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StarTopic Nintendo Switch 2 Speculation Thread |ST| The Future is just Beyond the Present

Which franchise/series will take the longest to get a new entry on Switch 2?

  • Animal Crossing

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Mario 2D

    Votes: 15 13.5%
  • Donkey Kong (either 2D or 3D)

    Votes: 8 7.2%
  • Super Smash Bros

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • Splatoon

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Pikmin

    Votes: 23 20.7%
  • 3D Zelda

    Votes: 59 53.2%

  • Total voters
Splatoon 4 or Animal Crossing 6 coming soon on Switch sucessor, will depend which of this two franchises, Nintendo consider is a high priority to release on it next hardware, if Splatoon is a priority, Splatoon 4 will come first, and 2/3 years later Animal Crossing, if Animal Crossing is a priority the game will come first followed by Splatoon 4, 2026 seens more likely for a potential Animal Crossing on Switch sucessor, every game of the franchise has been released in a 4 year basis, Animal Crossing(2001), Animal Crossing Wild World(2005), Animal Crossing City Folk(2008), Animal Crossing New Leaf(2012) and Animal Crossing New Horizon(2020), Animal Crossing 6(2026?)
Looking forward to COD, Pikmin 5, and LM4. All the games I want for the next switch. Anything else is a filler for me.
I don't think Nintendo would allow a situation where the Switch 1 get an exclusive Pokemon game that Switch 2 doesn't get, when their priority is to quickly grow the Switch 2 user base. Sure the Pokemon game will look like a Switch 1 game but it will be able to be bought on Switch 2 as well. That Pokemon game would be bigger than anything Switch 2 gets its first year except maybe Mario 3D game.
This exact situation happened multiple times in previous generations, so Game Freak & TPC clearly don’t care. They prefer to wait until a new system builds up more of an install base before they launch a mainline Pokémon game for it, regardless of what Nintendo wants. Although it’s easier to do cross-gen this time, it’s not effortless. And Game Freak is already being stretched thin by their own deadlines.

If Nintendo had 100% control over the Pokémon franchise, you’d be right. But they don’t, they only own 1/3 of the IP.
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This exact situation happened multiple times in previous generations, so Game Freak & TPC clearly don’t care. They prefer to wait until a new system builds up more of an install base before they launch a mainline Pokémon game for it, regardless of what Nintendo wants. Although it’s easier to do cross-gen this time, it’s not effortless. And Game Freak it’s already being stretched thin by their own deadlines.

If Nintendo had 100% control over the Pokémon franchise, you’d be right. But they don’t, they only own 1/3 of the IP.
It just seems unbelievable that Nintendo would allow a situation where their previous console system would have bigger and more popular game releases than the brand new console would have, that is unheard of in console transition. If that really happens it would put a real spanner in Nintendo's way in getting people to quickly move on from the Switch, after all that could cause an expectation that Switch will continue to get great exclusives that the Switch 2 won't get. And a Pokemon release for the Switch would lead to embarassing news articles about Switch consoles selling more than Switch 2 consoles in certain territories, something that happened for the Wii U against the Wii. All in all it would be incredibly bad for the status of the Switch 2 if it doesn't even get all games the old system gets, especially big games like Pokemon. It would be like PS5 not getting a new Spiderman game but instead the PS4 got the game.
It just seems unbelievable that Nintendo would allow a situation where their previous console system would have bigger and more popular game releases than the brand new console would have, that is unheard of in console transition. If that really happens it would put a real spanner in Nintendo's way in getting people to quickly move on from the Switch, after all that could cause an expectation that Switch will continue to get great exclusives that the Switch 2 won't get. And a Pokemon release for the Switch would lead to embarassing news articles about Switch consoles selling more than Switch 2 consoles in certain territories, something that happened for the Wii U against the Wii. All in all it would be incredibly bad for the status of the Switch 2 if it doesn't even get all games the old system gets, especially big games like Pokemon. It would be like PS5 not getting a new Spiderman game but instead the PS4 got the game.
But that’s a thing, it’s not unheard of. It happened for GBA -> DS, DS -> 3DS, & 3DS -> Switch. Although there may be some reasons to believe that things could be different this time in terms of ease of development, history indicates that Game Freak & TPC are more than willing to wait (despite what Nintendo wishes may or may not be). In fact, TPC was fully expecting the Switch to fail early on.

Could Legends Z-A be cross-gen, sure. But past history doesn’t indicate that said scenario is likely, so it’s more of a theoretical possibility. In fact, I wouldn’t expect a mainline Pokémon game on the Switch 2 until Gen 10 in 2026. So yeah, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
I believe this should be applied to every ATLUS / SEGA games
RGG still a "??" for now

I know there was a comment from Studio Head Masayoshi Yokoyama about it in 2022 saying they're too violent and "underground", but I really wish they changed their tune since then. They'd be a great fit on Switch.
but where are the real good stuff like Etrian Odyssey VI, SMT: Devil Survivor 3, etc
I would wager EO is in the back back burner, given the some of the staff worked on STM V. Vengeance might gives us an idea if some of that staff moved unto something else.

DS3 would be a dream announcement, but smt spinoffs are probably dead for a while, SH2 did not help 😅

I know there was a comment from Studio Head Masayoshi Yokoyama about it in 2022 saying they're too violent and "underground", but I really wish they changed their tune since then. They'd be a great fit on Switch.
it's so fucking funny that the guys that made this think they are too hardcore for the switch

goofy ass company
But that’s a thing, it’s not unheard of. It happened for GBA -> DS, DS -> 3DS, & 3DS -> Switch. Although there may be some reasons to believe that things could be different this time in terms of ease of development, history indicates that Game Freak & TPC are more than willing to wait (despite what Nintendo wishes may or may not be). In fact, TPC was fully expecting the Switch to fail early on.

Could Legends Z-A be cross-gen, sure. But past history doesn’t indicate that said scenario is likely, so it’s more of a theoretical possibility. In fact, I wouldn’t expect a mainline Pokémon game on the Switch 2 until Gen 10 in 2026. So yeah, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

To be fair, it's the first time that achieving cross-generational compatibility would be easy. Creating Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon for both the 3DS and Switch would have meant developing two separate builds, two (four!) different retail packages, etc.

With the transition from Switch to Switch 2, they could simply enhance the resolution and fps on the Switch 2 and include a sticker in the box saying "better on Switch 2". The marketing would promote the game as playable on both systems. I could see them doing a SV next gen patch too.

Sony had never pursued first-party cross-generational releases before the PS4/PS5 transition either. I expect the majority, if not all, of Nintendo's games in 2025/26 to follow suit.
it's so fucking funny that the guys that made this think they are too hardcore for the switch

goofy ass company
To be fair this type of fetish is kind of underground

(Everything with this sub story never gets old. Even in future installments)
I still feel there's an actual reason behind Yakuza not being on Switch and I'd like someone to uncover that. It still sounds crazy that Sega brought first two Yakuza games to Wii U without localizing them.

Persona 6 is coming to Switch 2

And Persona 3 Reload is coming to Switch!!!

I still feel there's an actual reason behind Yakuza not being on Switch and I'd like someone to uncover that. It still sounds crazy that Sega brought first two Yakuza games to Wii U without localizing them.
The Xbox and Windows (therefore Steam as well) versions were paid for by Microsoft, so they probably want Nintendo to pay them as well and Nintendo isn't willing to do that.

And Persona 3 Reload is coming to Switch!!!

The Xbox and Windows (therefore Steam as well) versions were paid for by Microsoft, so they probably want Nintendo to pay them as well and Nintendo isn't willing to do that.

Frankly, I think that they probably scrapped P3R for Switch early on - and if you believe that the Switch 2 was originally supposed to release in a few months, it makes sense - why, when you are already manpower starved and not all that technically proficient to begin with, would you spend 6 months desperately trying to make your game run at acceptable framerates at sub-540p when the system that would have originally come just months later is capable of running it with zero compromises and with relatively minimal effort?

Persona for the Switch 2 makes sense solely for the sales alone - Atlus is not all that technically competent and I doubt they wanted to spend a bunch of time and manpower - money is not really the issue here - trying to cram that game onto the geriatric Switch with the Switch 2 originally months away. Like honestly, the game has issues on the Steam Deck. At some point companies are probably just going to focus on getting on the boat with the Switch 2 instead of dedicating months, a dedicated team that could be used elsewhere and a lot of tears to make a horrendous looking port that will be outdated in months anyways.
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Frankly, I think that they probably scrapped P3R for Switch early on - and if you believe that the Switch 2 was originally supposed to release in a few months, it makes sense - why, when you are already manpower starved and not all that technically proficient to begin with, would you spend 6 months desperately trying to make your game run at acceptable framerates at sub-540p when the system that would have originally come just months later is capable of running it with zero compromises and with relatively minimal effort?

Persona for the Switch 2 makes sense solely for the sales alone - Atlus is not all that technically competent and I doubt they wanted to spend a bunch of time and manpower - money is not really the issue here - trying to cram that game onto the geriatric Switch with the Switch 2 originally months away. Like honestly, the game has issues on the Steam Deck. At some point companies are probably just going to focus on getting on the boat with the Switch 2 instead of dedicating months, a dedicated team that could be used elsewhere and a lot of tears to make a horrendous looking port that will be outdated in months anyways.
According to the same leaker P3R was apparently finished in 2022, so they had all the time in the world for a Switch port, also P3R has lower system requirements on Steam than P5R so you are telling me they thought a 3 years late port of an updated version of a 7 year old game was more worth their resourses than a day and date release of a new ambitious remake that's effectively a new game for most people.
According to the same leaker P3R was apparently finished in 2022, so they had all the time in the world for a Switch port, also P3R has lower system requirements on Steam than P5R so you are telling me they thought a 3 years late port of an updated version of a 7 year old game was more worth their resourses than a day and date release of a new ambitious remake that's effectively a new game for most people.
Lower requirements on Steam than P5R is hilarious considering that is basically an upgraded PS3 game and P3R is using Unreal with some modern features (RT, SSR) - the game ran like shit at launch on the Steam Deck. It's better now but it's better to keep it locked to 40.

As for "finished in 2022", technically yes, but they share staff with P6 and they've only just barely finished actually developing The Answer DLC if the English voiceovers aren't even complete. Atlus has no people left to spare - they've already increased their staff count by like 20 percent in the past 4 years and are still short staffed if their reasoning behind no FeMC holds water.

They don't want to spend time and manpower downporting to a machine that's like 2 generations behind in power when the successor is within sight. Frankly at this point in the lifecycle I don't think anybody does.

Dunk on them for Soul Hackers 2 or whatever, that makes sense, but this? Justifiable at this stage.
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Frankly, I think that they probably scrapped P3R for Switch early on - and if you believe that the Switch 2 was originally supposed to release in a few months, it makes sense - why, when you are already manpower starved and not all that technically proficient to begin with, would you spend 6 months desperately trying to make your game run at acceptable framerates at sub-540p when the system that would have originally come just months later is capable of running it with zero compromises and with relatively minimal effort?

Because the Switch has a ginormous userbase that has been shown to purchase these types of games without hesitation? The Switch 2 has an install base of 0. The reason to port any of these games to tgw Switch is because there is huge sales potential. What other reason is necessary?

This isn't a particularly impressive looking game. There is little reason to justify not porting it to Switch.
I still feel there's an actual reason behind Yakuza not being on Switch and I'd like someone to uncover that. It still sounds crazy that Sega brought first two Yakuza games to Wii U without localizing them.
The story is probably a simple "we don't want to". As we learned from other studios, there's not much more to it. Like the last Soul Calibur game, the devs never bothered to try, even when they said they were going to try. Ace Combat 7 is only coming because the devs bothered to attempt it
To be fair, it's the first time that achieving cross-generational compatibility would be easy. Creating Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon for both the 3DS and Switch would have meant developing two separate builds, two (four!) different retail packages, etc.

With the transition from Switch to Switch 2, they could simply enhance the resolution and fps on the Switch 2 and include a sticker in the box saying "better on Switch 2". The marketing would promote the game as playable on both systems. I could see them doing a SV next gen patch too.

Sony had never pursued first-party cross-generational releases before the PS4/PS5 transition either. I expect the majority, if not all, of Nintendo's games in 2025/26 to follow suit.
It’ll definitely be easier, but the differences between the two SoCs will mean that it won’t be simple. MVG went over how Switch 1 games are compiled, so a compatibility layer will likely have to be employed for just backwards compatibility. This could complicate matters in terms of enhancements, to the point where making a native Switch 2 version could be a necessity for any performance improvements outside of passive benefits. And going by Game Freak & TPC’s track record, it doesn’t seem like a high priority for them to have a conversion specific to new hardware ready early on. I’m sure Nintendo would want it, but the other parties simply don’t care (especially since GF is already being stretched thin). Simply being playable on the Switch 2 via BC would be enough for them.

Just a heads-up, TerminalMontage is a known anti-Asian racist. This was what he snuck into his Super Metroid video before he removed it after getting caught…

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The story is probably a simple "we don't want to". As we learned from other studios, there's not much more to it. Like the last Soul Calibur game, the devs never bothered to try, even when they said they were going to try. Ace Combat 7 is only coming because the devs bothered to attempt it
I think Ace Combat 7 is coming as a preparation for the successor port of ILCA's Ace Combat 8. ILCA also worked on AC7 as CG studio and similarly ILCA made One Piece Odyssey just leaked for Switch.

Imran once said Namco tried Tekken 7 for Switch but couldn't get satisfactory results. I suspect many developers tried porting but gave up after failing. Only a few thought it would worth it to hire an external studio to do the job.
I think Ace Combat 7 is coming as a preparation for the successor port of ILCA's Ace Combat 8. ILCA also worked on AC7 as CG studio and similarly ILCA made One Piece Odyssey just leaked for Switch.

Imran once said Namco tried Tekken 7 for Switch but couldn't get satisfactory results. I suspect many developers tried porting but gave up after failing. Only a few thought it would worth it to hire an external studio to do the job.
maybe, but we know that they haven't tried until they decided to attempt a port

other devs were on record with similar comments. this is why Crash Trilogy was even on Switch, because on dev attempted it as a proof of concept. as for the Soul Calibur thing, that was also an interview where they said they straight up forgot about saying they'll try porting to Switch.

it could be a "we tried and didn't like it", but it's just as easily a "we don't care to try"
Since I see the "Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku on Switch" topic has popped up once again, this is a great time to remember that, as of 2022 (and according to Liam Robertson), the reason why no games from the franchise had been ported to Switch still was "Because the Wii U ports bombed".

Because that explains so much about the kind of train of thought that leads to some games skipping the system.
Since I see the "Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku on Switch" topic has popped up once again, this is a great time to remember that, as of 2022 (and according to Liam Robertson), the reason why no games from the franchise had been ported to Switch still was "Because the Wii U ports bombed".

Because that explains so much about the kind of train of thought that leads to some games skipping the system.
lol the Switch has outperformed the Wii U about seven times and is the hottest console on Japan. I wonder when Sega will change their minds
lol the Switch has outperformed the Wii U about seven times and is the hottest console on Japan. I wonder when Sega will change their minds
I see three possible scenarios for this happening:
  • The IP severely loses in sales and momentum on the platforms it's already in. (unlikely)
  • Someone in the company campaigns super hard for a Switch/Switch 2 version. (extremely unlikely from what we have seen so far)
  • The additional horsepower of Switch 2 makes potential ports significantly cheaper, so even if they aren't completely convinced, they go "Eh, why not" and do it anyway.
I think the last one is the most likely to happen; if the Switch successor comes and goes and not even the PS3-era games have made the switch (apologies for the pun), then it's a completely lost cause.
yakuza on switch talk again?

Okay here’s my current take on that whole situation:

- Yeah the Wii U ports bombed

- I think the real reason they’re not porting the games to Switch is that the Switch can’t handle the Dragon Engine games (K2, 6, 7, 8, Judgment, Lost Judgment) and trust me: you do not want an incomplete Yakuza story.

- porting games takes a lot of work and effort and RGG is already stretched quite thin

Optimism for the future:

- I think the Switch 2 WILL be able to handle the Dragon Engine games. They’re all Steam Deck Verified so as long as Switch 2 lands in that power ballpark, hardware should not be an issue.

- I think Sega clearly sees the benefit of releasing games in as many places as possible, including Switch, and will probably ask RGG very sternly to make that happen

We’ll see what happens!
Optimism for the future:

- I think the Switch 2 WILL be able to handle the Dragon Engine games. They’re all Steam Deck Verified so as long as Switch 2 lands in that power ballpark, hardware should not be an issue.

- I think Sega clearly sees the benefit of releasing games in as many places as possible, including Switch, and will probably ask RGG very sternly to make that happen
Don't forget the third one: Nintendo gives Sega a huge bag of cash. As the famous 90's song once said: It's all about money. Nintendo can have any game on their platform as long as they pay the price. This is what Mr Spencer has been doing since the start of this generation and I seriously expect Nintendo too to loosen their money sacks with the new generation.
LaD is a matter of when, not if imo. At the end of the day they need to port to Switch if they want to stay relevant in Japan and executives will take 0 excuses if the Switch 2 is around PS4 Pro level as rumored
- I think the Switch 2 WILL be able to handle the Dragon Engine games. They’re all Steam Deck Verified so as long as Switch 2 lands in that power ballpark, hardware should not be an issue.
"Steam Deck Verified" doesn't actually mean anything. it's like the Nintendo Seal of Quality

and not being able to support Dragon Engine is a matter of effort, not hardware
maybe, but we know that they haven't tried until they decided to attempt a port

other devs were on record with similar comments. this is why Crash Trilogy was even on Switch, because on dev attempted it as a proof of concept. as for the Soul Calibur thing, that was also an interview where they said they straight up forgot about saying they'll try porting to Switch.

it could be a "we tried and didn't like it", but it's just as easily a "we don't care to try"
On the, probably best console to have been sold ever no less. This explains why.Nintendo had to create two studios for Nintendo development with Bandai.
"Steam Deck Verified" doesn't actually mean anything. it's like the Nintendo Seal of Quality

and not being able to support Dragon Engine is a matter of effort, not hardware
No, it's absolutely a matter of hardware, shit struggles on the PS4, you aren't getting it running at an acceptable state on Switch.
“Why can’t the low budget series that saves money and speeds up dev time by reusing tech and assets from over a decade ago just optimize their games better.”
yes, why can't they? they're backed by Sega and have a dedicated engineering team. they constantly work on their tools to improve them. if the engine is running poorly on PS4 despite not pushing visual fidelity, there are some problems they could be sorting out. but that's probably why they're also looking into moving to Unreal Engine, to determine if the work would be worth it

if you think this was some kind of gotcha, I don't know what to tell you
yes, why can't they? they're backed by Sega and have a dedicated engineering team. they constantly work on their tools to improve them. if the engine is running poorly on PS4 despite not pushing visual fidelity, there are some problems they could be sorting out

if you think this was some kind of gotcha, I don't know what to tell you

I'm saying they're saving time and money by not dedicating a lot of time and money to make their engine run at a capable level.

This is part of the reason why Rebirth could be made so fast, they didn't update their bad engine pretty much at all.
- I think the real reason they’re not porting the games to Switch is that the Switch can’t handle the Dragon Engine games (K2, 6, 7, 8, Judgment, Lost Judgment) and trust me: you do not want an incomplete Yakuza story.
If this is the case, I wish they would say so; it would save everyone so much time:

"We are aware that a lot of Switch fans would like to play the Like a Dragon franchise on their console of choice. We are thankful and humbled by their support and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, our tests with the Dragon Engine on Switch have not given the results that we would like in order to deliver a quality experience."

Boom, case closed. We can all move on. Instead, they went "Uuuh, you know... family and underground... light and darkness... putting your Yakuza movies next to the family films... yeah, you know" so of course people went "the fuck are you on about? What the hell is actually going on here?"
"Steam Deck Verified" doesn't actually mean anything. it's like the Nintendo Seal of Quality

and not being able to support Dragon Engine is a matter of effort, not hardware
Wow it’s almost like I addressed exactly this a few lines above what you quoted
- porting games takes a lot of work and effort and RGG is already stretched quite thin
I’m sure if you gave RGG a billion dollars and 5 years they could get Dragon engine games running flawlessly on Switch but they don’t have that time or money. However once they have more power under the hood, it’ll be easier.

Okay, let me put this another way: I have seen with my own eyes that Dragon Engine games run quite good on a Steam Deck, and that gives me hope that they can get them running on Switch 2 as well. Does that wording pass your pedantic test?

And Persona 3 Reload is coming to Switch!!!

To Switch 1???

Tbh that's about what I was expecting after the Switch 2 delay. I guess they could wait for a console releasing this year to have a new version of the game coming, but once they knew the console wouldn't be out until 1 year after the game and they probably would have to wait until another quarter after launch to release the game for it in order not to be burnt on release day, they thought it'd be worth the task to go to a porting team to make a Switch late port for this fall.
- I think the real reason they’re not porting the games to Switch is that the Switch can’t handle the Dragon Engine games (K2, 6, 7, 8, Judgment, Lost Judgment) and trust me: you do not want an incomplete Yakuza story.
PS2 and PS3 owners seem to have survived.
To Switch 1???
No more than that means the 1994 PlayStation or the 2001 Xbox.
To Switch 1???

Tbh that's about what I was expecting after the Switch 2 delay. I guess they could wait for a console releasing this year to have a new version of the game coming, but once they knew the console wouldn't be out until 1 year after the game and they probably would have to wait until another quarter after launch to release the game for it in order not to be burnt on release day, they thought it'd be worth the task to go to a porting team to make a Switch late port for this fall.
That tweet is from June 9th of last year, after the games got leaked by Atlus' instagram, but before they were officially announced. If the game was coming to Switch it would've been simultaneously with the other versions...
If this is the case, I wish they would say so; it would save everyone so much time:

"We are aware that a lot of Switch fans would like to play the Like a Dragon franchise on their console of choice. We are thankful and humbled by their support and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, our tests with the Dragon Engine on Switch have not given the results that we would like in order to deliver a quality experience."

Boom, case closed. We can all move on. Instead, they went "Uuuh, you know... family and underground... light and darkness... putting your Yakuza movies next to the family films... yeah, you know" so of course people went "the fuck are you on about? What the hell is actually going on here?"
unfortunately, it's rare to hear devs be forthcoming about their reasoning. reminds me when GF explained why Tembo never hit the Wii U. it was honest, at least
unfortunately, it's rare to hear devs be forthcoming about their reasoning. reminds me when GF explained why Tembo never hit the Wii U. it was honest, at least
I agree it's not super frequent, but I think the few times it has happened it went considerably better than when companies/representatives essentially make an excuse up on the spot.

For instance, I recall that back in the day a lot of people were questioning Square Enix about bringing FFXV to Switch. Then Tabata came out and said "We would love to, but the Luminous Engine doesn't run properly on Switch" and the vast majority of the requests quieted down almost immediately.
I don't think a Pokémon game would be cross-gen either way, but Legends Z-A is the only opportunity they could get, since it's a game that won't be releasing in two different SKUs, thus, they wouldn't be having the hassle of putting out 4 SKUs on retail for two different consoles.

But as Neoxon said, TPC doesn't care, it's not their responsibility to sell hardware. they want the bigger userbase, and it's on Switch, and they won't gamble on Switch 2 at the start.

and since the game will simply be playable through backwards compatibility on Switch 2, with or without enhancements and performance boost, Nintendo can pull that old trick for the package and put a simple sticker on it lol


They also apparently intended to do the same with late GameCube games and reprints, but never commited


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