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News Sony Announces Acquisition of Bungie - $3.6bn - will remain multiplatform

If this wasn't a panic COD gap filler then it makes even less sense to me. Or is Destiny pulling in good numbers? I only hear of it when people were moaning but that was probably years ago now lol.
Honestly if Bungie still had HALO, and the franchise had the smallest posibility to have its games on PS (Because i believe a part of the IP was owned by MS) this could be a megaton even bigger than Activision acquisition.

But Destiny?

I don't think this is true, to be honest.

Halo was already losing more and more of its mindshare before Infinite. Of course, Halo being owned by a console manufacturer means that it was almost always in the news, even when Destiny 2 was lying more dormant, but still it was becoming less and less popular. Meanwhile, Destiny itself was by far the biggest new IP (and honestly, probably the biggest single game release) of the beginning of last gen, it took a long time for anything to come close and even when they did they often still didn't surpass it.

If Halo Infinite wasn't advertised as a "return to form", on Gamepass, free for the multiplayer, and heavily marketed by a console manufacturer, it would stll probably fair better than how Destiny 2 launched, but that's after 343 had more or less been fucking up the franchise for years. Halo as a whole would absolutely be in a state pretty comparable to Destiny pre-Infinite, and that's with the benefit of being a major, influential long-running franchise that changed the gaming landscape.

Destiny is deffo a weaker IP right now, but that has more to do with how they kept not fixing their own mistakes, and less to do with it being inherently unvaluable or unrecoverable.
The only spanner in this - for me - is that Microsoft have the pre-Destiny (if you will) in Halo, the Hero shooter in Overwatch, and the actual Halo Killer that was COD. They can pretty much shrug in this occasion. Same for the wRPG world, they've got so many bases covered. That they can effectively run a little internal ecosystem of the things.

Leveraging IP across teams could be interesting. I was never a fan of how they bought studios and simply dumped them on departing developers (Halo & Gears), but man - if they did something like World Of Minecraft?

Destiny is one of those games that still pulls in massive revenue and has a large player base, though. I think it matters to Microsoft even though they're obviously trying to build their own Destiny with Halo Infinite.

It's one of those IPs that I forget exist, but that has like a whole shitload of people who still play it.

I have no clue how accurate these trackers are, but if they're close then it shows people are still playing this game even in a pretty bad drought with little new content going on. Obviously not worth the price by itself but it shows people will show up and stick around for Bungie products.
Here's the thing that's weird to me,

Allow me to be an armchair analyst for a bit. Buying a studio as big as Bungie makes sense to me. Wanting their developers and IP for their war chest makes sense to me. Even at the inflated price of $3.6B, we're eventually going to get to a point in the platform sphere where the only thing that matters is how many IP a platform holder has on their streaming platform. Games are going to become platform independent, but service dependent.

But on the one hand they accepted a very high, pretty inflated price for Bungie so they could eventually use them for their warchest. On the other, they left them independent for now, despite the fact that doing so doesn't grow their base at all. Destiny is huge, but it isn't Minecraft. I can't imagine the amount of future return they'd get for locking the game on their platform for now is actually smaller than keeping Bungie independent while eventually using them years on. Bringing people into their ecosystem for now, and then locking them to that ecosystem later with streaming services, absolutely seems to make more sense. That way, people will buy Playstation consoles and get more games so Sony can get software fees (where they make most of their money off of hardware sales).

Sony is essentially being too near-sighted and far-sighted at the same time.
Here's the thing that's weird to me,

Allow me to be an armchair analyst for a bit. Buying a studio as big as Bungie makes sense to me. Wanting their developers and IP for their war chest makes sense to me. Even at the inflated price of $3.6B, we're eventually going to get to a point in the platform sphere where the only thing that matters is how many IP a platform holder has on their streaming platform. Games are going to become platform independent, but service dependent.

But on the one hand they accepted a very high, pretty inflated price for Bungie so they could eventually use them for their warchest. On the other, they left them independent for now, despite the fact that doing so doesn't grow their base at all. Destiny is huge, but it isn't Minecraft. I can't imagine the amount of future return they'd get for locking the game on their platform for now is actually smaller than keeping Bungie independent while eventually using them years on. Bringing people into their ecosystem for now, and then locking them to that ecosystem later with streaming services, absolutely seems to make more sense. That way, people will buy Playstation consoles and get more games so Sony can get software fees (where they make most of their money off of hardware sales).

Sony is essentially being too near-sighted and far-sighted at the same time.
I agree. The only reason I can think of is this was a defensive move because they were afraid of losing them. sony is on their heels.
I don't care much for insiders in general, but I especially do not believe or take anything they say all that serious when it comes to large scale acquisitions that involve this much money. It's pure guesswork with a target so huge it's impossible to miss.
No matter how you slice is, this is a gross overpayment for Bungie. In no way shape or form is this a good deal for Sony, Bungie are not even remotely close to being worth $3.6 billion and they are making out like absolute bandits here.

I cannot believe that Sony were happily planning to spend $3.6 billion for Bungie prior to the ABK purchase. There is no way that the decision to buy at this ludicrous premium wasn't influenced by the sudden ABK announcement.
No matter how you slice is, this is a gross overpayment for Bungie. In no way shape or form is this a good deal for Sony, Bungie are not even remotely close to being worth $3.6 billion and they are making out like absolute bandits here.

I cannot believe that Sony were happily planning to spend $3.6 billion for Bungie prior to the ABK purchase. There is no way that the decision to buy at this ludicrous premium wasn't influenced by the sudden ABK announcement.
The Activision announcement definitely bumped up the price.

As long as Bungie is making more money than Sony would have gotten leaving that 3.6 billion in the bank, it's all gravy.
Sony: let’s pay millions upon millions to make FF7 and FF16 exclusive to PS5

Also Sony: Let’s pay 3.6B to buy bungie for no exclusive games.
Bungie's games outside of Destiny 2 won't be on Xbox. "Multiplatform" just means PC + Playstation,
Fine by me either way. I am avoiding the next-gen-publisher-buying-war by finally switching to PC over their consoles. I made a huge mistake buying a PS5 and an XSX instead of anew PC this generation like I wanted to.
Bungie's games outside of Destiny 2 won't be on Xbox. "Multiplatform" just means PC + Playstation,
the post from bungie is pretty clear, they intend to remain on all platforms that they currently are. these days one console+pc is not really considered multiplatform when it's the norm for most first party/exclusive games from sony and ms.
of course things can change in the future but for now the messaging from sony and bungie says the next bungie release will also be on xbox.
the post from bungie is pretty clear, they intend to remain on all platforms that they currently are. these days one console+pc is not really considered multiplatform when it's the norm for most first party/exclusive games from sony and ms.
of course things can change in the future but for now the messaging from sony and bungie says the next bungie release will also be on xbox.
The post from Bungie is very clear that Destiny will remain on Xbox and doesn't commit to anything outside of that.
The post from Bungie is very clear that Destiny will remain on Xbox and doesn't commit to anything outside of that.
Q. Bungie has future games in development, will they now become PlayStation exclusives?

No. We want the worlds we are creating to extend to anywhere people play games. We will continue to be self-published, creatively independent, and we will continue to drive one, unified Bungie community.

The first thing to say unequivocally is that Bungie will stay an independent, multiplatform studio and publisher.

seems pretty clear to me.
Bungie doesn't own Halo, though, does it? The IP is solidly owned by MS now?

One of the advantages that Sony has over MS and Nintendo is their ability to turn IPs into movies/television shows without having to partner with anyone, but have had trouble getting a decent IP that doesn't have a Spider-Man in it. Bungie/MS tried to get a proper Halo movie going for years - if Halo came over, I would expect a movie and 8 streaming shows in no time.
Bungie doesn't own Halo, though, does it? The IP is solidly owned by MS now?

One of the advantages that Sony has over MS and Nintendo is their ability to turn IPs into movies/television shows without having to partner with anyone, but have had trouble getting a decent IP that doesn't have a Spider-Man in it. Bungie/MS tried to get a proper Halo movie going for years - if Halo came over, I would expect a movie and 8 streaming shows in no time.
MS fully owns Halo, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sony did a Destiny show. Even something animated like Arcane etc.
MS move was crap and so is this imo.

I also think people calling Sony buying a company that plugs several holes for them (GaaS, and multiplayer FPS) aren’t thinking of the whole picture.
I mean every time we see some looter shorter announced we hear how it is the “destiny killer”.
Destiny is still huge and in banking that their next game will be huge too.

I also like that they are letting Bungie use what platforms it wants to.
That move really make them look better the MS in relation to being consumer friendly.
I'm laughing hard at the idea that this is somehow a reaction to the Activsion Blizzard buy. What are people thinking? You don't make these acquisitions on the fly. This is serious money and these are serious deals with talks that probably goes back months before a deal is reached.
Which is why it was likely a reaction to the Zenimax purchase. The Activision purchase may have expedited the process.
I'm laughing hard at the idea that this is somehow a reaction to the Activsion Blizzard buy. What are people thinking? You don't make these acquisitions on the fly. This is serious money and these are serious deals with talks that probably goes back months before a deal is reached.
They've definitley been working on it for months, but it was probably a lot easier for Bungie to convince Sony to close at 3.6 billion this week than it would have been a few weeks ago.
I think it’s foolish to believe that Nintendo will not consider acquiring (or merging with, or buying a controlling stake in) a major Japanese publisher just because of how they’ve done things in the past. Yes, they bowed out of the technological arms race and were slow to invest in online, but neither of those things had to do with Nintendo’s bread and butter - IP.

The logical conclusion of this trend is most major third party IP becoming the property of various platform holders. Given this scenario, if there’s an opportunity for Nintendo to significantly expand and future-proof their stable of blockbuster IP, then it’s definitely something worth serious consideration.
I think it’s foolish to believe that Nintendo will not consider acquiring (or merging with, or buying a controlling stake in) a major Japanese publisher just because of how they’ve done things in the past. Yes, they bowed out of the technological arms race and were slow to invest in online, but neither of those things had to do with Nintendo’s bread and butter - IP.

The logical conclusion of this trend is most major third party IP becoming the property of various platform holders. Given this scenario, if there’s an opportunity for Nintendo to significantly expand and future-proof their stable of blockbuster IP, then it’s definitely something worth serious consideration.
If Nintendo enters the acquisition arms race their goal would be not acquiring ips but man powers to put out more games using their currently owned ips
If you're only considering the main headlines from this deal, that 3.6 Bn figure does seem overpriced (and no doubt Microsoft sniffing about will have inflated the price), but long term it's still a good investment for Sony. For one thing Destiny and all future Bungie IPs will be marketed by Sony. They'll appear in State of Plays, video ads will have the PlayStation logo appear at the end' so while they're still available on other consoles it's not like they'll be actively marketed on them, meaning the lions share of the prospective audience will play them on Playstation anyway. Meanwhile, Sony gets to plug a notable gap in their library by having a dedicated 'Game as a Service' multiplayer title front and centre as part of their lineup. What's more, they get consistent dedicated revenue from it.

I think moves like this make sense for Sony as opposed to just up and buying publishers like we've seen with Microsoft. They already have a decent catalogue of exclusives on their books, it's just about filling in the gaps and safeguarding it from 'interlopers,' as it were.

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