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Discussion Let’s roast this 2016 Eurogamer article about GameCube Virtual Console on Switch

So instead of a binary "this was right/wrong" conversation, let's actually have a think about what could have happened here.

NERD developed Hagi, the Gamecube emulator Nintendo has used for things like Super Mario Sunshine (in 3D All-Stars) and the Pikmin 1 + 2 ports. This report could have easily heard from 3 people related to NERD that all said "we're working on a GameCube emulator for Switch" and, this article being written in 2016 before NSO was a known quantity, the writer assumed "OK they're doing the same Virtual Console they've done for the past decade on the next console too." Being put in that writer's shoes, I'd have assumed the same thing.

Smash Melee was probably shelved because they were also working on Ultimate and a business person rightly asked "why would we potentially cannibalize the sales of our new game with our own old game?" Same thing with GameCube Animal Crossing.

I genuinely don't understand why anyone's instinct would be "ROAST THIS ARTICLE FOR BEING WRONG" when, if you think about it for a minute or so, you totally understand exactly why it is the way it is. The article does make some logic jumps that, in 2024, are funny to look at in retrospect, but you'd have to be pretty malicious to make the jump from "huh, didn't work out that way" to "ROAST 'EM." Maybe think a little before jumping to negativity.
It’s all in good fun, I just wanted to share as a reminder for how wrong rumors can be as we are gearing up for the Switch 2 announcement. History is going to repeat itself as we twist ourselves into a pretzel over info that will eventually not be true.

Also this article does serve as a warning for what not to do: getting legitimate information then jumping to conclusions. NERD working on a GameCube emulator does not equal GCN VC. There’s a difference between writing an article solely about that and then writing one saying Animal Crossing and Melee are coming to Switch.

Sadly I do feel like the Switch 2 rumors won’t be anywhere near as crazy. Prove me wrong, internet.
Did Pokemon Let's Go really fit into the "scheduling"? I thought it broke the mold of a remake every other generation going forward and obviously all its other qualities that haven't been iterated on. It seems easy to imagine a Switch port of Sun/Moon might've been similarly small scale in that slot and while not entirely precedented to do a cross-gen port, the experience of launching late major DS games that hobbled the 3DS might've been why they would do it.

If it had been less work than Let's Go maybe it could've meant they devote more time/effort to Sword/Shield and Legends and all the follow-ups being squashed into more and more compressed time, but that's obviously a very "if only" theory.
Yes and no. Let's Go was somewhat of a departure, but not only would Stars have been a bigger one, but Eurogamer's proposed explanation for it not happening was that Game Freak, after the release of Sun and Moon, pivoted to making USUM instead of Stars. If USUM weren't already pretty deep in development at that point, there just wouldn't have been a Pokémon game in 2017.
I still say someone saw USUM playing on the Switch and assumed it was another version and probably invented the Stars name trying to think of a potential name to a third version. I don't believe that it ever really existed or meant to release
I remember reading this the day of the Presentation and just laughing at how fake it sounded since I was fully on the rumor mill bandwagon. I'll never forget the way my jaw dropped when the trailers started with the Wild West Shootout mini-game from 1-2 Switch lol.

Only thing that confuses me about this leak is that they somehow mistook Cappy in the Odyssey logo for being an airplane I guess
If my only knowledge of Odyssey was the logo, I'd probably think it was a plane too. The cartoony trail behind it and the globe for an O further support that view of it.

I kinda wonder if the Cappy reveal with the fake logo at first was specifically to make sure no one thought it was a plane lol.
The leaks and rumor mill back then got incredibly toxic if I recall. So I’ll wouldn’t roast myself on this. Tho It’s just an interesting look back at that time since it was a do or die moment for Nintendo. And info was spreading like crazy.

From the price point to the launch line up.

It was a roller coaster.
Yeah, it does feel like Virtual Console was definitely considered to make a comeback initially. The original perk of NSO, where you get to freely rent one NES or SNES game for a month, is something that only would have worked if it was meant to upsell someone on later buying said game from the eShop.

I honest to god, really do feel like the bombing sales of VC as a whole, plus the surge of NES/SNES classic sales, made Ninty realize that bundling their old games was a better move than piecemeal. Those VC sales especially in Japan were not at all pretty.
Yeah, it does feel like Virtual Console was definitely considered to make a comeback initially. The original perk of NSO, where you get to freely rent one NES or SNES game for a month, is something that only would have worked if it was meant to upsell someone on later buying said game from the eShop.
When was that the original perk of NSO?
Yeah, it does feel like Virtual Console was definitely considered to make a comeback initially. The original perk of NSO, where you get to freely rent one NES or SNES game for a month, is something that only would have worked if it was meant to upsell someone on later buying said game from the eShop.
I'm going to be so honest, I totally forgot that the initial idea was to make it where we rent retro games... That is so interesting to think back on now
While I understand that, to me it seems like a missed opportunity considering how peculiar the Melee fan base is. On top of that game having a legendary status that I can’t see it somehow cannibalising Ultimate.

Ultimate already contains all of the Melee fighters and many of the stages. That's what matters for the vast majority of people. And let's be real, the hardcore Melee fanbase, who are a relatively small minority compared to the overall Smash audience, would probably hate a the remaster anyways because they would complain about every small change. Ultimate has most of the content people want. It's still selling. There's money to made with DLC. No point in spending development resources remastering or remaking a game that Ultimate already mostly covers.
Switch insiders leading up to launch were all really bad.

I like this community so I am gonna be completely real with you here and explain this. It is slightly embarrassing for me to get into my mental health issues but I want to put this to bed since people love bringing it up.

First of all, I am not an insider and have never claimed to be. I just like to talk about games and speculate on what's coming. Sometimes I hear stuff and try to share that and I do talk to game developers nowadays for DYKG but I never claimed to be some insider. Any suggestions like that have come from the media and not myself.

I suffer from memory loss and AuDHD for which I was not medicated at the time (something I have talked about extensively). I had held conversations with Emily and others in the days prior where we discussed, among many things, the names of those Splatoon and Mario Kart games. Prior to those games being first shown, there were some rumoured internal working titles for them. If I remember correctly, one of them was something like Mario Kart 8 DX or Director's Cut or something like that. I mentioned this at the time. I was told the real names by Emily and others around the time of this leak but mixed up the names in my head because I am a scatterbrain. This briefly lead me to believe the 4chan thing must be fake and I hastily tweeted out some dumb shit. Part of my ADHD is being incredibly impatient, impulsive and forgetful so I did and said a lot of stuff like that without thinking - especially back then. It was a random 4chan post and I off-handedly discarded it. Emily, who is a dear friend, quickly noticed the mistake I had made and privately reminded me that I had this mixed up. Within about 5 minutes of posting that initial tweet, this prompted me to immediately issue an apology and correct myself:

All of this happened hours before that Switch event even aired within the space of like 10 minutes or so. I immediately corrected myself, apologised, talked about how the leak was real on a podcast, and it still wasn't enough for some people. On top of that, people from 4chan even fabricated screenshots of other tweets to exaggerate the extent of what I said and further fan the flames of the harassment I faced. I have been getting shit for this momentary lapse of judgement ever since and it is now well over 7 years later.
I like this community so I am gonna be completely real with you here and explain this. It is slightly embarrassing for me to get into my mental health issues but I want to put this to bed since people love bringing it up.

First of all, I am not an insider and have never claimed to be. I just like to talk about games and speculate on what's coming. Sometimes I hear stuff and try to share that and I do talk to game developers nowadays for DYKG but I never claimed to be some insider. Any suggestions like that have come from the media and not myself.

I suffer from memory loss and AuDHD for which I was not medicated at the time (something I have talked about extensively). I had held conversations with Emily and others in the days prior where we discussed, among many things, the names of those Splatoon and Mario Kart games. Prior to those games being first shown, there were some rumoured internal working titles for them. If I remember correctly, one of them was something like Mario Kart 8 DX or Director's Cut or something like that. I mentioned this at the time. I was told the real names by Emily and others around the time of this leak but mixed up the names in my head because I am a scatterbrain. This briefly lead me to believe the 4chan thing must be fake and I hastily tweeted out some dumb shit. Part of my ADHD is being incredibly impatient, impulsive and forgetful so I did and said a lot of stuff like that without thinking - especially back then. It was a random 4chan post and I off-handedly discarded it. Emily, who is a dear friend, quickly noticed the mistake I had made and privately reminded me that I had this mixed up. Within about 5 minutes of posting that initial tweet, this prompted me to immediately issue an apology and correct myself:

All of this happened hours before that Switch event even aired within the space of like 10 minutes or so. I immediately corrected myself, apologised, talked about how the leak was real on a podcast, and it still wasn't enough for some people. On top of that, people from 4chan even fabricated screenshots of other tweets to exaggerate the extent of what I said and further fan the flames of the harassment I faced. I have been getting shit for this momentary lapse of judgement ever since and it is now well over 7 years later.

Thank you for the insight. I had no idea about the follow up tweet, fell victim to misleading image compilations. I just remembered it being a gaffe from back in the day.

Always appreciate your work Liam, your deep dives on Unseen 64/DYKG have always been superb. Remember watching your early days with the 'Zelda Games that Suck' series and it's been cool seeing your work evolve over time.
Pokemon Stars and Star Fox Grand Prix or whatever that racer was called were the two biggest misses in terms of Switch game rumors. What a time it was.
Yeah, Star Fox GP was an even bigger one cause even Jason Schreier reported on it (despite him later saying he never believed it, he still made the article saying "I heard about it too" lol
it is weird to look back at when new releases potentially just being ports with some new stuff added in was seen as such a scandal, when now that is so commonplace no one would really bat an eye if they heard Nintendo was to do special editions of a few select Switch 1 games for the Switch 2(lol just please not MK8DX again Nintendo)

I guess tbf some are still very much troubled by that tho

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