any point of all the Nintendo history, we could play most of the games these characters originally debuted; Lacking just Persona 5 and Tekken 1; LINK

That's it.. hope you enjoyed this rundown of mostly useless information; I don't know how much of this will be outdated soon and how people will use as references for thre future, but it was fun to research and put everything together tho! Forgive me the couple of typos here and there and if do have any questions on the selections, just let me know! 🐾
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This is why I don't like the "like" system for forums. People pop-in, chuckle, hit like and leave instead of engaging in a conversation.

Anyway, great and informative OP, even thought I already know most of this :p
Great work! So interesting to look at and see it all laid out. They really knocked it out of the park with their 3rd Party choices. Every single one is legendary and iconic in their own ways. So mindblowing to see them all together like this, but they all belong. Fascinating to see Terry in third place, he might be the most fun addition in my eyes.
This is why I don't like the "like" system for forums. People pop-in, chuckle, hit like and leave instead of engaging in a conversation.

Anyway, great and informative OP, even thought I already know most of this :p
Hey I didn't run away after posting, just letting the thread breathe a little bit so people can comment on! xP but yeah, I think most of this is common knowledge, still, fun to lay all of it side by side!
The funny thing is, Kazuya is missing from only one Tekken game and it was the series debut on Nintendo consoles:

Yeep! Also this game was incredibly competent and I hope if GBA games ever come to NSO, Bamco remembers this exist and put on the service! (wouldn't change the account for Kazuya tho lol)
I wanna do something else.

Let's see how many of these characters' MAIN series haven't released on Nintendo platforms natively:

Snake: 4, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, MGS5
Sonic: 1, only Sonic 2006
Megaman: None (including X and Zero sub series)
Pac-Man: None (including World sub series)
Ryu & Ken: 1, SF5
Cloud & Sephiroth: 5, FF11, FF13, FF13-2, FF13:LR, FF14
Bayonetta: None
Simon & Richter: 6, SotN, Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness, Harmony of Despair, LoD1, LoD2
Joker: 5, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 (the main Persona series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo)
Banjo: 1, Nuts & Bolts
Hero: None
Steve: None
Kazuya: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 (the main Tekken series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo)
Sora: KH1, KH2, KH3 (the main KH series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo but some consider so called "spinoff" KH games as mainline titles)

I wonder how many of these missing games we'll see on Nintendo natively in the future.
Great job on the thread Cyber! You've been compiling this data for a long time, so it's great to see the fruits of all that effort here.
Wow great work! I love following the individual timelines... never realized Steve made an appearance pre-Minecraft.

Also, FFVII finally coming over to a Nintendo system on a teensy-tiny little cartridge is so funny to me. Life is strange.
Ryu Hayabusa would be the one other third party character I would have liked to have seen in Smash, as an "NES fixture that stuck around" character.
I wanna do something else.

Let's see how many of these characters' MAIN series haven't released on Nintendo platforms natively:

Snake: 4, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, MGS5
Sonic: 1, only Sonic 2006
Megaman: None (including X and Zero sub series)
Pac-Man: None (including World sub series)
Ryu & Ken: 1, SF5
Cloud & Sephiroth: 5, FF11, FF13, FF13-2, FF13:LR, FF14
Bayonetta: None
Simon & Richter: 6, SotN, Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness, Harmony of Despair, LoD1, LoD2
Joker: 5, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 (the main Persona series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo)
Banjo: 1, Nuts & Bolts
Hero: None
Steve: None
Kazuya: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 (the main Tekken series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo)
Sora: KH1, KH2, KH3 (the main KH series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo but some consider so called "spinoff" KH games as mainline titles)

I wonder how many of these missing games we'll see on Nintendo natively in the future.
Cool idea! Though here's couple of additions/corrections...

  • MGS3 is on 3DS;
  • Sonic is not only missing '06, but Sonic 4 Ep II (as well HD versions of Unleashed and Generations, if you want to count);
  • Difficult to say what is 'mainline' for Pac-Man.. Championship Edition 1 is on 3DS through Pac-Man and Galaga Dimensions, but I guess there are a couple of maze games missing like Adventures in Time on PC and 256 (currently it's on everything but on Switch :\ );
  • The entire Fatal Fury franchise is playable on Switch alone! But you're right about KOF missing some entries;
  • And as you said, KH is not avaiable yet, but soon will have the whole franchise on Nintendo hardware;

Great job on the thread Cyber! You've been compiling this data for a long time, so it's great to see the fruits of all that effort here.
Thank you, Mondo! 💘 It was a pleasure to make our minds occupied during Smash speculation :p

Wow great work! I love following the individual timelines... never realized Steve made an appearance pre-Minecraft.

Also, FFVII finally coming over to a Nintendo system on a teensy-tiny little cartridge is so funny to me. Life is strange.
  • And as you said, KH is not avaiable yet, but soon will have the whole franchise on Nintendo hardware;
I didn't count cloud games as they're basically PC games and will disappear once the service ends. But I still believe there's chance for more native mainline KH games in the future.

You are right about MGS3, I missed it. For Pac-man, since it does not have any numbered releases I counted only Pac-man and Ms Pac-man. There are several arcade games that haven't made any console appearance at all.

Terry's MAIN series would be Fatal Fury.
Yeah, but KoF isn't a spinoff. It's more like a continuation of Fatal Fury series now.
Eh, not really. They don't play the same at all, and the canon is totally different.

KoF is basically SNK Smash Bros. before Smash was a thing.
Let's just say Fatal Fury is once Terry's main series and now it's KoF. Fatal Fury is a dead series but Terry Bogard is very much alive today.

Little update, everyone! @WolffTen31 over on Twitter brought to my attention something.. I missed Snake's and Simon's skateboarding antics in 2002's Evolution Skateboarding on the GameCube!

This game initially appeared on my research but I stumbled on claims saying them were PS2 exclusive characters, but that's not the case! - Simon will went by the alias Vampire Hunter, btw!

Both lists were properly updated on the OP as well the numbered chart!
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Wasn't Ken's first Nintendo appearance in Street Fighter 2010?

Also, I believe Sonic Advance released the same day as Adventure 2 Battle.
Ton of fun, thx :)

And I agree ... Heihachi got robbed

Aside, IMO the main character/company that is conspicuously missing from Smash remains Ryu Hayabusa as the Tecmo-Koei rep.

Like, im really surprised they got nobody in
Damn, major props for putting this together. Super informative and interesting.

And Joker's first appearance on a Nintendo console was Phantasy Star Online 2? ...Huh. You learn something new every day. I was thinking to myself no way that's right and that it had to be Persona Q2 on 3DS, but after looking it up, I totally forgot how weirdly late that game came around.
This is a great post. Surprised to see joker was on switch prior to scramblers (and smash)
Glad everyone is enjoying this little project! Again, I expect this to get quickly outdated, especially with Sonic that doesn't seem to slow down on releases (I did it again.. sorry..); But if I have the time, I'll probably be returning to this thread and keep mostly up to date! 🐾

Ton of fun, thx :)

And I agree ... Heihachi got robbed

Aside, IMO the main character/company that is conspicuously missing from Smash remains Ryu Hayabusa as the Tecmo-Koei rep.

Like, im really surprised they got nobody in

I still want jerk grandpa to join the battle someday!

And on the matter of Tecmo,.. yeah, it's weird, they have a Fatal Frame assist trophy/Spirit (because of the joint ownership with Nintendo) and Hyrule Warriors 2 got a Spirit Event as well, but besides that, none of their original IPs got any representation... despite.. the Ninja Gaiden Trilogy being an easy promotional material :|

Ah, it was changed for the localization. Weird but could still count.
As @evilmonkey said, not the same character! But it's amusing to think Ken would star his own NES action game before showing up in the usual role :p

FF7 through 10 being on a Nintendo system and this still not being is nucking futs
Watch we get a Grimoire of Souls port before any form of Symphony of the Night 💦
Sora: KH1, KH2, KH3 (the main KH series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo but some consider so called "spinoff" KH games as mainline titles)

This doesn't work because all Kingdom Hearts games are part of the main series as stated multiple times by Nomura himself. It's not a fanbase thing.

For example, BBS has been called KH0 by him hence why the Secret Episode in BBSFM is considered to be 0.1 and Fragmentary Passage is 0.2 (Yes I know. It's a lot easier on your brain if you never question the way Nomura does things).

The prologue world in KH3 is considered by the game to be "KH2.9" so trust me when I say this nonsense is all canon if you have never played this series before lol
This doesn't work because all Kingdom Hearts games are part of the main series as stated multiple times by Nomura himself. It's not a fanbase thing.

For example, BBS has been called KH0 by him hence why the Secret Episode in BBSFM is considered to be 0.1 and Fragmentary Passage is 0.2 (Yes I know. It's a lot easier on your brain if you never question the way Nomura does things).
Yeah, this is a very complicated matter as some of the Metal Gear Solid and Megaman games are too canon and part of the whole story. I just counted the official numbered games. Otherwise Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker is supposed to be MGS4.5, just like how BBS is KH0.
Here I thought I've made a complete job...

But fear not, fellow vampire hunters, I just updated Simon's timeline once more with an additional 1992 Famicom game: Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2: Tenka no Zaihō! A Goemon RPG spinoff where Simon becomes a member of your party!


but also, I need some opinions on this matter... the Konami Wai Wai World games on Famicom as well!


They're Konami crossovers and.. in a way, Simon does appear in those games! But it's said to be some kind of non-canon descendent (Simon Belmont III); It's not just a different artstyle, but a different character altogether

In Wai Wai World 2, the main playable character have the ability to transform in the Konami heroes you'd recruit, that does fit the stipulation I mentioned on the OP, but even still, it's supposed to be Simon the Third; --So should I include on the timeline or is just much of a deviation? 💦
Little bump to talk about some updates (if it gets inconvenient at some point, I'll gladly just update it quietly, just let me know!)

-- Brawlhalla gets a Street Fighter update and, surprise, surprise, Ryu is there! (added retroactively on Brawlhalla's original release date on Switch)

-- And of course, Pac-Man Museum + is releasing early next year! Got that placeholder box art template, hoping that we'll get a physical release, but no official confirmation from Bamco right now!

On Simon's Konami Wai Wai World situation, I'll let the post above be an observation, but I decided they're not exactly fitting on the criteria. Hope the thread continues to be useful in the future! 🐺 🐾
Some new updates for 2022!

Sonic's new game finally have a name, so I've updated that on his list


Got the Switch version of QuickSpot to Pac-Man's list (I somehow missed it had released in April 2021 in Japan!)


The Cloud versions of all the Kingdom Hearts games were dated for February, so Cloud, Sephiroth and Sora lists were all updated!


And finally, Mega Man, Ryu, Ken and Terry got a new game on their list as well: SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash!
This was a fun read, thanks! I probably should have because I know his history with nintendo generally speaking, but I wasn't ready for the number of pac-man games on nintendo consoles.
I personally wouldn’t count KH Cloud releases as actual versions running on a Nintendo consoles.

As far as I’m concerned, KH1 2 and 3 are still absent from Nintendo platforms.
This was a fun read, thanks! I probably should have because I know his history with nintendo generally speaking, but I wasn't ready for the number of pac-man games on nintendo consoles.
Awesome work with those timelines!
Thank you! I'm trying my best to keep up to date! I didn't exactly expect to have so many new releases featuring those characters so soon.. but again, if it becomes inconvenient for mods all the thread bumping, I'll start updating it quietly 💦

I personally wouldn’t count KH Cloud releases as actual versions running on a Nintendo consoles.

As far as I’m concerned, KH1 2 and 3 are still absent from Nintendo platforms.
Eeh, as much I also don't like cloud games on Switch, it's part of the release lineup and both Nintendo and Square give them all the fanfare of a native port.. I can't simply ignore for this particular accounting.
Here comes a new challenger! Update time!

Well, didn't expect to be changing this again so soon.. but here we are! Ryu and Ken just got a new game on their timelines, with Capcom Fighting Collection that fit our previously described criteria, but also contains games that weren't avaiable on Nintendo systems (Hyper SFII and Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix)

And Cloud also got a surprisingly update, as he is DLC for Chocobo GP! Though I shouldn't be too shocked, since he was in the original Chocobo Racing on PS1,

--- but here's some things I'll not be adding;

Obviously, Pac-Man's constant presence at Klonoa's hat doesn't count as a physical appearance; but hey, let Klonoa have the spotlight for himself once, huh? It's fine!

Also, recently we got a Street Fighter V collab on Minecraft, but those are >just< simple skins, and unlike Sonic's or Pac-Man's, doesn't come with special abilities or contextualize them as the characters. So sorry, blocky Ryu!
I wanna do something else.

Let's see how many of these characters' MAIN series haven't released on Nintendo platforms natively:

Snake: 4, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, MGS5
Sonic: 1, only Sonic 2006
Megaman: None (including X and Zero sub series)
Pac-Man: None (including World sub series)
Ryu & Ken: 1, SF5
Cloud & Sephiroth: 5, FF11, FF13, FF13-2, FF13:LR, FF14
Bayonetta: None
Simon & Richter: 6, SotN, Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness, Harmony of Despair, LoD1, LoD2
Joker: 5, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 (the main Persona series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo)
Banjo: 1, Nuts & Bolts
Hero: None
Steve: None
Kazuya: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 (the main Tekken series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo)
Sora: KH1, KH2, KH3 (the main KH series have yet to make a debut on Nintendo but some consider so called "spinoff" KH games as mainline titles)

I wonder how many of these missing games we'll see on Nintendo natively in the future.
This list makes me think of how quickly I would purchase the MGS Collection on Switch.

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