• Hey everyone, staff have documented a list of banned content and subject matter that we feel are not consistent with site values, and don't make sense to host discussion of on Famiboards. This list (and the relevant reasoning per item) is viewable here.
  • Furukawa Speaks! We discuss the announcement of the Nintendo Switch Successor and our June Direct Predictions on the new episode of the Famiboards Discussion Club! Check it out here!

StarTopic Famiboards Discussion Club |ST| A Community Podcast, Directly to You!

New Episode is out now!

Apple will be up soon!

The emphatic answer from Irene definitely made my morning and hearing all of your ideas and reasoning was great! It's the year for sure!
Finally got to this, good stuff! I need to add Venba to my list soon. And yes Metroid Prime 4 is 2024, of course! It has been thus willed by The Process
Taking Episode Suggestions!
Hey folks, if there’s something you’d like us to discuss in the next episode, we’re taking suggestions. We tend to stick to more positive topics or things we’re familiar with (read: I’d reaaaally rather not talk about Palworld, haha) so if you have topics you think would be interesting, let us know!
Hey folks, if there’s something you’d like us to discuss in the next episode, we’re taking suggestions. We tend to stick to more positive topics or things we’re familiar with (read: I’d reaaaally rather not talk about Palworld, haha) so if you have topics you think would be interesting, let us know!
What transformations would yall like to see in Princess Peach Showtime aside from the ones that have been revealed? Whether you think they're plausible or not, what do you think would be cool?
How hard did each of you laugh when reading that tweet from Andy Robinson about Game Freak taking the criticism of ScarVio serious and taking steps to improve?

And don't mean laughing about Andy Robinson tweeting that, but the thought of Game Freak actually doing that.

I'm trying to setup Pocket Casts and I noticed that https://rss.com/podcasts/famiboards/ only has the first episode :( Is the show only getting uploaded directly into Apple and Spotify?
Unfortunately yes for now. We used an RSS feed to distribute episode 1, which will distribute the podcast basically everywhere, but past the initial upload there is a $20 a month charge to use RSS further, which we can’t really justify as of right now.
Unfortunately yes for now. We used an RSS feed to distribute episode 1, which will distribute the podcast basically everywhere, but past the initial upload there is a $20 a month charge to use RSS further, which we can’t really justify as of right now.

Patreon when?
Hey folks! We had kind of put off recording a new episode at the start of the month as usual in anticipation of a Direct, but since that is maybe looking less likely, I think we're pivoting topics to just what the heck is going on in the video game industry right now (Microsoft potentially going multiplat, with even Sony maybe following suit, more GAAS failures, layoffs, IMPENDING CLICKBAIT CRASH?!?!?!, etc.). Anyway, this could be a fascinating topic that I'm sure you all might have thoughts and opinions on, so feel free to send us your questions and we'll discuss them as best we can!
Hey folks! We had kind of put off recording a new episode at the start of the month as usual in anticipation of a Direct, but since that is maybe looking less likely, I think we're pivoting topics to just what the heck is going on in the video game industry right now (Microsoft potentially going multiplat, with even Sony maybe following suit, more GAAS failures, layoffs, IMPENDING CLICKBAIT CRASH?!?!?!, etc.). Anyway, this could be a fascinating topic that I'm sure you all might have thoughts and opinions on, so feel free to send us your questions and we'll discuss them as best we can!
I feel like this probably has an obvious answer but would be worth talking about regardless: if both MS and Sony start going multiplat, do yall think Nintendo would dip their toes into putting games on other platforms (or at least PC)?

Followup: and if so, to what extent? Like throwing other platforms a small bone like they did with mobile, or full-on support like Splatoon on PC/GamePass or something?

Also what's this about a "Clickbait Crash??" Please educate me on the next episode of Famiboards Discussion Club™.
Podcast question: A silver lining I see with Sony being unable to release a "major existing franchise title" for the next fiscal year is that they might rediscover the benefit of having smaller-scale first party projects. Which might mean cool franchise revivals? Which Sony IPs/games would you like to see return? I'd be elated to get more modern takes on Ape Escape and Patapon.
How is all of this going to affect Dragon Quest and how will it affect Tekken x Street Fighter??

Similar to meatbag's question: You're the Playstation Emperor/Empress and you have to make sure 1) the people are happy and 2) you make a whole lotta money next fiscal year without a major franchise first party release. What do you do in addition to their existing strategies? Your title is emperor/empress because everything you say will 100% be done, no questions asked.
Well the topic of “what the heck is going on with everything in gaming right now” certainly hasn’t gotten any clearer over the last couple days! Good luck wrangling all this into a podcast 😄
Well the topic of “what the heck is going on with everything in gaming right now” certainly hasn’t gotten any clearer over the last couple days! Good luck wrangling all this into a podcast 😄
just 45 minutes of WestEgg, Volc, and Irene taking turns saying "...welp"
Haven't listened in a bit, catching up and halfway through the newest one. Good stuff. when is the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode?
Great conversation in this one. Nintendo’s plans for the rest of the year and how things shake out post-April are the biggest question mark (block?) for me. I think March will be pretty calm and then things hopefully start heating up again in April once the fiscal year has wrapped.
Okay wow, that was a bit of a spicy episode! Really neat to hear yall buckle down and talk about some serious stuff with the industry and like, the world and stuff. Ended up sitting and playing some Suika Game while listening, which might've helped it not be so scary. 😅
Audio Editor Wanted for the Famiboards Discussion Club
Hey folks, were looking for someone with audio editing experience interested in joining the team to help us edit new episodes. If you're interested, please just let me know either here or via DM.
Hey folks, were looking for someone with audio editing experience interested in joining the team to help us edit new episodes. If you're interested, please just let me know either here or via DM.
if we had double the hours in the day I’d be happy to help, but right now I’m sorry to say that I’m pretty swamped. I hope y’all find someone, though!
Hey folks, were looking for someone with audio editing experience interested in joining the team to help us edit new episodes. If you're interested, please just let me know either here or via DM.

I maybe interested depending on the time! I'm interested to hear more!
Hey everyone,

Things are a bit busy right now, so we haven't been able to a lot the time to record and edit new episodes, and won't for the near future. As such, we are currently on hiatus until things clear up a bit. Sorry about the delay to those of you who enjoy Famiboards Discussion Club, we do enjoy making it and sharing it with you all a great deal! Once things calm done a bit, we'll look forward to returning.

Hey everyone,

Things are a bit busy right now, so we haven't been able to a lot the time to record and edit new episodes, and won't for the near future. As such, we are currently on hiatus until things clear up a bit. Sorry about the delay to those of you who enjoy Famiboards Discussion Club, we do enjoy making it and sharing it with you all a great deal! Once things calm done a bit, we'll look forward to returning.

Boo, guess the next episode has been...
Boo, guess the next episode has been...
New Episode coming, give us your questions!
Hello everyone, we are going to be recording a new episode on Saturday, discussing our predictions for the June Direct, as well as the confirmation of the Switch Successor! If you have any questions relating to these topics or anything else in general you'd like us to discuss, please let us know!
Hello everyone, we are going to be recording a new episode on Saturday, discussing our predictions for the June Direct, as well as the confirmation of the Switch Successor! If you have any questions relating to these topics or anything else in general you'd like us to discuss, please let us know!
Glad yall are back!!

This is kinda frivolous but it's always on my mind and will be until the reveal happens so my question for each of you is:

Do you think the new Switch should have SNES colored face buttons?
Heck yeah, looking forward to the next podcast.

I imagine you'll get into the weeds re: Direct predictions, so feel free to roll these questions into the discussion proper: what do you think the "one more thing" will be? Or alternatively, what will be the last announcement for the Direct?

Another question: we're all guessing 3D Mario will be a launch title for Switch 2. What characters/mechanics/references/what have you do you wanna see from it?
Can't wait for the podcast!!

My questions are:
  • between 2D Zelda(or spin off starring Zelda), 2D DK and Metroid Prime 4, which do y'all think is gonna come this holiday season and which is gonna come next spring/summer? Which do you think we will see on the Direct, regardless of when they're releasing?
  • do you think that the June Direct will announce a 2025 game that's gonna be cross gen? Metroid Prime 4 doesn't count! Astral Chain 2? DK? Zelda something?
  • this time the launch title for the console won't be a cross gen game(unless they release it with MP4 with Mario Kart two months after and keep Super Mario on the holiday season religiously), so... When do you think we'll see the next 3D Mario revealed? Before the Switch 2 trailer? Alongside Switch 2 trailer? Only appears on the Switch 2 trailer and is revealed on the presentation like Odyssey? Will Switch 2 be revealed earlier than Switch did because of this?
Oh I just thought of another question for each of yall:

With all the talk about how the rest of the year might be filled with a lot of ports and remasters, what games would you like to see brought over? Not just out of Nintendo's catalogue but any games. I know the Switch has been something of a port/remaster paradise so far, but in your opinions what's missing?
edit: sorry, wrong thread cause i am a goofball
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1) Does Nintendo do Fire Emblem as the opener yet again?

2) Assuming there will be one, what will the big unexpected shadowdrop be?
Glad y'all are bringing it back!! A delayed Famiboards Discussion Club is eventually good, but a rushed Famiboards Discussion Club is forever bad.

My questions:
  • Wouldn't be in the direct but - what do you think the next "out of the box" title from Ninty is going to be? Eg. Mario Kart Live, Ring Fit, Labo...
  • What do the Gamecube / 3DS HD Ports we've been getting mean for the future of NSO and Ninty-sanctioned emulation?
  • Even before any new announcements in this direct, I could pretty easily keep myself busy until Switch 2. How do you plan to see the Switch off? Any games in your backlog that you'd like to revisit, or games you skipped at the time that you're planning to grab?
Glad y'all are bringing it back!! A delayed Famiboards Discussion Club is eventually good, but a rushed Famiboards Discussion Club is forever bad.

My questions:
  • Wouldn't be in the direct but - what do you think the next "out of the box" title from Ninty is going to be? Eg. Mario Kart Live, Ring Fit, Labo...
  • What do the Gamecube / 3DS HD Ports we've been getting mean for the future of NSO and Ninty-sanctioned emulation?
  • Even before any new announcements in this direct, I could pretty easily keep myself busy until Switch 2. How do you plan to see the Switch off? Any games in your backlog that you'd like to revisit, or games you skipped at the time that you're planning to grab?
We recorded the next episode already, but I can give my takes on each of those:
  • Hmm, maybe some game that integrates the special Lego Mario sets, or heck maybe the fabled Vitality Sensor!
  • I wouldn’t expect any NSO expansion for GameCube or later home consoles, the games are substantial enough to be mined for remasters and remakes. I could potentially see an eventual DS expansion, though 3DS as unlikely for the same reasons.
  • I definitely have some games I’d like to finish from my backlog before the next console launches. Having said that, I’ve been sitting on a little something for Famiboards to give the Switch a deserving send off. Stay tuned for later this year…
We recorded the next episode already, but I can give my takes on each of those:
  • Hmm, maybe some game that integrates the special Lego Mario sets, or heck maybe the fabled Vitality Sensor!
  • I wouldn’t expect any NSO expansion for GameCube or later home consoles, the games are substantial enough to be mined for remasters and remakes. I could potentially see an eventual DS expansion, though 3DS as unlikely for the same reasons.
  • I definitely have some games I’d like to finish from my backlog before the next console launches. Having said that, I’ve been sitting on a little something for Famiboards to give the Switch a deserving send off. Stay tuned for later this year…
Oops, appreciate it! <3

  • I'd love to see us start getting lego titles with Nintendo level polish and attention. Lego City Undercover did not deserve to be the start and end of that!
  • DS would be a great move - I agree that it would be unlikely to see much more. Will be interesting to see how they continue to provide value to NSO!
  • Ooh la la, staying tuned
Episode 09- Furukawa Announces Switch Successor, Our June Direct Predictions New
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First episode listening to this, and what an episode. Great discussion all around. I really like all the picks and angles considered for both Switch 2 and the direct.

My thoughts:
  • They could do a repeat of the Zelda + Mario one two punch again, but with , wait for it, OoT Remake (ground up, not 1-1 with the N64 game, world is scaled up ) + new Mario
  • 2D Zelda makes sense for 2024 holidays
  • Anything is possible this direct, which is kind of crazy.

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