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Discussion I prefer handheld multiplats with graphical compromises than the prettier console tv versions... anyone in this camp?


By far, I value relaxed bed play over the better graphics and performance of full on console ports. Personally I don't even see much of a difference, especially on the smaller screens. Also, I love how quickly I can get into Switch games and its ease of use and I'm not interested in portable PC's like SteamDeck. I'm not going to go for a completely trash port of a game, but if it's on the calibre of Alien Isolation, Doom Eternal ect. on Switch than sign me up.
I play everything I can on Switch. Portability is the future as far as I'm concerned.

It's not just the portability, but being able to play it without looking in the same direction as the TV for hours on end. I can move around, multitask, etc.
With a few rare exceptions, I'm not interested in multiplatform games. Not that I play them on other platforms, mind you. I'm just not interested.

But I share with you the love for portability (only play in handheld mode) and that graphics and performance are in the eye of the beholder...

Portability is the future as far as I'm concerned.

Exactly, and people that think otherwise are stuck in the stone age !! 🪨
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Portability is nice and I'd usually go with Switch over PS4, but sometimes the gap is too big. With PS5 out I can't imagine going with Switch versions nearly as much going forward. If it's only a bit worse on Switch I'll do that.

I still don't play handheld mode much, but it's a lot easier to travel with a Switch and hook it up to a TV at my next destination.
That sentence about the SteamDeck seems weird. Why not? It may be a PC, but it's ease of use isn't going to be vastly different to the Switch when using it like a handheld Steam device as intended. It's UI and OS is designed for a console experience.

Edit: is anyone else having issues quoting people on mobile?
It depends on the game for me. If it's a 100 hour RPG I don't mind putting up with bad graphics or low framerate on the Switch. I'm much more likely to complete it and engage in the side content if it's portable. If it's a 5-10 hour experience, I'd rather play it at the highest quality whether that be PC or some other console.

There are exceptions of course, but that's generally what I do. Once the Steam Deck is released I'll likely switch to that for my main portable platform unless there is something specific to a game that makes it better on Switch.
For me it depends on the game - some just feel more "right" in handheld (or the opposite), but it's a decision I usually make based on gameplay first, and graphics second (if at all, I'm honestly not picky)
Honestly sounds like you guys need comfier couches.

I don’t do any “bed play”, I just sleep there and couch potato for my gaming. Don’t see the appeal in playing Switch handheld in bed over playing with the TV and couch.
Only for stuff like RPGs, and even then I opted to go for the PS4 version for TWEWY NEO and Persona 5 Strikers because the Switch framerate looks rough. If they were turn-based I'd get the Switch versions, but for action stuff I'd go PS4.

There are a good amount of games that don't really have graphical compromises that I get on Switch though. Stuff like the Puyo Puyo Tetris games, Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory, Rayman Legends, etc. have no discernable difference between Switch and the other platforms so I got em on Switch for portability.

If I'm playing at home it doesn't really matter if I'm playing on the screen or portably, but I like to play handheld games on my commute or long car rides. I only go into work once a week post-vaccination though, and before that I was 100% WFH during covid, so it didn't come up as much.
Honestly sounds like you guys need comfier couches.

I don’t do any “bed play”, I just sleep there and couch potato for my gaming. Don’t see the appeal in playing Switch handheld in bed over playing with the TV and couch.
Same. I fall asleep when ever I'm in bed lol.
Even when I'm using the tv in the bed room and switch is in dock I knock out easily

Also for OP it just depends some games I wouldn't play in handheld like smash or hell even Metroid Dread (hand cramps if I'm not using the Pro controller)

Also Xenoblade 2 looks Soo fucking bad in handheld mode, tv mode is just the way to go for some games
To be honest i don't go out enough where portability would be a factor. I want the best performance/picture quality possible so I opt for the PC version almost every time. Sometimes PS5 for the Duelsense features or Series X if it's on Gamepass or if it's multiplayer-focused because that's where my friends game on.
Steamdeck and Switch for me. TV time is luxury for me these days and I am often in an airplane or traveling to a different city(since restrictions have eased up again). Portable gaming is the only way I can keep up with gaming.

P.S. my Xbox and PS4 are collecting dust.
I have a gaming laptop which is plenty portable enough for me, so I buy on PC whenever possible. For me, the Switch version is going to be worse in almost every way. Bad performance, bad feature-less paid online full of laggy wifi warriors, bad screen, no KBM or any other kind of controller support other than their own broken controllers, no support for my nice Bluetooth headphones until just recently, a lack of built-in voice chat keeping me from just using my headphones wired if I'm playing with friends, no mod support, no achievements, no promises that the Switch 2 will be backwards compatible...
That sentence about the SteamDeck seems weird. Why not? It may be a PC, but it's ease of use isn't going to be vastly different to the Switch when using it like a handheld Steam device as intended. It's UI and OS is designed for a console experience.

Edit: is anyone else having issues quoting people on mobile?
I'm not into anything PC. I don't like the interface. I just want to plug and play with zero hassle.

Even turning my consoles on is too much of a hassle for me. The Switch's suspend and play button is perfect for me.
Sometimes I do. It's like 'eh fuck it, it is what it is' instead of messing with settings for hours just to make a game display right.
I'm not into anything PC. I don't like the interface. I just want to plug and play with zero hassle.

Even turning my consoles on is too much of a hassle for me. The Switch's suspend and play button is perfect for me.
Have you seen much of the Steam Deck? The interface is a console-like interface. It has suspend and resume just like the Switch too.
I buy them on Switch if the difference isn't too much, like Hot Wheels.

If the Switch version is really compromised, then I double dip, on Switch and one of the other two. The Switch version of The Outer Worlds is only used for handheld play.
I sometimes double dip for portability but no I prefer PC most of the time. Games with 0 compromises I do get on Switch.
if the games are 600-720p and perform great, i'd consider it.

I played Animal Crossing and Hades 100% on handheld and loved it. I haven't opened Dress yet, but it looks perfect for handheld. I'm mostly a docked user btw.
Depends on the type of game, really. For smaller, hop in hop out games I like portability. But for bigger, longer games that I will be spending more time on, I prefer playing them on my tv. I think the fact I find the Switch quite uncomfortable doesn’t help that either. I tend to get cramps and pins and needles in my hands when playing it handheld.
Same here. Since switch launch, I automatically have more interest on switch versions even if they are downgraded. The versatility switch give to me has changed my mind. In example, I'm counting the days until Elden Ring launch, but at the same time knowing that it will require being stuck to a TV makes me not being all the enthusiastic I should be. Or dying light, I have never had intention of buying the game in other platforms previously, but it releasing on the switch and knowing I will be able to play a zombie open world on the go makes me being interested in the game, which would never have happened if the game wouldn't had been announced for the switch.

This is why when someone say that Nintendo will someday left behind the hybrids factor like they always do with the gimmicks they use (dual screen, wiimote...), I always say the switch is not a gimmick: in fact is a new understanding of videogames, like the portable consoles were back in their day. It's not something you can just abandon.
Yeah, if it's not handheld I'm not likely to play it. I also love that you can do other things like watch TV whilst playing handheld.
It depends on the game, but in general, yes, I prefer a portable experience despite the visual and performance downgrades. I've always been more interested in good gameplay/systems as opposed to graphics.

The Switch is my primary platform for a number of factors:
  • Family Friendly - I have 4 kids and the Switch is by far the most family friendly system.
  • Nostalgia - I've been playing Nintendo games since I was young and I still enjoy their IP.
  • Flexibility - Beyond the pure portable nature, I can move it between different TVs in our house.
I do have an XSX and I do enjoy playing it, but I haven't purchased a single game for it and it's basically just going to be a Gamepass machine. There is a ton of stuff I'd like to play on it, but I tend to play it a lot less than I'd like just because it tethered to my basement TV. (The remote play stuff is nice, but it's weird I can't remote play to another TV in my house, only a phone or computer)
I prefer to play in handheld even though I’ve got a 55” LG 4K OLED.

Not touched my PS4 Pro for months with several big games unfinished just because I find playing in handheld so much more convenient.

I’ll probably end up playing RE Village on the Switch 2 at this rate.
Sometimes I wish devs had the time to Switch versions with their own unique look. Like how Ghostbusters got a Wii version that had different graphical style to the other versions
I've been like this since the SNES days. Back then almost every NES/SNES game came with a graphically inferior Game Boy version and I always went for that one. My friends always told me, "it doesn't even have colors, shows only the part of the whole screen, why do you waste so much of your money on Game Boy games, man?" Some people just don't understand the value of portability.
I agree, which is why I don't understand the Steam Deck dismissal. I mostly use my Lite for multiplat/3rd-party games and the Deck is looking quite the appealing offer to me right now.
I'm not caring about Graphics and Performance and would always prefer playing a Video Game on the Nintendo Switch in Portable Mode.

100% Percent playing Nintendo Switch in Portable Mode :)
Yes. I have a Series S, but i have almost no time to play it right now because of work. I'm out of my house all afternoon and all night, so i have much more time to play games on my Switch on the go, on the train or during my work's lunch time. I care about the visuals, but the portable mode is much more important to me.
I haven't really bought any of the "impossible" ports on Switch. If I was interested in them in the first place I'd have likely already bought one of the other systems for them since they're often years old games (I'm that awful Nintendo consumer the companies hate). Saying that, I do have some standards and I'll be perfectly happy to skip a game if I don't feel the Switch version is up to snuff as I don't totally prioritise portability because I do like to play on the TV too. There's so many games out there and only so much time, so it's easy to be picky.

It's the flexibilty of the Switch that I love. I can easily play the same game on the TV, in another room, on the bus and, when such a thing was possible, on holiday. I had both the Super GameBoy and GameBoy Player because sometimes I wanted to play those games on the big screen, and it's the same with the Switch.

If there's any reason reason for me to prefer the Switch over the Deck it is simply its size (which could improve in the future, so might as well wait). The Switch is big enough and snuggly fits in my daily bag. Don't want bigger than that.
^^ Speaking of impossible ports…I have Witcher 3 on Switch, and while it is obviously downgraded on handheld mode, I swear to god it actually runs and loads faster in handheld mode. When accessing the map in docked mode, there is a noticeable lag when opening it up, but handheld mode, the map loads instantly..
I am on the other opposite. I just play on tv, when I go to bed a usually use my Kindle. Having to pay the price of portability and not using it sux

Also, lately, since my son was born, I don't even play on my gaming PC anymore. Basically it became my WFH machine. Still have to finish rdr2 though, not going to double dip it on PS5.
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I care more for performance than graphics honestly. As long as the switch ver can be consistent, I'm happy.
Not if it’s the exact same game ie I’d rather play FIFA on my Xbox than my Switch.


I miss the old GBA/DS days where we got different versions of the games with the same name. Like I really enjoyed playing Star Wars Ep 3 on my DS. We don’t really get that now as Switch versions tend to just be stripped down versions of the PS and Xbox versions.
I am at the point that I would rather play on Switch than any other platform - PC, PS5, XBSX. I don't care if I am simply playing docked. Nintendo is the ecosystem for me.
If a game is available on other platforms and the Switch, unless the port is an absolute, actually unplayable disaster I'll pick up the Switch version. Even with something like Sonic Colors Ultimate I preferred giving up the biggest improvement (60FPS) in favor of portability.
I have some baseline expectations for visuals and performance, and if a game doesn't meet that even the allure of handheld can't win me over.
I almost always play in bed. Some games I make an exception such as Luigi's Mansion 3 and GRIS, which looked and sounded spectacular. But I'm 95% a handheld user.

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