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Discussion Did you watch Nintendo's 2008 and/or 2015 E3 presentations in their time? What was your reaction?

I’ll always remember 2015’s e3 as being like the e3 you’d get if you wished for it on a monkey’s paw.

“I hope this e3 has Star Fox, Zelda, a Mario RPG, Metroid and Animal Crossing…”
I’ll always remember 2015’s e3 as being like the e3 you’d get if you wished for it on a monkey’s paw.

“I hope this e3 has Star Fox, Zelda, a Mario RPG, Metroid and Animal Crossing…”
Paper Jam and Star Fox Zero are even worse in that sense, you could go further and say "I want a new Star Fox game that is more like 64, and a Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi crossover RPG" :/
2008, no. 2015, yes, but if you were to ask me what was there, I couldn’t tell you.
the 2015 conference was one of the few instances where i overslept and missed it entirely. but it doesn't seem that terrible. the "controversial" Metroid and Animal Crossing spin-offs were only a temporary measure, with both getting proper installments (though AC was just a major update for New Leaf) before the gen ended. and i actually really liked Tri-force Heroes.

i did, however. manage to watch the Nintendo World Championships on-time. that had the highly important reveal of Mother 1 having it's English translation finally get released.

a moment which would prove to be especially moving when you consider who programmed the sequel.

2015 makes me sad, Iwata died like two months later. He even made a statement acknowledging players' feedback on the show.
i don't think this was (or ever will be) confirmed, but i remember hearing the reason why they mainly focused on the muppet sketches was because Iwata was too sick to make any in-person appearences by that point.
with that in mind, it makes their existence and his saddened response to the negative reception utterly devastating. he clearly wanted to host one final direct before he passed on, but the software lineup at the time was a bit too small for a big E3 showcase.
2008 was truly awful. I was so, so disappointed. Animal Crossing (at a time when i didn't care much about AC, and the game itself wasn't that good either, as far as i am aware), Wii Music, the whole Cammie shtick and a bunch of sales numbers.

By 2015, i was going through my gaming hiatus and was mostly unaware of any news.
The 2008 E3 press conference was the very first Nintendo press conference I watched live. It was...well, it was a first showcase, that's for sure. I didn't have much of a gauge for what was a "good show" or not so I just...watched. At least the next few years were better!

As for 2015, I...didn't hate it at the time when I was watching it. This was right around the release of Splatoon, and Mario Maker was coming in just a few months. Animal Crossing made me raise an eyebrow, and Federation Force was not exactly ideal, but a new Mario Tennis? I love Mario Tennis! A Mario & Luigi game that crossed over with Paper Mario? That was gonna be sick! Of course, we know how those games turned out, and in hindsight the pacing wasn't all that great.

I think what was probably wilder was me watching the Sony E3 2015, the "E3 of Dreams," and being bored of it. Spider-Man...again, okay, still looked pretty good. Final Fantasy VII is finally getting a remake, about time, still haven't played the original. The Last Guardian isn't dead, okay, never heard of this one, haven't played ICO or Shadow of the Colossus. And Shenmue 3? Nice, a...Kickstarter announcement for sequel to a beloved series of games that I never played. A remake, a revival, and a Kickstarter didn't seem like much to get excited for, and yet people went wild. My Nintendo bubble was in full force that year, lol.
I've been watching all Nintendo E3 showcases since the Gamecube reveal, one way or another. Never missed one.

Honestly, if you had the correct mindset, they weren't that bad? By 2008, we all knew what Nintendo had in store and that showcase was them just showing it. Honestly, i liked the Wii-thing games a lot, so i enjoyed it quite a bit.

The E3 2015 was Nintendo trying to save face for the Wii U. I had no issues with the content itself, but the pacing felt like a miss, i did not expect developer interviews in the middle of an E3 direct, and they used them to pad the show way too much.

I had more issues with the Wii U reveal show, that was... a bit of a disaster, more than anything because of the first party tech demos shown that were... minigames, and New Super Mario Bros with Miis. I remember understanding that it was a new console and later tech demos confirmed that it was in the ballpark of PS360, but it was really easy to miss it thanks to the show itself. Even my sister called me, completely confused, to ask me what the fuck was the Wii U.
Thought 2015 was awful, genuinely so. Especially after the excellent 2014 showing I expected big things from Nintendo and it just fell so utterly flat.
I've been watching all Nintendo E3 showcases since the Gamecube reveal, one way or another. Never missed one.

Honestly, if you had the correct mindset, they weren't that bad? By 2008, we all knew what Nintendo had in store and that showcase was them just showing it. Honestly, i liked the Wii-thing games a lot, so i enjoyed it quite a bit.

The E3 2015 was Nintendo trying to save face for the Wii U. I had no issues with the content itself, but the pacing felt like a miss, i did not expect developer interviews in the middle of an E3 direct, and they used them to pad the show way too much.

I had more issues with the Wii U reveal show, that was... a bit of a disaster, more than anything because of the first party tech demos shown that were... minigames, and New Super Mario Bros with Miis. I remember understanding that it was a new console and later tech demos confirmed that it was in the ballpark of PS360, but it was really easy to miss it thanks to the show itself. Even my sister called me, completely confused, to ask me what the fuck was the Wii U.

I also have been watching since GCN days. I remember having high school classes and football practice the day of the Wii conference. Got home at 8pm and slowly waited for my 56k connection to download portions of the conference. Super Mario Galaxy blew my mind, as did Wii Sports. Still their greatest conference imo.

So yeah watched a whole bunch of them and I agree the WiiU reveal was absolutely the worst and most devastating.

I personally love NintendoLand, but ending with it just confirmed the console was dead in the water. And then showing Wonderful 101 after on a reveal show... Just really weird time for Nintendo. Third party support was abysmal and Nintendo felt like they lost their identity trying to cater to many userbases.

Batman Arkham City was totally not the same game. New content new game!

Edit: to comment on 2008 and 2015, I felt like both delivered what you kinda expected them to at that time. Wii was in a great space in 2008 (regardless on the presentation) and most mindset was turning towards NX in 2015. I didn't dislike either show, just middling.
Both showcases were both severely lacking in content and that tends to ultimately make a bad press conference.


I actually kinda like the Wii music demo

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