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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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I am 100% confident that we're getting a trailer for this game this year. It's hard to say exactly when, but it's coming. I don't know how these marketing things work, but I feel like it would be odd to post that while knowing there won't be an update any time soon.
Yeah, it actually feels really likely. Especially since Prime Remastered dropped right out of the sky a few months ago, lol.
There's now a page for Metroid Prime 4 on the Nintendo UK site, but it just requests an e-mail address for those who want to get new updates:

Not sure if this means anything as far as imminent announcements but it's something I guess.

It also still says the game is in development for Nintendo Switch so that may put to rest any "Switch 2 exclusive" thoughts.

Pleeeeeease it's been so long.

I kept telling people that Retro's website says it's coming to Switch but everyone ignores me lol.
There's now a page for Metroid Prime 4 on the Nintendo UK site, but it just requests an e-mail address for those who want to get new updates:

Not sure if this means anything as far as imminent announcements but it's something I guess.

It also still says the game is in development for Nintendo Switch so that may put to rest any "Switch 2 exclusive" thoughts.
been a thing for years
I do believe a teaser-trailer is coming this year while actual marketing will ramp up on next.

Idk cryptic style landscape trailer with some dialogue that in-game has a lot of meaning but here is just babble : )
I don't think we're getting another teaser. I think when they show it, they're gonna show it, like Dread. And it will be a very short (3-6 months) reveal to release.
The announcement teaser, six freaking years ago?
i think we'd be hard pressed to find anyone that considers that a teaser tbh. When we think of that we think of seeing a itty bitty part of a film/game/etc. We only got info that MP4 exists, not even a logo or a name (and now even the game that the teaser announced has been completely revamped too lol).
i think we'd be hard pressed to find anyone that considers that a teaser tbh. When we think of that we think of seeing a itty bitty part of a film/game/etc. We only got info that MP4 exists, not even a logo or a name (and now even the game that the teaser announced has been completely revamped too lol).

Literally, Nintendo speaking the name Metroid Prime 4 is a tease. And it's been a brutal, six year, agonizing tease.
Prime 4 is still incredibly exciting for me, just because there hasn't been a game like Metroid Prime since... Prime 3, but honestly speaking I was fully content after Prime 3. Dread was the real missing link because of Fusion's ending (that was sadly mistranslated and I didn't know until months before Dread), and once that landed I felt completely content. Now, Metroid can do almost anything it wants and I'll likely be on board. That's a great feeling with my favorite series of all time.
Prime 4 is still incredibly exciting for me, just because there hasn't been a game like Metroid Prime since... Prime 3, but honestly speaking I was fully content after Prime 3. Dread was the real missing link because of Fusion's ending (that was sadly mistranslated and I didn't know until months before Dread), and once that landed I felt completely content. Now, Metroid can do almost anything it wants and I'll likely be on board. That's a great feeling with my favorite series of all time.
Prime 3 ended on a cliffhanger too
Dread also mostly ignored fusion's ending to do its own thing, to be fair
Fusion is complicated because that was heavily altered by a mistranslation, somewhat implying that Samus would become a fugitive from the wider Galactic Federation when it was always just the splinter group. Which, granted, that is a very cool premise, so maybe the next game and story arc.
Fusion is complicated because that was heavily altered by a mistranslation, somewhat implying that Samus would become a fugitive from the wider Galactic Federation when it was always just the splinter group. Which, granted, that is a very cool premise, so maybe the next game and story arc.
I've heard conflicting things about the splinter group being a smaller part of the GF military or being a major part of the GF itself, I haven't really looked into it deeply since I don't speak Japanese. But it's clear whatever was planned with fusion and emphasized with Other M after was dropped in favor of things SR introduced.
One of the most bummer things Dread did imo, was fail to acknowledge the animals from Super and Fusion. They're important in the story, with Samus having saved them just before the destruction of Zebes, and them subsequently having returned the favor by saving her from B.S.L. / SR388's destruction. They're even the final shot of Fusion before the credits roll! Could've at least maybe had an unlockable gallery pic showing Samus dropping them off on a safe planet. I don't think most people care about this nearly as much, but I found it pretty disappointing! Respect the Etecoons and Dachoras.
One of the most bummer things Dread did imo, was fail to acknowledge the animals from Super and Fusion. They're important in the story, with Samus having saved them just before the destruction of Zebes, and them subsequently having returned the favor by saving her from B.S.L.'s destruction. Could've at least maybe had an unlockable gallery pic showing Samus dropping them off on a safe planet. I don't think most people care about this nearly as much, but I found it pretty disappointing! Respect the Etecoons and Dachoras.
I adore Dread, but I definitely agree. There are a couple of threads left open from Fusion that I'd love to see explored in the future.
One of the most bummer things Dread did imo, was fail to acknowledge the animals from Super and Fusion. They're important in the story, with Samus having saved them just before the destruction of Zebes, and them subsequently having returned the favor by saving her from B.S.L. / SR388's destruction. They're even the final shot of Fusion before the credits roll! Could've at least maybe had an unlockable gallery pic showing Samus dropping them off on a safe planet. I don't think most people care about this nearly as much, but I found it pretty disappointing! Respect the Etecoons and Dachoras.
Every time I replay Super Metroid I have to save the animals no matter what. It is of utmost importance.
People already be making youtube vids about you :p

Hahaha, I definitely wasn't the first to discover it or post it on here and it looks like their source wasn't my post, but I was about to freak out when I started watching this video.
I adore Dread, but I definitely agree. There are a couple of threads left open from Fusion that I'd love to see explored in the future.
Yeah! I'd love that. Just means they could potentially set a story between Fusion and Dread. I like how they avoided any significant signs of how much time had passed since Fusion's ending, other than the Power Suit having repaired itself considerably.
Every time I replay Super Metroid I have to save the animals no matter what. It is of utmost importance.

Yeah! I'd love that. Just means they could potentially set a story between Fusion and Dread. I like how they avoided any significant signs of how much time had passed since Fusion's ending, other than the Power Suit having repaired itself considerably.


I personally love the idea of a dark side to the Federation, so more with that would be awesome. A game between Fusion and Dread could be the right way to do it. Maybe they could do "Other M but good" for that?? I still believe in the potential of a third person Metroid.

(And that Samus pic rules! Fusion Samus is best Samus!)
I personally love the idea of a dark side to the Federation, so more with that would be awesome. A game between Fusion and Dread could be the right way to do it. Maybe they could do "Other M but good" for that?? I still believe in the potential of a third person Metroid.

(And that Samus pic rules! Fusion Samus is best Samus!)

Now that us Metroid fans our feasting and getting greedy, I really would love a sequel to Other M. I don't think anyone can deny that it was at least an ambitious game that conceptually had a lot of cool ideas, even if the execution of them was mixed to bad at times. Another interquel would be the perfect way to followup on the concept. I know Other M is one of the most hated games in Nintendo history, but it's literally Sakamoto's only dud in an otherwise storied career, and Dread shows he is at the top of his game again even late in his career, and I'd absolutely trust him to do the idea justice if given another opportunity.
Now that us Metroid fans our feasting and getting greedy, I really would love a sequel to Other M. I don't think anyone can deny that it was at least an ambitious game that conceptually had a lot of cool ideas, even if the execution of them was mixed to bad at times. Another interquel would be the perfect way to followup on the concept. I know Other M is one of the most hated games in Nintendo history, but it's literally Sakamoto's only dud in an otherwise storied career, and Dread shows he is at the top of his game again even late in his career, and I'd absolutely trust him to do the idea justice if given another opportunity.
Holy crap, those are my sentiments exactly!

Other M is clearly the weakest Metroid game, but I still replay it from time to time and just focus on the parts I enjoy. Would love to see that style evolve.
Now that us Metroid fans our feasting and getting greedy, I really would love a sequel to Other M. I don't think anyone can deny that it was at least an ambitious game that conceptually had a lot of cool ideas, even if the execution of them was mixed to bad at times. Another interquel would be the perfect way to followup on the concept. I know Other M is one of the most hated games in Nintendo history, but it's literally Sakamoto's only dud in an otherwise storied career, and Dread shows he is at the top of his game again even late in his career, and I'd absolutely trust him to do the idea justice if given another opportunity.
I have never wanted to delete someone else's post more in my entire life
I've mellowed out on Other M considerably over the years, but even still, I can't really think of much that it did that I would like to see done again.
The fact that people still rage over Other M this many years later is kinda sad, tbh.

Edit: I mean at the end of the day, it's basically a spin-off title. I don't know any Metroid fans who want it to become the standard format and replace what makes the 2D and Prime games so bloody good.
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Other M's gameplay ideas (minus the limited controls) are all good ideas and there's a nugget of fun buried in its incredibly flawed structure. I think it could do better as like a Transformers: Devastation format, where not only do you have melee combos, but also over-the-shoulder shooting that's seamless between melee and shooting. The only issue with that might just be that it makes Samus feel more of a melee fighter when she's traditionally long-ranged shooting instead, so it would need refinement and workshopping.
The fact that people still rage over Other M this many years later is kinda sad, tbh.

Edit: I mean at the end of the day, it's basically a spin-off title. I don't know any Metroid fans who want it to become the standard format and replace what makes the 2D and Prime games so bloody good.
I don't generally bring up Other M unprompted, since it's essentially well-tread ground at this point. What bugs me slightly though, is when folks try to rehabilitate the game's image, or paint it as not having been that bad, when it totally was. I don't believe that's what's currently happening in this thread, of course. It's just something I've observed from a small minority of Metroid fans across social media in a more general sense. It's like a few people either conveniently forgot (since things are thankfully much better for the series these days), or they didn't think Other M was that bad to begin with. I'm not sure which is worse, haha. I guess you'll always have those outliers within a fanbase, which I do understand.

I don't think there's much of anything in Other M worth mining for ideas, or exploring in further depth. All it did was tarnish Samus, and narrative elements from Super and Fusion. If I was really inclined to reach and find something good about it, I guess I'd say the flashy combat moves were cool, but Samus Returns and Dread have already brought those back. The other factors, like the fact that it's a third-person 3D game, or that it's a story set between two earlier entries, aren't exactly uniquely attributable to Other M. They could do those things again while being as different from OM as can be.
Fuck it, make a Metroid game that's just Vanquish. Replace the slide with the Speed Booster and use beam swaps/combos as different weapons.
Fuck it, make a Metroid game that's just Vanquish. Replace the slide with the Speed Booster and use beam swaps/combos as different weapons.
Yeah, after those Metroid Dread boss fights, I'm all in favor of a spinoff with a heavier focus on combat and mobility.
I don't generally bring up Other M unprompted, since it's essentially well-tread ground at this point. What bugs me slightly though, is when folks try to rehabilitate the game's image, or paint it as not having been that bad, when it totally was. I don't believe that's what's currently happening in this thread, of course. It's just something I've observed from a small minority of Metroid fans across social media in a more general sense. It's like a few people either conveniently forgot (since things are thankfully much better for the series these days), or they didn't think Other M was that bad to begin with. I'm not sure which is worse, haha. I guess you'll always have those outliers within a fanbase, which I do understand.

I don't think there's much of anything in Other M worth mining for ideas, or exploring in further depth. All it did was tarnish Samus, and narrative elements from Super and Fusion. If I was really inclined to reach and find something good about it, I guess I'd say the flashy combat moves were cool, but Samus Returns and Dread have already brought those back. The other factors, like the fact that it's a third-person 3D game, or that it's a story set between two earlier entries, aren't exactly uniquely attributable to Other M. They could do those things again while being as different from OM as can be.
i agree. I dont approve of om shitting because everything that could have been talked about has already been said. I equally dislike revisionism, om IS that bad.

Still, om has a plethora of great concepts muddled by its terrible terrible execution, the action focus of dread is in my opinion the main reason it did so well, for example.

I still want a third person metroid game, just not made by team ninja. And not a hack'n slash.
Confession: Metroid is my absolute favorite franchise, but I have never played Other M myself. I remember watching my brother play it around the time it first came out, and we were constantly making fun of the melodramatic scenes together, haha. We were both big fans of Anthony though.

I would not have been laughing if I knew Metroid was in for a long break after that. As a kid, I wasn't taking things so seriously. Now, if a game like that came out again and treated the franchise like that, I would be very annoyed.

I don't really have any motivation to try it myself. At least for me, it's probably better to leave it to history and never look back.
I don't generally bring up Other M unprompted, since it's essentially well-tread ground at this point. What bugs me slightly though, is when folks try to rehabilitate the game's image, or paint it as not having been that bad, when it totally was. I don't believe that's what's currently happening in this thread, of course. It's just something I've observed from a small minority of Metroid fans across social media in a more general sense. It's like a few people either conveniently forgot (since things are thankfully much better for the series these days), or they didn't think Other M was that bad to begin with. I'm not sure which is worse, haha. I guess you'll always have those outliers within a fanbase, which I do understand.

I don't think there's much of anything in Other M worth mining for ideas, or exploring in further depth. All it did was tarnish Samus, and narrative elements from Super and Fusion. If I was really inclined to reach and find something good about it, I guess I'd say the flashy combat moves were cool, but Samus Returns and Dread have already brought those back. The other factors, like the fact that it's a third-person 3D game, or that it's a story set between two earlier entries, aren't exactly uniquely attributable to Other M. They could do those things again while being as different from OM as can be.
Other M's issues are well documented. Even if the third-person 3D element isn't "uniquely attributable," it's the only game within the series we can use as a point of reference. All I'm saying is I'd like to see another third-person 3D Metroid game one day--one that learned from Other M's mistakes.
Other M's issues are well documented. Even if the third-person 3D element isn't "uniquely attributable," it's the only game within the series we can use as a point of reference. All I'm saying is I'd like to see another third-person 3D Metroid game one day--one that learned from Other M's mistakes.
im hoping MP4 has some cinematic traits, ofc, i dont mean like "omg i hope mp4 is literally tlou in space". Just that i think that i would like that.
Other M's issues are well documented. Even if the third-person 3D element isn't "uniquely attributable," it's the only game within the series we can use as a point of reference. All I'm saying is I'd like to see another third-person 3D Metroid game one day--one that learned from Other M's mistakes.
That's understandable. I want another third-person 3D Metroid too. It's a genuine shame Other M poisoned the well. As a consequence, it could be many years before we see another one, which is a bummer.
im hoping MP4 has some cinematic traits, ofc, i dont mean like "omg i hope mp4 is literally tlou in space". Just that i think that i would like that.
Yeah, same here! I'd like some cinematic elements. Corruption featured a decent amount of "cinematic" flair, though mostly at the beginning, during the G.F.S. Olympus and Norion bits. I'm an absolute lore goblin, so I'd welcome any narrative techniques that would provide a greater window of insight into Samus's character, and the greater Metroid universe. The Prime games are really where all the lore "heavy lifting" happens. I don't expect the next one to disappoint, in that respect. I expect Retro will handle it well.
That's understandable. I want another third-person 3D Metroid too. It's a genuine shame Other M poisoned the well. As a consequence, it could be many years before we see another one, which is a bummer.

Yeah, same here! I'd like some cinematic elements. Corruption featured a decent amount of "cinematic" flair, though mostly at the beginning, during the G.F.S. Olympus and Norion bits. I'm an absolute lore goblin, so I'd welcome any narrative techniques that would provide a greater window of insight into Samus's character, and the greater Metroid universe. The Prime games are really where all the lore "heavy lifting" happens. I don't expect the next one to disappoint, in that respect. I expect Retro will handle it well.
Long comment warning

I think the thing i want the most from MP4, storywise, is that sylux will be something to remember by. I want him to be remembered as a great antagonist/villain/whatever he is, not just by metroid standards (because there are no such standards lol). I truly hope he is not a two dimensional character and more: that his developments, personality and whatever wont be boggled down in scans, that would be terrible.

Second: I find corruption's cinematic traits to be quite impressive for nintendo's standards: to this day it still features superior VA than the latest Zelda games, its animation and cinematics were surprisingly well made despite being few and short (such as rundas freezing up the space pirates right before his battle, how the camera doesnt cuts and is very dynamic), the setpieces, despite being relegated mostly to the beginning, are all very very sweet and all. But i dont think of corruption as the standard MP4 should follow. I think it is quite unpersonal and more than often, shallow. I hope, i truly hope MP4 is y know... not about space battles and the like, i would like a story set on just one planet and deal with small scale stuff, i find that more impactful.

Third: I hope retro gives more focus on visuals than words. Scans are nice, but i truly hope they do some heavy focus on what you re seeing than what is written. That does not mean i dont want scans, just that the most interesting stories are the ones that are happening, not the ones that have happened. That ties in what i said about Sylux above, and adding to it, i dont want him to just be everpresent through the game, but to be something players want and are interested in to know and to battle and to see.

Fourth: More setpieces pls and scripted events pls. Loved those in corruption. I would like if MP4 was less linear than the trilogy, but i dont want it to be botw in space, so i think this would be a very decent way of telling stories without overuse of scans.
Long comment warning

I think the thing i want the most from MP4, storywise, is that sylux will be something to remember by. I want him to be remembered as a great antagonist/villain/whatever he is, not just by metroid standards (because there are no such standards lol). I truly hope he is not a two dimensional character and more: that his developments, personality and whatever wont be boggled down in scans, that would be terrible.

Second: I find corruption's cinematic traits to be quite impressive for nintendo's standards: to this day it still features superior VA than the latest Zelda games, its animation and cinematics were surprisingly well made despite being few and short (such as rundas freezing up the space pirates right before his battle, how the camera doesnt cuts and is very dynamic), the setpieces, despite being relegated mostly to the beginning, are all very very sweet and all. But i dont think of corruption as the standard MP4 should follow. I think it is quite unpersonal and more than often, shallow. I hope, i truly hope MP4 is y know... not about space battles and the like, i would like a story set on just one planet and deal with small scale stuff, i find that more impactful.

Third: I hope retro gives more focus on visuals than words. Scans are nice, but i truly hope they do some heavy focus on what you re seeing than what is written. That does not mean i dont want scans, just that the most interesting stories are the ones that are happening, not the ones that have happened. That ties in what i said about Sylux above, and adding to it, i dont want him to just be everpresent through the game, but to be something players want and are interested in to know and to battle and to see.

Fourth: More setpieces pls and scripted events pls. Loved those in corruption. I would like if MP4 was less linear than the trilogy, but i dont want it to be botw in space, so i think this would be a very decent way of telling stories without overuse of scans.

There have been theories that Sylux might be Samus' brother, and I feel that would be pretty huge, and could set him up to be a staple for future games. I'm really interested to see his design, cause he looks absolutely ridiculous in Hunters.
Crackpot Theory:

Sylux is actually just Samus from a future where the Federation does try to hunt her down like we all thought would happen after Fusion.

The constant referring to Sylux as a “he” is a nod to the original Metroid.

Sylux in Prime 4 will be allied with the Metroid from the ending of Federation Force. Who, like the Baby/Infant Metroid in Metroid 2, sees Sylux as a mother.

That ‘Samus from the future’ thing probably isn’t true, but I hope Sylux uses that Metroid like a partner in crime rather than just another source to clone them.
Crackpot Theory:

Sylux is actually just Samus from a future where the Federation does try to hunt her down like we all thought would happen after Fusion.

The constant referring to Sylux as a “he” is a nod to the original Metroid.

Sylux in Prime 4 will be allied with the Metroid from the ending of Federation Force. Who, like the Baby/Infant Metroid in Metroid 2, sees Sylux as a mother.

That ‘Samus from the future’ thing probably isn’t true, but I hope Sylux uses that Metroid like a partner in crime rather than just another source to clone them.

Tanabe did say that time travel was a possible theme they might explore back in 2015/16.
Crackpot Theory:

Sylux is actually just Samus from a future where the Federation does try to hunt her down like we all thought would happen after Fusion.

The constant referring to Sylux as a “he” is a nod to the original Metroid.

Sylux in Prime 4 will be allied with the Metroid from the ending of Federation Force. Who, like the Baby/Infant Metroid in Metroid 2, sees Sylux as a mother.

That ‘Samus from the future’ thing probably isn’t true, but I hope Sylux uses that Metroid like a partner in crime rather than just another source to clone them.
i know you meant this as a joke, but metroid is in huge need of more male characters, so dont say that, not even as a joke lol.
There have been theories that Sylux might be Samus' brother, and I feel that would be pretty huge, and could set him up to be a staple for future games. I'm really interested to see his design, cause he looks absolutely ridiculous in Hunters.
I hope not, stuff like this makes the universe seem incredibly small.

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