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Discussion Its Friday (In the US)..... You can say it (Happy Friday)... (but I will roll my eyes)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2670
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Deleted member 2670

Yes its Friday. If you want to say TGIF, go ahead. Just remember when you're deep in shit at 2pm bc everyone is trying to finish up their work via you, that you may have thanked the wrong god. What god did you happen to thank, unknowingly? Well, instead of reaching Yahweh, you've reached the voicemail of Planasytsis. Who has stopped receiving calls due to a full mail box.... They bounced off world sometime in the 60s and everyone has been winging it since. The evidence for this is everywhere, as I am sorry to inform you.

Return to us Planasytsis!!! Give me back my relaxed Friday afternoons!!!

Steel yourself FAMI
mywife is soft nd ilikeher
Whilst storm clouds gathered over Europe in the years before the war, Hitler’s most brilliant and renowned young scientist, Dr. Kirsten Caligula, vanished suddenly from her laboratory in Berlin.

World press received unconfirmed reports that Dr. Caligula — an expert in robot technology — had been dispatched to Calcutta, India, on a top secret mission for the Fuhrer himself.

Her orders: to interview the world-famed magician and spiritualist Carter the Great at his Mountain retreat near Calcutta. There to study his most recent discovery a rare super-substance known as Raw-Zeta.

It was rumored amongst scientists of the time that Carter’s substance resembled a highly potent form of hashish known as Cartoon-Khaki. Other authoritative sources in the Far East reported that Raw-Zeta, when refined electronically, could result in the formation of Deadly-Zeta.

Carter — in ghost form — was introduced into a human body by Chinese acupuncture techniques. In his last public statement, Carter warned that any mortal wired to Deadly-Zeta could be used as a broadcasting catalyst to enslave all humans with the sound of his voice, thus becoming an unwitting tool for the most diabolical forces of evil known to man.

Soon afterward, Carter vanished forever whilst visiting his sister in San Francisco, perhaps a victim of his own prophecy.

Seven years later, when Carter was pronounced legally, dead his admirers held a spirit funeral over an empty black coffin...
Whilst storm clouds gathered over Europe in the years before the war, Hitler’s most brilliant and renowned young scientist, Dr. Kirsten Caligula, vanished suddenly from her laboratory in Berlin.

World press received unconfirmed reports that Dr. Caligula — an expert in robot technology — had been dispatched to Calcutta, India, on a top secret mission for the Fuhrer himself.

Her orders: to interview the world-famed magician and spiritualist Carter the Great at his Mountain retreat near Calcutta. There to study his most recent discovery a rare super-substance known as Raw-Zeta.

It was rumored amongst scientists of the time that Carter’s substance resembled a highly potent form of hashish known as Cartoon-Khaki. Other authoritative sources in the Far East reported that Raw-Zeta, when refined electronically, could result in the formation of Deadly-Zeta.

Carter — in ghost form — was introduced into a human body by Chinese acupuncture techniques. In his last public statement, Carter warned that any mortal wired to Deadly-Zeta could be used as a broadcasting catalyst to enslave all humans with the sound of his voice, thus becoming an unwitting tool for the most diabolical forces of evil known to man.

Soon afterward, Carter vanished forever whilst visiting his sister in San Francisco, perhaps a victim of his own prophecy.

Seven years later, when Carter was pronounced legally, dead his admirers held a spirit funeral over an empty black coffin...

Sober morning thread... :/ Plus I'm running out of both my hybrid vape and my delta 9 gummies.... Gotta save them (I'm in a legal state so allowed)

You plan your, "plant" consumption via the grace of the goddess Buddhashia. Distant cousin of Planasytsis....
Sober morning thread... :/ Plus I'm running out of both my hybrid vape and my delta 9 gummies.... Gotta save them (I'm in a legal state so allowed)

You plan your, "plant" consumption via the grace of the goddess Buddhashia. Distant cousin of Planasytsis....
Sober morning thread... :/ Plus I'm running out of both my hybrid vape and my delta 9 gummies.... Gotta save them (I'm in a legal state so allowed)

You plan your, "plant" consumption via the grace of the goddess Buddhashia. Distant cousin of Planasytsis....

It's friday evening here. Drinking tea now, will switch to beer in a moment.

Whilst storm clouds gathered over Europe in the years before the war, Hitler’s most brilliant and renowned young scientist, Dr. Kirsten Caligula, vanished suddenly from her laboratory in Berlin.

World press received unconfirmed reports that Dr. Caligula — an expert in robot technology — had been dispatched to Calcutta, India, on a top secret mission for the Fuhrer himself.

Her orders: to interview the world-famed magician and spiritualist Carter the Great at his Mountain retreat near Calcutta. There to study his most recent discovery a rare super-substance known as Raw-Zeta.

It was rumored amongst scientists of the time that Carter’s substance resembled a highly potent form of hashish known as Cartoon-Khaki. Other authoritative sources in the Far East reported that Raw-Zeta, when refined electronically, could result in the formation of Deadly-Zeta.

Carter — in ghost form — was introduced into a human body by Chinese acupuncture techniques. In his last public statement, Carter warned that any mortal wired to Deadly-Zeta could be used as a broadcasting catalyst to enslave all humans with the sound of his voice, thus becoming an unwitting tool for the most diabolical forces of evil known to man.

Soon afterward, Carter vanished forever whilst visiting his sister in San Francisco, perhaps a victim of his own prophecy.

Seven years later, when Carter was pronounced legally, dead his admirers held a spirit funeral over an empty black coffin...
I just noticed how your username is actually invading your post because of the length which is pretty cool.
Huh? it's saturday here in australia. So in fact it's caturday. Always a step behind, you americans are.
Australia doesn't exist and people claiming be from there are just bit players in a large conspiracy, online LARPers usually from South America and west coast of the ISW, which started in earnest in the early 1980s with that dumb Dundee movie....
I’m getting Ancient Aliens vibes from the OP. Incidentally, I googled “Planasytsis” and this thread is the only thing that comes up in the search.

Planasytsis's loyal followers where purged by Jerry Falwell in the mid 70s and he worked with Regan to destroy all records in the early 80s. I had recently found the ancient binders, organizers and stone daily planners and this is my first time going public with this discovery. I firmly believe that the god of planning can make a return, freeing my Friday's from chaos and crushing workloads. (Yes, somehow I was in the position of having to rollback the firmware for a remote clients edge router/firewall at 4:40 this afternoon, as you can guess, not a place you'd like to be : / )


Planasytsis's loyal followers where purged by Jerry Falwell in the mid 70s and he worked with Regan to destroy all records in the early 80s. I had recently found the ancient binders, organizers and stone daily planners and this is my first time going public with this discovery. I firmly believe that the god of planning can make a return, freeing my Friday's from chaos and crushing workloads. (Yes, somehow I was in the position of having to rollback the firmware for a remote clients edge router/firewall at 4:40 this afternoon, as you can guess, not a place you'd like to be : / )


Fridays.... It never ends.......

I'll say it, Fridays are evil. Friday has a surname, it's Morningstar. It's descended from the devil....

Predictably, shit has gone wrong am I'm stuck traveling onsite, like who's idea was it to connect two trashcan Mac pros to a simple power strip when it they are performing business critical tasks? Not us, we just took on this client! My job to fix it now..... Also can our ip phone company stop making fucking changes without telling us!!!!

Satan's day. Everyone who says Happy Friday is officially a satanist in my eyes. I don't have a religious bone in my body and I respect all religions (and tbh, respect outspoken religious people more than outspoken atheists, whom I can't fucking stand), but don't put that evil on me by speaking the devil's greeting.
Fridays.... It never ends.......

I'll say it, Fridays are evil. Friday has a surname, it's Morningstar. It's descended from the devil....

Predictably, shit has gone wrong am I'm stuck traveling onsite, like who's idea was it to connect two trashcan Mac pros to a simple power strip when it they are performing business critical tasks? Not us, we just took on this client! My job to fix it now..... Also can our ip phone company stop making fucking changes without telling us!!!!

Satan's day. Everyone who says Happy Friday is officially a satanist in my eyes. I don't have a religious bone in my body and I respect all religions (and tbh, respect outspoken religious people more than outspoken atheists, whom I can't fucking stand), but don't put that evil on me by speaking the devil's greeting.
Stope getting high at work
The evils of Friday will continue until you learn to love Mondays. Ahhh, Monday, everyone is dozy and hungover, docile and as easy to push over a a kitten..... Oh Monday, deliver us....
2pm? I wish

I checkout at 6pm.
My boss / coworkers at 5:59pm "Hey I just send you an email and a slack for something quick...."

Yes.. go forth my fellow fridaypilled famimember, spread the gospel of Fridays evil deeds
The evils of Friday will continue until you learn to love Mondays. Ahhh, Monday, everyone is dozy and hungover, docile and as easy to push over a a kitten..... Oh Monday, deliver us....
Not gonna lie, I like mondays because we have all the meetings, so I can't do anythin really until 12 pm, and then eveyrone is like "why did you took so much time for X"
Me: "meetings 🤷"
Planasytsis preserve your humble worshipper......
Server ssd replaced- smooth, ip cut over... 😑 But it got done, investigation of building wide ap network to be done, last time I was there it was a comedy of errors, didn't have the right tools, replaced a working switch that the previous people had drilled the chassis into the damn wall.... Please create network diagrams.... I'm begging you...
"that 2hr meeting we had scheduled for next wednesday? we moved today at 18:30, ordered some pizza, happy friday!"

Never mind, meeting canceled

Me right now:

Happiness.... On a Friday????? Every now and then you get away with it, treasure those moments Fami.

Meanwhile on my Fridays, I just get to work about 4 hours, then get to go home to cuddle with my wife.

Life is good.
The problem of being a project manager

Friday 8 pm "what do you mean X didn´t update that"
Saturday 5 pm "but you told me the budget was approved on monday, why didn Y paid that online service"
Sunday 6 am: "the service is not working... let me guess, they released in production without testing pretends to be shocked "
Meanwhile on my Fridays, I just get to work about 4 hours, then get to go home to cuddle with my wife.

Life is good.
I'm reopening the brig, congrats and welcome to the brig.
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