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Discussion Gameinformer reveals readers greatest game of all time (over 200,000 votes)

Xeno game cucked by FFVII, tales as old as time
How many times has it been?

Kind of a shame given Xenoblade 1 is my favorite game on this list. Persona 5 Royal is the runner-up, but they're both weaker than their respective third games in the series, but oh well.
Overall iconic set of games.

Fallout 3 could probably be swapped out for something more interesting. New Vegas is already there. But votes are votes.

Skyrim beating Elden Ring is a little surprising to me given modern discourse. Skyrim really was a big deal for a lot of people I guess.

TLOS beat portal 2, bioshock and botw. That's pretty goofy, can't say I feel the same. Happy for its fans though.

Bloodborne losing to Tetris is funny as heck, but I am certainly happy with either outcome. (Outer god L block stays winning, moon presence just can't compare)

I played OoT like a year before the PS4 came out. Every time I replay OoT and I review its flaws I expect that I won't still love it. Every time I am wrong. OoT is still overall a pretty strong package despite its age imo. Although a big part of that is most 3d Zelda-and zelda likes sacrifice something, either being more linear, have a smaller set of dungeons/events to make room for gimmicks, or are just very different like the 2 open air games. And most adventure or open world games are way bigger in scope and give me fatigue (and spare Elden Ring they generally have pretty mediocre dungeon content).

OoT is just mostly solid with good dungeons, good items, iconic characters, great music and pretty solid consistency from start to end (I think the the water temple is meh but overhated, especially the 3ds version or modded). Its wild it still dominates charts so often, but not undeserved . (Happy Wind Waker got in also)
This is just my opinion so please don't get triggered, but The Last of Us is so grossly overrated. TLoU and Overwatch will forever be two games that ruined gaming forever. TLoU due to it snowballing Sonys obsession with cinematic high quality super expensive games (and we all know how well that's going) and Overwatch for mainstreaming and getting away with charging a ton of money for random unlocks and normalizing loot boxes which led to battlepasses.
Xeno game cucked by FFVII, tales as old as time

This is just my opinion so please don't get triggered, but The Last of Us is so grossly overrated. TLoU and Overwatch will forever be two games that ruined gaming forever. TLoU due to it snowballing Sonys obsession with cinematic high quality super expensive games (and we all know how well that's going) and Overwatch for mainstreaming and getting away with charging a ton of money for random unlocks and normalizing loot boxes which led to battlepasses.
Do we really need to be using ‘cucked’ and ‘triggered’ to talk about something as inconsequential as videogames. Or at all.
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Damn. How did Wind Waker win a knockout round

It’s my favorite Zelda but it’s got a fair amount of issues lol

Aww well. Take that Halo combat evolve 🥹
I think we should create an elderly category.

Becuase experience like Mario 64, ocarina of time and ff7 are kinda janky and suck to play if you haven’t played them before or really push through it and get used to the outdated controls.

Orcarina do time was the greatest game of its time but imma be real here’s like tons of games every year that are better.
I think we should create an elderly category.

Becuase experience like Mario 64, ocarina of time and ff7 are kinda janky and suck to play if you haven’t played them before or really push through it and get used to the outdated controls.

Orcarina do time was the greatest game of its time but imma be real here’s like tons of games every year that are better.
I thought the 3DS port of OOT was pretty on-point with its controls. Not like BotW is wildly different in its z-targeting.
I liked 3ds oot,

But n64 oot is the game people talk about really.

I don’t get it the 3ds version is just better
Is it really the N64 version in this poll though? Looking at the rest of the list, it wouldn’t surprise me if the 3DS version was a lot more accessible (and played more recently) by those voting, given how many late 00s/early 2010s games there are in it.
Not gonna lie, people being annoyed that The Last of Us beat BOTW are making me laugh. It's almost as if everyone has different tastes in games?
I totally get the sentiment of people being out of touch when they act surprised at people liking The Last of Us 100%. But, and I say this as someone who liked the game when they played it in 2014, I do find it sort of confusing just how much people like that game. I mean, I'm obviously not confused as to the general reasons why people like it - it's a zombie game, it's about family, it's about loss, all very popular themes. But it's like, the way that games remembered by people who are even experienced with similar kinds of games is always very surprising to me.

It's like for me, The Last of Us lacks a lot of specificity and that makes it really hard to see it as a pillar of the medium. It tackles a lot of general themes pretty well, but nothing in particular is as in depth or as unique or as different or as interesting as a Silent Hill 2 or a Metal Gear Solid 2. I think I might even say TWD Season 1 did a lot of the same thing but better, pretty much right before TLOU, despite that being a worse game. And so I'm mostly just left wondering why even people with tons of experience prior are so taken aback by it, even as someone who liked it well enough and can acknowledge it's one of the better Naughty Dog games. The gameplay is solid, but I don't think that's quite enough to makeup the lead.

It's one of those things where I understand it, I'm not surprised by it, but I relate to it almost not at all. So when I take a step back and think about it is really is a bit strange to me. This isn't an inditement on the game at all, just thought it was worth mentioning why even non-haters sometimes might act a bit alien.
i'll never understand why so many people are so obsessed with The Last of Us

I played it at some point when I had the chance because of how hyped it was and thought it was super mediocre
Video games are a form of escapism, so I suppose some people want to escape to a world where society has collapsed due to a mushroom-based virus ending almost all life on Earth!
KotOR beating Chrono Trigger? Now that's just silly. If it was KotOR 2, then maybe but the first one isn't even that good. Neither from a gameplay nor story perspective :v
I’m always more fascinated by people’s reactions to these types of polls than the polls themselves.

Like… who cares what other video games people like. At best these things are interesting curio.
I was hoping for another #UndertaleSweep like the infamous Gamefaqs poll from 2015.

(notably, it wasn’t even the first time that site had some hilarious discourse. the winner of their “best game character” poll ended up being the I block from Tetris during one fateful year.)
I think we should create an elderly category.

Becuase experience like Mario 64, ocarina of time and ff7 are kinda janky and suck to play if you haven’t played them before or really push through it and get used to the outdated controls.

Orcarina do time was the greatest game of its time but imma be real here’s like tons of games every year that are better.
Strong disagree, like oh my god.

Classic games don’t become worse as time goes on. They’re just as good as they always were. And those three games in particular are pillars of gaming for a freaking reason. All three are masterpieces that changed gaming forever.
Ocarina of Time is my most favorite game of all-time. A game (along with Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie) that really moved me in a way I never thought possible with videogames. The N64 in general was a wild wild ride for me back in the day. Loved absolutely everything about that system. I also truly believe that there is a high probability that the remake speculation comes to fruition for Switch 2. Imagine launching the Switch 2 with a gorgeous full blown remake of one of Nintendo's most iconic games?
The modern emulated re-releases of classic titles like Mario 64 and Ocarina do them a disservice. Forced upres to HD that destroys the consistency of the original image, less than ideal controller mapping, and input lag.

Played on a proper upscaler / CRT with original hardware or good emulation, these games still play very well. There are definitely aspects that are dated like camera controls or inventory management (the Water Temple in Ocarina is nice and breezy with fixed Iron Boot swapping).

Another reason why I'm disappointed in the NSO N64 service besides the forced borders. The N64 controller support is fantastic, but these are not the best looking renditions of these games. I don't think forcing the games to render at 720p+ is a good idea, ideally there should be an option for integer scaling from the original 240p and a CRT filter to better mimic how they were designed to look.
it’s a GI-reader voted popularity contest and it went 100% as almost anyone would have predicted

I am about as surprised by these results as the amount of weight I’d give this poll: zero
I think we should create an elderly category.

Becuase experience like Mario 64, ocarina of time and ff7 are kinda janky and suck to play if you haven’t played them before or really push through it and get used to the outdated controls.
frankly this feels more revealing about who reads Game Informer than it is about anything else
Strong disagree, like oh my god.

Classic games don’t become worse as time goes on. They’re just as good as they always were.
So you're saying Mario 64 was never good? Damn that's brutal Red!

That category already needs updating with the Joker from Rocksteady's Suicide Squad. List him playing Helldivers 2, Dragon's Dogma 2, and Princess Peach: Showtime!
There's a common link between all these new school games: they're all mid, and made for very small children.

goes back to playing DD2 for a whole 2 hours straight!
There's a common link between all these new school games: they're all mid, and made for very small children.

goes back to playing DD2 for a whole 2 hours straight!
They may be mid, but they're the peak of mid! Right? Maybe not DD2's framerate, though. That's a relic straight from the ancient gamer's 2009 washed PS3 port collection.
I know these lists are subjective and primarily western-focused but my goodness that Top 8 is some incredibly dire stuff
I replayed both the N64 and 3DS versions of Ocarina and it still holds up very well. Yes, both versions.

No specific childhood nostalgia here, I was born the year it came out.

On that note I dislike how the forced upres of N64 games in emulated re-releases makes them look worse than they are.
It's strange that the aesthetic benefits of scanlines (and their faithfulness to the original artistic intent) is widely acknowledged for 2D games, but much less so for early 3D games. I would prefer the option of having those games rendered at HD resolutions and then downscaled into the pixel counts and scanlines those games were designed around.
Strong disagree, like oh my god.

Classic games don’t become worse as time goes on. They’re just as good as they always were. And those three games in particular are pillars of gaming for a freaking reason. All three are masterpieces that changed gaming forever.
They’re as good as they always were b it nee games teotractivly make them worse.

You can’t just say aging doenst exist.

Mario 64’s cameras controls are awful compared to today.

If compared agaisnt older games it’s fine but it’s worse than Bassicaly every modern platformer becuase at least those have functioning cameras most of the time.

i can respect it for its time but outside of its time it’s just alright, nothing special, every 3d Mario after has been better.
Bummed that Hollow Knight didn't even make the cut. Oh well, at least FFVII and Super Metroid are on here
I feel like I’ll never quite understand the ocarina of time love. Dont get me wrong, its revolutionary as the first 3d zelda, but of the ones I played, its actually my least favorite. I also think that it a Zelda game was going to be in one of the top two of all time, it would have to be a link to the past
Disappointed the Biblical and Primordial gamer images aren't also renditions of the Joker.
The correct answer is Tetris. It's understandable that it doesn't perform well in these kind of contests, as (Tetris Effect aside) it doesn't try to dazzle you with graphical splendor, doesn't grip you with a thrilling narrative, doesn't innovate or represent new vistas in the medium. But whenever the latest AAAA game lets you down with bugs or sub-par gameplay, there's a lull between hyped releases or you just want to play something that doesn't require a ton of investment, those seven blocks are always there for you. It appeals to young and old, casual and core, mobile, console and PC player alike. Tetris is timeless.
*Rant on
A game with such terrible gameplay as RDR2 shouldn't be in any top list ever. But gamers love their sob stories.
*Rant off
Honestly...I agree. Cool story? Great to look at? Impressive technical achievement? Yes to all of those things.

Fun to play? I don't think that it is.
*Rant on
A game with such terrible gameplay as RDR2 shouldn't be in any top list ever. But gamers love their sob stories.
*Rant off
Once again, people have different tastes and some people like the gameplay. I know I do. So it's not just "gamers loving sob stories".

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