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Discussion Major injuries you had as a kid.


What was the worst injury you ever had as a kid?

When I was a kid, I touched the hot part of a gas heater and got 3rd degree burns.
I was a pretty safe (boring) kid so I don't have too many.

I once touched a lamp that was plugged in but with no bulb in so I got shocked. And my other I guess major injury would be when I was racing someone on a wet day and ended up slipping and crashing into a brick wall face first. Broke my wrist and messed up my lip.

Oh, I also once went too fast on my bike and tried braking and somehow ended up going over the top of it and flying off, didn't cause any serious injuries though outside of just being very sore.
I broke my collar bone on a youth ski trip. It was my first or second time and some friends convinced me to go down from the peak, and I didn't know how to slow down. So I went through a rough patch about half way down in some woods and landed real hard on my shoulder. I didn't move for about 5 minutes until some other folks stopped to check on me. I was in middle school and super embarassed, so I wouldn't let them get the paramedic folks, and walked down the rest of the way on my boots, and waited in the lodge a few hours until it was time to leave because I didn't want to make everyone leave early. When I got home, I burst out crying as soon as my mom picked me up. When I went to the hospital my collar bone was completely broken, with the two ends now overlapping by an inch or so instead of end to end. They decided it best to just let it heal that way, so now I have a crazy funky lump. It still hurts if I wear a heavy coat or something for too long. At the time, my computers teacher wanted to fail me because I couldn't type the "proper" way because I couldn't use that arm, lol.
My cousin nearly chopped the end of my right thumb off with a hatchet. Forget how exactly it happened, other than we were chopping wood, but it hurt like hell. End of the thumb was barely hanging on, got it stitched up though so I still got it. My nail grew back in sideways as a reminder.
I used to take pride in being one of the fastest kids in my class. Then one day during PE a classmate stuck out there foot while I was doing laps and I tripped and scraped the skin off from the corner of my eye to my neck. The doctor told me if I wasn't wearing glasses it would have been a lot worse and I still have a little scar near my eyebrow.
I had a paper round when I was 10, one morning I was carrying a particularly heavy bag of papers and trying to rush to get my round done as quickly as possible. As I approached one house I tripped on the stone steps leading to their front door, and the speed I was going combined with the extra weight from the bag brought me down onto one of the steps extra hard, with my right knee taking the full force of the impact.

I noticed a lot of blood seeping through my jeans (which were completely intact) and realised I needed to get help, so I did what any rational person would do… limped back to the newsagent to hand my bag in, refuse a ride home and walk/limp the mile back to my house. I got in just as my siblings were waking up and my parents hadn’t woken for the school run yet, woke my mother and told her I’d had an accident and was bleeding. Without looking she told me there was cotton wool in the bathroom cabinet and plasters in the drawer.

I went to the bathroom, took my jeans off and saw my entire knee peeled open, side to side, and my kneecap staring back at me. It took a bunch of internal and external stitches to close it up again and 30 years later I can’t feel anything in or around that knee. I did get to meet a guy who was out of his face on morphine who’d just lost three fingers in a woodworking accident though, who kept waving at me with his mangled hand from across the room, thinking it’d make me laugh. In retrospect it was pretty funny.
A fair few lol
Broken both arms at different times due to falling off things, broke a toe catching it on something, broke a finger playing rugby.

I've also seen classmates break arms and even seen a couple of different people crack the back of their heads badly. One guy broke his arm and had a plate put in and then broke it again and bent the plate. I also know people with metal holding their legs together and 1 guy who had a skin graft to fix a bad injury to his arm.

Edit, I guess the NHS allows us to all be a bit stupider with our behaviour here
I think I had a fair few - including a laceration from running against a doorway and falling into a cactus. HOWEVER. There was the time I (almost) lost my hand when I was... 5, I think. Sorry if the retelling of that story is a bit... awkward, I have very little recollection of that day (and details before that are also mildly lost to time and PTSD), so all I know comes from memory fragments and retellings from my mother - never had a chance to talk to other people who were there that day since and... well, it appears none of them remember the exact details.

Let me start by saying I was a very energetic kid. Always running around, always doing... stuff, but never got into major trouble. I mean, yeah. Kids are wild. That said, I was never super good at or very much interested in sports. Especially winter sports. Especially skiing. I've loosened up on sports over the years, but winter sports are still the bane of my existence and after trying it again for a few years, winter is exclusively indoor-time for me. Fuck that noise, also my skin is super cold-sensitive.

But alas, one day when I was five - my birthday's in December, so it must've been January or February - my kindergarten class went skiing. Crammed into a van. All the way to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, since my home village didn't have a ski lift that could handle 30-ish children my age and average energy. Supervised by two teachers. My mother later told me she had a bad feeling about this (she was also a teacher, though she taught children usually 12 and up but had experience with going on school trips), but she let me go anyway.

I think I went skiing for the first time ever there and I wasn't good at it so I got bored. Now, what happens next is unclear, but what I think happened is I was on the ski lift which was just a rope you grabbed on to and have yourself be taken back up that way and I got distracted. Next thing I know is my goddamn hand is stuck inside the lift's drive system. The operator made an emergency stop and I was pulled out and taken to the hospital.

Don't know for how long I was out, it might've been a day, but what had happened and the only image I still have from that day is looking at my hand and seeing a goddamn hole through it. Underwent surgery for hours and it wasn't pleasant, which probably had to do with the fact that I was hardly sedated (again, according to family) and I had a frickin' bolt stuck through two fingers on my right hand... which they then proceeded to rip out while I was, again, NOT SEDATED. The clinic had to contact a neurosurgeon to come out from Munich (an hour away!) to try and fix the nerves in my hand, otherwise there was a decent chance it may have been lost forever. Luckily, it was possible to transplant neurons from my right elbow to my hand where it grew back and the hand is still attached and still functional. Though now it has a massive scar running through it and I'm inclined to believe they also did some skin grafting on it since a bit has hair growing out.

So, I'm glad I kept my hand, but the bad bit was that I gradually developed a severe fear of syringes and doctors and, for a long time, asked to only be sedated via nitric oxide (which, in one case couldn't even be done) and missed out on vaccination refreshers during my teens and twenties. It's slowly fading thanks to therapy, but jfc this is one thing that has really done me in good for a while. Oh, and my flare-ups of atopic dermatitis are worse on this hand than they are on the left hand due to how the skin has changed.
My mom ran a Girl Scouts troop at my elementary school after school. I am amab and a year older than everyone in the troop, so obviously, I didn't join in. But since my mom didn't want to just let me go home by myself, I had to stay at the school while she led the troop. Sometimes I'd do things like homework or play GBC/GBA games, but often I road my scooter around the large elementary school playground. Once, I was going extremely fast, and threw out my right hand to the wind, thinking it would look and feel cool. My wrist ended up colliding directly with a tetherball pole, breaking it. I was fine a few months later but that's still the most pain I've ever felt.

That's the only one I have though, and the only time I've ever broken a bone.
Weirdly, the worst injury was caused of all things: Closing the door on the van. Had my shoulder dislocated. Apparently at some point between going to sleep and waking up to go see the doctor to pop it back in place, it must've went back in. I remember it being hell trying to my homework, since I used to my arm to hold the paper in place, so had to use one of my books to hold the paper down.

The other ones are largely minor though your mileage may vary what you mean by "minor". I have a chipped tooth caused my biting down on the fork, which unfortunately haven't been able to do anything about yet (sucks, trust me, trying to figure out what to do about it right now). There was also when my dad accidently opened the door on my toe. Getting the nail off of it was hell. Weirdly, I remember the exact day it happened, because of a specific episode of Rugrats aired that I was looking forward to. Only reason I have any frame of reference when it did happen.
I broke my nose twice, once when I was 18 months and again when I was around 4. I broke my arm in second grade, and then again in 7th grade. I remember one time when I went to work with my dad I grabbed a copper pipe that he had just soldered and I got a massive burn on my hand.

Trying to think of others but these are the big ones.
With 14 I got a mild to moderate traumatic brain injury because of a ski accident. It was really high up in the mountains (3800 meters) and I didn’t eat anything beforehand so I got altitude sickness. I lost control over my body and I fell down at a very high speed.

While my memories to it feel weird, I‘m sure I was completely unconscious laying in the snow for like 5 minutes until some people found me and called a helicopter to fly me to a hospital. In the end it wasn‘t really that bad. I had luck that other people found me because my mother and sister were already ahead of me. And like 5 meters away from me was a huge cliff I could have fallen down.

I was for like 3 days in the hospital and couldn‘t really speak much first. But more out of shock than to actual damage to my brain fortunately.
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