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Reviews Pikmin 4 | Review Thread

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Metacritic: 88
Opencritic: 87

Eurogamer- 100

Pikmin 4 fills itself and your time with a rich array of things to do, things to find, goals to chase and places to explore. It may start slow, but when it all comes together, it really does sing. It preserves the series' oddities - it doubles down on them in some regards - and yet opens the series up in a way Pikmin has never managed previously. It's a fine reward for a decade of fan patience and a lot of thought by Nintendo's top brass on how best to continue after Pikmin 3. It's a skillful evolution of a series which has been left feeling a little overlooked for too long. Is this Pikmin's true breakthrough moment? Who knows. But without a doubt it's one of Nintendo's best games in years.

Poket Tactics- 100
After what seems like forever, we’ve finally got Pikmin 4 and it does not disappoint. Head into the undergrowth armed with a planty platoon and your trusty dog Oatchi to uncover mystery and treasures in a delightful adventure.

Game Informer- 90
When it comes to iterating on the standard Pikmin gameplay established by the first release, Pikmin 4 is the smoothest, best-controlling, best-looking version, and all the additions are worthwhile and fun to play. The variety of tasks, which you can tackle in the order of your choice, prevents you from doing the same thing for too long, and I enjoyed saving other survivors and expanding my home base roster. Pikmin may never rise to the top of the Nintendo heap, and it’s probably unfair to expect it ever could, but the latest Pikmin is the best effort yet.

IGN- 90
Pikmin 4 adds variety to the series' traditional gameplay by offering options other than the grab-and-throw formula of the past, and brings an extra helping of top-tier levels after the credits roll.

Nintendo Life- 90
Pikmin 4 is a sumptuous strategy adventure that serves up tons of fun for returning fans of the franchise whilst also adding lots to entice new players into giving it a try. Oatchi is the star of the show in our eyes, a very good boy who is woven cleverly into the core of the puzzle action. Series-best dungeons, a hugely inventive overworld, night missions, Dandori battles, and post-credit goodies only sweeten the deal. Yes, the co-op is disappointing, and the campaign's not gonna be challenging enough for some diehard fans, but overall Nintendo has nailed it here, serving up a magical Pikmin adventure that we reckon could see the series finally getting all of the attention it fully deserves.

LevelUp- 85
Pikmin 4 captures the essence of the franchise, even if it doesn't redefine the gaming landscape. While it doesn't revolutionize gaming, it delivers the familiar real-time strategic gameplay and introduces interesting changes. The open philosophy in level design and beautiful atmosphere will immerse players in a miniature world. Though it may be too easy and lacks an intriguing story, Pikmin 4 is a solid addition to the series.

TheSixthAxis- 80
There's a pleasing mixture of the familiar and the new within Pikmin 4. The fresh camera view and tweaks to the gameplay make it feel more accessible, but for returning players, the focus on the Dandori ethos of planning, efficiency and adaptability provides new arenas to test your skills. Oh, and Oatchi's a real cutie too.

Gamespot- 70
That story, like most of Pikmin 4, is gentle and unobtrusive. It's all just very agreeable and sweet, and there's a certain gratification that comes from directing your little army of plant-people to gather treasures like fruits and Game Boy Advance cartridges. The more Pikmin 4 leans into fashioning itself after a more traditional game, with competition and fail-states, the more prone it is to getting in its own way. Sometimes, it's enough to simply have a relaxing activity.

TheGamer- 70
Pikmin 4 isn’t quite the best game in the series, but it’s certainly the most confident. With this new entry, Nintendo has decided to wipe away much of the past tedium in favour of ensuring moment-to-moment gameplay is more enjoyable than ever. But eradicating its past frustrations also removes much of the challenge and depth from the game’s battles and puzzles. Commanding its multicoloured armies and pilfering this planet of its treasures while gathering a motley crew of comrades kept me enraptured for hours, just don’t come into this expecting the harsh journey back home to be little more than a leisurely stroll.
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The Eurogamer review was excellent so I'll definitely be getting this, that said:

"Pikmin purists might initially raise eyebrows at the game's new limit of three Pikmin types in your squad at one time"

Wtf. And what the reviewer said about multiple captains doesn't sound good either.

Still, I love Pikmin, so I'll get this once I finally finish TotK.
I'm so excited to play this. I fell in love with Pikmin 3 Deluxe; it was my first Pikmin game and I 100% it.

I've now optimized the demo to the best of my ability and am ready for my potential GotY...
The Eurogamer review was excellent so I'll definitely be getting this, that said:

"Pikmin purists might initially raise eyebrows at the game's new limit of three Pikmin types in your squad at one time"

Wtf. And what the reviewer said about multiple captains doesn't sound good either.
I think it's a balance thing. Based on the demo and how strong Ice Pikmin seem, your squad might be a little OP if you had free reign with choosing what Pikmin to bring along. Oatchi can do things that overlap with specific Pikmin types to compensate.
yeah, high 80s is about in line with what I was expecting for this. Review-wise, Pikmin's been a very consistent series and 90 is a tough hump to get over these days.
I'm not too mad at the three type limit - dealing with 5 types of pikmin at once just isn't a lot of fun. But reading that the Eurogamer reviewer didn't unlock the proper 100 pikmin limit until after he beat the game is very surprising. Suggests the game really is very, very easy (or very short) and has me a bit concerned. Even in the demo I thought the limit was overly restrictive. I thought it would ramp up to a full pikmin experience much quicker.
Weird changes are offputting at first, but I imagine the game will be very well balanced around the way things are - for example, I'm sure Oatchi won't be "overpowered" (its involvement in getting the Blue Pikmin in the demo was really cool), and the arbitrary limitation of three Pikmin types in your party at a time may come across as annoying, but might have been inevitable given how much you can do with each Pikmin type together. It'll add a new layer of strategy and optimization, imo.
It's at 88 now, let's hope it keeps it so that we can have every pikmin game one point after the other
Pikmin3 87 - pikmin4 88 - pikmin 89 - pikmin 2 90.
We'll have to wait 10 years to see if pikmin 5 will be an 86 or break the curse and go up to 91
Sounds pretty great. I've been gaming less after my 170 hour Zelda epic, so haven't gotten around to the demo. I'll probably start Oxenfree 2 tonight or tomorrow and start Pikmin 4 after I've done that.

But it's another excellent game, by the sounds of things. Not that I expected anything else!
'the curse strikes again!' is a violation of the site's review thread rules (3 & 5). You have been threadbanned. -Josh5890, mariodk18, PixelKnight
the curse strikes again!
Pretty much exactly where I thought it'd land - just happy to have more Pikmin really.

Had some concerns this would be too much like 2 (still a very good game but easily my least favourite of the original three) but the reviews are easing them a little e.g. the caves not having random layouts this time round
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Looks beautiful. Bought it with mario Wonder. I hope I can finish Zelda ToTK until the weekend, so I can start this one.
I predicted 87 and is now sitting at 88. Almost!;)

Seriously though, I'm happy Pikmin 4 is a great game. I hope it sells well and the series becomes a staple in every future Nintendo console.
I'm not too mad at the three type limit - dealing with 5 types of pikmin at once just isn't a lot of fun. But reading that the Eurogamer reviewer didn't unlock the proper 100 pikmin limit until after he beat the game is very surprising. Suggests the game really is very, very easy (or very short) and has me a bit concerned. Even in the demo I thought the limit was overly restrictive. I thought it would ramp up to a full pikmin experience much quicker.
Could just be that they didn't find the upgrades until after the credits rolled, since the upgrades are fairly gradual

The game also has a fairly meaty postgame so even not unlocking the full 100 until the credits doesn't mean as much as you might think (the same review iirc mentioned they doubled their time after the credits)

At the very least the game's not short, at least from a Pikmin standpoint. I've heard 20-30 hours depending on completion
Could just be that they didn't find the upgrades until after the credits rolled, since the upgrades are fairly gradual

The game also has a fairly meaty postgame so even not unlocking the full 100 until the credits doesn't mean as much as you might think (the same review iirc mentioned they doubled their time after the credits)

At the very least the game's not short, at least from a Pikmin standpoint. I've heard 20-30 hours depending on completion
oh thats actually a good thing, i found pikmin 3 to be rather short back then, and that the game was not that interesting to me to replay. sure, i could try to optimize the route to get to the end faster...but that didnt inscentivize me really.
I don't know what the deal is with people being concerned about difficulty levels.

This isn't the kind of game where you beeline to the credits. Of course it's going to be "easy" if you play that way.

The game is about optimization through iteration. The first area, playable in the demo, already has a "hard" difficulty - try to 100% it in only two days. Now that is hard mode.
Not my type of game at all, but great reviews and really happy for all who look forward to this game!
I don't gel with RTS games but I'm just happy Pikmin fans have been rewarded with another great entry after all this time.
Making vague threats against another company for their review of a game is not condoned. You have been threadbanned. - mariodk18, Josh5890, PixelKnight
Where are Gamespot's main headquarters again?
I can’t comprehend the scale, budget and inventiveness of this game. I’m so happy we got it.

A lot of the choices from 3->4 that people are questioning (removal of co-op, multi captain, etc) I can understand in the spirit of making the fourth title of a series approachable to new players, and they seem like a fair concession with that in mind. Without spoiling myself on it, sounds like the post game will deliver more than enough for experienced players, I wonder what that could mean!

Also, bless rewind mode for building resetting back in as a feature lol.
I can’t comprehend the scale, budget and inventiveness of this game. I’m so happy we got it.

A lot of the choices from 3->4 that people are questioning (removal of co-op, multi captain, etc) I can understand in the spirit of making the fourth title of a series approachable to new players, and they seem like a fair concession with that in mind. Without spoiling myself on it, sounds like the post game will deliver more than enough for experienced players, I wonder what that could mean!

Also, bless rewind mode for building resetting back in as a feature lol.
I feel like the compromise for coop multiplayer should have been to have optional multiplayer only dungeons.
Excellent, looks like another winner, as if there was any doubt. Will pick up my copy on Saturday, most likely.
So ready to play this game. There is nothing else like Pikmin 4 me
Please refrain from metascore curse jokes per our new review guidelines. - PixelKnight, Xghost777, VolcanicDynamo
The 90 curse is real!

On more important news, I'm really glad this is getting a lot of love. My expectation was that it would be the best Pikmin game ever, and it seems I was right.

That Hall of Fame reminds me I need Dave the Diver to come out for the Switch as soon as possible.
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High 80s as expected. I'm looking forward to playing it... after I get my physical copy of Pikmin 1/2, play that, and then buy and play Pikmin 3.
If you're referring to critical consensus, Pikmin 2 still has the highest meta with a pretty similar amount of reviews to 4 now.
Oh yeah, that's true. But I guess I was referring to the fact many reviewers are saying this is the best one yet.

Plus, Pikmin 2 is my least favorite of the series because I just couldn't get into the procedurally generated caves, which make up a huge portion of the game. So I had scratched that one off my mind, I guess.
Oh yeah, that's true. But I guess I was referring to the fact many reviewers are saying this is the best one yet.

Plus, Pikmin 2 is my least favorite of the series because I just couldn't get into the procedurally generated caves, which make up a huge portion of the game. So I had scratched that one off my mind, I guess.
That's fair, though Pikmin 1 is actually rated higher too (to be fair, without about half the reviews).

I didn't like Pikmin 2 much either but it intrigues me that they basically made the game design in this one to stop the Pikmin 1 vs 2 debates. I can't say I really like the overworld changes so far based off the demo, but I'm hopeful the game delivers when I play it.
I feel like talking about difficulty in a vacuum without establishing context is not helpful. People are talking about different things when they say Pikmin 1 or 2 or even 3 is hardest. I find it helps to try and separate these out into distinct categories relevant to Pikmin:
1. Punishing fail-states (e.x. Doom counter/ Pikmin Extinction)
2. Difficult clear conditions (An environmental puzzle. Clearing campaign. Platinum medal condition. No Pikmin Death run)
3. Scaling of short-term risk (Wollyhop is about to kill 20 pikmin if I dont whistle)
4. Risk dynamics/kinetics ( "I made a small mistake, and it quickly spiraled into a disaster")
And what purpose they serve in design:
1. A punishing failstate like a campaign doom counter or difficult clear conditions like a platinum medal or no pikmin run increase satisfaction of achieving a goal. They also provide pressure which naturally pushes you to set your own optimal pace.
2. Managing risk should tote line between smooth operation and frantic chaos and provide an optimal overload that facilitates focus or flow.

In my opinion these are the important effects of difficulty. If the game tension is not modulated by skill then we call it cheap or random. If they stifle tactical or strategic depth it's overly punishing. If there is a muddy relationship between order/chaos or risk/reward the game is not as engaging. If the line is too tight it's exhausting. On the other hand if there is no tension, in other words if anything works it's braindead. Difficulty does not exist in a vacuum and if it did it would become absurdly irrelevant.

When people say a game is too easy, the takeaway is not that it offered too little resistance to completing the campaign. It's more that certain aspects of the difficulty detracted from the skill expression by making it less rewarding, or the scaling and pacing of the risk/reward made managing it less engaging.
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