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Discussion Nintendo: no component shortage expected for Switch successor


thought it was worth briging up. Question was asked in shareholders meetings

“As a countermeasure against resale, we believe that the most important thing is to produce a sufficient number to meet customer demand, and this idea has not changed since last year,” Furukawa said.

“In addition to this, we are considering whether there are any other measures that can be taken to the extent allowed by laws and regulations, taking into account the circumstances of each region.

“Although we were unable to produce sufficient quantities of Nintendo Switch hardware last year and the year before due to a shortage of semiconductor components, this situation has now been resolved. At this time, we do not believe that the shortage of components will have a significant impact on the production of the successor model.”

source: https://www.ign.com/articles/nintendo-says-the-best-way-to-stop-switch-2-scalpers-is-to-make-enough-consoles-to-meet-customer-demand
That's reassuring. I'm sure they will be hard to get for the first few months, but it probably won't be a ps5 situation where that took like two years to become readily available.

I lucked out with my switch. I wasn't planning on buying one right away, but I went to my Gamestop to get persona 5 actually back in like April 2017. I heard the guy over saying that they were expecting a shipment in like an hour, and I asked if I could get one if I just hung around til then. They said yes and I grabbed that, and breath of the wild.
Now that Nintendo are openly discussing the next system it’s got me anxiously waiting for the reveal lol. Good to know I won’t have to be up till 4am to pre-order this thing maybe.
Hmmm… So does this mean near 40 year old me won’t need to line up at midnight? Probably won’t need to but will undoubtedly want to! I think my son would be happy to live through at least one of those hahaha.

Man when they talk about their new console without it even being named yet I can feel the new dawn approaching.

Ever since Project Dolphin my dreams of a new Dawn always consisted of 3D Yoshi, 3D Kirby, Ridley in Smash, Big Open Zelda, Dixie in Smash, 3DK, 2 player Sonic game with Sonic and Knuckles and online multiplayer focused Star Fox.

This generation alone brought forth FOUR of these in one fell swoop! And each one delivered hard! Well Kirby and the Forgotten Land were a little too safe for my vision but still enjoyed the game thoroughly.
Probably because the hardware has been ready for a while and parts are stockpiled. That, or I'm an idiot and I know nothing about how this works.
Makes sense. I mean the PS5/XSX launch was such a weird timing with COVID, and the explosion of scalping related to COVID, along with the shortages that also came with COVID.

It not launching during the holidays will also be a plus as well.
This will probably be the first time I try to get a system at launch in 20 years so I'm still bracing for a shitshow.
I’m nostalgic for the halcyon days of the Switch 1 when I watched the big reveal event and just casually strolled over to Best Buy’s website and preordered one, no trouble at all. I can only hope this time will be at least somewhat similar.
Probably because the hardware has been ready for a while and parts are stockpiled. That, or I'm an idiot and I know nothing about how this works.
I think it's the case that some parts are stockpiled, and others aren't even finalised. They seem to want to be able to flick a switch (heh) and immediately produce incredible quantities as soon as they're ready.
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I’m nostalgic for the halcyon days of the Switch 1 when I watched the big reveal event and just casually strolled over to Best Buy’s website and preordered one, no trouble at all. I can only hope this time will be at least somewhat similar.

I don't remember there being any shortages when the Switch was revealed/released in early 2017.

I don't think too many people expected the system to be the hit that it became.

Now, holiday 2017? I do remember shortages because everyone and their mother wanted one. I also remember shortages holiday 2018.
I’m nostalgic for the halcyon days of the Switch 1 when I watched the big reveal event and just casually strolled over to Best Buy’s website and preordered one, no trouble at all. I can only hope this time will be at least somewhat similar.
I couldn't get one until november, there were no preorders here and every time a new batch came out it sold immediately
I’m nostalgic for the halcyon days of the Switch 1 when I watched the big reveal event and just casually strolled over to Best Buy’s website and preordered one, no trouble at all. I can only hope this time will be at least somewhat similar.
That's similar to how me and my sister preordered our Switches; we watched the presentation then went to Gamestop the next day and placed our orders.
I bought my Switch months after buying botw at launch. I live in Costa Rica so we don't really get much stock to begin with.
I hope they send a few more units this time.
I think they've gotten their orders in for all the requisite components. The hardware design is a lock at this point. They're maybe doing some final testing or trial assembly runs to see what production will be like. If you look at Apple for instance, they're really good at securing all the parts for their products so they don't normally have shortages, and they also tend to lock out competitors from getting those parts as well.
I hope he’s right and that there ends up being no issue, but honestly, I’ll believe it when I see it. Getting a Switch was already hard at launch, so I don’t think getting Switch 2 (after the Switch made public interest in Nintendo higher than it’s ever been) at launch will be much easier.
I’ve said as much before but when PS5 and XSX launched in AU, if you were there around day one when pre-orders opened, you typically got a console.

I’m assuming the same this go around. And much like last time I’m guessing getting one for a period of time immediately following launch is going to be a major pain.
It will be hard to get one. It won't be ps5 level desperation, but it for sure won't be easy.

They learned their part. There will be 1 or 2 10+m sellers right at launch, and enough high caliber for the first 2-3 months that it will be desirable.
Say, maybe 3d mario, 2-3 4k remasters, 1 party game, 1-3 big third party games (something like remake or elden ring)

More interesting question is if it keeps the momentum.

As for me, off preorder it at 2 places, online and local store, just to be sure. If I catch both, I'm gonna see if a friend's are trying to get one, and if not, either return one or sell it for retail price.
That's reassuring. I'm sure they will be hard to get for the first few months, but it probably won't be a ps5 situation where that took like two years to become readily available.

I lucked out with my switch. I wasn't planning on buying one right away, but I went to my Gamestop to get persona 5 actually back in like April 2017. I heard the guy over saying that they were expecting a shipment in like an hour, and I asked if I could get one if I just hung around til then. They said yes and I grabbed that, and breath of the wild.
But persona came out later on switch :p
Did you buy it back then as well, or did you decide to wait and first play Zelda?
Very much hope there's enough at launch. Wasn't much trouble securing a launch Switch 1 but back then the console wasn't expected to become the hit that it did. Switch 2 will have much loftier expectations straight out the gate.
I'll be buying mine from somewhere that requests the cash up-front, that tends to deter scalpers somewhat so there's always stock available. Did the same thing with my PS5 preorder, and they had units available during the preorder frenzy for days.
Tech-leaf reading users, would you say this means it's more or less likely to be on a small node?

I'd say we first need some experts in corporate speech to tell us if this is (again) just usual suit corpo PR talk or if it actually means something this time.

Can't say i remember a big corp ever saying "Nah folks, there's nothing we can do, demand will definitely outmatch stock at launch, so you gotta be alert and preorder stuff ASAP!". ;D
Am I reasonable to expect an earlier reveal than Switch (i.e. September, for a March release), considering they might start mass production earlier to have enough units ready at launch?
My plan is to register on official Nintendo store. It's how I got my Tears OLED, was significantly cheaper on store.nintendo.ie than buying from local stores in Greece
I think "the successor model" is interesting wording. It's plain that we're getting Switch 2, not some new console concept.
I don't remember there being any shortages when the Switch was revealed/released in early 2017.

I don't think too many people expected the system to be the hit that it became.

Now, holiday 2017? I do remember shortages because everyone and their mother wanted one. I also remember shortages holiday 2018.

There werent shortages everywhere. Here in the nordics for instance it was not that bad, but it was widely reported of shortages during basically entire 2017, heck Nintendo even publically apoligized for it, however Nintendo was really good at adapting really fast. I remember them increasing units both for the launch period and the initial forecast by quite a bit. I think it went quite smooth all things considered.
It will be hard to get one. It won't be ps5 level desperation, but it for sure won't be easy.

They learned their part. There will be 1 or 2 10+m sellers right at launch, and enough high caliber for the first 2-3 months that it will be desirable.
Say, maybe 3d mario, 2-3 4k remasters, 1 party game, 1-3 big third party games (something like remake or elden ring)

More interesting question is if it keeps the momentum.

As for me, off preorder it at 2 places, online and local store, just to be sure. If I catch both, I'm gonna see if a friend's are trying to get one, and if not, either return one or sell it for retail price.

But persona came out later on switch :p
Did you buy it back then as well, or did you decide to wait and first play Zelda?
It was the initial release of p5 on ps4 back in 2017
If Nintendo has been stockpiling materials and want to produce a lot of units to prevent scalpers, that means production will start sooner than the OG Switch, unless they've secured more production lines, meaning they can still start manufacturing the same time they did with the Switch
I'm curious to see how Nintendo is going to price the game in Japan itself this time around, the obvious problem is that the yen's devaluation fiasco this year is going to cause Nintendo, who uses foreign currencies as their primary billing currency, to be in a difficult position when it comes to pricing for Japan, pricing it high is going to dampen demand in Japan itself, but Japan happens to be the region with the highest demand for portables, and they'll probably be in a difficult position when dealing with pricing for Japan.
The best way to battle scalpers is this: for the first month of the systems launch, make ordering a system exclusive to NSO members just like how they handle the classic controllers. After that soft launch, open the flood gates and sell hardware via traditional retailers.

That didn't ever work for the controllers and no company is ever going to tell the retailers they still rely heavily on they can't have any stock of their brand new hot console.

The consequence of doing so could easily wreck the consoles sales potential and I don't know why people keep suggesting it
For some reason to me atm it doesn't feel like this console will be hard to get day one for the dedicated fans.

But who knows. Maybe 3D Mario will be lighting up headlines everywhere and drive insane demand day 1. I sorta doubt it but who knows.
The best way to battle scalpers is this: for the first month of the systems launch, make ordering a system exclusive to NSO members just like how they handle the classic controllers. After that soft launch, open the flood gates and sell hardware via traditional retailers.
Yeah, this would make it easy for existing current users to get one. Just not sure how happy the retail partners would be.

And how do you decide when it's "sold out" for nso while still having enough for retail partners?
The best way to battle scalpers is this: for the first month of the systems launch, make ordering a system exclusive to NSO members just like how they handle the classic controllers. After that soft launch, open the flood gates and sell hardware via traditional retailers.
I don't think they should limit it to only NSO members, it should just be another option. Opening week sales for the system which you can only get online via a subscription service would be pitiful and a terrible look to investors.
The best way to battle scalpers is this: for the first month of the systems launch, make ordering a system exclusive to NSO members just like how they handle the classic controllers. After that soft launch, open the flood gates and sell hardware via traditional retailers.
It's good to have the option there day one and initially allow only one system per member but in the best way is to have enough units. How much is enough? They should start with at least 2 millions on first month, maybe double that.

Imo the thing that invites scalpers the most is seeing preorders sold out everywhere. If retailers are told they will have plenty of stock to cover preorders and scalpers don't see many sold out listings, they will not take the risk.
The best way to battle scalpers is this: for the first month of the systems launch, make ordering a system exclusive to NSO members just like how they handle the classic controllers. After that soft launch, open the flood gates and sell hardware via traditional retailers.
I could see this working as an option, being that you can buy it at physical and online retailers but the MyNintendo Store does limit it to those that have pre-existing NSO subscriptions for the first month or so? I already assume that we are probably looking at a situation where they will probably have a lottery system in place for the online store like they have had for the physical edition of Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition in some regions and like they have been doing with the Nintendo Live tickets!
Waiting for the full official translation but it is true chip shortages are over and Nintendo does seem intent of launching with a big stock.
Whether people experience local shortages due to demand/scalpers is a different story, but people are also misconstrewing what is being said.
My personal experience is that, at least in my country, of you preorder somewhat fast (same day) you are safe and the system gets shipped to you at launch. I intend to do the same for Switch 2: preorder ASAP and be done with it.
The best way to battle scalpers is this: for the first month of the systems launch, make ordering a system exclusive to NSO members just like how they handle the classic controllers. After that soft launch, open the flood gates and sell hardware via traditional retailers.
The problem with this approach is that Nintendo barely has online stores outside of US, JP and central europe.

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