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StarTopic Nintendo Switch Sports |ST| WiiSPN 3 [Update: Basketball coming this summer]

What future sports would you like to see added?

  • Archery

    Votes: 57 48.7%
  • Baseball/Softball

    Votes: 54 46.2%
  • Basketball

    Votes: 35 29.9%
  • Boxing

    Votes: 44 37.6%
  • Frisbee/Disc Golf

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • Power Cruising/Air Sports

    Votes: 28 23.9%
  • Table Tennis

    Votes: 44 37.6%
  • Lacrosse

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Croquet

    Votes: 8 6.8%
  • Handball

    Votes: 13 11.1%
  • Pickle ball

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Other (mention in comments)

    Votes: 2 1.7%

  • Total voters
Played yesterday some soccer matches. A lot of fun, but I feel it could use a few touch ups.

1. Make stamina increase a bit higher when you deplete it or boost normal run speed.

2. So, since I am focusing on controlling the avatar with the stick, and using motion for kicks, and the game can get hectic, I feel this would be ripe for an auto camera to adjust quickly and automatically to the player if I turn around or have to turn around. I start sweating when the ball goes behind me and I have to approach it, get it, then turn the camera around manually.

3. Making the camera adjustable so I can zoom out a bit farther overhead would also work instead of point 2.
this is the goty so far (not counting NSO)

have only played tennis so far but in almost at D rank. best new game from Nintendo since what, 2019? 2017?

personally would have dropped soccer for boxing, dropped badminton, and added baseball.
this is the goty so far (not counting NSO)

have only played tennis so far but in almost at D rank. best new game from Nintendo since what, 2019? 2017?

personally would have dropped soccer for boxing, dropped badminton, and added baseball.
Badminton is so good. By far my favorite. Loving the game overall from a gameplay standpoint. Hopefully we get more sports added over time as I imagine the sales will be very good for this. Could use 4-5 more sports and some single player options (assuming this is added through paid DLC).
Caved under pressure and bought this.
I had to learn to ignore FOMO the hard way. Last year I bought Mario Golf, Skyward Sword HD, WarioWare, and a handful of others that, while great games, I didn't get much out of.

So now I know: don't spend 40 to 60 USD on things I know I won't like.
Badminton is so good. By far my favorite. Loving the game overall from a gameplay standpoint. Hopefully we get more sports added over time as I imagine the sales will be very good for this. Could use 4-5 more sports and some single player options (assuming this is added through paid DLC).
I will give it another try it seemed too easy compared to tennis from the tutorial
Caved under pressure and bought this.

I am massively disappointed. That is all. Hope some of you enjoy it.
Just sell it. You will get almost all of your money back.

Any idea what’s up with the slip and fall in Badminton?
The gyro there goes really easy out of synch. Have to recalibrate after every other round.
I'm really enjoying the online element of the game ... way more than I thought I would...
A few thoughts
there's extremely low polygon models, low quality textures, the animation is sub standard in many cases. Which is weird cause the game plays great and is a fairly seamless experience even online
I mean to say With how low poly and low texture everything is ... why is it running at such a sucky resolution?
Especially when something like Zelda is running 900p, and is far more advanced.

I wish there was more to it than currently exists. Modes seem limited and sort of bare bones. (Where's 100 pin bowling?) I hope they add more variation on fields and courts.
I wish Online modes had more options, like if I wanted to only play trick bowling, or only play doubles tennis.
I know this is more of an account issue but we still can't.... for example ... log into my kid's switch and earn points on my account... which would be nice. As it stands I'm wasting time either on their account or my account.

Overall, I'm having a great time playing this limited, ugly game.
I had to learn to ignore FOMO the hard way. Last year I bought Mario Golf, Skyward Sword HD, WarioWare, and a handful of others that, while great games, I didn't get much out of.

So now I know: don't spend 40 to 60 USD on things I know I won't like.
Being middle class in a prosperous country brings it's own pathetic perils I would say. (edit: regarding myself obviously)

But yeah. I really wanted this to be Wii Sports Resort, which it obviously was never going to be.
Badminton is so good. By far my favorite. Loving the game overall from a gameplay standpoint. Hopefully we get more sports added over time as I imagine the sales will be very good for this. Could use 4-5 more sports and some single player options (assuming this is added through paid DLC).
This game is perfect for DLC as it was 40 bucks i wouldn't be opposed to a 20 expansion sometime next year.
what's the strategy for aiming shots in tennis? somebody in ranked perfectly hit it to the opposite corner every time

If you hit it earlier, it will go to the direction you swing. If you hit it late, it will go more to the other direction of your swing. If you swing on point, it will go towards the center down the line. Also, flick the joycon. Do not go too hard or it will hit it hard.

So say I swing to the left. Hit early, goes left for sure. Swing late, will curve right. Perfect hit. Down the line.

Also curve your hand for spin or slice. And do a down and up motion for a lob.

Have not figured out drop shot yet lol
Nothing scarier than playing tennis and encountering the one person out of 100 who actually knows how to play this game.

edit: new shocked emoticon is my fave
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I don’t get too much dedicated TV time for games, so I only had one afternoon long session with this so far. Very fun! For me the unlocks don’t feel too fast yet 😂 bowling’s the standout for me but I really like volleyball too. I got into the pro league for bowling and am now getting my ass cremated out there. Miss a strike people
If you hit it earlier, it will go to the direction you swing. If you hit it late, it will go more to the other direction of your swing. If you swing on point, it will go towards the center down the line. Also, flick the joycon. Do not go too hard or it will hit it hard.

So say I swing to the left. Hit early, goes left for sure. Swing late, will curve right. Perfect hit. Down the line.

Also curve your hand for spin or slice. And do a down and up motion for a lob.

Have not figured out drop shot yet lol
This makes a lot of sense. Thank you!!
what's the strategy for aiming shots in tennis? somebody in ranked perfectly hit it to the opposite corner every time
as far as I can tell it's mostly timing with a little bit of directionality, especially vertically

I think people have discounted the responsiveness of the sports unfairly. It is we the players who are imprecise, not the game

edit: answered far better above, whoops lol
TBH, a main problem I have is that a lot of the intricacies of the sports aren't explained to the player in their tutorials, only through load screen tips post-match, which isn't great.
alright, it's a little early to be saying this, and it's entirely anecdotal to me, but here goes:

Nintendo Switch Sports players are the most bad-mannered playerbase on Switch online

the worst is soccer. earlier today people on the other team clap emoted at my teammate self-goaling, and continued to clap at other well-telegraphed mistakes (missing a kick, failed pass, etc)

I've seen this across a couple of other sports too, especially volleyball

that said, I'm trying to be the change I want to see in the world by clapping for good plays by opponents
as far as I can tell it's mostly timing with a little bit of directionality, especially vertically

I think people have discounted the responsiveness of the sports unfairly. It is we the players who are imprecise, not the game

edit: answered far better above, whoops lol
Yeah when I played this one person I suddenly had an "oh I just suck" moment lmao
alright, it's a little early to be saying this, and it's entirely anecdotal to me, but here goes:

Nintendo Switch Sports players are the most bad-mannered playerbase on Switch online

the worst is soccer. earlier today people on the other team clap emoted at my teammate self-goaling, and continued to clap at other well-telegraphed mistakes (missing a kick, failed pass, etc)

I've seen this across a couple of other sports too, especially volleyball

that said, I'm trying to be the change I want to see in the world by clapping for good plays by opponents
It's Rocket League Syndrome, everybody thinks they're a comedian by spamming "Nice shot" or "What a save", but really they're just assholes.
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I always clap a good play by the other team. Sometimes when they do a bad play or mistake I’ll even do the sad face at them. I try to be nice. I don’t want to be insufferable like the Switch Sports subreddit getting angry cause their teammates aren’t as good as them. Like relax. Soon you’ll rank up and won’t have to play with us plebs.
Volleyball is definitely the one I'm enjoying the most. Feels the most responsive and the amount of control you have is fantastic. I'm still very disappointed in Chambara, which doesn't feel nearly as accurate or responsive to me as WSR's version. Looking forward to seeing what sports get added! I'd loooove to see Corn Hole/Bean Bag Toss be added too; would be a fun, satisfying, and simple game!
Probably a very unpopular opinion but I really don’t like the special lanes showing up in online bowling I just want the basic bowling without it showing up
Probably a very unpopular opinion but I really don’t like the special lanes showing up in online bowling I just want the basic bowling without it showing up
Not at all. As someone who used to go bowling every week I was super disappointed when the wacky lanes showed up for the first time. I’m going to play again later tonight, but this might have killed my interest in bowling online entirely :(
Not at all. As someone who used to go bowling every week I was super disappointed when the wacky lanes showed up for the first time. I’m going to play again later tonight, but this might have killed my interest in bowling online entirely :(
Tbf you mostly get normal lanes but it seems like ever since I got D rank they show up more often which is a shame
I'm steadily climbing the ranks in tennis, winning most of my matches. However, I played this one person who seemed to have complete control over how the ball bounced and it definitely threw me off. Surprised I only lost 7-5. I know topspin/backspin are there, but I guess I have not mastered them yet.

Anyways, I'm gonna have to learn these controls in full detail if I want to keep a good win rate.
Honestly, the novelty of Wii Sports wore out for me pretty quickly back on the Wii.

That being said, I’ve been surprised how much I’ve been playing this, especially online. It’s so fun to team up with my husband on volleyball or tennis while earning points to unlock stuff. A gameplay loop that keeps me coming back and feeling the “just one more game” vibes.
Game has played perfectly for me before this morning. Now getting constant errors. Frustrating!
my title is infinite dog, I didn’t even think of putting nsfw stuff in there

ah yeah, my player’s name is "gy style"


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