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News Outer Wilds: Archaeologist Edition is coming to Nintendo Switch on December 7th (UPDATE: patch 4 out now, see threadmarks)

I encountered a bug which made this game very stable.
Very stable 2fps. Had to restart the whole game. Quitting and loading didn't help.
It happened to me, but with 15 fps instead.
What I did was to turn off the switch (not sleep) and thankfully it was fixed.
I'm not sure if that was your case, but that happened to me twice, and both times it was when I ended a loop by quitting via the menu.
No it was after I died. That't the only problem I have had after 15h or so I have played. I remember it was a pretty long gameplay session. Maybe that has something to do with it
Put in another six runs or so, and I'm somewhat baffled about how to proceed. It feels nice to be scrambling in the dark. I do have to ask one question: are there upgrades in this game? I haven't found any item/equipment and I wonder if I'm seriously missing something.

  • I've mostly explored Timber Hearth and Brittle Hollow. The latter is freaking awesome with the black hole at the center, which of course I accidentally fell into at some point. Lo and behold, it teleports you to another area in the solar system. Wow. The Hanging City was fun to explore too; I assume the ultimate is the elusive Eye the Nomai were gunning for.
  • Giant's Deep was weird. Again me fumbling with the spaceship controls, and accidentally hitting a tornado, which plunged me into the watery depths. I kinda spent the rest of the run being stumped about what to do down there. Couldn't seem to find a way to get past the electric field, I thought the jellyfish would display a pattern or show a path, but I guess not? Maybe need some shockproof armor? Or I might have missed a switch on the surface.
  • Dove right into Dark Bramble, and not even a minute later I got eaten by a giant anglerfish. Cool and weird! I'm gonna need to polish my piloting skills to stand a chance at dodging those suckers, it seems. Or perhaps some sort of tealth camouflage.
  • Tried going for one of the Twins, ended up hurtling myself into the sun. That's practically a prerequisite in any spacefaring game.
  • Couldn't quite catch two other heavenly bodies-- there was a blinking red thing that suddenly hurtles away when I get close, and there's an asteroid that straight up just disappears when I try landing on it. Grrrr.

Had one crash during my playthrough, but I figure that might be because I hadn't restarted my Switch in a while.

EDIT: Actually another question: if you quit in the middle of the run, does it save all the stuff you did for the run or do things get reset to before the run?
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EDIT: Actually another question: if you quit in the middle of the run, does it save all the stuff you did for the run or do things get reset to before the run?
if you use the quit option from the pause menu, it’ll save the stuff you found during that loop in the ship computer, but you’ll always start at the beginning of a new loop next time
I have finished the game, save for the DLC, and so far the answer is no.
Okay. Nice. So everything should be solvable with all that I have right now, it's just a matter of figuring out how.

if you use the quit option from the pause menu, it’ll save the stuff you found during that loop in the ship computer, but you’ll always start at the beginning of a new loop next time
Thank you. Had a couple of runs where I already knew I screwed up but didn't want to quit on the off chance I'd lose progress.
I wonder if they will work on the Switch version still? More patches, possibly improve performance and graphical areas
i’ve taken to calling my cats “the hourglass twins” (despite the fact that they were not born on the same day and do not, generally speaking, orbit one another)
You should have a way to end a loop when you want.
I just got stuck in a spoilery place and it was impossible to go back on solid ground, I had to wait more than 10 minutes for the loop to end 😕
You should have a way to end a loop when you want.
I just got stuck in a spoilery place and it was impossible to go back on solid ground, I had to wait more than 10 minutes for the loop to end 😕
Consider investigating the Ventures signal around Giants Deep.
Stealth sections in non-stealth games continue to suck for the most part. After excruciating effort I reached this Vessel but I’m not sure what to do with it at the moment. I should probably be playing this game on a comfy weekend morning instead of when I’m tired after work lol
I should probably be playing this game on a comfy weekend morning
I thought the same yesterday when I was enthralled by what I was finding out in the DLC questline, only to look at the time, realize it was almost 11pm, and some to the conclusion I had two options: stop playing when I wanted to keep going or continue and resign myself to being a walking zombie at work the next day.

I chose the former because I'm a coward.
finished the base game :’) pretty much perfect tbh. all my minor quibbles from earlier on ended up not meaning much as I think some of the puzzles toward the end are really excellent—solving most of the big “cards” on the ship log require you to understand and act on certain things about the game world without any direct prompting and they were all really exciting and satisfying to work out. and the ending is of course very great but why’d they have to sneak in one more anglerfish lmao…it was already intense enough

think we’re gonna give it a week or two at least before diving into Echoes of the Eye but I’m very excited & scared for it. I’d managed to osmose some basic knowledge about the main game over the years but really don’t know anything going into the DLC, besides that it’s very scary (because the game keeps telling me about the “reduce frights” option lol)
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also I would like to specifically recommend this game to @Nabbit as a fellow appreciator of this particular kind of secret-discovery game (if it’s not already on or your radar/you haven’t played it already!)
The stealth section with the big ugly fishes is so frustrating, I'm considering just quiting.
how the hell can you go where you want without using the propulsors ? Is there something I missed ?
The fish are blind so they only react to sounds. The trick is to accelerate when you're far for them so you can pass by them without using your propulsion. It's frustrating at first, but do it enough times and you'll get used to it.
Me after a few hours of playing the DLC: There was a content warning about Echoes of the Eye when I started the game, but I don't see anything too alarming to warrant that. I think the devs overestimated how tense the DLC can be.

Me a few hours later: I don't want to play this game at night anymore.

The stealth section with the big ugly fishes is so frustrating, I'm considering just quiting.
how the hell can you go where you want without using the propulsors ? Is there something I missed ?
To add to what the previous poster said.

Point the ship towards where you want to go, accelerate like a madman if the fish aren't in sight. If they are, just coast on momentum until you can't see them anymore. I think that if they aren't visible on the screen, it means you are out of their hearing range.

There's a specific seed (the red one) where the fish are right by the entrance. In that case, just make sure you enter the seed with enough speed to make it relatively far without having to accelerate.
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The stealth section with the big ugly fishes is so frustrating, I'm considering just quiting.
how the hell can you go where you want without using the propulsors ? Is there something I missed ?
Accelerate outside of dark bramble and go full speed into the opening. Inside just align to where you want to go and hardly use the propulsors.
This way you can come a long way but it takes some patience.
The stealth section with the big ugly fishes is so frustrating
I hate that part too. Only thing I straight up dislike about the game so far.

You know what’s fun though? The Tower of Quantum Trials. This felt a lot like Portal or The Witness or basically any first-person puzzler.
You know what’s fun though? The Tower of Quantum Trials. This felt a lot like Portal or The Witness or basically any first-person puzzler.
That part is absolutely beautiful. I just wish they had gotten rid of the time limit for that segment. I don't know. Come up with an excuse to say "time doesn't work like that in here". Because it was hard to solve those puzzles calmly while you know the world is about to end.

I'm feeling the same about some segments in the DLC.
So I'm playing the dlc and
the stealth sections are awful. Why do they add them? Not only it doesn't feel like Outer Wilds, but it's extremely frustrating. You're in pitch black, you can't use any light, but at the same time you can't see them either. What the hell? I enabled the reduced frights options, but it's still annoying as hell.
also I would like to specifically recommend this game to @Nabbit as a fellow appreciator of this particular kind of secret-discovery game (if it’s not already on or your radar/you haven’t played it already!)
Thank you so much @slide's for the recommendation! I've been eyeing Chants of Sennaar recently and another secret-discovery game (love that term) and just downloaded the demo this afternoon. I think I might put Majora's Mask in this category in a way, too. Something that's really neat about these particular games to me is that they don't necessarily have a set of similar puzzles to find in the world, just more similar ways of thinking about the world, if that makes sense.

Anyway, Outer Wilds. I tried the game when it came out on GP and I think I was having a bit of trouble getting into it as a first person game (rarely play those) and just figuring out what to even do to start with, from what I remember it was especially how to move the ship. 😂 I think I've developed a greater appreciation for secret-discovery games in the past couple years, though. I'll definitely go back and try it again. I need to make sure I adjust whichever settings will ensure no nausea, though, that was my issue with some other first person games once I got out of the practice of playing them. I've continued to wonder about this game though and I think mostly avoided spoilers, so your recommendation really strengths my interest. That is again!
Because it was hard to solve those puzzles calmly while you know the world is about to end
I actually had to do that part twice because I ran out of time the first go around...

Oh, and I managed to land on the Quantum Moon! Busted up my ship something fierce, but I did it. Apparently the moon has six to seven different configurations corresponding to the different planets, but I only managed to explore three of them before the sun went supernova. I don't think I found much lol but I'm thrilled that I got there.
Oh, and I managed to land on the Quantum Moon! Busted up my ship something fierce, but I did it. Apparently the moon has six to seven different configurations corresponding to the different planets, but I only managed to explore three of them before the sun went supernova. I don't think I found much lol but I'm thrilled that I got there.
Awesome. Getting there is quite a moment!
That was an ending, alright. Melancholic and tinged with existential dread. Just the sort of thing to help me sleep at night lol.
Finally done with base game.
It was a very nice trip and I wish the ending would be more meaty than what it was...
started the DLC yesterday, it is indeed extremely cool, very glad to have not been spoiled on the general nature of it because it makes a pretty astonishing first impression
it's like a tiny Rendezvous with Rama! so cool.
after an hour or so I did have to spoil myself on the general nature of the "scary stuff" so I wasn't completely on edge the entire time though lol. though I'm still not sure where exactly it occurs, but I assume it's limited to that other planet/moon you arrive at via the green fire, because it is dark and creepy as hell there lol. only been there once so far and I'm not looking forward to going back!! plenty left to explore in the Stranger still anyway.
After finishing both the base game and the DLC, you can firmly put me in the camp of those who think this is one of the greatest games of all time. It did not disappoint me one tiny bit.

Now I want a sequel, please.
finished Echoes of the Eye tonight ::’)

loved it a lot, in some ways even more than the main game. only minor disappointment is
there’s not really any major fundamental information about the universe or eye that’s revealed? there’s one significant question from the main game that’s answered, but the store page blurb about “unraveling the solar system’s darkest secret” had me expecting something very different in that vault. but I still loved how it all played out! also did the main ending again to see those changes

they really do not make video games like this very often!! two excellent sci-fi stories wrapped in some of the coolest mechanics and discovery-puzzles I’ve ever seen and some truly stellar atmosphere(s). really really special

edit: oh and I just want to again acknowledge how great it is that they actually released this on Switch!! I’ve wanted to play this game for so many years and had more or less accepted that the port would be delayed til the successor, but here it is—and it honestly runs almost entirely fine. having seen a bit more footage now of the other versions, it’s definitely pretty visually compromised, but as someone who only owns a switch, I’m very glad to have it at all
patch 1

Patch 1 Changes:

  • Various fixes for places where the player could get stuck in level geometry
  • Nomai shuttles now collide with all planets

Art & Visuals
  • Improved animation of a certain hologram
  • Various fixes for assets appearing where they shouldn't
  • Various fixes for incorrect, misaligned or missing textures and materials
  • Various fixes for LODs so they match better with their high resolution versions
  • Fix for pursuers getting stuck in certain animations
  • The visual effects for a certain sequence in the High Energy Lab are now correctly displayed
  • Fix for a certain campfire not animating correctly
  • In the museum, the anglerfish's lure now glows correctly
  • Various fixes for slide reels not always displaying
  • Various lighting adjustments and fixes
  • Fixes for various minor visual issues

  • Fix for lag while using Signalscope in a certain situation
  • Improved performance over long play sessions
  • Some memory improvements

  • Ship Log markers no longer appear truncated
  • Various minor UI bug fixes

Patch 1 Changes:

  • Various fixes for places where the player could get stuck in level geometry
  • Nomai shuttles now collide with all planets

Art & Visuals
  • Improved animation of a certain hologram
  • Various fixes for assets appearing where they shouldn't
  • Various fixes for incorrect, misaligned or missing textures and materials
  • Various fixes for LODs so they match better with their high resolution versions
  • Fix for pursuers getting stuck in certain animations
  • The visual effects for a certain sequence in the High Energy Lab are now correctly displayed
  • Fix for a certain campfire not animating correctly
  • In the museum, the anglerfish's lure now glows correctly
  • Various fixes for slide reels not always displaying
  • Various lighting adjustments and fixes
  • Fixes for various minor visual issues

  • Fix for lag while using Signalscope in a certain situation
  • Improved performance over long play sessions
  • Some memory improvements

  • Ship Log markers no longer appear truncated
  • Various minor UI bug fixes
Excited to see some impressions on the visuals
So I'm playing the dlc and
the stealth sections are awful. Why do they add them? Not only it doesn't feel like Outer Wilds, but it's extremely frustrating. You're in pitch black, you can't use any light, but at the same time you can't see them either. What the hell? I enabled the reduced frights options, but it's still annoying as hell.
It's thematically important
patch 2

Patch 2 Changes:​

  • Fixed incorrect music playing during certain dark sequences in Echoes of the Eye
  • Fix for getting stuck while viewing slide reels when button prompts are disabled via the Options menu in Echoes of the Eye
  • The Nomai shuttle no longer floats away when recalling it on Ember Twin
  • It is no longer possible to take a scout photo of a certain character before meeting them
  • Fixed some out of order slide reel images in Echoes of the Eye
  • Various fixes to collisions

Art & Visuals
  • Improved the animation of a hologram on Giant's Deep
  • Fixed a hologram in the Orbital Probe Canon
  • Fixed certain environmental animations in Echoes of the Eye
  • Improved the resolution of a certain easter egg
  • Improved the look of water on Giant's Deep
  • Improved the resolution of the murals in the Old Settlement
  • Improved resolution of a hologram in the Vessel
  • Increased the resolution of lights in the fog of Dark Bramble
  • Lighting no longer flickers while taking pictures when the Scout is inside Dark Bramble but the player is not
  • Fixed damage effect visuals on ship cockpit so they look more like cracks
  • The color of certain glowing Nomai platforms are now the correct color when viewed from a distance
  • More fixes for assets appearing where they shouldn't
  • Various fixes for LODs so they match better with their high resolution versions and reduced noticeable LOD popping
  • Various fixes for incorrect, misaligned or missing textures and materials
  • Various lighting adjustments and fixes
  • Fixes for various minor visual issues

  • Improved loading and unloading of assets throughout the game, but primarily in Echoes of the Eye, fixing the issue where sometimes areas would appear white and may not have collisions
  • Quitting to the main menu while playing Echoes of the Eye no longer causes an infinite load
  • Fixed an image that appeared frozen for too long at the end of Echoes of the Eye
  • Various stability improvements for long play sessions
  • Various performance improvements

  • Fixed a rare issue where the Scout's photos stop being displayed
patch 4 New
Today’s patch on Nintendo Switch brings a lot of fixes to visuals across the game, some performance improvements, fixes some community reported bugs, and adds some features found in Patch 15 on other platforms. This is our last major patch planned for Nintendo Switch.

Patch 4 Changes​

Art & Visuals
  • Improved the visuals of tractor beams throughout the game
  • Fixed inconsistent Nomai child writing visuals on Giant's Deep
  • A Nomai child's toy is now officially sponsored.
  • Improved resolution of a certain easter egg
  • Fixed a misaligned island splash effect on Giant's Deep
  • Timber Hearth's atmosphere visuals now react correctly during a certain solar event
  • Fixed missing collision and improper scaling of floating Nomai lights
  • Small slide projectors now cast shadows
  • Giant's Deep ocean no longer disappears when viewed through a projection pool
  • It's me. No time to chat, SERN has found me. The drop at the flaming flower's atelier is active. Yes, of course I switched it off! El ps--hey, they hung up on me!
  • Taking scout photos no longer causes textures to pop in and out in Echoes of the Eye
  • Trees no longer turn white when approaching Brittle Hollow
  • Reduced visibility of a hidden location in Echoes of the Eye
  • Improved transition into and out of projection pools
  • Improved the transition into a certain starless void
  • Improved the visuals during the ending sequence
  • Various lighting adjustments and fixes
  • Improved texture resolution of many assets
  • Various fixes to collisions
  • Various fixes for incorrect, misaligned or missing textures and materials
  • Various fixes for LODs so they match better with their high resolution versions and reducing noticeable LOD popping
  • Fixed various issues where you could see through the world
  • Fixes for various minor visual issues


  • Sudden death from above should occur less frequently while exploring the Hanging City.
  • The ship no longer falls through the ground if left behind on a planet
  • Fixed some instances where the player could get stuck in a slow walk
  • Flying outside the solar system long enough to trigger the associated achievement now correctly triggers a new Slate dialogue option
  • Equipping the signalscope at a certain campsite no longer chucks the player away at high velocity
  • A secret passage on Ember Twin is now harder to spot from a distance
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the music from many of the Travelers could not be heard


  • Reduced performance degradation over time
  • Improved loading speeds when traveling great distances instantly
  • Various memory optimizations to improve performance and stability

Text & Localization

  • Fixed some Japanese characters using the wrong glyph set in the Credits, causing certain characters to be incorrect
  • Fixed a certain Easter Egg so the code can be scanned by external tools
  • Updated the credits

  • The ship HUD marker is no longer visible in scout photos
  • Various minor adjustments and fixes to UI in Normal and Large UI modes

Patch 4 Changes​

Art & Visuals
  • Improved the visuals of tractor beams throughout the game
  • Fixed inconsistent Nomai child writing visuals on Giant's Deep
  • A Nomai child's toy is now officially sponsored.
  • Improved resolution of a certain easter egg
  • Fixed a misaligned island splash effect on Giant's Deep
  • Timber Hearth's atmosphere visuals now react correctly during a certain solar event
  • Fixed missing collision and improper scaling of floating Nomai lights
  • Small slide projectors now cast shadows
  • Giant's Deep ocean no longer disappears when viewed through a projection pool
  • It's me. No time to chat, SERN has found me. The drop at the flaming flower's atelier is active. Yes, of course I switched it off! El ps--hey, they hung up on me!
  • Taking scout photos no longer causes textures to pop in and out in Echoes of the Eye
  • Trees no longer turn white when approaching Brittle Hollow
  • Reduced visibility of a hidden location in Echoes of the Eye
  • Improved transition into and out of projection pools
  • Improved the transition into a certain starless void
  • Improved the visuals during the ending sequence
  • Various lighting adjustments and fixes
  • Improved texture resolution of many assets
  • Various fixes to collisions
  • Various fixes for incorrect, misaligned or missing textures and materials
  • Various fixes for LODs so they match better with their high resolution versions and reducing noticeable LOD popping
  • Fixed various issues where you could see through the world
  • Fixes for various minor visual issues

  • Sudden death from above should occur less frequently while exploring the Hanging City.
  • The ship no longer falls through the ground if left behind on a planet
  • Fixed some instances where the player could get stuck in a slow walk
  • Flying outside the solar system long enough to trigger the associated achievement now correctly triggers a new Slate dialogue option
  • Equipping the signalscope at a certain campsite no longer chucks the player away at high velocity
  • A secret passage on Ember Twin is now harder to spot from a distance
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the music from many of the Travelers could not be heard

  • Reduced performance degradation over time
  • Improved loading speeds when traveling great distances instantly
  • Various memory optimizations to improve performance and stability

Text & Localization
  • Fixed some Japanese characters using the wrong glyph set in the Credits, causing certain characters to be incorrect
  • Fixed a certain Easter Egg so the code can be scanned by external tools
  • Updated the credits

  • The ship HUD marker is no longer visible in scout photos
  • Various minor adjustments and fixes to UI in Normal and Large UI modes
Curious how much better this looks now than launch.
i think the switch port was probably just not ready and up to their standards when it came out, but they just had to release it cuz it already was almost three years since it was announced. i'm glad tho that they release 4 big updates for it since release and didn't forget about it after launch. 6 month after launch the game is probably in the best state it was ever gonna be.
is that 10th bullet point (SERN? the flaming flower’s atelier?) a tease for a new project or a reference to something I’m not familiar with? none of that sounds like anything I remember from outer wilds
is that 10th bullet point (SERN? the flaming flower’s atelier?) a tease for a new project or a reference to something I’m not familiar with? none of that sounds like anything I remember from outer wilds
it's a reference to steins gate

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