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News DOOM: The Dark Ages announced for PS5, Xbox Series, and PC

I am super excited for this! Doomguy's redesign looks amazing, the new weapons look great, and we get to fight big ass demons in a Kaiju battle? Could not possibly be more on board!
I love this atmosphere.
Hell yeah, looks great, but I can't help but feel this was probably a Quake game at one point. Like Doom 2016 and Eternal had a balance of the fantasy aesthetic with what you would normally expect from Doom, but this is just full on fantasy. Would not even be surprised if Shamblers or Death Knights just show up, I mean, Doom and Quake have been connected since Quake 3 Arena, so I guess it's not too surprising.
But now we're so far removed from tech bases getting invaded by demons at this point that it almost feels not like Doom? I mean I'm always down for an id Software FPS, but it just feels a LITTLE strange, y'know?


Game of the show, Doom Eternal was a masterpiece and the theming and atmosphere in Dark Ages looks incredible.
Hell yeah, looks great, but I can't help but feel this was probably a Quake game at one point. Like Doom 2016 and Eternal had a balance of the fantasy aesthetic with what you would normally expect from Doom, but this is just full on fantasy. Would not even be surprised if Shamblers or Death Knights just show up, I mean, Doom and Quake have been connected since Quake 3 Arena, so I guess it's not too surprising.
But now we're so far removed from tech bases getting invaded by demons at this point that it almost feels not like Doom? I mean I'm always down for an id Software FPS, but it just feels a LITTLE strange, y'know?
Yeah, I feel the same way. But I'm happy they are exploring this theme again regardless. And it just looks so damn good that it far outweighs the disappointment of this likely being the final nail in the coffin of the Quake series, as if it needed another one.
I'm glad we're going to the Dark Ages with traditional Dark Age weaponry, like chainsaw shields, shotguns, and mechs /s (yes I'm sure there's some lore explaining this)

Game looks great! Really need to play Eternal, have it sitting downloaded so it's probably up soon, especially now that this game is coming out
The graphics evidently look incredible but this heavily double downs on Eternal's shenanigans, I think 2016 captures better what the classic games went for, and overall it just feels more pleasant. When it comes to the video games, however, I vastly prefer Eternal, so I won't complain too much if Viking Slayer is even half as good as its predecessor
This reminds me of a problem I have with the newer games, it just doesn't look very colorful. It fits this setting more than 2016 / Eternal's but if you're going to have Star Fox Dragons and a Mech you could at least make your game look a bit more vibrant. Still this looks really good
I'm interested, looks better than Eternal, but the gameplay looks..slower?
I feel like this happens every time with a Doom game reveal where people get used to playing the game absolutely crazy well, and then a trailer has the game be played a little slower than usual so it's easier to follow through trailer cuts, and then the game ends up being actually quite fast.
huh, not sure how i feel about that. Speedrunning Doom 2016 is just so satisfying. I'll still give it a shot I'm sure.
eternal made combat feel very 1v1 where you would usually focus on a singular big demons first then move on to the next, with this one I think they want you to mow down a bunch of enemies at a time
Loved 2016 and especially Eternal. I’ll play this no matter what, but something about seeing the Super Shotgun again gets a meh from me. Like, isn’t this pseudo-Medieval? Give me a bone staff that shoots eyeballs or something. A screaming tome that sucks in enemy souls. That type of weaponry was what I was expecting.

Still, fully confident it’ll be great, and the shield is definitely a fresh angle for the gameplay.
I'm glad we're going to the Dark Ages with traditional Dark Age weaponry, like chainsaw shields, shotguns, and mechs /s (yes I'm sure there's some lore explaining this)

Game looks great! Really need to play Eternal, have it sitting downloaded so it's probably up soon, especially now that this game is coming out
Hey, it’s called the Dark Ages because there’s not a lot of written history about that period - maybe there were mechs and we just don’t know about it.
Loved 2016 and especially Eternal. I’ll play this no matter what, but something about seeing the Super Shotgun again gets a meh from me.
No Super Shotgun in a DOOM game is a big fat no. Besides, there's already a shield, of all things, it's very certain they'll put more silly weapons lol
Loved 2016 and especially Eternal. I’ll play this no matter what, but something about seeing the Super Shotgun again gets a meh from me. Like, isn’t this pseudo-Medieval? Give me a bone staff that shoots eyeballs or something. A screaming tome that sucks in enemy souls. That type of weaponry was what I was expecting.

Still, fully confident it’ll be great, and the shield is definitely a fresh angle for the gameplay.
Quake 1 has a Super Shotgun and has a very similar aesthetic. Plus there's still the Argent Energy stuff and mechanized demons like the Arachnotrons and Mancubi so it's not like it couldn't exist here, this would still be after Doom 1, 2 and 64.
I am glad there's a bit of a mix though, I'm very excited for the Nailgun that works like the FEAR Penetrator but not rapid fire.
No Super Shotgun in a DOOM game is a big fat no. Besides, there's already a shield, of all things, it's very certain they'll put more silly weapons lol
Yeah I get the Super Shotgun (cursed abbreviation) is iconic to Doom - it is the best video game shotgun end of story. But as one of the first things you see regarding a new Doom game? Doesn’t feel fresh or exciting, imo. Like if the first trailer for the next 3D Mario game tried to hype up the long jump.

Just a bit of a β€˜yes and’ from me. Again, it looks good overall, and the shield and setting are fresh. I just don’t want to be pressing 5 and pulling out the energy gun yet again.
I still want a Quake 1 reboot, but this'll do and I'm not going to pretend I'm not hyped for a new Doom game.

I don't get Quake 1 vibes from this though, beyond the fantasy setting (and Quake 1 was a very specific brand of dark gothic, Lovecraftian fantasy). It still looks and feels very much like Doom to me, and the giant mech suit suggests they might be keeping the tongue-in-cheek vibe from Eternal, because that's just gloriously silly. Still, who knows how it'll turn out in the end, hard to draw conclusions from a short reveal trailer. I think I'd be happy with a Doom game that carried a lot of that Quake 1 DNA.
Looks so goooood !
2016 is one of my favorite shooter, and while Eternal wasn't much of my cup of tea, this looks much much more like something that I'll absolutely love. Can't wait.
(idk shit I was just startled that it was somehow medieval future?? or uh, whatever was going on there??)
so I have a weird question for people who know DOOM lore:

what the fuck?
(idk shit I was just startled that it was somehow medieval future?? or uh, whatever was going on there??)
Basically after the events of Doom 64 where Doomguy decides to stay in hell to fight demons forever, Doomguy gets found (somehow) by a bunch of medieval dudes from another planet who think his talk of demons is insane, until they realize he's right so they let him fight alongside them against the demons instead of just being a prisoner.
This eventually leads to Doomguy getting placed in a coffin and found by the UAC before Doom 2016.
(idk shit I was just startled that it was somehow medieval future?? or uh, whatever was going on there??)
I'm not super familiar with the in-universe lore, but I'm pretty sure the irl lore is that the lovely people at id just said "Fuck it!" and turned it up way beyond eleven, and I'm here for it.
Really glad they're embracing Rip and Tear ultraviolence theme even more so with mechs and dragons. DOOM Eternal was a little disappointing with how it had some big-ass set pieces and then did nothing with them so it's cool that we'll get to fight bigger demons than we ever fought here
I know it's a trailer so they gotta slow things down, but I really hope the game plays more like Eternal than 2016. If the game ain't designed around weapon swapping I'll still play it, but I don't think it'll top Eternal.
I like eternal more than 2016 (both are peak), and I hope all this talk of this game being slower are exaggerated (I mean it will be a mondern doom game it's not going to be anything other than snappy). Zooming on to monkey bars mid combo, super shotgunning a demon on the jump out and landing in to a glory kill is very exhilarating.
so I have a weird question for people who know DOOM lore:

what the fuck?
Ok so the current timeline is this: Doom 1 > Doom 2 > Doom 64 > Doom The Dark Ages > Doom 2016 > Doom Eternal

After Doom 64 Doomguy decides to stay in Hell so he can just kill demons forever, at some point gets picked up by the forces of Argent D'Nur who are like space knights fighting evil or something, and they take him in and train him because all he wants to do is Rip and Tear. Dark Ages presumably takes place around this period. Then he gets sealed in a sarcophagus by the Demons because they can't kill him, and is busted out for Doom 2016.

Doom 3 isn't canon, or a different guy is the protag.

Yes I am cursed with this knowledge.
ok, who every came up with the idea of a skull machine gun is genius, give that guy a raise. Honestly this just looks like more of enternal, which all that I can hope for. Also I am all here for that dragon riding section!!
Basically after the events of Doom 64 where Doomguy decides to stay in hell to fight demons forever, Doomguy gets found (somehow) by a bunch of medieval dudes from another planet who think his talk of demons is insane, until they realize he's right so they let him fight alongside them against the demons instead of just being a prisoner.
This eventually leads to Doomguy getting placed in a coffin and found by the UAC before Doom 2016.

I'm not super familiar with the in-universe lore, but I'm pretty sure the irl lore is that the lovely people at id just said "Fuck it!" and turned it up way beyond eleven, and I'm here for it.

Ok so the current timeline is this: Doom 1 > Doom 2 > Doom 64 > Doom The Dark Ages > Doom 2016 > Doom Eternal

After Doom 64 Doomguy decides to stay in Hell so he can just kill demons forever, at some point gets picked up by the forces of Argent D'Nur who are like space knights fighting evil or something, and they take him in and train him because all he wants to do is Rip and Tear. Dark Ages presumably takes place around this period. Then he gets sealed in a sarcophagus by the Demons because they can't kill him, and is busted out for Doom 2016.

Doom 3 isn't canon, or a different guy is the protag.

Yes I am cursed with this knowledge.
thank you all, this is clear as fuck. neat!
And how does Commander Keen fit into this
Commander Keen was stated to be Doomguy's dad sometime before the Bethesda games, and Billy Blaze (Commander Keen) is a descendant of BJ Blazkowicz (Blaze is a shortening of that) which is brought up again in the trailer for the now cancelled mobile Commander Keen reboot following Billy's kids as the new Commander Keens, meaning the son from that is eventually Doomguy. Doomguy even has the Commander Keen helmet in his base in Eternal.

Oh also the Cyberdemon from Doom 1 is given a backstory in Wolfenstein RPG for java mobile devices. Guess that's worth mentioning.
Am I crazy or does it look like the levels are gonna be pretty open ended and huge? There's a lot of shots where it looks like Doomguy could just walk for a long ass time. Anywhere outside really seems designed like its semi-open world? Dunno how I feel about that as I liked how Eternal's levels were laid out - encounter, puzzle/traversal break, encounter, puzzle/traversal break, etc. Would be weird to just have to just walk to points of interest in a Doom game, but I guess that's what the dragon is for?
Am I crazy or does it look like the levels are gonna be pretty open ended and huge? There's a lot of shots where it looks like Doomguy could just walk for a long ass time. Anywhere outside really seems designed like its semi-open world? Dunno how I feel about that as I liked how Eternal's levels were laid out - encounter, puzzle/traversal break, encounter, puzzle/traversal break, etc. Would be weird to just have to just walk to points of interest in a Doom game, but I guess that's what the dragon is for?
I think the wider level design plus there being more hordes of enemies is not a sign of it being open world, but rather a return to more Doom 2 styled level design. Plus there's no glory kills anymore because the game seems to take place before the Divinity Machine which is used as the lore explanation for that giving health.

There's no jumping in the trailer even, which could maybe signify that it's really trying to be a modern classic Doom, but that could just be something we didn't see.

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