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News Sonic Frontiers Announce Trailer (Xbox/Playstation/PC/Switch) Holiday 2022

This looks like something designed around making Sonic fit in some market trends and fan dreams, rather than building a game on some solid mechanics and gameplay foundations. I don't see them pulling something good from this.
Iffy on this. The scope could be interesting but I have no trust left in Sonic Team for polishing up mechanics and design to where they need be. Visually too I'm nervous, the framerate chugged in those cinematic pans and I feel like stylistically the environments and Sonic characters/objects will kinda clash (very much 06 vibes here). I really wish they'd gone for a more consistent style and visual identity, like cellshade it all to look like the Sonic CD intro or something.

I think me biggest dissapointment though was nothing on Origins. 😞
If this game makes some mistakes, this is the kind of game you make mistakes with. It is very ambitious and finally back to pushing Sonic towards the AAA game audience again. I just hope they stick with the foundation and not do a 180 on their efforts like they have in the past.
There's not really much more that can be gleaned from the trailer other than the overall art style i guess.

I want it to be try-hard serious in storytelling. I get so much more entertainment out of try-hard Sonic than i do from lame jokey Sonic. I think Ian Flynn can write a good balance between the two honestly.
I'm finding the "they put Sonic in a UE5 demo" comments really lazy tbh.

There's definitely a clash, so I get it. But I don't think it's that incongruous.
The environment is just stylized enough to avoid that clash imo
the trailer gave me vibes of the Forces reveal trailer tbh, wonder if the monster at the end will just be a background element that you get to interact with only in a 2 second QTE segment in one part of the game.
I'm skeptical, but I'll be keeping me eye on this one. This is definitely a game I'd avoid on Switch, though.
'So where are the games that Breath of the Wild influenced? I don't see any evidence of its influence.'

Remember this?

Pepperidge Farm remembers
They moved on to something else. They are too busy saying Sony is the first to do haptic feedback.
I don't know why, but if it wasn't a Sonic-game I would be way more interested than now, since I do love the world, but can't see it working in a Sonic-kind-of-way if that makes sense. Still, I love the risks they are taking with this. They are definitely trying something new and I applaud that.
I simply can't find energy to invest confidence on this; They hardly pull out a decent level obstacle course game, can't see them nailing an Open World game;

and besides, the visuals of the landscape are an immense turn-off to me.
Dissapointing tbh. Modern sonic has aged really badly. He just looks so dumb and stupid. So unapealing.
I remember some leak about focus groups or someone getting to play this and that it was bad.

But I’m like. It’s probably an early version that’s nowhere near finish so here’s hoping it good for Sonic fans. They’re a passionate group. I think this could turn out fine, seems to have been taken more time then usual. And I actually think it’s getting delayed. Something tells me that with just a Holiday 2022 date.
I remember some leak about focus groups or someone getting to play this and that it was bad.

But I’m like. It’s probably an early version that’s nowhere near finish so here’s hoping it good for Sonic fans. They’re a passionate group. I think this could turn out fine, seems to have been taken more time then usual. And I actually think it’s getting delayed. Something tells me that with just a Holiday 2022 date.
Yeah that leak was about a year ago and we still have another year to release. Plenty of time to tweak and polish. And IIRC they didn't say "bad," they said "boring." That might just mean a lot of features and level design stuff wasn't fully baked yet, as opposed to it being a bad concept/excecution.
The environments, the centerpiece of this trailer, do appear to have some amount of stylization, though what's been shown of them doesn't scream out that they're designed particularly for Sonic. The giant Mechon robot creature could hint, at least, toward some interesting encounters, but, again, there really wasn't enough shown to judge that.
A giant sandbox sort of world could theoretically work for Sonic, but, also again, what was shown doesn't really indicate it's designed in a way one might expect; it doesn't depict what makes this world design and Sonic go together.

On that note, a key moment of the trailer will certainly look familiar to many here:

That's right, everyone, it's Caspar David Friedrich's iconic Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer:

But, really, even as iconic as Friedrich's painting is, the idea that this moment in the trailer is meant to evoke that specifically seems dubious to me (I've seen a juxtaposition of the images, which I think was earnestly meant to indicate this is the inspiration, but the source now eludes me). The two pieces, though similar in composition, are disparate in mood and tone. On its own, and especially given the rest of the trailer, this key moment seems specifically reminiscent of another key image from elsewhere:

And it makes sense, as it seems to be trying to convey, broadly, the same sort of idea, that of a wide open world to explore. It could be happenstance that they landed on such a similar image -- it's not as if the sort of framing is entirely unheard of! -- but one can expect this was in the back of their minds, given how major it is in the video game world these days.

I will say, Breath of the Wild's art more strongly evokes, I find, the same sort of mood found in Friedrich's piece. While I would like to assume this scene is specifically patterned after Nebelmeer, it seems more likely an homage to this art from the original Legend of Zelda:

Even this isn't to say there can't be direct Friedrich influence. But already I digress.

The interesting part of this scenario is that, despite what appears to be a callback to Breath of the Wild, Frontiers has been described as "Open-Zone," which mean's it's not a Breath of the Hedgehog after all; it's something more akin to Xenoblade: that's right, what we have here is Xenohog Chronicles.

I feel uninformed. What's with all this "hire this man" jokes?
There are a plethora of people making Sonic fangames in an open-world style, and the joke comes from how often people comment on those fangame videos suggesting Sega should hire them and incorporate their ideas.

And not just Sonic, either. The phenomenon is prominent as well with fanmade Nintendo Unreal Engine tech demos, such as you might find on something like this or this, referenced, even, in the very first reply to this thread:

"[Company], hire this man!" gets thrown around as a joke regarding these efforts, often with no cohesive aesthetic style save for "stock asset," but sometimes it can be difficult to tell who's playing and who's being sincere. This is the curse of the internet.
The interesting part of this scenario is that, despite what appears to be a callback to Breath of the Wild, Frontiers has been described as "Open-Zone," which mean's it's not a Breath of the Hedgehog after all; it's something more akin to Xenoblade: that's right, what we have here is Xenohog Chronicles.
There's another game this feels like a callback to, at least to me: Sonic Adventure. That game had relatively open (for the time and tech) areas for you to explore and speed around in, find items/powerups, and solve puzzles that opened up doors to the more linear action stages. That's basically what the Rangers/Frontiers leak described, so it sounds like this game will be like Adventure except with the "open areas to explore" part brought out of the Dreamcast era and up to modern standards.

So yeah, a lot of people are saying it's Breath of the Hedgehog, but this honestly feels more to me like Sega is finally responding to years of fans saying we want a Sonic Adventure 3 (yes I said "we").

Also I'm so glad Sega is using the word "zone" again, it's been a long time coming.
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There's another game this feels like a callback to, at least to me: Sonic Adventure. That game had relatively open (for the time and tech) areas for you to explore and speed around in, find items/powerups, and solve puzzles that opened up doors to the more linear action stages.
I almost got Sonic Adventure once but never actually followed through on that. I did, however, have a roommate who was fairly Sonic-obsessed, and thus saw some of the game and can kind of see how this might be an extrapolation of that concept. In such a case, one might expect further playable characters -- and I hope those would play well, with the world built specifically to reward all movesets --, and to extrapolate Tails into this would certainly garner some choice reactions.

I will say, Breath of the Wild's art more strongly evokes, I find, the same sort of mood found in Friedrich's piece. While I would like to assume this scene is specifically patterned after Nebelmeer, it seems more likely an homage to this art from the original Legend of Zelda:
I'm just going to add here that I would like to see this motif carried forward to the upcoming Zelda title.

Rather than a lone figure gazing unto the horizon over a land filled with mist, all moody and contemplative, connected in a refreshing way to nature, this new cover could have both Link and Zelda holding torches against the darkness as they peer into a crevasse, green-blue wisps swirling below, moody and tense, with a sense of foreboding.
Granted, that might not fit well with the apparent focus on the sky, present in the more recent trailer. We might have to consider replacing the sea of fog with a sea of clouds.

Regardless, it could be made to work.
There's another game this feels like a callback to, at least to me: Sonic Adventure. That game had relatively open (for the time and tech) areas for you to explore and speed around in, find items/powerups, and solve puzzles that opened up doors to the more linear action stages. That's basically what the Rangers/Frontiers leak described, so it sounds like this game will be like Adventure except with the "open areas to explore" part brought out of the Dreamcast era and up to modern standards.

So yeah, a lot of people are saying it's Breath of the Hedgehog, but this honestly feels more to me like Sega is finally responding to years of fans saying we want a Sonic Adventure 3 (yes I said "we").

Also I'm so glad Sega is using the word "zone" again, it's been a long time coming.

I can see what you are saying, but it would only feel like Sonic Adventure 3 if Tails and Knuckles were playable and had their own little subplots mixed in. Like Tails goes on his own adventure looking for Sonic and the Starfall Islands are somehow connected to the Master Emerald/Angel Island for a Knuckles side-plot.

That would make it a SA3 easily

Sega hires who Nintendon't

I can see what you are saying, but it would only feel like Sonic Adventure 3 if Tails and Knuckles were playable and had their own little subplots mixed in. Like Tails goes on his own adventure looking for Sonic and the Starfall Islands are somehow connected to the Master Emerald/Angel Island for a Knuckles side-plot.

That would make it a SA3 easily
Shadow would be essential as well, as the most popular character in the series after Sonic himself.
Shadow would be essential as well, as the most popular character in the series after Sonic himself.

Shadow has always been one of my favorite characters, but I would be fine with him sitting this game out and to be saved for a sequel/successor to Frontiers. I think there should be some synergy between Sonic Frontiers and the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 film, which largely focuses on the introduction and development of the cinematic versions of Tails and Knuckles. It would be great if Frontiers focused on the re-introduction of Tails and Knuckles being playable and what their plot notes/game abilities are in the Sonic game universe are for those who are unfamiliar or have long forgotten.

Who knows, the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie could be about Robotnik discovering Colony ARK and releasing Shadow so it would be great to give Shadow major focus in the next game too to align the products nicely.
I wonder if it’ll end up a cloud version on switch
Unlikely; I feel if they it were to be a Cloud version, both Nintendo and SEGA would advertise it from the get-go so it's not misleading (they did with Guardians of the Galaxy, Hitman and so on), but that's not the case;

and besides, just like ILikeFeet said, they wouldn't cut-off their biggest platform;

I do worry about the Switch performance, yes, but not because of the Switch hardware (it has a bunch of open world games; heck, it launched with an open world game), but because of lack of care from SEGA's part.

Either way, it's not like will matter much at the end of the day;
Shadow has always been one of my favorite characters, but I would be fine with him sitting this game out and to be saved for a sequel/successor to Frontiers. I think there should be some synergy between Sonic Frontiers and the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 film, which largely focuses on the introduction and development of the cinematic versions of Tails and Knuckles. It would be great if Frontiers focused on the re-introduction of Tails and Knuckles being playable and what their plot notes/game abilities are in the Sonic game universe are for those who are unfamiliar or have long forgotten.

Who knows, the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie could be about Robotnik discovering Colony ARK and releasing Shadow so it would be great to give Shadow major focus in the next game too to align the products nicely.
Sonic 3 will def have Shadow, so yeah maybe he sits this one out to lead into Shadow Frontier

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