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Discussion Should the next 3D Zelda be first-person?

I'm not going to lie, a shorter spin-off, completely focused on First Person (in terms of world-building, puzzles and everything), would be very interesting, especially if it were VR.
But a game from the main franchise would be a huge shot in the foot
I think one of the best things about the Breath of the Wild games is that Link actually has his own character and you can find out a lot about him. My favourite parts of those stories is when we see Link as more than just a player insert, despite him still being a silent protagonist.
That's not to say you can't show emotion from first person, I think the modern Doom games are incredible examples of this being done exceptionally well, but I think a switch to first person would heavily undermine a general change the series has been making for a while now that I hope they continue with.

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