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Fun Club How has your life changed every since Switch launched? (not gaming related)

Absolutely nothing has changed in my life since 2017. Same house, same low-paying job, even the same damn office desk. Same hobbies. Only change is that my social group has grown much smaller as people have moved away, which is a serious negative. But my average day is literally the exact same now as it was in 2017.

Really hard not to look back at the last 6 years and think I've wasted them, feels like I'm stuck in a holding pattern. I need a change.

The toughest part was going through all the Covid lockdowns as a single person, and then beginning to realize that I'll probably never have a long-term relationship or children, which were always two of the major goals of my life. If it hasn't happened by 40, it's probably not happening.
-Got my bachelor's degree (at age 30, better late than never)
-Moved twice
-Became a dedicated film buff
-Came out as bisexual
-Accepted that I'm a furry after being in denial for decades

That last one probably sounds frivolous but it combined with coming out as bisexual did absolute wonders for my self-esteem and ways of expressing myself. Those two things were basically lurking beneath the surface since pre-pubescence and just admitting them to myself did so much to affirm my life and make me comfortable in my own skin.
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The switch came out during my freshman year of college, and some of my best college memories were playing Mario Kart and Smash with friends. Since it came out, I have:
  • Finished a bachelor's and a Master's degree
  • Got my first real job
  • Moved back to the area I grew up in -- after being away at school for the better part of 6 years, this especially has been nice.
Overall I have less time for gaming these days, but I can still fit in a lot of time on weekends since I'm not taking care of a family. I know we're all waiting for the next thing, but there's still lots to enjoy on the switch!
Good to read the positive stuff.

I've continued in the same job, same city, same partner.
Discovered my love for Japan and went there on holiday every year (bar Covid times)
Turned 50 some months ago
Lost my cousin far too young to cancer.
Lost my dad to cancer, my mum died when I was 2 so he was everything and an amazing man, it's almost 2 years now and I still well up every time I think about him, I miss him so much. Due to Covid I wasn't with him anywhere near as I should at the end (I live abroad). Hard to deal with.
Everything in my life is comfortable but I'm basically trying to find my way forward anew as you have life with parents and life without parents, it's like a horrible new beginning that doesn't make sense.
I was actually thinking about this this morning. When the Switch came out, I was broke enough that I sacrificed a month’s rent and fell into an overdraft to buy it because I was in a really extreme state of depression and needed some kind of joy.

Now, I’ve come out, fallen in love, moved twice, my work has taken off to a degree I’d never have anticipated (Able to quit and start my own company which is now outperforming where I worked before), and somehow come out the other side of my old depression bubble. You’re never fixed, but things always get better.
Wow, since March 2017? Let's see...this is a rough timeline.

  • Went on my first cruise ever (Cozumel)
  • Moved out of my parent's house post-college and got an apartment with one of my good friends
  • Paid off a couple student loans ( the smaller ones, but progress!)
  • Have had 5 different jobs in 6 years. Some amicable reasons, some terrible reasons, and most recent to progress my career. My current job has been just over a year and am very happy with the work and team I work with that respect me and my worth.
  • Dated a few times. None of them worked out but came to the conclusion I need to focus on myself which has been healthy
  • Learned a friend betrayed my trust and thus he is no longer a friend. I've forgiven him though.
  • Gone to EVO 2018 and 2019, amazing experiences. Only competed in Smash Ultimate in 2019 lol.
  • Bought my first stocks ever (including NTDOY)
  • Got my own apartment three years ago.
  • Unfortunately lost my last living grandparents between late summer 2019 through early 2020.
  • Flew out of the country for the first time last year (Cancun!)

and here we are.

Next life goal before Switch 2 is a new car. What a wild ride it has been so far.
Significantly, and for the better.

In 2017 I was a rather pessimistic person, and I didn't much like myself.
The turning point came in late 2019 when I was diagnosed with cancer. I had to adopt a more positive outlook just to stay sane, and that stuck with me afterwards. I now have a more optimistic outlook on life, and as a result I'm a lot happier. It feels strange to say, but having cancer made me a better person.

I also finally learned to accept and respect who I am instead of being so down on myself all the time.
What's more, late in 2021 I met the love of my life, and now I don't want to imagine life without her.

There were a ton of struggles along the way, but the progress was worth the pain.
Thank you for sharing. I'm happy for you.

I got two more daughters since 2017, became debt free and is happy despite health issues.
Started dating my partner in 2017. As crazy as it sounds, that is the last part of a butterfly effect, where if I never got too hyped about Robin in Smash and blindly bought a Wii U, I would probably still be single. I unfortunately did not like the Wii U but loved Splatoon so much I engaged with the community and became friends with the person I am currently dating.

Outside of that, I feel like not much has changed thats notable, outside of getting a promotion at my job.
A lot has changed...

  • In 2018 I met my current gf.
  • 2019 I bought the apartment where I currently live, moved there at the start of 2020 (just in time for Covid!).
  • Gf moved in just before Covid.
  • Adopted a cat.
  • Became a father.
  • I work in the same company I worked in 2017 but in a position with more responsibilities.
  • Got back into making music, both original stuff and VGM remixes.
Was typing a lot of things that happened to me in these last years only to realize it all sounds depressing with sickness and death. Still, my life is awesome and I could not be happier even though life can be hard and feel unfair sometimes.
  • Met, married, and currently live with and am in love with my wife
  • Started and finished college
  • Got a job in the relevant field (Animation) after finishing college and generally enjoy my work
  • Broke my ankle at my cousin's wedding
  • Learned how to inline skate
  • Fractured my other ankle while inline skating
  • Started weight lifting as a result of a very sedintary career (and COVID forcing me to be inside)
  • Built my dream PC after being without one for so long
  • Adopted two senior cats
  • Adopted two more cats after they both passed away
  • Took up sculpting with modeling clay
  • Met many more lifelong friends due to a Discord server merging several friend groups together (also due to COVID)
  • Started saving up for a house... Which will hopefully happen someday.
  • Attended several drag shows
  • Started enjoying weed products and mostly stopped drinking (was never a problem but it started giving me a bad stomach lol)
  • Have several video essay scripts underway at the moment in an attempt to start up a Youtube channel
I'm sure there's other stuff but this is the jist of it.
Honestly, the worst stretch and hardest years of my life. More than I could ever explain here. Family deaths, personal injury, mental health, and keeping a family together has been draining. But we press on. 💪🏾
I feel you to be honest, in a similar boat overall. It's been tough but all I can do is keep on moving and deal with it day to day.

Hopefully in the next 6 years I have more positive news to report.
I feel you to be honest, in a similar boat overall. It's been tough but all I can do is keep on moving and deal with it day to day.

Hopefully in the next 6 years I have more positive news to report.
Keep pressing on. Take it a day at a time. #support ✊🏾
Since the launch of the switch, I'm running around with a smile on my face, and I'm Hyped all day! Hope switch 2 will recreate that feeling
I went from taking care of a sick parent as a full time job to being goth mommy for a commune of American expats. Also got married and began doing The Gender Thing ™️

Switch might be the console that has me seen go through more Life Shit ™️ so far, which is sort of an achievement.
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Interesting thread OP, I’ll join in.
Since the Switch launched:

  • Finished my master’s degree in Computer Engineering
  • Got my first job
  • Was a bit depressed with my life situation and decided to change it
  • Started learning Chinese
  • Never being on a plane, I decided to move to China where I had the best time of my life
  • Met the most amazing girl in China and we’ve been together for more than 3 years now
  • Moved from mainland China to Hong Kong
  • Grew up career wise and I’m happy with what I’m doing

Life changed a lot the past few years, but I love it, and I’m grateful for it
Hm, more bad than good to be honest. I did get my university degree and held two very different jobs which were interesting. I started working towards my driver's license. I feel like I understand myself more and I'm a lot better in social situations than I used to be. 2017-2020 was pretty crap but I feel like things have slowly turned around for the better this year.

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