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News Sonic X Shadow Generations announced for PC and consoles (UPDATE: coming October 25th)


thinkin bt pkmn 4
he/him 🏳️‍🌈
It's real!

Sonic Generations Remaster + New Shadow Levels + Content.

Shadow the Hedgehog is back with Classic and Modern Sonic in SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS, an all-new collection featuring two unique experiences! Play as Shadow the Hedgehog in a brand-new story campaign featuring never-before-seen powers and abilities that prove why he’s known as the Ultimate Life Form! SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS also includes a complete remaster of the classic hit SONIC GENERATIONS, featuring newly remastered versions of iconic 2D and 3D stages with upgraded visuals and new bonus content. SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS is coming to PlayStation®5 and PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, STEAM, and Epic in Autumn 2024!

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The Generations half looks about the same as I've been experiencing on PC for 10 years now lol, but I guess this is best case scenario to have new content after waiting so long for this! Curious to hear about the new content in that half.

The Shadow half looks very frontiers cyberspace coded.
Best case scenario would be if Shadow's potion of the game is just as substantial as Sonic's. Sort of like a modern S3&K.
Saw someone on twitter point out that Shadow the Hedgehog (the character) is older now than Classic Sonic was when Generations first came out, and now my back hurts

Anyway, as is the norm for Sonic games these days, my gut response is "this looks neat, sure hope they don't screw it up"
Generations was a fun ride (apart from the true final boss, urgh), so even if the Shadow campaign isn't all that, I'd still be willing to pick it up.

Not only do I FINALLY get to play the HD version of Sonic Generations after all these years, but WE’RE GETTING A NEW SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG STORY ALONG WITH IT!!!! And Black Doom is back, too?!?! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Press release:

Shadow the Hedgehog is back with Classic and Modern Sonic in SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS, an all-new collection featuring two unique experiences!
Play as Shadow the Hedgehog in a brand-new story campaign featuring never-before-seen powers and abilities that prove why he’s known as the Ultimate Life Form!

SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS also includes a complete remaster of the classic hit SONIC GENERATIONS, featuring newly remastered versions of iconic 2D and 3D stages with upgraded visuals and new bonus content.

The way they describe the new content makes it sound similar to Bowser's Fury; there, it was a separate experience from Super Mario 3D World but utilising the same core gameplay (with some major tweaks, of course). This sounds like the same situation.
Even if this hits 60fps on Switch, I really hope this gets Switch 2 enhancements because I'm sure it'll look great at a high resolution and high framerate.
It’s so funny to me that a game created for the 20th celebration of Sonic now gets a Shadow campaign added for no other reason than cross-promotion with the third movie. It ignores the original reverential tone in lieu of a quick cash-in.

Generations is a great game, albeit short, so it’s not like it’s unwelcome, but still.
I still don’t understand why they decided to add Shadow onto Generations when they could have just remastered the Sonic Adventure games instead, but whatever. It looks fine. I think the name/logo is pretty tacky, especially compared to how clean the original was (“Sonic Generations”).
Don't let Sega get away with taking away his guns! Never forget!

I wonder what will happen with the PC version, just DLC? or actual new game
Dang, they really named it that, huh…

It reads like one of those jokes… like “Oh hey, did you hear? They announced a new Sonic Generations game! Google SonicXShadow to learn more!”
‪The original game had 9 Modern stages and 9 Classic stages, so what is Sega planning to do? Adventure 2/Heroes/Shadow/06 and Forces? They are gonna have to expand into the spin-off stuff if they plan to make it as meaty as those, but I can also see them phoning it in.‬
I'm not a Sonic fan but I actually enjoyed Sonic Generations apart from all the dumb shit it had (cutscenes, boss fights) so a remaster is cool but also kinda sad that they decided to add more dumb shit to it.
I haven’t played that many Sonic games, but Generations has always been a game I’ve been interested in trying out! Idk, something about the aesthetic and the “greatest hits” vibe has always made me curious.

If this version plays competently on Switch I’ll probably go for it!
Shadow generations better have a Sonic ‘06 level and a Mephiles boss fight

Heroes level would be great too
And there it is!

It's nice to see Sonic Generations get brought to modern platforms. While the PC version will still remain the top (though given Sega's track record I could see them delisting the original version after the remaster is released - hope that doesn't negatively affect the modding scene), it'll be nice to have native console versions on the major platforms as well as a non-PC handheld portable release of the HD version. They could leave this one mostly untouched and that would be great, but I could see them trying to shoehorn in the Drop Dash for Classic Sonic. While the classic stages could use some improved controls, I won't get my hopes up. Still, Generations on its own is a pretty good time.

The addition of a Shadow campaign ticks off multiple boxes - get a fan favorite game ported to new hardware, have new content to get folks to double dip and to make the release grander, and have a tie in to the third movie with a nostalgic throwback (which I suppose is at least a little thematically relevant to Generations as well). I don't think Yet Another Sonic Nostalgic Throwback hits as hard as Generations did in 2011, but small scale project, no big deal. This is gonna sound kinda silly, but seeing a camera motion during some of the Shadow gameplay was one of the more exciting aspects mechanically - could we be getting a freer camera in boost style levels and not just in open areas? Maybe this is a bit more of a throwback to the Adventure era?

There's a part of me that finds the return of Black Doom and iconography from the Shadow game to be...kinda funny? Like, we're absolutely at the point for people to develop nostalgia for it, but Shadow's game was pretty rough, from the mission structure to the controls to the story, and the Black Arms are definitely a part of that. But we got the logo on this game and the logo on LEGO Shadow's motorcycle, so clearly Sega has an interest in going in this direction. Sure, I guess? I mean, if they can sell plushes of the Sonic 06 villain, then why not, bring back Shadow's alien blood doner.

Given how most recent Sonic projects have turned out (and how quickly they drop in price), I'm gonna wait and see here.
Hopefully this run great on the Switch because I really don't need more poorly optimized 360/PS3 ports. Should have gone all in with the Sonic Adventure 2 reference since Shadow the Hedgehog isn't a well remembered game.

It’s so funny to me that a game created for the 20th celebration of Sonic now gets a Shadow campaign added for no other reason than cross-promotion with the third movie. It ignores the original reverential tone in lieu of a quick cash-in.

Generations is a great game, albeit short, so it’s not like it’s unwelcome, but still.

Sonic Adventure 2 is a 2001 game so it's honestly disrespectful that Shadow got a expansion pack 3 years late to his 20th celebration.
Am I really going to have more Sonic games on my Switch than Mario? Mario = 7 (Odyssey, 3D All Stars, Wonder, Party Superstars, Strikers BL, 3D World+BF, Mario RPG) vs Sonic = 8 (Forces, Mania, Team Racing, Origins, Colors, Frontiers, Superstars and now Shadow Generations). I might get Rabbids 2 sometime to rebalance it but... I can't stand Rabbids...

Luigi still beats Tails 1 to 0 lol
Very excited for this. Though I kind of hoped they would add the main Sonic Unleashed day stages and bosses to the Sonic Generations portion of it. I am getting it day 1 on Switch and later on PC.
Shadow the Hedgehog was hot trash but it was hilarious, I'd call it the Riverdale of Sonic games but 06 exists.
For real though can't wait to fight The Biolizard and not have a bad time (probably).
I won't lie, seeing the Shadow half of the trailer has got me in the feels more than I thought. Maybe it's because I'm a little under the weather and had a bit of bad time of it recently, but still.

Shadow the Hedgehog, the character, genuinely means a lot to me. My first game was Sonic Heroes, and my young and confused brain gravitated towards him much more than it did with Sonic. Playing SA2 after solidified my love, for obvious reasons.

The guy was  cool y'know? But also sympathetic - there were elements of his story which my young teen self could relate to. That sense of not really knowing yourself and being plagued with doubt as your place in the world. Shadow isn't close to the best fictional example of this, but he's one I gravitated to.

And while I do have a sense of fond nostalgia for Shadow's game, it's the same sort of nostalgia that I have for the Star Wars prequels. Ultimately the game screwed the pooch royally, which has led to Shadow being something of a joke ever since - look at the first response to this thread! 😅

Sonic 2006 actually provided a really nice denouement to his arc, and is to this day my preferred portrayal of the character: he's ultimately a hero who prefers to do things his way, but won't hesitate to work together with others to do the right thing. Hell, he even has friends!

That the 2010s seemed intent on casting him as some sort of Vegeta expy was always something that disappointed me, but they seem to be correcting course on that front. He's great from what I've seen in Sonic Prime, and I have faith the movie will do right by him.

So yeah, this trailer does a lot for me. Seeing Shadow pursue Black Fucking Doom and fighting Biolizard tickles my nostalgia buttons in the best possible way. They even used the edgy 'O' in his logo! Ian Flynn seems to be involved as well!

Honestly, I just hope the Shadow content holds up. Generations is a solid experience so we at least know that part of the game will be fine, technical catastrophes notwithstanding. My edgy boy needs his due, and hopefully this will be finally be the year he gets it.

TL;DR: A man in his thirties is probably way too attached to a fictional hedgehog and is very excited to see this.
I've wanted Generations on Switch for many years, so the fact that that's happening alongside new Shadow content is great. I would have been more excited if it wasn't for Colors Ultimate though. Won't ever again underestimate Sega's ability to screw up easy wins.
generations is older than SA2 was when generations came out


The saddest part is that Generations was never topped, even over a decade later. Back when I played Generations and Unleashed I was so excited for the future of 3D Sonic.
This looks fun, will definitely depend on the pricetag for me if I get it at launch though. I've already bought Generations twice.

Hope the levels are better than the speed stages in Frontiers.
hell yeah, remaking some more stages so that their assets can be reused in spinoffs and mainline games over and over just like sky sanctuary and chemical plant

make sonic and sega all stars racing 3, cowards
Since they're actually pulling from Shadow's game I hope they pick one of the more interesting stage themes instead of just doing Westopolis. There's already enough city stages in Generations.
I want them to completely redo the final boss. Easily the worst part of the game
It was so forgettable it took a good while for the memories of mediocrity to come back after it was brought up earlier
I wonder what will happen with the PC version, just DLC? or actual new game
Seems to be a seperate Steam store page and has support for more languages including a JP logo, which Sonic Generations doesn't have on Steam cause it didn't release there. Seems to be a redo of the Steam port, for better (the Steam port is OLD and could really use a refresh for modern hardware to not rely on fan patches so much) or worse (will most likely break mods and also have Denuvo which won't really affect modding but will affect performance)

Just have to wait like a week to see if Sega announces the 2011 PC version of Gens will be delisted or not, like what happened with Origins.
Sonic Generations + Shadow's Fury


Speaking of Shadow the Hedgehog (the game), was not expecting that horrendous logo to return, nor seeing Black Doom

This looks amazing, I’m so excited
Same here! Makes me hype.


Also, am I the only one that thinks that these assets could be used for a hypothetical Adventure 2 HD Remaster?

when they could have just remastered the Sonic Adventure games instead,
Why not both? :p Sonic Adventure 2 HD Remaster is a matter of when, I believe

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