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StarTopic Donkey Kong Community |ST| No Country For Old Kongs

The simple distinction of setting when going from the usual Mario places where there's eyes on plants, mountains, clouds and so on, and going for a more down to earth representation of a jungle from DKC games in the many scenarios they choose as DK's home turf in Mario SpinOffs.

There's also the ending of DK'94, where Mario gets through a pipe and arrives on the Mushroom Kingdom, getting a Super Mushroom and finally becoming Super Mario. -- I always saw that DK Island was at very least set somewhere in the real world, as we later see the origins of the Arcade title on Big Ape City in DKL too. Admittedly New Donk City from Odyssey muds the waters of that theory a little bit, but I could see as some kind homage made in Mario's universe after the fact.

The only time where DK Island was seen explicitly as the same part of the Mario universe was in the Illumination Movie with their Jungle Kingdom take;.. but this I can shrug off as some kind of its own canon separated from the games.

As far I'm concerned, Mario and Donkey Kong characters only get to visit each other places for Go-Karting, Sports, board games and so forth through dimensional Warp Pipes :orang:
True, but Yoshi levels often had an Island- or Story-esque estethic as well, and he's definitely from the Mushroom Kingdom (poor Wario got no rappresentation though, excluding Mario Party 10 and that Arcade GP track).

I personally see DK Island somewhere on the same dimension and planet of the Mushroom Kingdom, just far from it, and in DK94, Mario chases DK literally all around the world to save Pauline.

Though I guess the difference between "another dimension" or "very, very far on the same planet" is not that huge in a cartoon-ish world.
True, but Yoshi levels often had an Island- or Story-esque estethic as well, and he's definitely from the Mushroom Kingdom (poor Wario got no rappresentation though, excluding Mario Party 10 and that Arcade GP track).

I personally see DK Island somewhere on the same dimension and planet of the Mushroom Kingdom, just far from it, and in DK94, Mario chases DK literally all around the world to save Pauline.

Though I guess the difference between "another dimension" or "very, very far on the same planet" is not that huge in a cartoon-ish world.
I say that with Yoshi's Island it's simply a case of depicting a particular entry artstyle sometimes. Because when they go for a more traditional look (as seen in SMRPG or Partners in Time), it's stil recognizably within the confines of Yoshi's Island, which first debuted as a world in Super Mario World, with a very standard Mario artstyle.

On that topic, there's the rare (heh) occasion when they give DK a more Mario-esque location for cases like DK Mountain in Double Dash!!, and it's never less jarring to me lol


At least in MK8DX they removed the eyes of the trees, and the mountain looks more like carvings on the rock rather than it being a living being... But maybe this one is set in the Mushroom Kingdom, just named after DK ;P
Based on the discussion here this is a perfect place to poll people. I have a group called "Super Mario" on my Switch - in the group I include Luigi's Mansion, Captain Toad, and Mario + Rabbids. But...would you add Tropical Freeze?

On the one hand, no. On the other hand, I have "Mario world" games like LM3 in there, so...
Based on the discussion here this is a perfect place to poll people. I have a group called "Super Mario" on my Switch - in the group I include Luigi's Mansion, Captain Toad, and Mario + Rabbids. But...would you add Tropical Freeze?

On the one hand, no. On the other hand, I have "Mario world" games like LM3 in there, so...

I'd personally go by "Smash Bros. logic" in that I'd just make a separate "Donkey Kong" group (stuff like Captain Toad and Luigi's Mansion are just folded into the main Mario universe in Smash, for example). Admittedly though, there wouldn't be much to add to it outside of ports of the Retro duology.
I'd rather not give Arlo any clicks (no particular reason.. I just think he's insufferable).

But I always resent the idea that only a 3D game is worth the discussion, when my dream Donkey Kong game is a 2D sidescroller with every benefit of the current tech like Tropical Freeze, improving upon on what Retro has done and addressing the lacking stuff like the Bonus Rooms, Animal Buddies, Kremlings and legacy content.

It feels like if we do finally get this kind of game, you'll see yet another stupid reaction of how worthless 2D games are.
I'm doing a replay and this time it's really hitting me that the bonus rooms in TF are really annoying. There's just not enough variety in them. A lot of levels have two of them, and you're just repeating the same thing over and over.
Based on the discussion here this is a perfect place to poll people. I have a group called "Super Mario" on my Switch - in the group I include Luigi's Mansion, Captain Toad, and Mario + Rabbids. But...would you add Tropical Freeze?

On the one hand, no. On the other hand, I have "Mario world" games like LM3 in there, so...
If you got Luigi then maybe you shood have DK
I'd personally go by "Smash Bros. logic" in that I'd just make a separate "Donkey Kong" group (stuff like Captain Toad and Luigi's Mansion are just folded into the main Mario universe in Smash, for example). Admittedly though, there wouldn't be much to add to it outside of ports of the Retro duology.
Smash Bros. logic is a good lens to look at it through. What would you do with Crafted World? I don’t even own the game but it’s a tricky one. Yoshi is a Mario character, but he has his own series. I guess it’s just like LM3
When I do my groups I just over lap a few things.

"Do The Mario" - All the main platformers plus sports games.

"Super Almost Mario" - Luigi's Mansions, Captain Toad, Yoshi, Princess Peach.

"Party Time" - Mario Sports, Kart, Party, Smash, Club House Games.

"Platformers O'Plenty" - Donkey Kong, Spyro, Sonic, Mario, Kirby, Yoshi.

By Switch 2 I imagine i'll be able to have my long desired "Kongo Bongo"

Just ideas.

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