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Discussion eShop Improvements Wish List


The Great Equalizer
So... seems to me like very few people are all that happy with the eShop.

Visually, it's great, nice and clean, similar to the OS, albeit (like the OS) with some real wasted space in places (like the sidebar):

But, as with most online storefronts on consoles, I find it abhorrent to navigate, more often than not. Discovery is frankly a chore and It would be nice if something could be done about that.

My idea for how? Give us the option to ignore titles. Be it individual titles, or allow us to batch-ignore, say, games from the same trash-tier shovelware developer, an option to allow us to thin out the options presented when we search the store with an "I'm not interested" option so we only ever have to look at a game ONCE would be extremely handy. I was going to suggest an option to auto-ignore games with a certain rating level, but I fear that such a thing would lead to review-bombing games out of sight of potential buyers for no good reason.

That's my idea, I'm sure it's not the only idea. What are some things you'd like to see changed on eShop?
Tags please. Genre filter does not cut it for me anymore, and I wish Nintendo can start with letting users choose from a (big) list of keywords to tag games they have purchased as a reference for future buyers.
I'd like a native app actually. Would probably browse through it a lot because there are many hidden indie gems on the eshop.

I would also like to see reviews. Nintendo launched that once and retracted it a few hours later. Don't know why that is but I want to see the top rated indie games.
  • Alerts for sales for items on your wishlist
  • Gifting system like Wii
  • Some kind of personalised recommendation system
  • More genre tags (where is VN?) and other tags like story focused or female protag etc
I'd like a native app actually. Would probably browse through it a lot because there are many hidden indie gems on the eshop.

I would also like to see reviews. Nintendo launched that once and retracted it a few hours later. Don't know why that is but I want to see the top rated indie games.
I'd imagine it's so they don't have to use content blockers for abusive, defamatory or vulgar language, since keyword blocking is...... well, it can be and has been off the mark and/or overzealous enough times that I can see why they'd want to just avoid the whole thing. Those few hours are probably all it took for some folks to ruin it for everyone. Miiverse surviving as long as it did probably boils down to its low-ish user base and I'm sure lessons learned there helped inform Nintendo's position on the matter.

I'm not sure about a native app, since there's very few UI elements they could hard code into it anyways without it becoming something they'd have to update every day. Or is there something I'm missing?
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I think gifting is one of the most important features that I'd like. I've bought my brother digital games a few times and it's cumbersome having to buy a code and send it to him!
I've been asking for an ignore feature for years, I doubt it's something Nintendo will implement.
Honestly, would rather have pages than the continuous scroll. Scroll long enough (such as when they have a sale filled with titles you've never heard of) and the performance drags.
Tags please. Genre filter does not cut it for me anymore, and I wish Nintendo can start with letting users choose from a (big) list of keywords to tag games they have purchased as a reference for future buyers.
Tags already exist in the eshop, although Nintendo defines and sets them, and they're accessed through the search bar. Try searching in the eshop for "Metroidvania" ,"Visual novel", or "farming sim", for instance.

I don't think there's much chance that Nintendo starts letting users set them.
The fact switch doesn't do gifting is such a huge pain in the ass

Also give me system level notifications for items on my wishlist being on sale (a badge on the store icon maybe?).
Bring back the music.
I recently went back to the Wii U and was quickly reminded how nice it was that the eshop had actual music.
I need either music or it to load faster, one or the other not the lack of both like it currently is. The excuse for the minimalistic no-theme home screen is for the quick loading, which sure, fine. But the eshop is minimalistic without music and is still terribly slow sometimes.

Also more filters for the sale items. It's not feasible to sift through everything when sometimes you can see hundreds, sometimes upwards of 1000 games on sale.
There's a lot of smaller issues with the eShop but I think even if they fixed them, it'd still be less convenient to use than just hopping on Deku Deals which already has most of the stuff I want. The one thing that it can't replace is an actual gift system.
I get emails for those already, do you have to agree to something or is it just in Europe?
Checked my Nintendo account and all emails settings are accepted and I'm in the UK but I don't get those emails.

Regardless the reccomendation system should be on the eshop itself imo.
My fix for the eshop. It's simple.

Nintendo, turn on the Wii U. Go into the eShop. Copy and Paste. Boom.

I love the Wii U eShop because it has an attractive main splash page with various categories that would change like "halloween games", Nintendo highlighted indies, classic games, players choice, etc, etc. And then on the side, you can select search, new releases, etc, etc.
I use DekuDeals, which implements many of the suggestions in this thread. I only go to the web interface for the eShop when I'm ready to buy a game or download a demo, and I don't remember the last time I launched the eShop from the Switch itself.
I'd imagine it's so they don't have to use content blockers for abusive, defamatory or vulgar language, since keyword blocking is...... well, it can be and has been off the mark and/or overzealous enough times that I can see why they'd want to just avoid the whole thing. Those few hours are probably all it took for some folks to ruin it for everyone. Miiverse surviving as long as it did probably boils down to its low-ish user base and I'm sure lessons learned there helped inform Nintendo's position on the matter.

I'm not sure about a native app, since there's very few UI elements they could hard code into it anyways without it becoming something they'd have to update every day. Or is there something I'm missing?
I think the reviews were only 1 to 5 stars, should have called it ratings or something. There was no possibility for text. As far as a native app I mean Android and Iphone apps. The shop interface as it is now hasn't changed for years. They could release apps and update them every few weeks so that we can browse the store from our phones and get notificatioins when stuff is on sale. These kind of apps are blazing fast. So many poeple download games that I think it's worth the investment.
I think the reviews were only 1 to 5 stars, should have called it ratings or something. There was no possibility for text. As far as a native app I mean Android and Iphone apps. The shop interface as it is now hasn't changed for years. They could release apps and update them every few weeks so that we can browse the store from our phones and get notificatioins when stuff is on sale. These kind of apps are blazing fast. So many poeple download games that I think it's worth the investment.
The stars may be all that was seen on Switch, but this was available on Nintendo.com...
Here is my turnaround plan:

1) re-assign whoever was responsible for letting their digital sales and services strategy languish the way it has

2) hire the Deku Deals dude

3) re-add gifting

4) profit (while making your customers happy, wowow)

But seriously, the eshop kinda sucks and it befuddles me why even after 4.5 years.

Improving services and implementing new features should be treated as an organizational responsibility to better serve your customers. Particularly when doing so actually increases revenue and platform engagement. So Happier shareholders AND happier customers.

The How is a solved problem (they have even solved it themselves)!

It all comes off as some mixture of incompetence, short-signtedness, and lack of vision. Its disappointing.
Maybe some kind of text only mode? I feel like it lags a ton with all of the pictures it has to load. Dismiss/block features would be neat in removing clutter.

I think it was in the first year when it was still possible to scroll back to the beginning, I just started making religious use of the wishlist feature. Every month or so I’ll just flag stuff I’m even vaguely interested just so I never have to search for anything. I have 70 some games in my wishlist that I may never buy, but at least I don’t have to search the store.

To be clear though, if it’s take everything or curation, I’ll take every game possible being uploaded. So much cool stuff on the eshop.
I agree about gifting. Gifting was one of my favorite features from the Wii Shop Channel.

I don't know why they ditched that feature.

Perhaps because of regional price differences? I miss it too.

I don't recall what I'm basing it off of so this might entirely be pulled from my arse but I think it was in the news somewhere that Nintendo was unhappy with the amount of fraud and such that went on via gifting on Wii, presumably relative to the number of legitimate transactions, so they nixed it.
The eShop's minimalistic design feels like it was specifically designed to handle a smaller number of games.

Not 40-50 games dumped on the eShop per week.

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