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News Silent Hope, action RPG releases 3rd October [update: demo now available]

During Gamescom we had the chance to interview the producer and scenario writer. For your interest the Dutch version and English Google Translated version :).

In this morning's presentation you gave some information about items you can craft, how do these items integrate into the gameplay? How and when can you use the items?

Honoka Moriwak:
In Silent Hope, there are two ways to use items. First, you can create new weapons, armor or other equipment that you can use to gain more power and better defend yourself while fighting enemies. Second, you can cook items that are more unique and different and have different effects such as healing.

Can you create all new weapons or can you only upgrade existing weapons?

Honoka Moriwak:
It can be both. So you can upgrade weapons you already have and create stronger weapons as the game progresses.

In the presentation you explained that while exploring The Abyss you can switch characters at a crystal or go back to home base. Can you do both at the same time or can you only choose one of the two?

Honoka Moriwak:
If you find a crystal in the abyss, you can only do one. So you can choose to go back to home base, or to switch characters.

If you go back to home base and decide to explore The Abyss again, will you spawn back at the crystal that sent you back to base?

Honoka Moriwak:
So, in terms of progression, if you go back to home base and then to the abyss, you spawn back at exactly the same point where you left The Abyss. But the shape of the dungeon will be different, so nothing stays the same in The Abyss…

Of course, the level of each player differs. How does Silent Hope cater to newcomers and seasoned RPG players alike? Are there adjustable difficulty levels?

Makoto Shioda:
Yes, there are different difficulty levels, but everyone starts on the same difficulty level. The more difficult modes are unlocked as you progress through the game. And some special weapons are only available in these 'special' modes.

Okay, so this is a really important one for me: can players expect any kind of co-op play or a multiplayer mode in Silent Hope?

Makoto Shioda:
Unfortunately not. The game is for single player only.

Can you talk about the inspiration behind Silent Hope's art style and graphics? Were there specific influences or themes?

Makoto Shioda:
Are you familiar with the Rune Factory game series? So this game world is in the same world as the Rune Factory games. So the team was always aware of that while developing Silent Hope. They want to expand the world of the original Rune Factory series.

This game has seven playable characters. But, do the seven heroes have connected backstories or are they just coming together for this quest?

Makoto Shioda:
In the beginning of this game, you don't know much about these characters, because they don't have words anymore, so they can't communicate with each other. All of them have come together through the prayer of the princes. But as the game progresses you will learn more about these characters.

Given the depth of the game world, are there any plans or considerations for more titles or spin-offs set in the same universe of Silent Hope and Rune Factory?

Makoto Shioda:
In the future, we want to expand the world of Rune Factory more and more. This will not only include Rune Factory's number of titles, but also these spin-offs and other titles such as Silent Hope. So yes, more titles are coming.

Silent Hope looks like a fairly large game, so how many hours of gameplay can we expect between the main storyline and the side missions?

Makoto Shioda:
It depends on the player, but if you only play the main story, the game will last about twenty hours. If you also complete all the side missions, it's about thirty hours.

Silence is clearly a dominant theme in the story. How is the silence alongside the story implemented in the gameplay mechanics, puzzles and environment interactions?

Honoka Moriwak:
Inside and outside the Abyss, the heroes have no words, so it's the same outside and inside the dungeon.

Game development almost always has its own hurdles. What do you think was the biggest challenge during the development of Silent Hope?

Makoto Shioda & Honoka Moriwak:
The most difficult development challenge was progressing with the storytelling, while unfortunately the characters don't have words. So we had to find a way for the characters to communicate with each other without them having words. In the end we came up with the princess and through her the story is told.

Of course, the action RPG genre has many iconic titles. How will “Silent Hope” differentiate itself from the competition?

Makoto Shioda:
The biggest draw is probably the thrilling thrills you get when you play this action RPG. We are confident that we can make you feel that way.

Makoto Shioda: Another thing that might be different from all other action RPGs is that some action RPGs have a slow start and only get exciting when the characters get stronger. But, in Silent Hope the game will be very exciting right from the start. So there will be suspense from the beginning to the end of the game.

Sound is such a crucial element in determining the tone of a game. How are Silent Hope's music and soundscapes composed to evoke the essence of a world where silence reigns?

Makoto Shioda & Honoka Moriwak:
We have a lot of faith in the music in Silent Hope. The music is very good as the composers have made music that fits every layer of the game. But they are all so cohesive that they fit together.

The Abyss is a prominent location in the game. How did the team design it and what kind of atmosphere did you want to create?

Honoka Moriwak:
The Abyss shows what the kingdom used to look like. But then there are four seasons. So each layer of the abyss represents its own season. So that's the same as Rune Factory and Story of Seasons, which also have four seasons.

The trailer shown in the last Nintendo Direct stated that you can use weapons such as swords, bows and magic. Can each character use all types of weapons, or does each character have a unique weapon or ability?

Makoto Shioda:
Only one character can use a certain weapon. So each character specializes in one type of weapon.

Finally, for those who are not yet sure whether to buy Silent Hope, what would you say to entice them?

Makoto Shioda:
Whether or not you are good at games of this genre, everyone can enjoy Silent Hope with suspense and action throughout the game.

tyeah managed to play this in PAX West and the combat and the game loop feels really good. It's really an improved version of the rune factory combat system
Been playing this since yesterday and really the different characters add a lot of variety to the combat and each of them has their own quirks. Like the type of evade and how fast / long you can evade varies on they type, and the maid rogue has the slowest activation but can actually go through enemies unlike the other characters.

Also it has a lot of charm, considering of course characters doesn't talk they added a lot of reactions to their faces. Curiously enough I think the princess talks TOO much, but I guess ingame it makes sense since your party is the only one that can hear her.

Also very appreciated that they actually add subs to the ingame audio outside cutscenes (like when you are fighting and the princess say something like "good job, was a tough fight" there are subs for that). Also progress saves to the full game



I just started Silent Hope last night. I haven't played far in (I've gotten to and wiped by the first proper boss), but it's been really enjoyable so far.
Forgot this place had a thread. Yeah, it's pretty decent. Not the most incredible hack 'n' slash ever, but I had a good time with it.
Forgot this place had a thread. Yeah, it's pretty decent. Not the most incredible hack 'n' slash ever, but I had a good time with it.
Having played deep into the second zone and unlocked the first class upgrade for the Rogue, it's really fun. Like you said, it's not the most complex or mindblowing game, but it's easy to hop into and enjoyable.
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I'm just assuming -- based on my impressions of the demo -- that the game overall isn't that super long / extensive, right?
I'm just assuming -- based on my impressions of the demo -- that the game overall isn't that super long / extensive, right?
I don't know about specific length, batfax would know more, but it's definitely not super-complex.

All classes are able to equip up to three combat skills at a time, and each class has two higher tier classes, with the first becoming available at level 15 and the second after completing a challenge later on in.

The one thing I haven't figured out is how to equip gems to equipment with empty slots, but I'm guessing that's probably a camp ability I haven't unlocked yet.
Don't think it needs to be unlocked. It should just be at the storehouse where you change equipment, with the X button (on Switch) letting you assign a Magistone to equipment.
Don't think it needs to be unlocked. It should just be at the storehouse where you change equipment, with the X button (on Switch) letting you assign a Magistone to equipment.
Ah, got it. I'll look at that the next time I boot it up. Thanks!
Hm, I liked the demo quite a bit (though I can totally see that it's a more simple take on the genre / kind of game compared to many Indies even), but 40€ is a bit tough to swallow tbh. Guess I'll be waiting for it to go on sale eventually. Once it's =<30€, I'll bite.
I've reached the third biome now. The environments really grow more complex the deeper you get, and while the combat is simple, it's on the level of exactly what I need right now. Jumping in for a run has been a great way to unwind.

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