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News Dragon Age Dreadwolf is now Dragon Age The Veilguard; 15mins of Gameplay on June 11th

less than an hour to go. I have to say, they've been improving the discourse since that trailer with their little reveals and whatnot. makes the earlier trailer all the more weird
less than an hour to go. I have to say, they've been improving the discourse since that trailer with their little reveals and whatnot. makes the earlier trailer all the more weird

It's good that they did damage control in a timely manner.
It would've been really bad had they not said anything and left it fester, even if the reveal was really close.

First impressions are everything and gamers are the most reactionary bunch.

Gamers see trailer they don't like: It's all joever
Gamers see couple images and a 10 second walking sequence: We've never been so back!
Leaning even more into action combat and i still don't like that artstyle. Not for me anymore, it seems.
The game looks better than the trailer, the marketing team did a big misstep with that one. Will have to see how the other combat classes are. I'm glad they actually showed off Solas since he was AFK ever since they switched names.

So let's say I'm cautiously optimistic and waiting to hear the first impressions from SGF they mentioned.
Combat looks ass. Hope it's not entirely linear.

Edit: It's level 1 combat but man why even bother showing that.
previews are positive, which makes me wonder why are they struggling to show the game

I'm in (eventually), but it's going to be tough going from Dragon's Dogma 2 combat to this.
Combat looks ass. Hope it's not entirely linear.

Edit: It's level 1 combat but man why even bother showing that.

It probably is not linear like this, but this is essentially the tutorial, which is ALWAYS going to hand hold players.

My favourite moment was when they were through the portal and they bring in the wheel and say you can command your companions through here but say its locked at this point in the story. They should've picked a point in time further in the story, I know they wanted to focus on the narrative but people are going to say you just press X or something and that the game plays itself.
"beginning with what seemed like an excellent character creator. Here you're given five categories to work your way through - Lineage, Appearance, Class, Faction, Playstyle - each with a range of subcategories within them"

Nice. They also mentioned that the creator has a bunch of lighting options because so many people complained about the green lighting of Inquisition lol.
previews are positive, which makes me wonder why are they struggling to show the game

Don't really get it either. Surely they can show off better bits of gameplay than a level 1 action rpg guy mashing on enemies that don't really react (or do anything back because they're level 1) Also had to mute it half the time because I don't want intro dialogue spoiled to me.
"And what's interesting in this game is, if you don't romance characters, they may decide to find their own romances for themselves, whether within the team or within the world itself."
"One of the things we tried to do with The Veilguard is it's not just romantic relationship building," Epler continued. "You need to get to know a person before you can really build that kind of relationship with them, and if you choose not to build a [romantic] relationship, we never want to feel like you're being cut off. There's no 'okay, well, their arc isn't progressing, I'm done'.

"We want to make sure the non-romantic relationships are deep as well, with friendships not just for companions and yourself, but also between companions across the party."
Don't really get it either. Surely they can show off better bits of gameplay than a level 1 action rpg guy mashing on enemies that don't really react (or do anything back because they're level 1) Also had to mute it half the time because I don't want intro dialogue spoiled to me.

Ehhh, the previews are just of the same sequence.
I always hated it that the studios never build romances between companions. Already had liked to see Carth and Bastila get together and always rejected the Liara, she would have anyway jumped on any other person, she would likely make out with Vega to make the dreadful duo.
No wonder they changed the name. The ‘Dreadwolf looks dreadful’-jokes would have basically written themselves. I was mildly interested as DA:I was actually one of my favourite games on PS4 back then, but this has put me off the new entry completely. The initial trailer was bad, but the gameplay footage did nothing for me to rectify the bad impression.
Let's be honest here, was Dragon Age ever good? Origins was bland, 2 was bad, Inquisition was even worse.
Not that I necessarily agree, but I’ve actually asked myself already whether I’d even enjoy Inquisition nowadays as much as I did almost ten years ago (holy shit, time flies… I feel old now). I’ve played many games in the meantime that certainly left a much more lasting and, more importantly, positive impression on me.
I love that Varric is now just "The Dragon Age Guy".

Let's be honest here, was Dragon Age ever good? Origins was bland, 2 was bad, Inquisition was even worse.

I love all three Dragon Age games, I think Origins is probably the best complete package, but I really enjoy Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition as well.
Dragon age 2 is good, Origins is a masterpiece and Inquisition is amazing. Can't wait for this, my most anticipated game of the year
Let's be honest here, was Dragon Age ever good? Origins was bland, 2 was bad, Inquisition was even worse.
Yes I played Origins and 2 this year and had a grand time. better than the slop of adventure games we've gotten since their release.
Damn, that looks really good! Hope this is a come back moment for bioware, and I pray to god that they get to release the new mass effect game, and that it’s good again
yea, I am sold on that gameplay alone. Maybe now I will take the time to play through the other games. I have palyed through origins alot, but I never finished it haha.
Let's be honest here, was Dragon Age ever good? Origins was bland, 2 was bad, Inquisition was even worse.
They hated him because he spoke the truth .jpg

Some of Bioware's great companion writing skills shone through an otherwise extremely derivative world and terrible pacing in all three games.
Let's be honest here, was Dragon Age ever good? Origins was bland, 2 was bad, Inquisition was even worse.
Origins has poor pacing (fixable with mods) but is overall an extremely competent CRPG, even today.
I appreciate that the oldest member of the party is romancable. Older people should be included among the deluge of wide eyed teenage girls in RPGs.
skill tree styled after Final Fantasy 10's Sphere Grid New
RPG Site: So, can you just broadly talk to me about… in that preview, we don’t even see the menu, right? So can you talk to me about where the game sits and what it’s like in terms of that RPG progression, from the perspective of hardcore RPG fans?

Corinne Busche: Incredibly deep! So if I were to contrast Mass Effect versus Dragon Age, for instance… I really view Mass Effect as an ARPG. Big action, minor RPG. We're almost the total inverse of that.

So a few missions in, you unlock the skill tree right away, Every level up, you get skill points, of course. The skill tree is absolutely enormous and it is bespoke for your class. So when we talk about the specializations, we know that skill trees can be overwhelming to players as well. So what I love – I'll try to paint a picture for you….

When it is unlocked, imagine almost a gigantic spider web-like visual. And if I'm a mage right at the very center is the core of the Mage kit.
RPG Site: So I’m gonna interrupt you briefly here and say something – this may resonate with you, it may not - but when you say that, I think, er… Final Fantasy X Sphere Grid.

Corrine Busche: Heavily influenced! Absolutely. Final Fantasy X - one of my all-timers. I will tell you that 12, especially the Zodiac edition, is my favorite. The level of ability selection, passives, in our case also traits - I would say the amount of customization is more analogous to that. The organization is more similar to the Sphere Grid.

So Final Fantasy XII might be in my top three favorite games. I'm highly influenced by that when it comes to our progression. But if you, if you want to paint a picture, the spear grid is more… not an exact match, but it’s more akin.

What we've done though, to make it more accessible, is that each of the specializations is on the outer edges of the grid.

more, including party character skills here
Let's be honest here, was Dragon Age ever good? Origins was bland, 2 was bad, Inquisition was even worse.
Origins is at the very least super decent, with competent plot, gameplay, and characters. It came out quite a few years before the big CRPG revival of the mid-2010s, and as such it was one of the very few (and at the time, seemingly one of the very last) games of its genre, which may contribute to my being fond of it, but I believe it's worth playing for folks who enjoy CRPGs. However, I can't speak for DA2 and Inquisition as I have yet to play them, but I wouldn't mind trying them out someday.
Previews and tidbits all seem positive... I want this to be a good game so bad. Not just for the series but for Bioware too.
Let's be honest here, was Dragon Age ever good? Origins was bland, 2 was bad, Inquisition was even worse.
Why should we validate our interests in a thread where the topic is about Dragon Age, to someone who is already cemented in thinking of the franchise in a negative manner?

What are you accomplishing doing this?
Busche says players complete every swing in real-time, with particular attention paid to animation swing-through and canceling. On the topic of canceling, I watch Busche "bookmark" combos with a quick dash. With this mechanic, players can pause a combo's status with a dash to safety and continue the combo where they left off afterward. Alongside the dash, there's a parry for some classes, the ability to charge moves, and a revamped healing system that allows players to quickly use potions by pressing right on the d-pad.
Though companion skill trees pale in comparison to Rook's expansive tree, which features passive abilities, combat abilities, and more, as well as paths to three unique class specializations, there's still some customization here.
Busche says there are more explicit synergies, with intentional combos where specific companions can play off each other, and you can queue up their abilities to do just that. That’s what the pause-and-play combat wheel is for in Veilguard.

In this screen, which pauses the camera and pulls up a flashy combat wheel that highlights you and your companions' skills, you can choose abilities, queue them up, and strategize with synergies and combos the game recognizes, all while targeting specific enemies. Select what you want and release the wheel to watch your selections play out.



more and screenshots here

transcript of the hands-on preview
Cool, reminds me of FFX's sphere grid. I'm getting more and more hopeful that this game is going to be good!

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