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Reviews Metroid Prime Remastered | Review Thread

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I draw a distinction between "universal" and "unanimous". I imagine a chamber / collective / 'universe' of people all clamoring and praising this game, with a few dissenting voices. In a similar way, Sonic '06 was universally (i.e. widely) panned, but it was not unanimously disliked.

But that's ... me thinking a little too much about word roots.
Metroid Prime poop bits: You have to pass through Magmoor Caverns slightly too many times (and it's a corridor), Chozo Ghost fights suck, Phazon Mines are a bit too much of a shooting gallery, and depending on who you ask, the artifact hunt is a slog (I enjoy it). Like I said: minor things, but they are there.

I'd probably give the game a 9.5 or a 9.8, and I totally understand if other folks would simply round that up to a 10.

I kind of thought it was this untouchable masterpiece but when it gets a 7 half the thread is rushing to justify it.
I don't think many people here are trying justify the score itself, more so defending the idea that a low score review is just as valid as a high score. It's not a matter of "see, someone else thinks this game is mid too!", but rather just pushing back against the idea that the review should be immediately tossed out as "bad".

There are plenty of review scores that I don't agree with in the slightest, but I'll still go to bat for them.
no, that's understandable

I kind of thought it was this untouchable masterpiece but when it gets a 7 half the thread is rushing to justify it. It feels like it isn't perfect, which of course nothing is. I'll probably still like it though
No, you see, it IS an untouchable masterpiece. It's just that if all the reviews were glowing, Metroid would jump from 2-3 million sales to 15 million sales, and then it would feel less like a well kept secret how good these games are. ;)

In all seriousness Racoon, I thought you were joking originally. Think of it this way: Super Metroid would almost assuredly get a lower score these days. It might not even get a 90 tbh.
I kind of thought it was this untouchable masterpiece but when it gets a 7 half the thread is rushing to justify it. It feels like it isn't perfect, which of course nothing is. I'll probably still like it though
I’m not really justifying Steph’s review score, more saying that reviews of media are opinion pieces by definition, and metacritic trying to turn them into a dataset by leaving out any context, picking a random quote and adding mysterious weighting has always seemed odd to me. On top of that, I think it’s healthy to see outliers around any average score, be they above or below it.

I mean, I mostly play RPGs and there’s stacks of very popular ones where my opinion of them would defo be considered an outlier, and a ton more with a 8/10 score on the aggregators but only because reviewers varied by up to 20 points either side. Thing is, nobody seems to care about a variance in scores across reviews by 20+ points until it’s a big release for some reason. It’s just accepted that people’s opinions can vary wildly on some games where nobody cares too much about arguing the toss, until it’s a game with phenomenally high scores and only then are outliers viewed with suspicion.

Which makes me wonder about how hard it is to rate games, when it’s both near impossible to land on the exact score for a middling game, but you aren’t called a troll for giving a 6/10 to a 7.5/10 average that others gave a 9/10 to. But apparently consumers know exactly what the appropriate score should be for strong titles that are only allowed a very restrictive pool of scores to aggregate from.
Which makes me wonder about how hard it is to rate games, when it’s both near impossible to land on the exact score for a middling game, but you aren’t called a troll for giving a 6/10 to a 7.5/10 average that others gave a 9/10 to. , But apparently consumers know exactly what the appropriate score should be for strong titles that are only allowed a very restrictive pool of scores to aggregate from
Coincidentally, it always seems like fans of the property that know what it should be given, too!

Personally, I think there is value even in people who don't like a genre reviewing a game. I can only imagine how much hate id get for reviewing Final Fantasy games, doesn't mean it might not inform other people of whether or not they will like them.
Coincidentally, it always seems like fans of the property that know what it should be given, too!

Personally, I think there is value even in people who don't like a genre reviewing a game. I can only imagine how much hate id get for reviewing Final Fantasy games, doesn't mean it might not inform other people of whether or not they will like them.
I agree, especially if people make it clear where they are coming from- perspectives from someone new to the genre can often flag up tired genre tropes and confusing conventions rooted in history and unquestioned through decades of incremental improvement by those used to them. It’s like, I love MonHun, but a review from someone who is new to it isn’t much use to me but might be extremely useful to a new player wondering if it’s going to be their next big thing or if they are gonna bounce off it. The thing is, this is vital context almost always listed at the start of a review, but people who only look at scores and aggregates miss it. Reviewers write reviews for their readers, not meta/opencritic’s or even Fami’s.
It's quite telling that the people who are getting up in a tizzy about someone having a different opinion are just largely not responding to more thoughtful, level headed responses and are just patting each other on the back, and yet, JSS is the troll who just wants attention.
And this is why I don’t give a shot about scores and prefer reviews without them lol.

Also, remember when Sterling was a professional wrestler in Mississippi or wherever (might have been adjacent state). And they were one of the bad characters? Sterling is a master at using the platform and their gift for words to get people riled up. I’m not saying that’s a troll, but it certainly is a brand/production style. I think they know they have marks and can easily create marks from people passionate about certain platforms/studios/series. But if you don’t care about scores, you can see what was actual said and enjoy (or not enjoy as I did get tired of it) the shtick.
it's also just... fine if someone has a different opinion

if you feel so strongly about it, why don't you become a veteran industry journalist and get your own review published
Now, calling someone a troll doesn’t mean to disregard their entire body of work. Jimquisition definitely has a place in gaming media in terms of calling out the industry’s bullshit. Trolling is a term used by academics nowadays, it doesn’t necessairly imply that the person is your stereotypical Internet troll. Now Jimquisition reviews though? Call it trolling, call it low quality baiting, but I really don’t see how those are compiled in Metacritic. It’s like if Dunkey’s reviews counted, and even if those were transcripted they would make more sense as reviews

Now it’s not a 7 in my book but while BOTW is definitely my least favorite 3D Zelda, Jim’s review simply didn’t say anything substantial about the game. It was clearly aiming to be the next “8.8” controversy, on top of having very empty criticism like “cringeworthy in-universe Nintendo Switch” and “Ubisoft towers”. How can you take this review seriously when just before, they gave another game with Ubisoft towers a 95. The complaints about stuff like weapon durability and stamina were poorly quantified, they didn’t really address how exactly they were bad design or how they “got in the way of the good stuff”. For Metroid’s review, we pretty much got a description of the game’s loop that concludes with a paragraph about credits and the score of 7,5. Everyone agrees that workers in this industry deserve better conditions and proper recognition but if you wanna voice this complaint by giving a 7,5 to own the Nintendo fanboys, well better hand out those to the Rockstar games and the many other companies that have crunch or any other kind of controversy. And then you have the Sonic reviews which are simply mask off on how those are just blogs with a completely arbitrary number associated with them

I understand the sentiment that this isn’t a big deal because most traditional reviews aren’t perfect anyways. I understand why some people enjoy Jim’s reviews, they just want to read the ramblings of their favorite content creator, they want to see the opinions of people that give 9s to stuff like musous and rhythm games. It still doesn’t mean that they should count in Metacritic. Those types of bait “reviews” really sticks out like a sore thumb when compiled into an aggregator. Again, it’s like if Dunkey’s reviews counted and even them are better critiques, like there’s a few coherent statements behind 90% of memes. Jimquisition might be more reputable as a media outlet but their reviews simply aren’t proper. It’s not even about different opinions, reviews should be properly constructed and have some coherent cause and effect in terms of what affects the score, Jim’s reviews don’t reflect that at all
Reviews don't have to be proper. There is no standard for critical reviews. It's fine. They could give the game a 4 and it would be fine. Who cares. It is a review. Of Metroid Prime. You already know what you think of Metroid Prime, and score aggregates are worthless
Based on some of the reactions here, some need to learn that the act of enjoying quote-unquote "one of the greatest video games of all-time" is not a requirement for reviewers, or by extension anyone that plays a game with such a reputation. Not everyone that plays Metroid Prime for any length of time is going to like it, and that's OK.
Guys (and galls) this is kind of pathetic tbh, the game has a 95/96 score on meta/opencritic, it's higher or on the same level as elden ring, gow ragnarok, persona 5 royal and so many other games considered top of the top, it's literally the highest rated game on opencritic since 2018. A single 7.5 is literally nothing in the grand scheme of things, taking it to heart and blaming the reviewer just shows the worst part of gaming culture. How does a 7.5 ruin your enjoyement of a game you love?
Also there're other reviews who gave it an 8 out of 10, is a 7.5 such a different score from an 8 to go on an outrage and call the reviewer a troll for a 0.5 difference in a score?
Now, calling someone a troll doesn’t mean to disregard their entire body of work. Jimquisition definitely has a place in gaming media in terms of calling out the industry’s bullshit. Trolling is a term used by academics nowadays, it doesn’t necessairly imply that the person is your stereotypical Internet troll. Now Jimquisition reviews though? Call it trolling, call it low quality baiting, but I really don’t see how those are compiled in Metacritic. It’s like if Dunkey’s reviews counted, and even if those were transcripted they would make more sense as reviews

Now it’s not a 7 in my book but while BOTW is definitely my least favorite 3D Zelda, Jim’s review simply didn’t say anything substantial about the game. It was clearly aiming to be the next “8.8” controversy, on top of having very empty criticism like “cringeworthy in-universe Nintendo Switch” and “Ubisoft towers”. How can you take this review seriously when just before, they gave another game with Ubisoft towers a 95. The complaints about stuff like weapon durability and stamina were poorly quantified, they didn’t really address how exactly they were bad design or how they “got in the way of the good stuff”. For Metroid’s review, we pretty much got a description of the game’s loop that concludes with a paragraph about credits and the score of 7,5. Everyone agrees that workers in this industry deserve better conditions and proper recognition but if you wanna voice this complaint by giving a 7,5 to own the Nintendo fanboys, well better hand out those to the Rockstar games and the many other companies that have crunch or any other kind of controversy. And then you have the Sonic reviews which are simply mask off on how those are just blogs with a completely arbitrary number associated with them

I understand the sentiment that this isn’t a big deal because most traditional reviews aren’t perfect anyways. I understand why some people enjoy Jim’s reviews, they just want to read the ramblings of their favorite content creator, they want to see the opinions of people that give 9s to stuff like musous and rhythm games. It still doesn’t mean that they should count in Metacritic. Those types of bait “reviews” really sticks out like a sore thumb when compiled into an aggregator. Again, it’s like if Dunkey’s reviews counted and even them are better critiques, like there’s a few coherent statements behind 90% of memes. Jimquisition might be more reputable as a media outlet but their reviews simply aren’t proper. It’s not even about different opinions, reviews should be properly constructed and have some coherent cause and effect in terms of what affects the score, Jim’s reviews don’t reflect that at all
Pretty much sums up how I feel as well.
I think that, if kept civil, it's a discussion worth having. As someone who has been there running a small outlet (nothing professional, blog+podcast but always being true to myself) i think the debate about scores, and the people who gives them, it's worth having.

For the same reason certain news outlets are being avoided, certain reviewers should be avoided too if you don't trust their criteria, not in a they're not giving my sacred game a fair score way, but in a this is a huge crock of shit, they know it, and wrote it anyway way. If the reviewer - or the review - is unreasonable, then there's a debate to be had.
Now, calling someone a troll doesn’t mean to disregard their entire body of work. Jimquisition definitely has a place in gaming media in terms of calling out the industry’s bullshit. Trolling is a term used by academics nowadays, it doesn’t necessairly imply that the person is your stereotypical Internet troll. Now Jimquisition reviews though? Call it trolling, call it low quality baiting, but I really don’t see how those are compiled in Metacritic. It’s like if Dunkey’s reviews counted, and even if those were transcripted they would make more sense as reviews

Now it’s not a 7 in my book but while BOTW is definitely my least favorite 3D Zelda, Jim’s review simply didn’t say anything substantial about the game. It was clearly aiming to be the next “8.8” controversy, on top of having very empty criticism like “cringeworthy in-universe Nintendo Switch” and “Ubisoft towers”. How can you take this review seriously when just before, they gave another game with Ubisoft towers a 95. The complaints about stuff like weapon durability and stamina were poorly quantified, they didn’t really address how exactly they were bad design or how they “got in the way of the good stuff”. For Metroid’s review, we pretty much got a description of the game’s loop that concludes with a paragraph about credits and the score of 7,5. Everyone agrees that workers in this industry deserve better conditions and proper recognition but if you wanna voice this complaint by giving a 7,5 to own the Nintendo fanboys, well better hand out those to the Rockstar games and the many other companies that have crunch or any other kind of controversy. And then you have the Sonic reviews which are simply mask off on how those are just blogs with a completely arbitrary number associated with them

I understand the sentiment that this isn’t a big deal because most traditional reviews aren’t perfect anyways. I understand why some people enjoy Jim’s reviews, they just want to read the ramblings of their favorite content creator, they want to see the opinions of people that give 9s to stuff like musous and rhythm games. It still doesn’t mean that they should count in Metacritic. Those types of bait “reviews” really sticks out like a sore thumb when compiled into an aggregator. Again, it’s like if Dunkey’s reviews counted and even them are better critiques, like there’s a few coherent statements behind 90% of memes. Jimquisition might be more reputable as a media outlet but their reviews simply aren’t proper. It’s not even about different opinions, reviews should be properly constructed and have some coherent cause and effect in terms of what affects the score, Jim’s reviews don’t reflect that at all
This is a lot of text to simply say "other opinions are fine, unless they go against the crowd. I don't like that."
It's fine to disagree with the contents of a review and the resultant score if one has actually read / watched it.

There have even been reviews for a game I enjoyed that give it a high score that I've disagreed with.

I can't contest someone's subjective experience but I can contest a premise they've presented or express disagreement if something rings untrue. I think that's fair.
I'm actually very glad to see most of the responses in this thread be level headed. Only a few are reddit comment tier. This forum seems very good compared to my experience lurking among different ones.

Back to Metroid Prime Remastered, how do we think potential remasters/ports of 2 and 3 will do?
If a 95 metacritic score for metroid brought so much outrage with a 7.5 review imagine what'll happen when tears of the kingdom get's a metascore of 89.
I think even 93 or 94 would do the trick. "No way this game deserves the same score as Skyward Sword". I can see it, in this world we won't walk towards the future hand in hand.
They're not a troll, just a reviewer with a weird set of criteria and an even weirder way of weighting them. They're allowed to voice their opinion as well as everyone else is allowed to question it. I completely disagree with the pricing argument (i'd rather have three ports than this near-remake? No, i would not).

I was not aware of their editorial stance against industry issues. They definitely deserve praise for that. But in my mind at least, it doesn't make sense to spend half the review complimenting the devs for the "extensive visual overhaul", the controls and the atmosphere, and then suddenly giving it a 7.5 because you wanted three ports and because the original devs weren't nominally credited. These issues are completely out of the devs reach and shouldn't be conflated in a game rating imo. If the game had a crunched development, harassment allegations, how many points should the rating drop then? Is this how you fight these problems, really? By putting a number on them?
This is my view on the matter. I generally like what they do because they’re one of the few to actually do it, but I wouldn't let that affect the score. All reviewers should should follow their example and discuss the more problematic matters bluntly.
TOTK thread could even have the score at 99 but there will be 10 pages of people annoyed about a 7/10 or 8/10. If that does happen, myself and Danny Devito will be there.

Y'all see this... like 4-5 pages on that person. It works and that's why they give these awfully made reviews. They said they were removing themselves from MC a few years ago, should have remained that way.
It's not about the score, it's just entitlement to use something like this that can affect others work and career for personal gain. Now don't it the "who cares about MC score, it doesn't mean anything". That's not true. We are in an era where there is so much content, reviews on RottenTomatoes and MC do affect longevity of products on the market. Kit and Krysta even said in their podcast that Nintendo started to take MC score pretty seriously. It is a metric used in the industry.

So even if it might not affect the score that much, it's still morally shitty to proceed that way to gain clicks for your awful site. They thrive on controversy, we've seen it over the years how they milked these opinions.

There is opinions for everything. But it's different to have valid criticism and fishing for something to backup your score that doesn't make sense.

Reviews don't have to be proper. There is no standard for critical reviews. It's fine. They could give the game a 4 and it would be fine. Who cares. It is a review. Of Metroid Prime. You already know what you think of Metroid Prime, and score aggregates are worthless
Literally what would be the point of reviews if everyone would just give it a random number based on no criteria. Y'all underplay how these review metrics affect industries. RT score affect opening and legs of a movie and MC affects sales for games. People can give wathever they want as a review, but people can also point them out on how their reviews are awful.

This is a "piece" that is suppose to affect consumer's idea of what the game is. They are free to say the criterias used in the review aren't meaningful to them, cause it is attributed to the public. If you just want to give a random opinion based on nothing, you could just not give a grade and post an opinion on the situation. But that won't give them clicks will it.
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Y'all see this... like 4-5 pages on that person.
The pages are because of posts like this, not because of the review itself. Enough of this, one (1) singular different opinion does not constitute this consistent torrent of doomposting. The industry will be fine if a game scores 1 internet average point lower than before.
The pages are because of posts like this, not because of the review itself. Enough of this, one (1) singular different opinion does not constitute this consistent torrent of doomposting. The industry will be fine if a game scores 1 internet average point lower than before.
If no one is getting valid criticism for how awful their work is, then what's the point of public opinion.
If no one is getting valid criticism for how awful their work is, then what's the point of public opinion.
Personally, public opinion in general can kick rocks.

Taking this in good faith (which I'm struggling to to do), valid criticism is fine, but that's not what is happening. JSS has constantly, constantly backed up all of their opinions with their own experiences and explains that a lot of those experiences are from the lens of someone who only recently was able to diagnose lifetime ADHD and all the different ways that affects a person's thinking and sensibilities. Simply stating that a score "doesn't make sense" when it is only, ONLY 1-2 points lower on an already bloated, terribly used scale is not valid criticism. Valid criticism is saying that JSS reviews are too personal to them. That's fair. But that's also the point of a review, to give a subjective, personal view on a work. Some people don't tread far from the crowd. More power to them! But to look at the one person that might and say "this review is awful lol what a troll" is not valid fucking criticism. That's just being upset that someone else doesn't like thing as much as everyone else! It's still a positive review!
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If no one is getting valid criticism for how awful their work is, then what's the point of public opinion.
The point is that there is disagreement here as to whether their work is “awful.”

Myself, I think their perspective is completely reasonable, and I find people who are intimating that Sterling be punished for the insolence of giving the game a positive but not gushing review a lot more concerning than anything about the review itself, as is the attitude of ‘well, if they’re going to be that far outside the norm, they shouldn’t be counted at all.’
What really bothers me about this is that we're using this to attack Sterling's credibility and act like this is a problem with this specific reviewer

When you guys would be saying the same thing if IGN gave this a 7.5. I'm not stupid and I've seen it countless times.

Proof? Look at the first few replies on the front page. People were already expecting professional outlets to tank the score. Before these outlets even made reviews and before these outlets had a chance to prove or disprove a low rating.

And honestly, all these complaints lack perspective. Skyward Sword HD got reevaluated into the worst reviewed mainline Zelda of all time (unless you include the co op games I guess). Most Switch games, and games in general, do not get a 90+. My point is that reviews these positive are extremely rare, and Sterling's score just happens to stick out even more because of that. Even though for a remaster, it's pretty normal. Then again if this game got an 89, people would still be complaining, but I do think this extrapolates the issue.
Personally, public opinion in general can kick rocks.

Taking this in good faith (which I'm struggling to to do), valid criticism is fine, but that's not what is happening. JSS has constantly, constantly backed up all of their opinions with their own experiences and explains that a lot of those experiences are from the lens of someone who only recently was able to diagnose lifetime ADHD and all the different ways that affects a person's thinking and sensibilities. But to look at the one person that might and say "this review is awful lol what a troll" is not valid fucking criticism. That's just being upset that someone else doesn't like thing as much as everyone else! It's still a positive review!
Studying in psychology and i honestly don't get how an ADHD diagnosis would give you a different perspective on a game. If you are not getting the help your body needs to balance it out, then it's unfortunate but how is this suppose to transcribe in a review ?

But to look at the one person that might and say "this review is awful lol what a troll" is not valid fucking criticism. That's just being upset that someone else doesn't like thing as much as everyone else! It's still a positive review!
Thing is, as others have pointed out, they are always in that lower tier for every game. I don't care about Sonic Frontiers at all, but like what's the point. There is clearly a pattern here. I'm also not even a prime fan. I just always felt their reviews were dishonest and that's a shame when you're literally publicly reviewing games. Y'all need to step out of your bubble and think how these score affect the industry and someone's work. Working years on something for someone to write this half assed review and grade low scores left and right for clicks with arguments that come out of nowhere, it's a shame. But yeah let's defend them i guess ?

That's ridiculous. You might as well ask "What is the point of all of these 9/10 and 10/10 reviews that are nothing but glowing and reverent for a twenty year old game with fresh paint?"
That's fair. Those Nintendo/PS/Xbox fan sites sometimes give bloated reviews to their favorite games. But one is blind passion and the other is sabotage for clicks.

The point is that there is disagreement here as to whether their work is “awful.”

Myself, I think their perspective is completely reasonable, and I find people who are intimating that Sterling be punished for the insolence of giving the game a positive but not gushing review a lot more concerning than anything about the review itself, as is the attitude of ‘well, if they’re going to be that far outside the norm, they shouldn’t be counted at all.’
Again, idc about the actual score nor am i a prime fan. No one talked about punishment. Professionalism is not something their site represents and at some point, if you have influence, you should take your work seriously.
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Nah, consistent misgendering, plus the ridiculous disrespectful non-argument made, I'm good.
Studying in psychology and i honestly don't get how an ADHD diagnosis would give you a different perspective on a game. If you are not getting the help your body needs to balance it out, then it's unfortunate but how is this suppose to transcribe in a review ?

Thing is, as others have pointed out, he is always in that lower tier for every game. I don't care about Sonic Frontiers at all, but like what's the point. There is clearly a pattern here. I'm also not even a prime fan. I just always felt his reviews were dishonest and that's a shame when you're literally publicly reviewing games. Y'all need to step out of your bubble and think how these score affect the industry and someone's work. Working years on something for someone to write this half assed review and grade low scores left and right for clicks with arguments that come out of nowhere, it's a shame. But yeah let's defend them i guess ?

That's fair. Those Nintendo/PS/Xbox fan sites sometimes give bloated reviews to their favorite games. But one is blind passion and the other is sabotage for clicks.

Again, idc about the actual score nor am i a prime fan. No one talked about punishment. Professionalism is not something their site represents and at some point, if you have influence, you should take your work seriously.
Jim Stephanie Sterling’s pronouns are they/them.

Edit- thanks for fixing!
You got a neurodivergent queer person saying, "Metroid Prime Remaster is pretty good" and this thread has to go back and analyze their entire decade plus career in the space. All because it's not "in line" with what some posters believe is the agreed consensus or "proper criticism".
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