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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Xbox shitting themselves again? Loser Phil ruined tons of families and is now gonna whine like a baby when Nintendo starts marketing the console before he gets to drop his. I hope everyone boos him through all of SGF
It wasn't really positioned as a leak and she wouldn't elaborate it. But it also shouldn't be surprising a well-connected journalist from a major website has heard stuff, even if they're not willing to go into specifics. It was on NVC back in January so I can't remember the exact details, but I think it was essentially similar to what Brazil is now saying.

There's also some long rumoured things that never materialised on the remaster front, including F ZERO GX, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, whatever Bamco are remastering (Star Fox Assault? Kid Icarus Uprising?), and Metroid Prime 2 and 3. So perhaps she was thinking of that list of stuff, who knows.

I watched a friend stream Star Fox Assault the other day. I knew the game had mixed reviews but it looks so fun, and my friend enjoyed it a lot too. I wouldn't mind playing it if it came to Switch.
I am calling it now, Metroid Prime 4 will be shown in the June Direct.
There's also some long rumoured things that never materialised on the remaster front, including F ZERO GX, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, whatever Bamco are remastering (Star Fox Assault? Kid Icarus Uprising?), and Metroid Prime 2 and 3. So perhaps she was thinking of that list of stuff, who knows.

For me, the only rumor worth paying attention to is Metroid Prime 2+3 (and Fire Emblem 4).

F-Zero GX.... It doesn't exist. The rumor was about F-Zero 99.

Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.... There is no solid rumor. It's just fans hoping to see them on Switch because they've been ported to Wii U.

For Namco, I don't know. Never heard of it.
Xbox shitting themselves again? Loser Phil ruined tons of families and is now gonna whine like a baby when Nintendo starts marketing the console before he gets to drop his. I hope everyone boos him through all of SGF
Nintendo actually hired 400 people this quarter…
Posting it here in case someone wants to look at my 6AM face, if that's ok with the mods -

If I were to summarize it:

  • Don't be alarmed by that Nintendo tweet's wording - it's still coming out in March 2025
  • Reiterating my early Feb 2024 report that full backcompat is in
  • I'm aware of a couple of multiplatform games that'll be announced for Switch 2 early on in the next semester, which means third-parties are now (or will soon be) allowed to mention the system
  • The June Direct should be the last "main one" focused on Switch 1; more remasters will be announced during the show (and my educated guess is that MP4 is showing up as a late 2024 title as well)
  • Indie World in August
  • I've heard some rumblings of a possible Partner Direct post-August, but not sure on that yet as it's too early
  • Expecting a reveal in a similar schedule to what the OG Switch had

I'm not asking you to tell us -- in fact I'd like to be surprised, so please don't -- but do your sources know what the name of the console is?
My guess is this will be the direct they unleash all the games they've been sitting on, and the rest will be games that probably arent worth waiting for the new system. I think a few could possibly even release after the new system (they wont cut the Switch cold turkey for a while, and anything they release can probably be patched for Switch 2 to get more juicy benefits)

- WindWaker/ TwilightPrincess HD (Rumored they're sitting on it)
- Fire Emblem Genealogy remake (Rumored they're sitting on it)
- F-Zero GX HD (Rumored they're sitting on it)
- Prime 1 & 2 Shadowdrop
- Prime 4
(Releases this Fall. It's far more valuable to give it a holiday season with basically zero competition and the entire Switch install base, than to release it on a system with zero install base where it has to compete with Mario, Mario Kart, Pokemon and lord knows what else. They can always patch it for Switch 2 after the fact, which I also believe will be the case with Pokemon Legends Z)
- Pokemon Colosseum/XD Doublepack (More of a PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE than a prediction, but this year would be the perfect time since there's no mainline game)
- Mario Galaxy 2 (Maybe a new 3D All Stars which packs it together with a 3D Land port, but permanent this time)
- Kid Icarus Uprising HD (Did we ever find out what that Bandai Namco remake job listing was for? I will hold out hope that it's this)

Even with most of that, it would still be a pretty stacked year, and far and away better than any previous console got during it's sunset year, and it be a nice
Was that speculation on her part? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of her leaking/rumouring anything before
I believe she said that on the 1st or 2nd NVC of 2024.
She was so clear about stuff she knows and can’t say a thing that I started speculating she is Pyoro. Go to spotify and hear she say it… “i know things people here have no idea, but I can’t say much more than this..”
woah they announced a Direct for June?

is this the farthest out they've ever announced one? I feel like they never even announced E3 Directs this early even if we did pretty much know they were coming and when
Fingers crossed for Prime 2 remastered, (plus 3 if they have that ready as well), Zero Mission for NSO, and Prime 4 for fall. Year of Metroid, baybey!

(But reigning in expectations, fingers crossed but not going to hold my breath.)

Me all alone, being more happy about a Direct confirmation than the Switch 2 acknowledgement.

Cant wait to see what H2 has to offer.
You're not alone in that ^^
Thinking bout the direct
Probably a couple remakes/ports, but for new stuff:
A new partnered game like marvel ultimate alliance
A new licensed partnered game like cadence of Hyrule(maybe a new rhythm game? With the Taiko team or the theathryhm team)
A new Warriors game( either a new one altogether, like Xenoblade or perhaps Lylat warriors revived, or a crossover Nintendo warriors one that reuses the characters from the last four)
A spinoff of a main franchise(could be anything)
Mario party is about due for a new one
A random experimental revival
Star fox(could fall into a number of the previous ones).
Something completely out of nowhere

Oh and Metroid prime 4 wouldn’t shock me
The Prime 4 cross gen discourse is gonna drive me up the fucking wall, I can already tell.

I’m dreading the pages and pages of thread when the game gets revealed and June and it’s just bitching that they should’ve pushed it back
The Prime 4 cross gen discourse is gonna drive me up the fucking wall, I can already tell.

I’m dreading the pages and pages of thread when the game gets revealed and June and it’s just bitching that they should’ve pushed it back
I bet it's going to look so jaw-droppingly good that people will go "that footage HAS to be running on Switch 2" and they won't believe it's actually on Switch 1 until it releases.
Xbox shitting themselves again? Loser Phil ruined tons of families and is now gonna whine like a baby when Nintendo starts marketing the console before he gets to drop his. I hope everyone boos him through all of SGF
But Phil is our friend! He’s the likable CEO, remember!?

/s in case it wasn’t obvious
I bet it's going to look so jaw-droppingly good that people will go "that footage HAS to be running on Switch 2" and they won't believe it's actually on Switch 1 until it releases.
it'll be just like i've been saying

already fully prepared for people to be blown away by the trailer, say things like "it looks so good, no way this isn't switch 2 footage" and then try to downplay the visuals when it actually ends up being Switch 1-only
Phew. It came down to the wire but since they announced something related to Switch 2 by the financial meeting I don't have to eat my little squirrel hat. That was a close one.
I, a rational Nintendo fan, am expecting every rumored game to be announced at this direct. Even Star Fox Grand Prix. There will be a weekly release until the Switch 2 is launched, and that will have every single first part game that was saved for launch dropped immediately.
I, a rational Nintendo fan, am expecting every rumored game to be announced at this direct. Even Star Fox Grand Prix. There will be a weekly release until the Switch 2 is launched, and that will have every single first part game that was saved for launch dropped immediately.
Star Fox Grand Prix 🤝 Pokemon Stars 🤝 N64 Classic 🤝 Switch Pro
woah they announced a Direct for June?

is this the farthest out they've ever announced one? I feel like they never even announced E3 Directs this early even if we did pretty much know they were coming and when
I'm relatively sure they always announced their E3 Directs (while it still was a thing) about a month in advance
My guess is this will be the direct they unleash all the games they've been sitting on, and the rest will be games that probably arent worth waiting for the new system. I think a few could possibly even release after the new system (they wont cut the Switch cold turkey for a while, and anything they release can probably be patched for Switch 2 to get more juicy benefits)

- WindWaker/ TwilightPrincess HD (Rumored they're sitting on it)
- Fire Emblem Genealogy remake (Rumored they're sitting on it)
- F-Zero GX HD (Rumored they're sitting on it)
- Prime 1 & 2 Shadowdrop
- Prime 4
(Releases this Fall. It's far more valuable to give it a holiday season with basically zero competition and the entire Switch install base, than to release it on a system with zero install base where it has to compete with Mario, Mario Kart, Pokemon and lord knows what else. They can always patch it for Switch 2 after the fact, which I also believe will be the case with Pokemon Legends Z)
- Pokemon Colosseum/XD Doublepack (More of a PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE than a prediction, but this year would be the perfect time since there's no mainline game)
- Mario Galaxy 2 (Maybe a new 3D All Stars which packs it together with a 3D Land port, but permanent this time)
- Kid Icarus Uprising HD (Did we ever find out what that Bandai Namco remake job listing was for? I will hold out hope that it's this)

Even with most of that, it would still be a pretty stacked year, and far and away better than any previous console got during it's sunset year, and it be a nice
Was the F-Zero GX remaster ever a solid rumour? I thought it came from the idea that something F-zero related was coming that wasn't a new game. That ended up being F-Zero 99. I don't recall there being rumours beyond that.

Also, no to the Bandai Namco job listing afaik. Kid Icarus is a possibility, though I'm honestly leaning towards a Star Fox Assault remaster due to the Class 41 trademarks from a while back.
Was the F-Zero GX remaster ever a solid rumour? I thought it came from the idea that something F-zero related was coming that wasn't a new game. That ended up being F-Zero 99. I don't recall there being rumours beyond that.

Also, no to the Bandai Namco job listing afaik. Kid Icarus is a possibility, though I'm honestly leaning towards a Star Fox Assault remaster due to the Class 41 trademarks from a while back.
I believe Nate and Sylux mentioned that they had heard it was GX HD a few times but weren't sure cause they had heard that less. Could be a HAGI port at the very least.
If memory serves, I don't think the name Nintendo Switch leaked before its official announcement in October 2016. Pretty much everything else about it leaked, but the name didn't, which was impressive.
I love having the direct signalled a month out. I hate the endless date speculation. Wish they'd do this all the time.

But anyway... one last Switch direct. I have only two hopes, both should be at least somewhat realistic.

1. The long-awaited Fire Emblem 4 remake (at least I think it's 4). I've never played it, so it would be new to me, which Nintendo remasters almost never are.

2. Metroid Prime 2 and 3 remasters and NO Metroid 4. Firstly, Switch owners (most of whom never had a GC or Wii) need to be able to play the first three before 4 comes out. Secondly, I am absolutely convinced that MP4 needs to be shown for the first time on the Switch 2 to get people properly hyped for it. Metroid Prime is a series that relies on high fidelity visuals to create atmosphere. Even if MP4 spent its entire dev cycle as a Switch-only game, just the pure resolution and framerate boost will be huge. But frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if Retro have been working their visual assets to a higher spec for the past three years in anticipation of a crossgen port - Switch 2 has been in the oven for a long time now.

EDIT: I am not saying cancel the Switch version (though I wouldn't complain if they did). I'm just saying show the Switch 2 crossgen port first.
I'm relatively sure they always announced their E3 Directs (while it still was a thing) about a month in advance
Yeah this is ironically roughly the same timeframe that we would get an E3 Direct announcement in Ye Olden days. Almost feels nostalgic!
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