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Fun Club How has your life changed every since Switch launched? (not gaming related)


T1D Gamer
I was just thinking about how it has been six years and sometimes I like to contextualize my life and think of all of the things that are different; however, metrics of time and decades seem so boring since they are predictable numbers we use to break up time and memories. I would like to think of it as how much have you grown as a person or a family ever since the Nintendo Switch launched back in 2017. Lets all take a trip down memory lane and recap major life events (as much as you feel comfortable sharing) we took part in ever since the launch of the Nintendo Switch. You do not have to follow the format I will use; this can simply be a fun open discussion about life and time.

Ever since the Nintendo Switch launched:
  • I got married
  • I rescued a kitten (my third cat, they're all still around)
  • I got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes as an adult (extremely rare)
  • My son was born
  • I got a new job in the same career after deciding to leave my employer at the time after eleven years
  • My daughter was born
  • I mowed the lawn 240 times
Significantly, and for the better.

In 2017 I was a rather pessimistic person, and I didn't much like myself.
The turning point came in late 2019 when I was diagnosed with cancer. I had to adopt a more positive outlook just to stay sane, and that stuck with me afterwards. I now have a more optimistic outlook on life, and as a result I'm a lot happier. It feels strange to say, but having cancer made me a better person.

I also finally learned to accept and respect who I am instead of being so down on myself all the time.
What's more, late in 2021 I met the love of my life, and now I don't want to imagine life without her.

There were a ton of struggles along the way, but the progress was worth the pain.
I’ve moved to a new city, been in and out of a relationship, got the car I wanted as a teenager, changed jobs, and helped start this website. It’s kind of a lot when I think about it.
I was 14 when the Switch launched. I'm about to turn 21 now. Pretty much my entire life has changed for the better.
When Switch launched I was still a college student, now I'm in my third job post-college, in a senior position, and make a good amount of money. I've also started and ended multiple relationships since the Switch launched. I've realized I'm nonbinary since the Switch launched.

And yet....Idk, I don't feel that different. Like objectively I am in a much different place. But I'm still in my 20s (barely at least), I still live at home. I also didn't play my Switch that much while I was still in college, so I associate it more with post-college. The Wii U also came out when I was in college but I do feel like I'm in a different era since then.
Yeah a lot.

  1. Lived through a catastrophic earthquake in my city , first experience of this kind and magnitude in my conscious life. First time in which I legit thought I was going to die
  2. Got another job in another company, with a much better pay and a senior role which has fill me with great joy and economic stability
  3. Had a new baby
  4. Got engaged
  5. COVID, obviously
  6. My grandma, who was basically my mom, died

Those are the highlights in these last years since Switch released.
Wonderful idea for a thread! I've already enjoyed reading everyone's posts.

I didn't actually own a Switch until my lovely friend bought one for me as a gift in late 2020. I'm actually not the biggest Nintendo guy, I just love Metroid, Animal Crossing, and a couple of their other IPs. Since the Switch launched in 2017, I've been pulled out of depression, gotten hit by a car (and had surgery for it on my leg), met one of the greatest friends I've ever had, finally saw the release of my most desired game of all time (a sequel to Metroid Fusion), signed up for Famiboards and was eventually asked to become a moderator (which I've done for this past year, my term expires next month), and a bunch of other stuff. Time flies, but things are going okay for me.
Not much happened for me unfortunately, I've been settled for life for quite some time. The last big change in my life was moving to different country and that was just 3 months before the Switch launch.

But I did get a new dog in 2018. It's been a quite the adventure training him.
Let’s see..

Bought a Switch at launch when my son 6 months old.
Company I joined as employee #25 was acquired by Chase. Wife and I both had lots of vested stock.
Bought our first house.
Daughter was born.
Sold first house and moved to house with a lot more property out in the country.
Left job after 11 years and landed even better job.

In between all that we bought 3 new cars, sold 2 cars, and donated another.
My life has only gotten better! I:

-Moved to another country
-Got my dream job
-Started dating the love of my life
-Helped revive the GCCX fansub scene
-Realized I was a girl
-Started HRT
-Started working on a visual novel with my GF

I've come so far since then. I've never been happier!
Me and my family moved from the city to the countryside. About a year afterwards I bought a Switch.

Since then I studied professional writing and editing at the nearby TAFE - Aussies will know what that is. Educational institution which offers various courses. I earned my certificate and got seven short stories published.
Got married
Had a baby(daughter)
Sold previous home, and bought our current one just before COVID started

I work at the same company, but have been through several different positions and promotions during that time. The biggest change was having my daughter for sure though.
Moved twice, about to move a third time, changed jobs, created and released an album, had several close family friends and family members die.

Probably not for the better, I'll just say. A lot has changed, that is to be certain.
-I got my first job
-Finally moved from my parents house and rented an apartment with my now husband
-Got married
-Continued to fight depression with many highs and lows
-Developed a chronic condition that causes me pain everyday and has impacted my life a lot, had a hellish year fighting it, had surgery, and am feeling much better now but it's still a thing
-My husband recently got his first job after studying for so many years and now we're finally making some real money, it's time to start making our dreams come true little by little now

So there was good, there was bad, but overall I've made huge progress and I'm very happy and grateful by how much I've accomplished. Life is a crazy ride and I'm happy to be here.
Moved across the country, had two kids, bought a house, changed careers twice, and I finally finished Earthbound.
Since the switch released, I…

  • graduated high school
  • bought my first car (Tesla Model 3)
  • graduated college
  • got hired for my first full time job
  • moved out from my parent’s home

And I’ve had my switch with me every step of the way! The switch has been critical to my social life. My friends and I almost always get around to playing local multiplayer games when we hang out. It’s been a blast.
  • Ended an almost life-long friendship, for the better
  • Made a couple of new friends
  • Dad passed away
  • Politically moved from so-called "centrism" to socialism
I was 14 when Switch got released, now am 20. At this stage of age pretty much everything changes, for the better. However losing both grandparents was definitely tough.
It was stable I guess, but then was the COVID in 2020, after that our government decided that it would be really good idea to start a war in 2022, right now I'm trying my best not to go insane, be a decent human being despite it all and hope for the better days to come.
  • Did a Phd
  • Met my wife
  • Bought our first home
  • Became a parent
Was about 30 when the Switched launched and it was totally the reason I got back into gaming after being quite out of it in my 20s.
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  • My daughter was born
  • I switched jobs
  • I had a house built during a global pandemic
  • I split up with my partner of 17 years
  • I sold the house the very day it was finished
  • I sold my share of our apartment to my ex-partner for dirt cheap
  • I took a 25 years mortgage to buy an apartment
  • I try to be the best part-time dad I could for my two kids
  • I met my new partner and we make sure to keep our own places to avoid falling into the daily life trappings
  • Played a lot of video games on my Nintendo Switch™️ system
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I was working at wal-mart about to enter my final year of college after having dropped out and returned after several years. By the Switch's 1 year anniversary, I had my first job offer after graduation (which was a month away) and would be making double my Wal-Mart income, enough to move out and get my own apartment. Today I make more then double what I made even then and have been making progress on paying off my student loans and making a positive effort to get in shape/lose weight (down 25 pounds in 2 months).

So yeah, I'd say I'm doing much better then I was personally.
Impressed by the number of times you've mowed the lawn OP, 240 times is probably more than I've done in my entire life hah.

It's been a ride, both good and bad:

Got married
Blessed with kid #3
Bought a house
Renovated house a lot, including money saving investments
Still at the same job, but promoted a couple of times over the span
Became a lot healthier, currently in my healthiest state for at least 20 years - a single pound from my goalweight I wanted to achieve before I turn 40 next month

We've had an absolute struggle with Cancer in my family - it's a like a Curse. I fully expect to get cancer and die from it to at some point.
Just the last 3 years:
Grandmother died from pancreatic cancer during the Pandemic - thus joining all my other grandparents in having passed from the disease
My sisters son's partner (21 years old) died from cancer that had spread through her entire body. They had a 2 year old child at the time of her passing
My father is terminal with cancer that has spread through his entire body.
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Actually the Switch is kind of a bittersweet reminder of past life situations.
I didn't have the best relationship with my parents, and recently I've been replaying BOTW and sometimes I remember things that made me feel angry or sad while playing it back in 2017.
I left home and while I like to think I learned a lot, covid kinda undid all the progress. Came back to my parent's house due to covid and well it's been like being stuck in time for the last three years.

I guess I'm a very different person now, but I can't say my life is materially different for the better.

At least my current job doesn't suck as much and I got a car, I suppose.
I got married.
I got sober.
I fought depression and anxiety.
I became a father (again).
I bought my forever home.
My father, father-in-law and mother-in-law all died within a year of each other (cancer).
I lost two friends from my life who I thought were close, but were not.
I reconnected with old friends.
I unexpectedly made new friends.
I was diagnosed with adult ADHD.
I finally learned to drive.
I got a dog.
I (well, builders) ripped down the side of my house and rebuilt it into a massive kitchen and a small home gym.
I 'quiet quit' my job and have been coasting (and still managing to get paid) while trying to figure out what I'm going to do with the 20 or so working years I have left (god willing).
I turned my daughters into Nintendo fans.

There's probably more, but it likely pales in significance.
Quit my job.
Coming out to my parents.
Moved to a new city.
Went to the US for a few months.
Came back and studied something I don‘t like.
Met some friends
Finished my studies during covid and started working for a marketing agency which was really bad.
Gained some weight.
Studying Gamedesign now.
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This thread is just triggering my depression because it's highlighting how little I've done.

Got out of a turbulent 10 year relationship.
Changed jobs 5 times.
Neglected friends and family.
Started smoking and drinking heavily.

Hm. I should probably assess some things.

If it's any consolation my current girlfriend is one of the most considerate, conscientious and patient people I've ever met.
I was 17 when it released and am now 23

Graduated High School
Graduated University with 4 year degree
Got a job
Left job
Got a new job
Finished my bachelor's and master's degrees just barely managing the top grade by 0.1%
Moved home from London
Became main carer for my mum whose MS was getting significantly worse
Moved to a new town, and from a three bed house into a two bed flat

Struggled with depression and other stuff throughout
After the moves I don't really have any friends where I live, need to change that but never have the time to go to things
Past 18 months have also been terrible financially with constant increases in price for energy and food
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Had a falling out with one of my best friends
Grandmother died
Started taking film lessons
Started high school
Grandfather died
Adopted a Dog
Started doing freelance video jobs
Made a short film that played in numerous festivals
Left film studies class over a disagreement
Started dating my first girlfriend
My first girlfriend broke up with me
-moved to Milan for work but it didn't work and came back.
-started to work as a freelance, i moved all around Italy.
-get burned out by my job, very stressful for my work/life balance so i quit and started to work to reinvent myself.
-finally started my own business, struggled a lot because of pandemic but now is doing pretty well.
-started a relationship but it didn't work out.
-because of all this, I struggled with depression and a (luckily) a veeeeeeeery light heart condition, but now I'm safe.

A wild ride if I think about it, lol.
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Life sometimes goes places you don't expect. But it remains wonderful. Enjoy it while you can.​
Was 21 when Switch released, now I'm 27.

-moved out from my parent's house to go to college to a big city, in order to do my passion studies (double cursus of cinema and education's science)

-moved in with my girlfriend

-got a dog

-graduated from college

-participated in the creation of a neighborhood charitable organization about dog's protection and education

-work in the field I've always wanted to work in (education). Wanted to work in cinema too but that'll be for another life probably, I don't have what it takes for that field I think, seems like a terrible environment. No regret not chasing that dream, still glad to have my diploma, made me learn a lot about cinema theory and makes me appreciate more films.

-in the span of those 6 years, I lived in 4 appartments ! Each one better than the previous one. But I have fond nostalgia for each one of them, even my first absolute shitty and overpriced one.
Damn. When you put it like that a lot has happened!

-lived with one of my close friends in an apartment directly above 2 of our other close friends.
-bought my first home
-started therapy again (now in it 4 years)
-moved in with my girlfriend at the time
-we rescued our pup who is the little love of my life
-reinvigorated my passion for music and songwriting
-pandemic happened
-got engaged to said girlfriend
-sold that house and bought our home together
-turned 30
-our dog got diagnosed with kidney disease and pancreatitis
-got married to said fiancé
-established my band, the EXOHs
-started taking on my own photography clients
-my sister got divorced
-my sister in law got and subsequently beat breast cancer
-some of my best friends got engaged
-finally was able to buy an NSO N64 controller
-got shit sleep through most of it

Life is both very short and very long.
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-Had twin daughters
-Celebrated 12 years of marriage with my wife
-Turned 40
-Went on a cruise
-Became obsessed with the game Hollow Knight
-Got a PS5
-Father-in-law passed away

In terms of big, life-altering events, that’s pretty much it. When you have three small children (9 and two 5 year olds), that is pretty much your life until they’re grown up.
Lets see...

My hair got longer (from short cut to around the length that Jack Black has right now, though a bit shorter in the bottom back).
My beard got a lot more grey ... thankfully my hair didn't.
Still the same job.
The kids grew, and the eldest became a full fledged grumpy teenage pest.

Not much, i'd say. Feels both, bad and good, i guess?
-Tried to commit suicide multiple times
-Changed to a different therapist
-Got diagnosed with type-2 diabetes
-My Grandma got put in a nursing home with Alzheimer's and Dementia

I guess the only good thing that happened is meeting my current therapist.
  • December 2017 I got a new job after being unemployed for almost two years. I was 28 and living with my mother at the time.
  • April 2021 I went sale agreed on an apartment. The sale closed in September of the same year and I moved in in November.
  • While living at home I didn't want to date and wanted to wait 'til I had my own place. My dating experience was extremely limited at the time. April of 2022 I dated someone for a couple of months and it ended mutually, we're still friendly. August 2022 I matched with a guy on Tinder, we met three weeks later and have been together since. It's a medium distance relationship, if that's a thing. He lives a couple hours away but we make it work.

All in all it's been a good six years I think.
  • Bought a car.
  • Went on some really bizarre dates.
  • Gained a ton of work experience and became a better mentor.
  • Covid happened.
  • Taught a lot of really diverse and interesting classes online.
  • Got into robotics through programming microcontrollers.
  • Grew as a person and gained confidence in my abilities.
  • Had some very meaningful short term relationships.
  • Moved to a bigger apartment.
  • Lost my dear father (fuck pancreatic cancer) and grandmother.
  • Lost my left eye.
  • Started an exercise routine thanks to Ring Fit.
  • I've matured.
  • Lost a lot of money on a really bad investment.
  • Strengthend ties with family abroad, may relocate in the future.
  • Dating life has improved significantly.
  • Participated in waves of protests against a corrupt and anti democratic government.
  • Led a team of students to 3rd place in a national robotics competition.
It's been a wild ride. Never a dull moment, that's for sure!
-Tried to commit suicide multiple times
-Changed to a different therapist
-Got diagnosed with type-2 diabetes
-My Grandma got put in a nursing home with Alzheimer's and Dementia

I guess the only good thing that happened is meeting my current therapist.
Keep fighting for what you believe in and for the happiness you deserve.

As long as you don't forget to learn and to love, it will get better.
Started as an anxious, depressed boy living with their parents

Now I'm a confident young woman with 2 wonderful partners (funnily enough both met through switch games) and my own place, I think that says enough :)
I was 27 when Switch came out -- since then I've had my second and third boys (my wife was pregnant with our second when Switch released), and bought and moved in to our second house. Pretty big life events, all considered! We moved out here in 2021 and nothing has been too crazy since -- last year I left a job I'd been at for over 8 years to explore new opportunities, the first job I landed at was crazy stressful and bad, I left it after only 6 months for where I'm at now which is much better (and pays more too, lol).

Looking ahead, expecting things to be pretty stable. Just raising our boys now (they are 8, 5, and 3), living life. Switch really saved gaming for me as a hobby as a parent with young children and continues to do so - initially when things are so busy with babies and toddlers there just isn't the time available to sit down on a console and play for hours, the handheld / often smaller-scale nature of the Switch was excellent for this. Now that they're older, they're the ones hogging the TV and consoles all the time, so I'm still just gaming on Switch 90% of the time!
Yeah it’s safe to say my life changed dramatically.

  • Went back to College after having dropped out several years before. Got my Bachelor’s
  • Got into grad school. Got my Master’s
  • Moved to a completely new state to live with my partner.
  • Gained entirely new hobbies.
  • Connected with an entirely new group of friends.
  • Started a dream job.
  • First time flying
  • First time visiting another country
  • Married
  • Had a child
  • Became a tech lead
  • Changed jobs a few times
  • International career in a area I really like
  • Got a vehicle license(after 30's)
  • Therapy for the first time
  • First time having a panic atack(yay!)
  • Went bald (still have some front hair but it looks horrible if I allow it growing)
Good idea for a topic! Some things for me

  • Met my current partner
  • career wise, I have gone from being in Customer Services to now being an Assistant Accountant and currently study for my AAT qualifications.
  • Balding so now shave my head and am trying to grow a beard haha
Honestly, the worst stretch and hardest years of my life. More than I could ever explain here. Family deaths, personal injury, mental health, and keeping a family together has been draining. But we press on. 💪🏾

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