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Predictions Grezzo's Next Game: Remake Or Something Brand New?

remake or new game

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playing the Oracale games for the first time and while they are great i keep thinking to myself how much better they would be if they had the Link's Awakening Remake QOL features, but at the same time i would love a completely brand new 2D Zelda from grezzo. so what is the rest of fami thinking?

NOTE: this is what you think is going to happen, not what you want to happen
Well they just put out that dragon racing game on Apple Arcade. Whatever their next game is, it might not be for a little bit.
wait a minute, did i just see famiboards celebrity nate the hate vote on this poll?
I can write a long list of things i would do for a oracle of seasons ages double pack remake
I think it will be a remake but I want them to make something new. I don't want 2D zelda to be x game but super pretty, that's boring as hell to me right now.

An all new 2D zelda or a New IP would be a dream
I think their next Zelda game will be a new, original 2D/top-down game, but I think their next Nintendo project in general could be a remake or remaster. For example, we still don't know who's doing the Luigi's Mansion 2 remaster and Grezzo did Luigi's Mansion 3D, so it wouldn't shock me if that's their "next game". Also wouldn't completely rule out the possibility that they're doing the Super Mario RPG remake.

Either way, I think Nintendo has no plans to do anything with the Oracle games specifically. If there were, they'd probably have held them back from GB NSO.
I'd be surprised if their next Nintendo project isn't a remake. Heck, we still don't know the studios behind half of the Nintendo games currently on their schedule, so I wouldn't be surprised if Grezzo is the one behind Super Mario RPG or Luigi's Manson 2 HD.
We may find out in just a couple weeks (if they made SMRPG)

I've sent 5 emails to my Nintendo rep thanking them for greenlighting SMRPG as both a fan and shareholder. Among those emails, I asked who the actual hell is making it. Nothing but crickets., Usually I do get responses (Some not written by AI or an intern, Some clearly so). This is unacceptable as a Nintendo shareholder.
Link just turned into an elephant, the legend of zelda: a link to Wonderland releasing october 2025 as a switch 2 exclusive made by the zelda C team in collaboration with grezzo
I pass on far more remakes than I buy considering I've usually either played the original or wasn't interested the first time it released, so I'd much rather have them do something new.

I mean, unless they're doing one of the small handful of games I'd replay as a remake - including SMRPG, if they're the dev.
Koichi Ishii needs to return to Mana series. It's been crazy 16 years since the last new offline Mana game and we totally deserve another. Only Ishii can deliver that.
It’s been long enough since their last Nintendo game that I really hope whatever they do next is a new game rather than another remake.
Right now, based on their track record, they do their best work on remakes.

I like the idea of them doing something now. I think Ever Oasis was a missed opportunity, but Grezzo doing a Mana like ARPG would be kind of neat.
I'd love another 2D Zelda remake but I also think Nintendo should let them try a new classic formula smaller scope Zelda (either 2D or Ocarina like), like how Mercury first remade Metroid 2 and then did Dread.

Edit: O you ask what is going to happen? I have no idea, both scenarios are possible with Nintendo, actually four scenarios:
  • Zelda remake (50%)
  • New Zelda (10%)
  • Remake something else like Golden Sun (15%)
  • New game like Ever Oasis (25%)
Golden Sun Reboot
or Zelda Oracle
or Zelda 4 Swords with Wind Waker graphics
or they continue Fossil Fighters.
Zelda Oracle remakes with a brand new Oracle of Secrets. It seems silly to just leave those Link's Awakening assets laying there when the Gameboy Zeldas share so many of them.
Make a new 2D The Legend of Zelda game, for the love of God.

It's been 12 years since the last one, and 2D Zelda is an experience so different from the 3D ones that it almost feels like a different series. So there's nothing to quench that thirst.
I don't know much about Grezzo but I want that fancy Ocarina of Time remake on Switch 2
Id like to see them port ever oasis to the switch, to give the I.P. a new shot at life. Regarding remakes, im kind of over them at this point. I think them remaking another zelda game would be the least interesting thing they could do. I would be happy to play a brand new 2D zelda game from them, or better yet see them launch a successful new I.P.
If the Oracle games are remade, I hope they add the canceled third game. Knowing Nintendo I don't think they will but you never know, the games are on NSO so they have to add something if they want more people to get interested in it.
I think an original game is next from them, but a return to the Link’s Awakening style remake seems like an inevitability at some point.
I'd love to see them make a new 2d Zelda. I don't see a single reason why they shouldn't have the chance to try their hand at it. Anything but more fucking remasters, please god.

Especially since the last 2d Zelda we got a decade ago felt like a quasi-remake because they foolishly used the same map / setting as A Link to the Past.

Unpopular opinion but I really didn't like what they did with Link's Awakening. Disliked the art style (the world was fine, the characters were terrible), and didn't think it fit the slightly melancholy tone of the game either. Add the considerable performance issues and it was a big disappointment to me.
I think after the success of Link's Awakening, Nintendo saw there's still a huge demand for 2D Zelda and went on to make a new game. Grezzo is the best candidate to be behind it. Maybe it comes next year since it's a great potential cross gen game and TotK will get no DLC.
2019 to 2024 pre-production + production, maybe the whole team working on it since 2021 after Miitopia or something sounds about right.
I definitely don't think Oracle remakes are in any way more likely to be the next 2D Zelda thing than a new game.
Also I think there's a possibility they're behind Luigi's Mansion 2 HD.
I kinda hope they're not the designated Zelda B-team, tbh most of their output has been a bit sub-par compared to what it's stacked against. The N64 remakes were pretty good but could've done so much more, TFH was a sad let-down after ALBW knocked it out of the park, and LA was an even less exciting by basically being an expensive reskin.

Ever Oasis proved they have a lot of untapped creativity and unique charm, and I don't think that or The Alliance Alive performed too poorly considering they were late 3DS titles, so hopefully working as mostly a support studio has afforded them another major original project.
Grezzo has been a remake company for years and it makes sense for them to continue what they are doing, but I still can’t shake the feeling they want to make a new game. Links awakening remake was a major success, and with 3D Zelda taking more and more time to make, a company that dedicates itself fully to 2D Zelda games might be beneficial for Nintendo. I also think Nintendo might want to push 2D Zelda as where to go for a traditional Zelda experience while the 3D games innovate majorly on the old formula. Come back to this post and laugh when the oracle games get remade instead of a new game
Before Grezzo works on anything original, have them remake the Oracle games, Minish Cap, port OOT3D and MM3D, maybe even a HD Remaster of ALBW, and then work on something new
Before Grezzo works on anything original, have them remake the Oracle games, Minish Cap, port OOT3D and MM3D, maybe even a HD Remaster of ALBW, and then work on something new
why waste your studio like that. even NIntendo didn't operated like that when they intentionally held off on doing Majora's Mask 3D so they have something new in between
Please let them make something new, as much as I like Zelda, I want these studios to expand beyond Nintendo's own IPs.
Switch 2 probably won’t have a new 3D Zelda for Years (not expecting before 2028) so having a new Zelda 2D made by EPD with Grezzo support is probably the way.

Would love to see an HD double pack of Zelda OOT/MM 3D too.
My bets on a new thing. Will they return to do a remake of sorts? Sure, but I think they want to establish and grow as a studio (talent wise). Not saying doing remakes is a waste of talent but new stuff keeps the gear turning.
Grezzo making a new 2D Zelda with EPD supervizing it would be pretty good imo because while remakes can guarantee a quality product you're always a bit more limited by the game designs of those older titles (assuming it'd be your typical faithful remake).

The engine they use for Link's Awakening (which again is in house and not unreal engine 4) shouldn't go to "waste" and I hope they do more with it.

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