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Discussion Is it normal to feel excitement from work?


I can lift a solid two leaves šŸƒ
Started a new job two weeks ago at a Sign & Graphics business as a Graphic Designer.

But I keep finding myself in my spare time jumping to my work emails excited to see a new lead come in or a customer replies back with more information to proceed with the process to finish their requests.

I keep checking it when I'm bored, I can't think of anything else that really excites me these past few weeks. I'm just so caught up to wanting to make some cool signage or graphic designs for clients and wanting to see the end results of the finish product.

Is this weird? I feel like I need to separate myself from this part time job and make more practical use of my free time working out after gaining 25 pounds over the course of Covid.

I want to have other things to talk about when I see my friends, but all I want to gush about is what I'm doing. I came into this job when the sole graphic designer left and my co-worker who got the full time position then myself got part time had to pick up the mess everything was and get everything back to something functional. And we are still figuring things out as we go.

I set up a NAS system so we had a shared server to store our files. And stayed 3 hours after work to finish it so we would have less problems in the long run.

I managed to convince my boss to get me a super nice pro art monitor and I came in my first day to a OMEN computer with a beautiful "new" glass siding as my work computer. I feel listened too to organize things, I keep being asked by the owners wife for what we need to order for stock and things for the back room to expand over time.

It's such a weird feeling of being given the ability to take charge and leadership as a part timer. To keep everyone on track, to constantly make print outs of all our jobs and the current status of everything and to just start things on my own and grow relationships with clients.

One client just evolved to reaching their landlord for a few questions, to their landlord now interested in contracting us as their sole company. And being the one to foster that relationship.

I feel like I'm using all the skills I learned each day, feel fairly challenged and leave work wanting to go back the next day.

But then I come home and don't play video games. I just sit and wait until I get to go back to work and do it all over again.

Is this okay?
I work from home and have found excitement in how quick I got to learning their rules, guidelines, and practices.
There's nothing wrong with enjoying work as long as you remember that it's work. It's easy for work to make us hate doing things we love. But a balance is good with other hobbies, exercise, socializing, etc. It sounds like since you've started a new job there's still an excitement with the newness which is natural.
It is totally normal, especially as it seems pretty clear that you like what you are doing. It is a new job, in what you like, where you use the skills you learned while studying, and it actually pushes you to keep going forward, it's basically the dream scenario. Though of course, part of this is because of that new job emotion rush, especially the 100% focus on the job, but as it goes on you will get to balance things better. In that time, the excitement will probably be gone in a way, but replaced with a certain level of fulfillment, of being able to work on something you like and enjoy, and that doesn't feel like a chore.
If you're happy then there's nothing wrong! Just make sure to keep a good work-life balance. Give it another week or two and see how you feel.
I think it is unusual but why should it be not normal?
If you are excited for your work, then I thinks it is great. Who wants to be pissed off for 8h a day?
Just don't let your excitement and involvement lead to getting exploited
It's normal to be excited when starting a new job, especially if you like what you're doing and are treated with respect.

It's new though, so I imagine the excitement will fade somewhat as the newness wears off. Which is totally fine, and then you'll be in a better state to assess your work-life balance and make sure you're not taken advantage of.
Sure, if you're in a position that's either new or regularly presents you with new stimulating challenges, in an area you enjoy and are well fitted for, it follows that you'd experience satisfaction and excitement from it.

That said, remember work is a means to an end, work-life balance if you can have it is essential, you have to measure your self worth beyond how productive you are, and most people's jobs do not fit the description above, they don't even come close, so be happy you have the privilege of being on such a position and act consequently.
If you enjoy your job, consider yourself lucky. Wish I did. There's nothing wrong with that if it's the truth. Just keep your work life balance in check and you're good.
Sounds like you're one of the lucky few

Just don't let anyone take advantage of your passion. Or inflict it upon yourself as a matter of fact. It's easy to fall into the trap of doing a lot of extra work for free when you love what you do. Know your value and see if you can eventually work up to a full-time position.
I work in education and when staffing issues, COVID, or other people I work with being complete idiots aren't a problem, I love my job and it excites me.
Hoping I get to that point soon tbh. I just be going through the motions right now, don't hate my job but it could be better.
If you're creating or doing something real and valuable with your hands and mind, get along with your coworkers, and are treated like a human by your boss then yeah it's a completely normal to enjoy your work.
The problem is a lot of jobs in today's modern economy aren't fulfilling in any sense of the word. Service and retail are hell on earth
I feel excitement from work, but like, a weird/perverse excitement where I put in like 14 hour days and get an insane amount of shit done and my other coworkers think I'm crazy.
In my profession, I guess I don't think of work as "work." As a mental health professional, I get to talk to people about their issues and get to help them feel better about themselves, which is innately and intrinsically motivating for me. I very rarely get the Monday Blues because I am very free and flexible in my line of work. I do have a boss, but she is an experienced psychotherapist who has ample experience with communicating constructively and possesses excellent inter-personal skills, so that I never feel reigned in or threatened or devalued.
Of course it is normal and actually i encourage it. Getting promoted, being known as a reference of quality and good work by your team and being able to do your coworkers days better really provides tons of excitement and satisfaction to me.

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