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Fun Club how do you think the next gen zelda could benefit from ray tracing in its game design

it won't because you're only shooting one ray from the light source, and telling it to ignore any other object. the light source is also told not to have energy falloff with distance. the mirror is told to ignore any other light source aside from the one needed for the puzzle, and not to absorb energy of the light
Hmm, okay. That doesn't sound like an implementation of RT then...just more like what we had up until now. No?

Maybe I don't understand it correctly. Don't know much about this stuff.
but what would be the benefit of RT if it is done like in your example? Gameplay-wise.
I cant see Raytracing hurting, but i also cant see it adding more than a visual flourish.

As long as it doesnt get in the way, I'm game.
Hmm, okay. That doesn't sound like an implementation of RT then...just more like what we had up until now. No?

Maybe I don't understand it correctly. Don't know much about this stuff.
but what would be the benefit of RT if it is done like in your example? Gameplay-wise.
this is sort of what I mean earlier, lol. this is an implementation of ray tracing, it just doesn't have anything to do with rendering. casting rays has been done for a long-ass time in gaming. all this talk about ray tracing these days are about casting rays to have better rendering results

I can't say if this method has any benefit over other methods, if this isn't what they're doing. there's a billion ways to do things and at some point, they all "work" and "run very fast" to the point of picking your poison
As is the immediate assumption about the jump physics and "horrible to play."
I'm going to reply just to this, because the rest is a strawman argument you have fabricated and which no one in this thread is defending.
Look at any of the best platformers out there and you'l find that ABSOLUTELY NONE of them use realistic physics and that ALL OF THEM implement Coyote time, ledge help, variable gravity and many other unrealistic simplifications and helper systems. The platforming system of Super Meat Boy was described, by the developers themselves, as "one big hack". Mario invented Coyote time, corner help, ledge help...Donkey Kong Country exaggerates Coyote time to the limit when rolling. Celeste? The dev even made an X thread explaining many of these hacks, there are like 10 of them:
And this is just jumping, there are many additional tricks for horizontal movement, both in the ground and in the air.
You can also add Sonic, Rayman, Metroid, Megaman (classic, X, Zero...), Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells and basically every game ever with decent platforming.

The assumption that ray tracing would "feel worse" is again, nonsense. It's impossible for it to be that way. You wouldn't even notice it. It would only make that situation simpler to understand and easier to make.
It would feel worse because you'll be removing all the systems and design layers that the developers put in place to make the puzzles more fun and easier to play and replacing them with a system that has not been designed with a focus on gameplay. Like @RedSpring says, try doing it in real life and you'll see how many things you have to accomodate for to make the puzzle work as intended. Then you'll need to start adding passes of game design to make the solution obtainable, to fight back against false positives, to give hints to the player...

it won't because you're only shooting one ray from the light source, and telling it to ignore any other object. the light source is also told not to have energy falloff with distance. the mirror is told to ignore any other light source aside from the one needed for the puzzle, and not to absorb energy of the light
That's what I said earlier, that in order to use raytracing you have to hack the system just to end up doing what you were doing with the original "non-RT" solution, so there's no point in going that route. BTW, I think you're mixing Raytracing and Raycasting: "Raytracing" is used for lighting, while "raycasting" is just emitting a ray to check for collisions,. The latter is a pretty standard system in games since forever. I think Sonic 1 already used 2 raycasts downwards to detect slope inclination and the Zelda light puzzles probably already used it.
as most of you know the physics engine in the duology of the wild is one of if not the most impressive feature in this games i especially like the puzzles that require using metal weapons to manipulate electricity and with the current news and rumors about the next gen nintendo console and its tech especially its ray tracing capabilities i was thinking about how the next zelda could benefit from them and considering that light based puzzles is very common in the zelda series i think that a tech that simulate light natural behavior could let them design a very complex and engaging puzzles.
but how do you think they can benefit from this tech in the next game
more envoled light/Sun puzzles, expect the light/Sun puzzles of Ocarina of Time/Majora Mask, in a much larger scale
That's what I said earlier, that in order to use raytracing you have to hack the system just to end up doing what you were doing with the original "non-RT" solution, so there's no point in going that route. BTW, I think you're mixing Raytracing and Raycasting: "Raytracing" is used for lighting, while "raycasting" is just emitting a ray to check for collisions,. The latter is a pretty standard system in games since forever. I think Sonic 1 already used 2 raycasts downwards to detect slope inclination and the Zelda light puzzles probably already used it.
that's not hacking the systems. you're not "changing" anything when you're creating the definitions in the first place. "ray tracing", "ray casting", "ray marching", "ray stepping", etc are all derived from the same basic principle of shooting a ray from a point and doing something with the collision. for rendering, you're determining how to color pixel upon hit based on the properties of the thing you hit. IMO, using "ray tracing" just to refer to lighting is too limited of a definition. especially when there are non-lighting examples out there including physics and audio
that's not hacking the systems. you're not "changing" anything when you're creating the definitions in the first place.
IMHO that's hacking the system because you're disabling a lot of its features and changing how it fundamentally works, like you said: "(...) you're only shooting one ray from the light source, and telling it to ignore any other object. the light source is also told not to have energy falloff with distance. the mirror is told to ignore any other light source aside from the one needed for the puzzle, and not to absorb energy of the light"

"ray tracing", "ray casting", "ray marching", "ray stepping", etc are all derived from the same basic principle of shooting a ray from a point and doing something with the collision. for rendering, you're determining how to color pixel upon hit based on the properties of the thing you hit. IMO, using "ray tracing" just to refer to lighting is too limited of a definition. especially when there are non-lighting examples out there including physics and audio
Yes, but "raytracing" in the context of this thread, has been used in regards to lighting since the very first post. Now, if you're saying that instead of "raytracing" we should be using "raycasting", well that's pretty much what everyone in this thread has been saying from the start, so I don't know what you're arguing at this point.
IMHO that's hacking the system because you're disabling a lot of its features and changing how it fundamentally works, like you said: "(...) you're only shooting one ray from the light source, and telling it to ignore any other object. the light source is also told not to have energy falloff with distance. the mirror is told to ignore any other light source aside from the one needed for the puzzle, and not to absorb energy of the light"
it's not disabling features if you never put them in in the first place

Yes, but "raytracing" in the context of this thread, has been used in regards to lighting since the very first post. Now, if you're saying that instead of "raytracing" we should be using "raycasting", well that's pretty much what everyone in this thread has been saying from the start, so I don't know what you're arguing at this point.
I wasn't arguing anything. I was describing a method of casting a ray to hit a mirrror in the typical "Zelda mirror puzzle". which is the kind of shit I was also talking about since post 5
While I don't actually think they'll work ray tracing into their game design, people are really limiting their thinking here. Realistic reflections that bounce off of multiple surfaces could easily be used to make puzzles. Haven't y'all ever seen those box contraptions with multiple mirrors in them that let you see around a bend? Could make puzzles that require you to position multiple mirrors to observe something through a winding hallway or whatever
While I don't actually think they'll work ray tracing into their game design, people are really limiting their thinking here. Realistic reflections that bounce off of multiple surfaces could easily be used to make puzzles. Haven't y'all ever seen those box contraptions with multiple mirrors in them that let you see around a bend? Could make puzzles that require you to position multiple mirrors to observe something through a winding hallway or whatever
I've seen RT being used for spatiotemporal distortions. that would be crazy for a dungeon
I think the Zelda team could absolutely do interesting puzzles with it. They can honestly do anything there creative minds can think up
I'm going to reply just to this, because the rest is a strawman argument you have fabricated and which no one in this thread is defending.
Look at any of the best platformers out there and you'l find that ABSOLUTELY NONE of them use realistic physics and that ALL OF THEM implement Coyote time, ledge help, variable gravity and many other unrealistic simplifications and helper systems. The platforming system of Super Meat Boy was described, by the developers themselves, as "one big hack". Mario invented Coyote time, corner help, ledge help...Donkey Kong Country exaggerates Coyote time to the limit when rolling. Celeste? The dev even made an X thread explaining many of these hacks, there are like 10 of them:
And this is just jumping, there are many additional tricks for horizontal movement, both in the ground and in the air.
You can also add Sonic, Rayman, Metroid, Megaman (classic, X, Zero...), Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells and basically every game ever with decent platforming.

It would feel worse because you'll be removing all the systems and design layers that the developers put in place to make the puzzles more fun and easier to play and replacing them with a system that has not been designed with a focus on gameplay. Like @RedSpring says, try doing it in real life and you'll see how many things you have to accomodate for to make the puzzle work as intended. Then you'll need to start adding passes of game design to make the solution obtainable, to fight back against false positives, to give hints to the player...

That's what I said earlier, that in order to use raytracing you have to hack the system just to end up doing what you were doing with the original "non-RT" solution, so there's no point in going that route. BTW, I think you're mixing Raytracing and Raycasting: "Raytracing" is used for lighting, while "raycasting" is just emitting a ray to check for collisions,. The latter is a pretty standard system in games since forever. I think Sonic 1 already used 2 raycasts downwards to detect slope inclination and the Zelda light puzzles probably already used it.

Yes I understand how platformers work. What I'm getting at is that realistic jumping physics in and of itself isn't bad nor would they be required to use them. You're still on this us vs them mentality. It's okay for a game to be made with realistic physics and it could be a platformer. There's nothing precluding people from making a wacky game that utilizes all kinds of realistic physics properties. Nintendo already does it in multiple games with all sorts of games like the materials in Woolly World or Epic Yarn.

You're also jumping to conclusions that they wouldn't be able to figure this stuff out. Have a little faith in the designers of something like Tears of the Kingdom with all sorts of fire propagation, physics reactions that react as you'd want them to (which is why the game is so good) and maybe think hey, if they have access to even better tech, they could probably do all of this even better. Whatever they put in place, they aren't just going to shove it in there and then go aw shucks now we can't do what we want. That isn't even how game dev works.

If a player does a puzzle and the shield doesn't reflect a source enough to trigger the puzzle response but there's other sources in the room, I have faith in players to be able to figure this puzzle out.

I'm not really sure why people are acting like adding this stuff would mean making it all unknowable.

The better thing to realize is that, no matter what, you're going to get these improvements. They are going to start putting this stuff in. Ray tracing is the future and there is no other way for them to go.
Yes I understand how platformers work. What I'm getting at is that realistic jumping physics in and of itself isn't bad nor would they be required to use them. You're still on this us vs them mentality. It's okay for a game to be made with realistic physics and it could be a platformer. There's nothing precluding people from making a wacky game that utilizes all kinds of realistic physics properties. Nintendo already does it in multiple games with all sorts of games like the materials in Woolly World or Epic Yarn.
Sure, if you want to make a wacky game where people have to fight the controls like Getting Over It you can use physics. But the fact remains that after 40 years the golden standard reached by developers all over the world is that realism is not the goal when trying to achieve good gameplay. Even the example games you provide move away from physics and implement all the usual platforming hacks.

BTW, I don't know who "them" are in the "us vs them" and I have no interest in that at all.

You're also jumping to conclusions that they wouldn't be able to figure this stuff out. Have a little faith in the designers of something like Tears of the Kingdom with all sorts of fire propagation, physics reactions that react as you'd want them to (which is why the game is so good) and maybe think hey, if they have access to even better tech, they could probably do all of this even better. Whatever they put in place, they aren't just going to shove it in there and then go aw shucks now we can't do what we want. That isn't even how game dev works.
You're making a big assumption that more realistic systems will provide better gameplay, when in fact, the game designers objective often moves them in the complete opposite direction: You define what you want to achieve and then you take the steps in the direction to achieve it. Usually these include simplifying the physics (thus moving away from realism), trying and defining new hacks (again, moving away from realism) that get you closer to your goal. In Zelda's case, the goal has never been realism so the driving force behind the game has never been to achieve it. This idea of having to adequate the games design so it can incorporate raytracing for gameplay purposes is the absolute opposite of how Nintendo designs games.

If you want to make a realistic western-simulator like Read Dead Redemption sure, you can go all in physic interactions and uninterruptible animations, your goal is no longer prioritizing gameplay and that's totally valid. But that's not what we're discussing here: We're talking about using a visual system (raytracing) for gameplay purposes.

If a player does a puzzle and the shield doesn't reflect a source enough to trigger the puzzle response but there's other sources in the room, I have faith in players to be able to figure this puzzle out.

I'm not really sure why people are acting like adding this stuff would mean making it all unknowable.
Have you ever designed a puzzle? The first lesson you'll learn is that what seems evident to you will go completely unnoticed by most players. You really aren't aware of the layers and layers of "invisible" design that you can find in any good puzzle.

The better thing to realize is that, no matter what, you're going to get these improvements. They are going to start putting this stuff in. Ray tracing is the future and there is no other way for them to go.
Again, no one is denying that. We're challenging the point that raytracing is going to be used for more than visual flair, because there's absolutely no gain in doing so and there are a lot of inconveniences. It's a lot of work just to introduce problems in something that's already been solved for decades and hopefully arrive to the same place where you are today.

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