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StarTopic [Spoilers Allowed] Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck! [Read Staff Post]

Which heavily rumored "it's absolutely gonna show up this time" game are we NOT going to see?

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Nintendo has historically always dropped their old hardware in favor for the new thing. You don’t sell new hardware if you’re continuing to give people a reason to cling onto the old one, not to mention it’s back to dividing their resources between two different platforms. They will move on and so will everyone else who wants to play their first party games sooner rather than later.
Three cases might happen

Case A:

June: Direct
September: Direct Mini/Partner
Sept/October Switch 2 Reveal

Case B:

June: Direct
September: Direct
Sept/October: Switch 2 Reveal

Case C:

June: Direct
July: Switch 2 Reveal
September: Switch 2 Presentation
November Switch 2 Release
Case C is not even close to possible, we know this.
Switch had the advantage of launching with a game Nintendo could show and advertise without having to reveal anything about their next console, aside from the fact that it would play it.

Switch 2 won't have the same luxury. That 3D Mario is getting a full reveal this year, and so is the console.
That is a good conclusion but I don't think Nintendo marketing is that smart.
I'll be honest and I say this as a Fire Emblem fan, the discourse around the series gives Paper Mario discourse a run for its money and the ultra hardcore Fire Emblem fanbase might be one of the worst subgroups in the entire Nintendo fandom. And it's kind of been that way since the 2000s when the series made its international debut. I can remember a time when some people were saying that Sacred Stones was going against what the series stood for. And don't get me started on Fire Emblem Heroes Youtubers. There is a certain percentage of the fandom that can only praise a Fire Emblem if they are talking shit about another Fire Emblem game. There's a persistent sense of victimhood, for lack of a better term, among some fans who that Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are actively trying to destroy the series they supposedly love. This leads to obsessive behavior without being able to move on with their lives.

Not that this behavior is exclusive to within the Fire Emblem series but because of its relatively smaller fanbase compared to other Nintendo franchises, negativity feels more pervasive. For example, it could be hard to find good Youtube content on the series because there's only a select number of Youtubers that focus on the series compared to something like Mario or Zelda and unfortunately a lot of these Youtubers focus on being negative.

The series is in the healthiest spot its ever been. The series is constantly changing things up so if one Fire Emblem game isn't your favorite, there's a high chance that the next one will try something new that you might like. But so much of the discourse just focuses on how this game or that game has ruined the series forever.

Sorry for the rant.
Great post. I've been a very longtime Fire Emblem fan and played every game in the series. I think every game has at least something valuable about it. Don't understand why most FE fans I meet are the kind who will glorify one or a few and say others are garbage.

Thracia owns. Path of Radiance. Awakening owns. Three Houses owns. All in completely different ways.

Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to FE4 news. I hope it's called "Fire Emblem Echoes: Legacy of Judgral"
I will try to enjoy this, because after it's over, we might be in for a whole lot of nothing for a few months. Maybe even the rest of the year.

Someone earlier in the thread said "never underestimate Nintendo's ability to drag things out as long as possible" and I can see that being the case with information on next gen.
I'm sorry, but I'm not giving any credence to the "fucking Donkey Kong" temper tantrum. People are still pushing the narrative that the Wii U was flooded with 2D platformers despite there being a grand total of… two—New Super Mario Bros. U and Rayman Legends, which isn't even first-party—when Tropical Freeze was announced.

But it was more than these 2 titles that contributed to the overabundance-of-2D-games feeling. Wii U was only about 6 months old when DK TF was revealed, so yeah Nintendo hadn't released that many games on it yet. But if we look at the prior year's release schedule, NSMB 2 dropped summer 2012, then NSMB U in the fall, then NSLU DLC in summer 2013, a veritable shitload of 2D Mario content in the span of a single year. Plus both Yarn Yoshi and Yoshi's New Island were also revealed in early 2013, months before the TF reveal.
Now that the date’s basically set in stone at this point, let’s circle back a bit:

The GameCube and 3DS remasters that were rumored a while back, do you think we’ll see those in the Direct? And if so, what do you think they are?
I could see F-Zero Gx, Star Fox Assault(but an expanded version not a straight port), Cubivore or custom Robo.

Also yeah I made a bingo card too

I have a question for you all. You're a Nintendo employee and you're arranging the releases for 2024 to fill in some gaps left by the Switch 2 delay.
You have a problem, there's a wealth of Metroid games to release and work with but Shinya Takahashi has said that for the upcoming direct, there's only two slots for Metroid, and one of them is Metroid Prime 4 trailer reveal to lead into the Switch 2 reveal and simultaneous release in 2025.

You have the following games in your planning document for 2024, what you decide will go into the Nintendo direct and will release in 2024.
Metroid Prime 4 (locked)
Metroid Prime 2 Remastered
Metroid Prime 3 Remastered
Metroid 2 Samus Returns S

Which game do you pick and why?
Now that the date’s basically set in stone at this point, let’s circle back a bit:

The GameCube and 3DS remasters that were rumored a while back, do you think we’ll see those in the Direct? And if so, what do you think they are?
I think it's possible we see at least one of them, but I'm not holding my breath.

For GameCube, I've been thinking it may be a game like F-Zero GX, Star Fox Assault, Wave Race, 1080, Custom Robo, or Chibi-Robo. For some reason, I get the feeling it'll be a game with a core fanbase that has been MIA for a while. I loosely listed those in order of most to least likely.

I don't think it'll be a remake of a game in a franchise where we already have something similar on Switch and will likely get another this year or in the first couple years of Switch 2 (Smash, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Animal Crossing, 3D Mario). Luigi's Mansion would feel too soon to me after Luigi's Mansion 2 HD to get anything more than a quick Pikmin 1+2-type port.
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I have a question for you all. You're a Nintendo employee and you're arranging the releases for 2024 to fill in some gaps left by the Switch 2 delay.
You have a problem, there's a wealth of Metroid games to release and work with but Shinya Takahashi has said that for the upcoming direct, there's only two slots for Metroid, and one of them is Metroid Prime 4 trailer reveal to lead into the Switch 2 reveal and simultaneous release in 2025.

You have the following games in your planning document for 2024, what you decide will go into the Nintendo direct
Metroid Prime 4 (locked)
Metroid Prime 2 Remastered
Metroid Prime 3 Remastered
Metroid 2 Samus Returns S

Which game do you pick and why?
I will say Samus Returns got a bum deal being stuck on the 3DS in its dying days, would be pretty cool if that got brought over so more people could play it
I have a question for you all. You're a Nintendo employee and you're arranging the releases for 2024 to fill in some gaps left by the Switch 2 delay.
You have a proble, there's a wealth of Metroid games to release and work with but Shinya Takahashi has said that there's only two slots for Metroid, and one of them is Metroid Prime 4 trailer reveal.

You have the following games in your planning document for 2024, what you decide will go into the Nintendo direct
Metroid Prime 4 (locked)
Metroid Prime 2 Remastered
Metroid Prime 3 Remastered
Metroid 2 Samus Returns S

Which game do you pick and why?
Samus Returns Remaster seems like the obvious choice here. Having a gap in the Prime games would feel bizarre, you either need to add both Prime 2&3 or neither. Returns also sets up the plot line of Dread, and of course keeps 2D Metroid on people's minds for the inevitable Super Metroid remake that'll come to Switch 2.
I have a question for you all. You're a Nintendo employee and you're arranging the releases for 2024 to fill in some gaps left by the Switch 2 delay.
You have a problem, there's a wealth of Metroid games to release and work with but Shinya Takahashi has said that for the upcoming direct, there's only two slots for Metroid, and one of them is Metroid Prime 4 trailer reveal to lead into the Switch 2 reveal and simultaneous release in 2025.

You have the following games in your planning document for 2024, what you decide will go into the Nintendo direct and will release in 2024.
Metroid Prime 4 (locked)
Metroid Prime 2 Remastered
Metroid Prime 3 Remastered
Metroid 2 Samus Returns S

Which game do you pick and why?
I’m canceling all Metroid games, too much metroid
Super Metroid should not and will not get a remake.

Pixel remaster with 16:9 and being able to use grapple, super missile, missile, and power bomb without cycling through a menu is what Super Metroid needs. You can't justify a full remake as the physics are so odd and can't be changed while still being called Super Metroid.
At this point, it's pretty obvious that some people just want to live in a state of panic at all times and just look for any reason, no matter how innocuous, to put them in that state.
There are lots of people who would be convinced the Direct isn’t happening this month if Nintendo hadn’t confirmed it and it might behoove those people to do some self-reflection.
I will try to enjoy this, because after it's over, we might be in for a whole lot of nothing for a few months. Maybe even the rest of the year.

Someone earlier in the thread said "never underestimate Nintendo's ability to drag things out as long as possible" and I can see that being the case with information on next gen.
Nah. It’s somber that this is probably the end for the Switch 1 having the spotlight before Switch 2 takes over, which I fully expect 3-4 months from now.
Agreed. I don’t think that most of the SNES classics need a remake. We don’t need a remade LTTP or Super Metroid. The gameplay of those is timeless and so are the visuals.

I think a graphical remake of LTTP may happen (remaking LTTP and ALBW in one package would be nice but we'll see...), but Super Metroid's physics are just way outside the mainstream and I don't think would be popular these days so I don't think Nintendo will do a graphical remake.

The most obvious graphical remake is probably DKC1 though.
I thought of another game, along with Pictobits, that I’d love to see a sequel to someday: Battalion Wars.

Remember when A Link Between Worlds and Mario 3D World came out within like a day of each other? I remember leaving the lab where I worked on a Friday night, stopped by a Gamestop to pick up both, and headed home for a well deserved gaming session. Something like that won't ever happen again because there's only one system but damn, a new Mario and a new Zelda is like a Nintendo fans dream release.
That time in Nintendo fandom is severely underrated. Crazy to think it was probably only a half-a-decade prior that almost every Nintendo presentation ended with fans and the gaming media asking: Where’s Mario? Where’s Zelda? (I’m sure that still happens at times, but the discourse around what they are/aren’t releasing feels so different than it did back then.)


I’m sorry.
When I wake up for the Morning Direct:

Yes! Morning Direct Enjoyers, Assemble!

Do I really need with both Nate and Brazil doing so?!

Hahaha for the sake of reassurance, well let's go
My dream blunt rotation, and I wouldn’t even ask any of you three fine gentlemen about leaks. (To be safe, I’d probably even stay away from discussing leeks, unless one of you are passionate about them.)
I think a graphical remake of LTTP may happen (remaking LTTP and ALBW in one package would be nice but we'll see...), but Super Metroid's physics are just way outside the mainstream and I don't think would be popular these days so I don't think Nintendo will do a graphical remake.

The most obvious graphical remake is probably DKC1 though.

Said this before, but I still do wonder if Nintendo isn't really willing to remake any of the 90s Rare DK games without direct involvement from Rare, or at least some people who worked on DKC back in the day but have since moved on to other ventures like Playtonic. Feels like they at least want some of the original crew who worked on the original games to oversee any remakes of them, even something like Another Code was developed by Arc System Works just because they had former staff members from CING there lol.
I think a graphical remake of LTTP may happen (remaking LTTP and ALBW in one package would be nice but we'll see...), but Super Metroid's physics are just way outside the mainstream and I don't think would be popular these days so I don't think Nintendo will do a graphical remake.

The most obvious graphical remake is probably DKC1 though.
I'd absolutely love a LTTP and ALBW remakes in a similar style to Link's Awakening, but sadly it seems a tall order for them to both be released, even just as a port. Maybe it's me being selfish but I love the 2D Zelda's a lot so it'd be really great to have more on the system.
I think a graphical remake of LTTP may happen (remaking LTTP and ALBW in one package would be nice but we'll see...), but Super Metroid's physics are just way outside the mainstream and I don't think would be popular these days so I don't think Nintendo will do a graphical remake.

The most obvious graphical remake is probably DKC1 though.
As long as they can maintain the aesthetic and tone, graphical remakes of all three SNES DKC games would actually be awesome now that I think of it lol.
Said this before, but I still do wonder if Nintendo isn't really willing to remake any of the 90s Rare DK games without direct involvement from Rare, or at least some people who worked on DKC back in the day but have since moved on to other ventures like Playtonic. Feels like they at least want some of the original crew who worked on the original games to oversee any remakes of them, even something like Another Code was developed by Arc System Works just because they had former staff members from CING there lol.
Could be waiting for technology to catch up. Maybe a DKC game at 60fps 1440p with ray traced lightning on the next Switch would really make the graphics pop.
Nah. It’s somber that this is probably the end for the Switch 1 having the spotlight before Switch 2 takes over, which I fully expect 3-4 months from now.
yeah I'd be shocked if we don't see the successor by October.
Now…which insider knows the contents of the direct so they can tell me where my hype level should be….
lets be real. Your hype level should be at a 6ish.
How many are hoping for our promised Bravely news? And what do you all think it will be?

Honestly, I really hope it will be a new game (Bravely Third would be a dream, but I would love a Bravely Default 3 too), but I think it will likely be a remaster/remake of BD (and maybe BS)
Also yeah I made a bingo card too
Hey, straight up publisher names is just cheating. You know very well both Namco and Sega will be there, they have never missed a Switch era Direct. You need to be more specific.

I should make one too, I have some good guesses.
How many are hoping for our promised Bravely news? And what do you all think it will be?

Honestly, I really hope it will be a new game (Bravely Third would be a dream, but I would love a Bravely Default 3 too), but I think it will likely be a remaster/remake of BD (and maybe BS)
Hard to be excited for a new Bravely game after BD2. Even if they announce one, I'll probably have to wait see reviews and other impressions before my interest in the series is brought back.
Though I wouldn't mind going through BD and BS again in a remaster, it's been a long time.
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