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Discussion Do you think it is weird that some people use their regular name in their user name?


Honestly, do people not realize how easy it is to get doxxed these days. Its like hey, does anyone want to just steal my information?
Some people just like to live on the edge.

No one can dox me from my username, I’m just your average friendly monster.
I feel like everyone forgot about all our parents in the 2000s telling us to not post our name and face to the internet but that’s okay because the government agent reading this post knows my name and face anyway
theres a lot of dumbass nerds named james in this world, so i'm not too worried
No, I fully support someone if they do. Also support them if they use their own face as their avatar.
I dunno, it feels good. It's like the user name equivalent of "first".
TBH, probably harder to track someone down with just a first name that many people around the world have than a unique username that only you use across the web.
Full name? Not really, maybe a tad boring, but not weird. Though basing the username on their regular nam may be more common... however that may just my bias talking. Afterall, username is just Tloz + first two initial flipped around :p.
Completely tangential, but there was this house in a cul de sac maybe a block away from where I grew up. The parents put the names of their kids in giant block letters outside what I assume was the bedroom windows. Like directly on the front of the house. I remember how weird that was back in the 90s and could only image how insane it would be if someone did that today.
I'm fine with it.
Me too, I've been using some sort of construction of my first and last name all around the internet since the dawn of it, at least the late 90s. Using another name now would not delete all that info.
Would you do it if you were a gaming professional?

Maybe I`m still living back in the early 2000`s before twitter toxicity existed, but I completely remember a day when you knew who all the gaming professionals were on the boards and what their real names was.

Only people who covered it up were Drinky Crow etc who wanted to live a different personality.

I don`t use my real name because my English is middle school level unless I spend a large amount of time-editing it and really want future employees referring to my horribly written options about JRPGS.
I've been using my nickname as my online forum handle for a decade. Never going back!
Never have. I’ve been using the name of a Spanish rock album as my handle since high school 20 years ago, which is a reference my real name kinda which no one will ever guess.
I never use my real name in anything. I don't really think it is a smart idea to do so nowadays.
I’m too paranoid to use my real name. Plus it sucks anyway.
I think it's a bit odd when people use their full name as a username, but I'd be comfortable using my first name - it's common enough that it'd be very hard to trace back to me. And to be honest, I've been using the same username for so long that people who actually know me can probably make the link between me and my online username anyway.
I will admit I have used a nickname before as an email address, and even as a username. I was also younger then and didn't think of privacy back then.
I never use my real name in anything. I don't really think it is a smart idea to do so nowadays.
Yep. It's kind of funny how in the early days of the internet we were always told not to give out any personal information, and then I'd say around the late 2000s/early 2010s people were a lot laxer with giving out information. And now we're back to strictly maintaining our privacy.
I actually thought about this quite a bit before I decided to just use my name. I normally go by a Forum name I’ve used over at previous websites, but I also used to separate my identity as someone who likes video games and the rest of myself because I was insecure about it. I’ve grown out of that now.

As others have said, we used to be told not to share personal information like your name on the internet, but now we have Twitter and Facebook and so forth, it feels a bit redundant.

I have a blog, a Twitter account, I used to write about games in a small capacity a few years ago. My name is already out there, so that’s why I settled on using it here. I suppose in a way it also keeps me accountable for the things I say.
I'm using the name of someone I hope will be mistaken as responsible for my shit takes and lose their career over it.
My username is based on my RL name but it's hard to guess my IRL name (full name anyway, my first name is also the name I use on my Twitter profile) and then you'd still have to track down me specifically since it's a rather common name where I live.
Not rlly popular internet ppl also seem to use their real names usually but if you wanna stay risk free first name should be fine aslong as you don't connect it to literally everything so someone can trace ya back. In the past i used my irl firdt name but now the squiddo alias because before that my username was nothing noteworthy and this one sticked. So i ditched the username with my irl name it was assassin + my real name. But yh personally i would onky use my first name at most online outside of irl social media accs.
I like to keep my IRL and online personas separate, but to each their own.
It does seem to be fairly common nowadays, especially on social media platforms. I blame FB for that. On forums people usually have nicknames, but I think forums are mostly populated by millenials and older generations who grew up with a different era of the internet. We're more used to nicknames and anonymity, I think.
Weird no, but I'd probably not recommend it on any board where you discuss politics. Those tend to be monitored by known actors as soon as the boards are big enough.
I find it very weird personally, but I'm very protective of my privacy in the real world too.
I don't because on my personal social media (Instagram, Twitter, etc.) I use my full name... and my first Era username had my name on it. However, I decided to go full anonymous on forums like this one. It's not necessary to use my name so why expose myself.
As someone going the cybersecurity route, yeah it's a pretty big risk nowadays.

Back in the days though I used to use my name as my username but this was like mid 2000's, not the say the risk wasn't there back then but people are a lot more devious nowadays.
Finding a name you like, let alone one that isn't already taken, is a feat unto itself. You take what you can get!

I have no shame in keeping an open note on my phone, full of potential screen names, should I need to pull out a 'unique' one in a pinch
No, I wish I liked mine so I could use it. I considered using my paternal last name cause it's kinda neat but it's a little bit too distinctive.

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