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Discussion Monster Hunter Wilds - 2nd Trailer: The Hunter's Journey (Crossplay and PC Day 1 announced, Next Trailer at Gamescom)


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New monster is called Balahara

Game was also announced to be crossplay between consoles and PC, with the PC version launching day and date.
Baffling trailer. 2 minutes of story which most people are just gonna try and skip. It's goddamn Monster Hunter! Show us the different weapon's new move set additions. Show us more than just quick shots of 1 monster. Just ugh. Watched for 2 hours and was just disappointed by this. Praying the cat voices can be turned off... I really don't want that shrill voice in my ear the entire game. Give me back my scrunkly meows Capcom.
Yeah this trailer was pretty weak, I don't think many people come to monster Hunter for the story yet that seems to be the focus with these trailers. Wish we saw more of the presumed flagship, because it looks like electric Shagaru Magala.
We added crossplay, so now you and your friends on other platforms can slog through the worst multiplayer experience ever because we INSIST on forcing you to deal with all these stupid fucking cutscenes
Maybe Capcom is making us all a favour when they confirmed the game for PS5, Xbox and PC and not Switch 2.
We added crossplay, so now you and your friends on other platforms can slog through the worst multiplayer experience ever because we INSIST on forcing you to deal with all these stupid fucking cutscenes
Rise fixed this already so they have to know the cutscene requirement was the most common complaint about World by this point, right? RIGHT???
Rise fixed this already so they have to know the cutscene requirement was the most common complaint about World by this point, right? RIGHT???
Getting a bit worried after all the recent details and trailers being dropped. They might be going full-steam ahead on AAA story driven slop. At least the portable team would be able to carry the series tho.
Getting a bit worried after all the recent details and trailers being dropped. They might be going full-steam ahead on AAA story driven slop. At least the portable team would be able to carry the series tho.
Could be why they are skipping Switch 2. They know AAA story driven slop is perfect for PS and Xbox.
Could be why they are skipping Switch 2. They know AAA story driven slop is perfect for PS and Xbox.
There is literally no indication they are skipping Switch 2. The darn console hasn't even been announced. Why would Capcom be allowed to announce potentially the biggest game on the system before Nintendo even announces any of their own?
I wonder if this is how older fans felt when World was revealed. I hate being this negative and seeing this negativity but these trailers are not it.
Getting a bit worried after all the recent details and trailers being dropped. They might be going full-steam ahead on AAA story driven slop. At least the portable team would be able to carry the series tho.
Yeah, I love World but adore Rise. I'll hopefully like this game too but I'm way more excited for the next portable game. I care more about fun gameplay than story and immersion. Plenty of other AAA games do that already.
I wonder if this is how older fans felt when World was revealed. I hate being this negative and seeing this negativity but these trailers are not it.
I was excited for World but back in 2017-18, but I was pretty video game illiterate. I only played Nintendo games really and didn't know what to expect from a AAA MH. I booted up World and was immediately put off from the vibes and put it down after like 3 hours and didn't touch it again until earlier this year. I'm getting those same vibes from these trailers. Hopefully it's just the execs meddling in the marketing and the game is actually an evolution of World rather than a step back.
Getting a bit worried after all the recent details and trailers being dropped. They might be going full-steam ahead on AAA story driven slop. At least the portable team would be able to carry the series tho.
isn't there a high likely hood that the portable section of MH were merged with the console team?
isn't there a high likely hood that the portable section of MH were merged with the console team?
Don't think there's been any rumors of that tbh. And even if that were the case, that means a lot of the ideas from the portable team would be brought up and potentially implemented. I don't think it's a world-ending scenario for them to merge, but I would like the portable team to make more traditional games as mid-generation games.
Focusing heavily on story is certainly a choice

Nothing in this trailer indicates the game will be more story focused?

If you start a game of MH:Rise and base your assumptions on first 10 mins of game only, you'd also probably think they've focused completely on storyline in MH:Rise when that's not at all the case.
Updated the thread title with further information from the stream.

If August rolls around and we get another cinematic with maybe 1-2 monster reveals and a March release date I think my hype will be fully deflated. Please prove me wrong Capcom. Show me a hunt, hopefully with more than 2 weapons.

Nothing in this trailer indicates the game will be more story focused?

If you start a game of MH:Rise and base your assumptions on first 10 mins of game only, you'd also probably think they've focused completely on storyline in MH:Rise when that's not at all the case.
There's an NPC along with you on the hunt and there's dialogue from you player character. This is a scripted story event, 100%, and stuff like that really wasn't common until World. Having 2 trailers back to back with story content is giving people the vibe this is a more story-oriented game. Not sure what to say other than the vibes are off tho, and I'm not alone in thinking that.
There's an NPC along with you on the hunt and there's dialogue from you player character. This is a scripted story event, 100%, and stuff like that really wasn't common until World. Having 2 trailers back to back with story content is giving people the vibe this is a more story-oriented game. Not sure what to say other than the vibes are off tho, and I'm not alone in thinking that.
I'm aware of scripted events in the clip. I watched the same video too. Nothing indicates this will be the focus of the game overall.

My average MH gameplay is 300+ hours (has been true for MH3U, MHGU, and MH:Rise). I don't think they're going to do 300+ hours worth of scripted events, lol.

I think some here are making assumptions kinda a bit too soon based solely on this clip alone.

Edit: If you remember back to MH Rise, some things would seem scripted too (the first introduction to Rampage event, for example, you can interact with NPCs like Hinoa and Minoto) If we showed only clips of those parts, we'd be forgiven for thinking the 300+ hour game is focusing on story.

Trailers/scripted stuff never seem to mean anything at all in past MH games anyway, at least in my experience. Hundreds of hours worth of hunting will make those fade away into distant past memory.

If MH: Wilds overall content is only like 50 hours, then yes, we have a problem here, I would be pissed off.
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I wonder if this is how older fans felt when World was revealed. I hate being this negative and seeing this negativity but these trailers are not it.
Well, sure.

Between the 4chan leak (which turned out to be untrue), the apparent story/NPC focus and various other things that looked more like QTEs in the original E3 trailer, it was easy to assume the worst.

Once we got some hands on impressions (especially from fellow vets), and then our turn with the limited time demos, of course, tunes changed.

That said, Capcom's not really doing their best to sell this game, I feel. The casual onlooker don't see much difference between this and other AAA slop, and at best, we vets are just left scratching our heads.
Capcom fanning the flames of the World vs. Rise divide wasn't in my 2024 bingo card, I must say
Would I say I'd be unsurprised if Capcom moved to AAA movie driven games as well, Capcom's vision of developing the RE engine and choosing to move into high end mainstream platforms basically encompassed a transformation process for their internal game development, I don't know if Capcom will fall into the same problem as SE, but without a doubt I'd be unsurprised by what happens next.
Crossplay has boosted my hype of this game significantly! I just need to see a Switch 2 confirmation and I'm golden (I'll get it on Steam otherwise, its just that I think this would be awesome to play on Switch 2!)
Would I say I'd be unsurprised if Capcom moved to AAA movie driven games as well, Capcom's vision of developing the RE engine and choosing to move into high end mainstream platforms basically encompassed a transformation process for their internal game development, I don't know if Capcom will fall into the same problem as SE, but without a doubt I'd be unsurprised by what happens next.
I personally don't see Capcom having the same problem as SE, but they really should either improve the engine, since it works best at smaller environments, like RE and DMC.

Like, hopefully they won't have the trouble of only having their games be meant for high end engines, especially on PC.
I personally don't see Capcom having the same problem as SE, but they really should either improve the engine, since it works best at smaller environments, like RE and DMC.

Like, hopefully they won't have the trouble of only having their games be meant for high end engines, especially on PC.
Maybe you didn't get my point, I meant that Capcom's aggressive transformation of their internal development process after developing the RE engine led to the consequence that they might face the pitfalls of AAA games in general, and that SE was the one that fell into that black hole.
Crossplay has boosted my hype of this game significantly! I just need to see a Switch 2 confirmation and I'm golden (I'll get it on Steam otherwise, its just that I think this would be awesome to play on Switch 2!)
For sure, crossplay is super sick. It was very unfortunate finding another person irl that was into Monster Hunter Rise, only to realize his primary save file was on PC while I only had it on Switch. We still played together on his Switch but he was behind on Sunbreak content there. Glad that’s a thing of the past now. Maybe cross-saves too with those new Capcom accounts?

Another thing is also launching PC same day. World is huge on PC now, glad they’re no longer making them wait a year and having them be behind on content.
For sure, crossplay is super sick. It was very unfortunate finding another person irl that was into Monster Hunter Rise, only to realize his primary save file was on PC while I only had it on Switch. We still played together on his Switch but he was behind on Sunbreak content there. Glad that’s a thing of the past now. Maybe cross-saves too with those new Capcom accounts?

Another thing is also launching PC same day. World is huge on PC now, glad they’re no longer making them wait a year and having them be behind on content.
I fully expect PC to be the best selling platform for Wilds. The PC growth Capcom has seen over the past few years is crazy they almost sells as many game units on PC as all the consoles combined.

This had me rolling my eyes so much with all the cinematic bullcrap. Looks like there is going to be scripted segments you need to do. If it's not skipable that's going to be so annoying. Just give us normal village quests please.

Nothing in this trailer indicates the game will be more story focused?

If you start a game of MH:Rise and base your assumptions on first 10 mins of game only, you'd also probably think they've focused completely on storyline in MH:Rise when that's not at all the case.
The Playstation Blog post about MHWild from the State of Play already indicates that Capcom is putting more "effort" or emphasis on the story. I don't know if the story will impact the flow of th gameplay, but Capcom is definitely trying to do more with the story element.
All the trailers have been meh but this was the worst just because it reminded me of almudron.

My main takeaway from the trailer: Ugh, that monster must be annoying to fight. Why would you advertise it? (Almudron at least could be made to look cool with some of his gimmicks)
The Playstation Blog post about MHWild from the State of Play already indicates that Capcom is putting more "effort" or emphasis on the story. I don't know if the story will impact the flow of th gameplay, but Capcom is definitely trying to do more with the story element.

Yeah, I think it's a natural evolution - the mainline MH games prior to MH:World was mostly on portables, so the "story" content might be a bit on shorter side, at least until World and Rise, they're able to squeeze in a bit more of storyline kind of stuff. We even got MH:Stories games too.

Even if Capcom said they're going to introduce even more storyline stuff, I'm doubt it would materialistically alter what I love about MH series, it is a couple of hundred of hours worth of hunting time at minimum, most of it online (with some offline too).

If Capcom changes thing up so much that I'd no longer have my minimum requirement of at least a couple of hundred of hours worth of hunting enjoyment, I'll be one disappointed hunter. I don't think Capcom want to lose a good portion of the MH fanbase.
They've been saying this story stuff for a bunch of titles for a while now. As long as the monster roster is decent and I can fight stuff without interruption in the end game it's all good for me.
I'm going to play the crap out of this on my Super Nintendo Switch.

Monster Hunter is one of the franchises I don't even need a trailer for. Just tell me when the new game is going to be out, and my money will fly straight into Capcom's vaults.
Rise fixed this already so they have to know the cutscene requirement was the most common complaint about World by this point, right? RIGHT???
I think Rise and Wilds is going for different directions, the latter is clearly position as a World sequel.
Ultimately they really need to just show a hunt from start to finish, but they're probably just not ready for that.
I did expect crossplay this time, but so happy to have it confirmed (+ PC simultaneous release). Me and a few friends played World and Rise on console, then a bunch of others played them later on PC. Gonna be so fun having everyone there together
Great news. Hopefully when the 6th gen portable game is out on Switch, even that has cross play.
Clear in what way, curious? Considering mainline MH games I feel are hardly sequels to each other.
The 'Return to World' Campaign the Wilds was announced, save data bonus for 'World' and 'Iceborne' but not 'Rise', a sequel in a sense that this is the next evolution based on what's established on World.
Crossplay is a very welcome feature!

This trailer, how shall I put it, looks unusually dark and gritty in my opinion. Very "serious" somehow. I mean the monsters, especially the large ones, always looked intimidating and moved and attacked fiercely but somehow there was some playfulness and humour or a tiny hint of clumsiness to them most of the time. Even the ravenous Deviljho or the creepy Khezu (that one could be one of the unsettling stuff you encounter in a Zelda game every now and then).
This creature though, it looks like from some SciFi shooter and that it could tear you apart in a very graphic and gruesome way.
I'm curious how everything develops and when we will see more of Wilds world and real gameplay.
Don't make fun of monster hunter's story, guys. It could be very good.
Imagine some natural disaster, like a flood or a drought, afflicting a community. Then a random novice hunter discovers this plague is in fact caused by a monster he'll have to kill., then, PLOT TWIST, the said monster was in fact driven crazy by, you know what ?!? ANOTHER, MORE POWERFUL MONSTER !

That's some crazy material for a crazy story, isn't it ? I'm sure the franchise could make an excellent movie too, maybe by adding, I don't know know, something unexpected, like AMERICAN MARINES ! Cast some genius actress, like Milla jovovich because she's good at interpreting videogames character and I may be in.
Not going to make any definitive judgement about how Wilds will turn out, we’ve only seen glimpses so far. The current trailer direction is pretty bad nonetheless and hopefully no serious indication of where they’re going to take the series with this entry.

If World and its forced on us focus on the campaign can be taken as an indication of Wilds’ direction though, then I’d be veeery skeptical. World was too much already for my liking, improving on it with Wilds would have to mean toning it down with the story delivery again, not doubling down. Otherwise I’ll really only be left with Ichinose and his crew, because I simply won’t put up with another slog similar to World’s design.
Don't make fun of monster hunter's story, guys. It could be very good.
Imagine some natural disaster, like a flood or a drought, afflicting a community. Then a random novice hunter discovers this plague is in fact caused by a monster he'll have to kill., then, PLOT TWIST, the said monster was in fact driven crazy by, you know what ?!? ANOTHER, MORE POWERFUL MONSTER !

That's some crazy material for a crazy story, isn't it ? I'm sure the franchise could make an excellent movie too, maybe by adding, I don't know know, something unexpected, like AMERICAN MARINES ! Cast some genius actress, like Milla jovovich because she's good at interpreting videogames character and I may be in.
Don't forget racist Chinese jokes! Audiences love those
I can't imagine making fun of Monster Hunter's story.

I can't imagine caring enough about Monster Hunter's story to go out of my way to make fun of it. It's window dressing. It is mild background flavor. Aesthetic.
Y'all are really overreacting imo. Even IF the main plot is actuallly more story heavy...all us here are going to be grinding away for hundreds of hours. Its a drop in the bucket ultimately. They just are trying to nab casuals with cinematics. I see some cool monsters and that is all I need. I know there will always be several weapons I find fun every game regardless of the balance/gimmicks and I know we have several more trailers togo. I'm sure we will get plenty gameplay info from the Gamescom trailer and demo.

At worst its gonna be a minor blemish or just...be there like most MH plot. I could do without it sure but I don't really get the dooming over it.

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