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Discussion Should Nintendo have a live press conference for Switch 2 like they did back in 2017 for Switch?

Should Nintendo do a live press conference for switch 2?

  • Yes

    Votes: 124 71.3%
  • No

    Votes: 50 28.7%

  • Total voters
Damn can’t believe everyone’s saying yes, the Switch one was terrible, far below even the worst Nintendo Direct. Please god no.
Paid online sucked (and continues to), I'll give you that.

Small launch lineup? It launched with a long-awaited 3D Zelda, that alone should negate most criticism. Not to mention they clearly lined out major titles remaining in the year (MK8, Arms, Splatoon 2, Odyssey, Xenoblade 2), ensuring fans there wouldn't be droughts. The launch line-up was Nintendo directly learning from the mistakes of the 3DS's' and Wii U's lackluster launches, I don't know how this was ever a negative mark.
After a few months, it was obvious what they were doing regarding spacing out the games to avoid droughts. At the time though, a lot of people thought it was a very "soft" launch lineup. I think this was partially because rumors beforehand had made people expect a larger amount of variety on day 1.
Likewise, I never got how the $300 price was a negative either. Seemed reasonable to me, especially compared to the other consoles.

This again was another area where rumors didn't help. Most outlets beforehand had reported the price would be closer to $250, with a game bundled in. When people found out it was $50 more than that with no game bundled whatsoever (not even 1-2 Switch, which was a major talking point at the time), they felt sort of ripped off. I guess some people had the mindset a "handheld system" wasn't worth $300 while having to pay $60 for one game at launch.

I can't find it, but I specifically remember a popular meme at the time comparing what you could get for $300 with the PlayStation/XBOX brands, vs buying a Switch. It was captioned something like "$300 for actual games or Nintendo's latest gimmick". Obviously, this way of thinking clearly didn't prevail in the end, but keep in mind this was right after the Wii U.

The joycons and gimmick focus were clearly just Nintendo elaborating upon system features. It was obvious they weren't going to be core gimmick pillars of the system in the same way the Wiimote was.

I think people were just annoyed/worried that they were still focusing on "casual gimmicks" after the Wii U's failure. Showing off 1-2 Switch and ARMS as the first two games in the presentation made it feel like they hadn't learned their lesson.

You are right in that it wasn't meant to be the focus, but by showing them off first thing it made it feel like they were to some. Ideally, they probably should have opened with Odyssey before getting into the casual titles. This is something I think Nintendo has learned how to better manage with modern-day directs. You always open and end with bigger titles, while smaller releases and casual experiments go in the middle.
Should they? No, I still feel sorry for the poor translator. Prerecorded videos are just so much more predictable and communicate the point across better.

Do I want them to? Hell yes. The live ones are the most memorable ones, for better or worse.
I sort of expect the live conference for JP investors and press, but it'll be "closed" again this time and they'll air something prerecorded for the global audience with the same info in it's place.

Live showings and the memories of awkwardness are one of my favorite things, I miss these things
I'd like a live conference again, they're fun. I'm not sure if they'll do one though, mainly because the Switch Presentation 2017 had some issues, especially with the translator. They've mastered the "Direct" formula in the Switch era, and they can probably control it better that way.

That's because a certain someone went off script lol.
Direct for reveal and announcement, Space World for hands-on impressions and demos

(and if we're still in dreamland, "Nintendo Space World: Coming to a city near you!" and they actually mean a city near you.)
I very much doubt they'll do it being in the position they're in now. The Direct (or pre-recorded presentation) + Treehouse Live immediately afterwards is what I think works the best. Be really focused and precise with your core messaging around the reveal and what the device is, then take your time for a few hours doing a deep dive into the device and games for people who are really interested (and have the time to watch all that). You're kind of stuck in between with a live press conference.
I would wake up at 4:30 am to watch it live again
Me too, that was so worth it !

I had to wake up at around 7am back then, to get ready for the day and everything. So I thought "I'll watch the thing, it'll end around 6am, I'll go to bed and sleep one more hour"

Instead, I was so excited after the presentation that i spent the whole hour reading reactions about it on twitter and watching some trailers over and over again.
Yeah, I changed my mind. I vote NO live press conference. Thinking about it more, I believe Nintendo did a live conference for the Switch because they believed it would draw much more attention than a pre-recorded Direct/presentation. They believed in Switch(rightfully so) and felt going big would maximize viewership, especially with the Wii U being the failure that it was

Now, here we are 6+ years later and the Switch is a monumental success and a household name. Nintendo doesn’t need a big, live conference for the successor. Nintendo Directs, along with individual game trailers, already draw a massive amount of viewers on YouTube and other sites. That and, like many others have stated, Nintendo can control the flow of the Directs and present well scripted and executed content to get people pumped up and excited.


  • Huge Nintendo Direct/Switch 2 Presentation
  • Treehouse Live with game previews, impressions, surprise announcements, etc…
  • Press event with hands-on access and impressions

Yep, this is the way to go.
I voted yes in that I think Nintendo should follow the playbook they had for the Switch but they should include elements of their Directs/Indie World Showcases in it. For example keep Koizumi and Takahashi as speakers but have all the other developers/studio heads pre-record their speeches. Follow that with a whole day of Treehouse Live for a more in-depth look at the system and its games and they're golden.
Often about as dead as Switch’s 2017 crowd + paid plants to hype up anything. At this point in time watching streamer reactions is probably where the really hype is.
These days it feels like streamers tend to exaggerate and overreact in their videos. Most of the time whenever I watch those videos I get the sense that they're just mugging for the camera.
I voted yes in that I think Nintendo should follow the playbook they had for the Switch but they should include elements of their Directs/Indie World Showcases in it. For example keep Koizumi and Takahashi as speakers but have all the other developers/studio heads pre-record their speeches. Follow that with a whole day of Treehouse Live for a more in-depth look at the system and its games and they're golden.

These days it feels like streamers tend to exaggerate and overreact in their videos. Most of the time whenever I watch those videos I get the sense that they're just mugging for the camera.
For me I think it dependent on streamer since there is a wide range & also pretty noticeable when they are hamming it up; in saying that there are a few who can pull it off as natural. Though it is a concern within the space. I just don’t think it any worse then paid plants from live shows.
For me I think it dependent on streamer since there is a wide range & also pretty noticeable when they are hamming it up; in saying that there are a few who can pull it off as natural. Though it is a concern within the space. I just don’t think it any worse then paid plants from live shows.
Eh, they're the same thing in my book but then again I am extremely jaded against the gaming community.
I voted yes in that I think Nintendo should follow the playbook they had for the Switch but they should include elements of their Directs/Indie World Showcases in it. For example keep Koizumi and Takahashi as speakers but have all the other developers/studio heads pre-record their speeches. Follow that with a whole day of Treehouse Live for a more in-depth look at the system and its games and they're golden.
If they choose a live presentation, I think this would be a good approach/middle ground. Have only a couple main presenters live on stage to introduce pre-recorded segments. You would have a "live event", but the pre-recorded segments would obviously be scripted/controlled and wouldn't be vulnerable to technical difficulties, errors and delays.
Oh right, I might have missed it. We might hear something next week or.... maybe not.
If we hear anything it's more leaks and rumors. Nintendo is likely showing off their next system, but to developers in closed doors. They won't make an announcement yet, especially not until after the holiday season.
Never really got the hype for live conferences tbh. Would be perfectly content with a pre-recorded show to introduce the system.
Nintendo could do a live presentation Direct style, followed by the Treehouse playing some games for the Switch sucessor or the console itself
Sure, why not? A pre-recorded direct thrown up on the internet for Nintendo's next console doesn't grab the attention or build anticipation like a live press conference.

Maybe open the bar outside the conference to loosen up the crowd and possibly one or two presenters. Whatever happens for better or worse is probably better than simply publishing a youtube video.

One's an event with a physical time and place. The other is just a thumbnail under the "New to You" section. Nintendo would have to think pretty poorly of themselves for some reason to forgo a live presentation of their next console. They've been doing this for over a thousand years and they've survived. They could fill the audience with nothing but crickets and they'd still be fine and better off doing a live show than not.
I’m fine either way.

The live presentation of the Switch was pretty neat, it only became embarrassing when people started to whine about the price.

And well, we saw how that turned out, didn’t we?
Back in January 2017 Nintendo held a live press conference for the Switch after the revealing the console in a teaser back in October 2016. This was their first press conference since e3 2012. Ever since then Nintendo haven't done a live event since but since the Switch 2 is around the corner do you think they should do another live press conference to introduce the new switch 2 games like they did for the switch 1. They could even unveil in a video teaser before like they did for switch back in 2016. A big event like this could draw more eyes other than revealing the console in just another direct that will be lost in a shuffle and it will actually feel like a event. My guess is that's why did it for the original switch. What do you guys thin?
I think they have to. It's the easiest way to get it into into the hands of the press in a controlled manner. That's the entire point of these things: show the hardware, let people play with it and write/talk about it. Like I don't remember the actual presentation but I remember the press writing about how the demo space had systems setup in all sorts of canned scenarios: airline flight, home on the couch, coffee shop, etc. And that's what stuck with me.

Nah. I'm perfectly fine with a studio presentation.
I think they have to. It's the easiest way to get it into into the hands of the press in a controlled manner. That's the entire point of these things: show the hardware, let people play with it and write/talk about it. Like I don't remember the actual presentation but I remember the press writing about how the demo space had systems setup in all sorts of canned scenarios: airline flight, home on the couch, coffee shop, etc. And that's what stuck with me.

You don't necessarily have to have a live show in order to have a demo space, though. You can just invite press to a location, sit them down to watch the presentation, then take them to another floor or area in the building where they can play around with the hardware and games. The only difference would be that the presentation wouldn't be done with people on a stage. Or you can skip having a shared viewing space for the presentation and instead just have everyone show up for demos the day after.

As a sidebar, I'm reminded that Nintendo did the Nintendo Switch Preview Tour in the days and weeks after the January 2017 presentation, and I hope we get a repeat of that whether its a live or pre-recorded show.
I still think there will be an ad-like 'Meet the new Switch' type roll out predating a full details presentation.
Maybe a 2-3 minute trailer with 30 second cuts for youtube ads.

Set the tone/messaging, then give details blowout later.

It's their Switch strategy.

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