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News DOOM: The Dark Ages announced for PS5, Xbox Series, and PC

Ok so the current timeline is this: Doom 1 > Doom 2 > Doom 64 > Doom The Dark Ages > Doom 2016 > Doom Eternal

After Doom 64 Doomguy decides to stay in Hell so he can just kill demons forever, at some point gets picked up by the forces of Argent D'Nur who are like space knights fighting evil or something, and they take him in and train him because all he wants to do is Rip and Tear. Dark Ages presumably takes place around this period. Then he gets sealed in a sarcophagus by the Demons because they can't kill him, and is busted out for Doom 2016.

Doom 3 isn't canon, or a different guy is the protag.

Yes I am cursed with this knowledge.
Speaking as a casual fan of Doom at best, I had no idea before reading this post that Doom 64 was canon and Doom 3 wasn't. That's amazing. Thanks for the explanation.
I think the wider level design plus there being more hordes of enemies is not a sign of it being open world, but rather a return to more Doom 2 styled level design. Plus there's no glory kills anymore because the game seems to take place before the Divinity Machine which is used as the lore explanation for that giving health.

There's no jumping in the trailer even, which could maybe signify that it's really trying to be a modern classic Doom, but that could just be something we didn't see.
No way they removed glory kills. That's a staple of the franchise reboot. They'll fit it in somehow. Plus, just because it's before 2016 doesn't mean it's before Doomguy gets chucked in the divinity machine. I know Doom lore ain't exactly well thought out, but that means Doomguy fought hoards of demons in the war by himself as just a normal ass dude with a shield and a gun. That doesn't add up. I'm sure they just didn't show glory kills because they wanted to show all the new stuff.
No way they removed glory kills. That's a staple of the franchise reboot. They'll fit it in somehow. Plus, just because it's before 2016 doesn't mean it's before Doomguy gets chucked in the divinity machine. I know Doom lore ain't exactly well thought out, but that means Doomguy fought hoards of demons in the war by himself as just a normal ass dude with a shield and a gun. That doesn't add up. I'm sure they just didn't show glory kills because they wanted to show all the new stuff.
I mean it's not his first time. Doom 1, 2 and 64 are canon. He was put in the divinity machine despite being mortal because of how good he was at it. Not a single enemy in the trailer goes into the dizzy animation, and they've shown melee being used more for taking out weak points like the Arachnotron, so it seems they're being less "press button to cutscene" which is fine by me.
The skull gun is so cool, what a good idea.

I am very on board with this! I had some gripes with Eternal personally, so I am a bit wary, but I am really liking how it looks so far!
I mean it's not his first time. Doom 1, 2 and 64 are canon. He was put in the divinity machine despite being mortal because of how good he was at it. Not a single enemy in the trailer goes into the dizzy animation, and they've shown melee being used more for taking out weak points like the Arachnotron, so it seems they're being less "press button to cutscene" which is fine by me.
Personally I don't think Doomguy from 1, 2 and 64 are comparable capability-wise. He's a regular dude just trying to survive and get by in those games. He's not waging a war against gods and kingdoms like post-reboot. He had to have gotten the boost to make any of this possible imo, but we'll find out soon enough...

However, you maybe just be right regardless:

Timestamp is 2:27 if it doesn't work for some reason.

Hugo completely dodges this question about glory kills. And just gives a response about how you can use melee in other ways.
I think this is the QUAKE reinvention I wanted hahaha- I'm on board with this team for anything after DOOM Eternal though, I love it so.
Personally I don't think Doomguy from 1, 2 and 64 are comparable capability-wise. He's a regular dude just trying to survive and get by in those games. He's not waging a war against gods and kingdoms like post-reboot. He had to have gotten the boost to make any of this possible imo, but we'll find out soon enough...

However, you maybe just be right regardless:

Timestamp is 2:27 if it doesn't work for some reason.

Hugo completely dodges this question about glory kills. And just gives a response about how you can use melee in other ways.

The most we know of the Divinity Machine is that it's just used to explain the health refill, blood punch and the dash dodge. Doomguy in 1 literally comes back from the dead, in 2 he singlehandedly saves earth, and in 64 he's called in to exterminate all the demons that are left because of how good he was at it and how he's the only one to have survived the events of Doom 1, and in all of them they have him taking out the "ruler" of the demons for that game. He is just a guy, but that doesn't lessen his feats he made without divine intervention.
It doesn't seem like he's taking on gods or kingdoms here, the scale seems a little back from Eternal of basically killing God and Satan, it's just the armies of hell (seemingly) alongside the Knight Sentinels (who will basically be there for story). The reason why I feel like it's probably before the divinity machine (for at least a bit of the game) is because the trailer starts with "before he was a hero" which, is a little weird considering his acts in Doom 2 would definitely be classified as heroic personally, but I think makes sense in like a "this is before he had those powers" kinda way, a transition period between Doom 64 and the physical embodiment of anger of 2016.

On the no glory kills thing though, there does seem to be a special state where the Hell Knight basically gets parried and gets a circle around it, so there's probably still a "hey, kill them easily" thing, just not a cutscene button.
On the no glory kills thing though, there does seem to be a special state where the Hell Knight basically gets parried and gets a circle around it, so there's probably still a "hey, kill them easily" thing, just not a cutscene button.
Yeah that's the part I'm apprehensive about. There's so much personality and detail in those animations, they're just so fun. It will be a shame to see them go. I don't care if they slow the games, they're a good break and give you a few seconds to think. I don't see how any interactive system could replace how awesome the glory kills are. Letting the player do the action limits how crazy they can get because it's not like the player can make an animation on the fly. Maybe it's like you perform a combo of different smaller glory-kill style animations...? But at that point it's basically the same thing, you just interact with the demons more than once.
Yeah that's the part I'm apprehensive about. There's so much personality and detail in those animations, they're just so fun. It will be a shame to see them go. I don't care if they slow the games, they're a good break and give you a few seconds to think. I don't see how any interactive system could replace how awesome the glory kills are. Letting the player do the action limits how crazy they can get because it's not like the player can make an animation on the fly. Maybe it's like you perform a combo of different smaller glory-kill style animations...? But at that point it's basically the same thing, you just interact with the demons more than once.
Ultrakill is pretty clearly inspired by Doom Eternal and the stuff you can do with those weapons are so much cooler and allow for more player expression than glory kills that you'll see hundreds of times.
Ultrakill is pretty clearly inspired by Doom Eternal and the stuff you can do with those weapons are so much cooler and allow for more player expression than glory kills that you'll see hundreds of times.
That stuff is cool and all, I've played a lot of Ultrakill, but it just isn't the same. I don't want to see a bullet bounce between 2 coins and then turn a demons to giblets, I want something more personal. I want to see Doomguy tear dudes to shreds and send them back to hell with his own hands. I want to see shit like the Whiplash's arm being broken and shoved through it's skull and then use soldier's arm canon be used against itself to blow its own head off. I want to see Doomguy KO with Gladiator with his own two hands, and then cave in its own skull with the weapon it was just fighting him with. Ultrakill doesn't have these hyperviolent and fun animations. The skill expression is cool, but it doesn't have the personality, cinematics, or impact like a good glory kill.
It looks a lot like Doom 64 to me; once you kicked your way into Hell, that game had a lot of castles and medieval theming
This reminds me of a problem I have with the newer games, it just doesn't look very colorful. It fits this setting more than 2016 / Eternal's but if you're going to have Star Fox Dragons and a Mech you could at least make your game look a bit more vibrant. Still this looks really good
Doom Eternal looked like clown vomit at times, which hurt it, so I really don't think this is true. That said, I think there is a balance between clown vomit and this, which maybe does look a little murky.
Nice to see the exploding barrels in medieval times are still bright red tho.
I wouldn't mind a shift away from glory kills. I could see them still being there in some capacity, but probably without being a main focus this time around.

And it makes sense to me. They've already shown off the freaking flail, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were more medieval style melee weapons to be revealed at a later date. Sword, axe, hammer, what have you.
So.. that's an interesting twist, never thought of ash as the doomslayer ... (Third in a trilogy, going back to the dark age...yeah)
Weird amount of lore talk in this thread haha. I assumed part of the Doom experience was not knowing what anyone was talking about.

I do know the demons killed Doomguy’s bunny. Maybe we’re early enough in the timeline that it’s still alive and can make a cameo.
Looks like they're going for a slightly more subdued colour palette this time around compared to Eternal. It reminds me more of 2016 which is a very good thing.

Narratively however, with that corny intro and cape 'n spikes thing, it seems they're not interested in continuing what made 2016's narrative so cool which is a shame. Also not convinced about hand-to-hand combat, but there's plenty of shooting fortunately so let's hope it's optional.

Chainsaw Shield is great, and folds multiple functions into a single mechanic which is a very welcome improvement over Eternal's bloat on that front! They could really use a little more elegance.

Glad to see they finally got the Mech to work! :D

I'm mainly hoping they lift Eternal's restrictive weapon/mod/item management elements and keep it's amazing locomotion and environmental & encounter variety.
Weird amount of lore talk in this thread haha. I assumed part of the Doom experience was not knowing what anyone was talking about.
The one thing I bothered to hang on to was the idea that John Romero said that every Doom WAD was canon as part of a multiverse. This later got canonized further in Doom Eternal's multiverse talk, with the source book adding that there's an infinite number of Doomguys/Slayers fighting demons in other dimensions.

Funny thing is, this effectively means that Sonic Robo Blast 2/Kart/Ring Racers is canon to Doom, too.
The one thing I bothered to hang on to was the idea that John Romero said that every Doom WAD was canon as part of a multiverse. This later got canonized further in Doom Eternal's multiverse talk, with the source book adding that there's an infinite number of Doomguys/Slayers fighting demons in other dimensions.

Funny thing is, this effectively means that Sonic Robo Blast 2/Kart/Ring Racers is canon to Doom, too.
wtf i love doom lore now
Liked the more vibrant color color palette of Eternal over 2016, it reminded me of classic DOOM games more but i think the grimey aesthetic makes more snese now for a game that's called "Dark Ages"

Eternal bros... It's so over. They're really making it seems like a complete 180 on the design philosophy of Eternal. I'll probably still have fun with it but. Fuck.

this news is terrible. 2016 was a snoozefest to me while Eternal I could argue is the best playing game released in the last 5 years. All I can really do know is shrug and wait until the game's in my hand I guess.

Eternal bros... It's so over. They're really making it seems like a complete 180 on the design philosophy of Eternal. I'll probably still have fun with it but. Fuck.

Was just about to link this, but you already did, so have a threadmark!

Gonna give it a watch immediately.

Alright, I watched it. The longer they talked, the more excited I got. What's really striking to me is that this is gonna be the third game in the reboot series, and instead of resting on their laurels they shake things up with each new entry, which is refreshing. I'm game with a return to a more grounded combat experience, and taking inspiration from classic Doom 1 and 2 with slower but harder hitting projectiles changing up the flow of combat is probably the biggest shakeup so far. Really interested to see how the more up-close combat will work out with the inclusion of melee combat, too.

Will I like this more than 2016, or even as much? I have no idea, but I'm excited to find out!
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As long as it still feels like a DOOM game that's all I really care about. I remember being worried going from 2016 to Eternal because people said how different it was. And while to some extent that is true, it still felt like a doom ass doom game. That's all I want here. I'm most excited for how the level design is going to change. They didn't comment on it too much, but they did mention sandboxes, and the level opening up more upon returning to previous locations sounds awesome to me. It really sounds like they are trying to make a modern version of the original games in a lot of ways, and I'm totally here for it!
I remember being worried going from 2016 to Eternal because people said how different it was. And while to some extent that is true, it still felt like a doom ass doom game. That's all I want here.
This is pretty much where I'm at as well. I'm only playing Eternal now and am still pretty early on. But so far it still really feels like Doom despite all the changes, so I'm not worried when it comes to TDA shaking it up yet again, either.

Eternal bros... It's so over. They're really making it seems like a complete 180 on the design philosophy of Eternal. I'll probably still have fun with it but. Fuck.

Thanks for linking that!

"Amazing writing", Stratton says 😅. Kinda nuts how they're taking their own hammy nonsense seriously, even though Doom 2016 seemed to know it was schlock and played so well off of that narratively. Oh well, happy accidents and all that!

Glad to hear Martin talk about streamlining, and very cool that they're making this their own thing compared to 2016 and Eternal. They also mention more Horde-like gameplay - like sections of the original Dooms - which will probably work super well.

Very interesting stuff here. I appreciate the attempt to do something innovative rather than iterative, and the mentions of DOOM 1 as a major inspiration are very tantalizing to me (since it’s probably my favorite DOOM game personally).

Excited to see where this goes. Hoping for more fun new weapons like the Skull Crusher.
so I have a weird question for people who know DOOM lore:

what the fuck?
Looks like we'll be killing hundreds of monsters and demons in the name of sweet, sweet vengeance. 😁


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