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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion Thread |ST11 Aug 2022| Everybody's 11-12 Discussion Thread

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I know everyone was waiting with bated breath for a handful of test Grรถgol Bonanza sound effects

and I am happy to finally deliver
Square Enix sure has some nice game icons on the European Nintendo website



would be a shame if someone forgot about them when making the icons used on the Switch


I used to get irritated when I'd be at the gas station and people would park up and leave their car on with expletive-laden music that was turned up so loudly that you could hear it echoing off the buildings and causing my own mirrors to rattle (and yeah, I type a lot of curses but I draw the line at loudly blasting them over speakers around other people). I used to think "How incredibly inconsiderate that they'd just loudly push their stuff on the rest of us, like we wanna hear it?"

Well.. I officially miss it now.

Because now instead of vulgar lyrics, people are pulling up, leaving their windows down, and their stereo turned up extremely loud blasting Nazi fuckin propaganda for everyone around.

So glad to have this community where I don't feel like a sole fuckin outsider.
Square Enix sure has some nice game icons on the European Nintendo website



would be a shame if someone forgot about them when making the icons used on the Switch


wowwwww the downgrade is real, damn

Square Enix sure has some nice game icons on the European Nintendo website



would be a shame if someone forgot about them when making the icons used on the Switch



Square: "Look, you can get beautiful box art or a beautiful menu icon. The budget doesn't allow for both."
Anyone here having issues loading up tweets on threads? Very strange... started a few days ago for me, but I thought it was just Twitter acting up..
Sitting at work, thinking about how I'd rather be playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so I can finish it (I'm on the last chapter) and move on to Torna, so I can then move on to XC3.
I'm also working, while thinking about Xenoblade 3.

And by "working," I mean "doing sidequests in Xenoblade 3."
They are definitely getting with the times, they are going to have an event next week, WITH THEIR OWN VTUBER
Heh, of course they do. "Sorry it took us so long to come back. We couldn't decide on our vtuber model's hairstyle sooner".
Mostly the music being disappointing and the design feeling very derivative of SotN. But I havenโ€™t played it in a while so I couldnโ€™t really tell you if I share those opinions, I just know that I enjoyed Aria much more.
That makes sense! I never played Symphony. For shame.

the walking sound effects reminded me of somethingโ€ฆ
Kinda having my mind blown today finding out that there have now apparently been four characters from Nintendo games just this year that are referred to with gender neutral language and could potentially be non-binary (if not already confirmed to be such)โ€”two of which I somehow hadnโ€™t even realized until today!

Now when are we gonna be able to make non-binary Miis, Nintendo?!
Kinda having my mind blown today finding out that there have now apparently been four characters from Nintendo games just this year that are referred to with gender neutral language and could potentially be non-binary (if not already confirmed to be such)โ€”two of which I somehow hadnโ€™t even realized until today!

Now when are we gonna be able to make non-binary Miis, Nintendo?!
wait, who?
So let me get this straight:
  • TwichCon announced with no vaccine or mask requirements
  • Immediate, widespread backlash
  • TwitchCon backtracks, announces mask and vaccine requirements
  • One of the biggest eSports teams/companies voices displeasure with the decision
  • Said eSports team announces their own event to compete with TwitchCon in the same city, proudly stating no vaccine or mask requirements at their event
Do I have that right?
It has to be an inside joke among
journalists that you canโ€˜t do a Nintendo is doomed (or something related to it) article without a sad looking character:


At least it is not Pikachu.
To be fair, espionage act and nuclear info are 2 lines you donโ€™t cross unless you have plans to leave the country forever or a complete idiot
Couple years ago I woulda said mobilising the army on home soil against our own citizens would be a line you don't cross. Or kidnapping people off the streets because they were at a protest a few nights before. Or having a protestor's car surrounded and then the driver gunned down in the street and then bragging about it on twitter. Or mobilizing a violent mob to attack the capitol and call for the murder of your political opponents. But uh...

Well, I do genuinely hope you're right. Really. I'd just be kinda disappointed if after everything he's done, the only thing that sticks is over paperwork. There's so, so, so much more he did that america should've taken a stand against.
Made it through the first case of the great ace attorney, solid but long start. Did the opening bit of case 2 but swapping games now
I've cried more in the past 24 hours over a video game than I have for anything else in a long time.......

This guy even looks popular and I mean that as an insult

I've said that every other time he's done something disgusting and uh...

I randomly clicked on this idiots stream today and he was talking about how he had a BBQ for 10,000 people or something during the height of the pandemic and no one got sick. Suffice to say, he's not the brightest person.
You know what video game musical cliche I never get tired of? When there's a really sad or reflective scene, so they play one of the main themes of the game you've heard before... but now it's the Sad Music Box version.
Sitting at work, thinking about how I'd rather be playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so I can finish it (I'm on the last chapter) and move on to Torna, so I can then move on to XC3.

I wish I could play the last chapter of XC2 for the first time again.

Itโ€™s truly something special.
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