• Hey everyone, staff have documented a list of banned content and subject matter that we feel are not consistent with site values, and don't make sense to host discussion of on Famiboards. This list (and the relevant reasoning per item) is viewable here.
  • Furukawa Speaks! We discuss the announcement of the Nintendo Switch Successor and our June Direct Predictions on the new episode of the Famiboards Discussion Club! Check it out here!

Moderator Post Community Discussion Regarding A Certain Game

Staff Communication


burn me at the stake
We were going to wait for the eventual SoP thread but since the issue is already bubbling up in other threads, we'll do it now.

JK R's well-documented transphobia is being cited in legislation around the world as more politicians continue to dismantle and erase Trans rights. The H P franchise, while not explicitly transphobic, does unfortunately carry many of her other transgressive beliefs.

We have decided not to outright ban discussion of this game - for now - but we are setting some ground rules:

If you are going to create a thread about the game, your OP needs to meaningfully engage with JK Rs transphobia. This means no superfluous hype, sales, or reaction threads related to the game. To further the stance of no advertising, we're also floating the idea of a different name for the game that won't affect SEO. "The Game that Shall not be Named" , "Terfwartz", you get the idea.

Linking to sources breaking down the issues are MANDATORY, as this should cut down on those just "asking questions," but you must also add your own thoughts. If you are not willing to put in this additional work, please do not create the thread.

Discussion of transphobia is not off-topic or a thread derail. It will not be sequestered to its own thread. You are certainly welcome to post about the aspects of the game you enjoy, but we are not interested in having "positive-only threads" while leaving the more unsavory aspects of the game to separate threads. If you are not willing to engage with the problematic parts of media you enjoy, it might be best not to engage at all.

This does not mean someone who likes the game should be directly attacked, nor can you generalize people's motives to take passive swipes. The franchise was very formative for many, so it's understandable that this game looks exciting and people will want to discuss it. We want Famiboards to be a welcome space for everyone to share their thoughts.

We'll be closely monitoring threads and will act when necessary, so please help us by really thinking about your words before posting.

This is a discussion thread, not a poll thread, so do not post if all you have to say is your want for a thread. This thread is for the community to discuss the issues civilly, without it disrupting other threads.

If no other thread is made that follows the above rules, this will be the only place allowed to discuss the game.

-Harina, Donnie, Rika
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Fuck JKR and fuck Harry Potter's racist neoliberal nonsense. Would be very happy if I never had to hear about this franchise or transphobic author again.

My two cents.

I created the SoP thread for last week's show because I am a PlayStation fan. Normally I would have created an SoP for this show but given that it is solely focused on Hogwarts Legacy, I decided to hold off and see what to see what the community's reaction was. So far it has been largely negative towards the game because of J.K Rowling so I don't think any will be upset by there being no thread for tomorrow's show.

IMO if there is going to be a thread, there should just be an OT at launch with all of the links mentioned. It could be started now or until we wait until launch, but one and done would probably be the best.
I really appreciate the staff taking a clear stance here as promotion has restarted and this game came back into focus. I’m glad to see hype threads already not allowed. Given how her rhetoric and reputation has been cited by policymakers in justifying anti-trans legislation and policy I don’t think any of her past and current projects should be promoted. We are a small community and have the ability to take a stand and I think we should.

This subject came up in the RPG thread and I’ve been thinking about it since. I think it is ok to mention the game exists, but I do think at absolute most there should only be one dedicated thread clearly marked for it. I think it should be labeled clearly so people can hit ignore on it. Maybe it can be this one. People have to know what it is for a code name to work, so I don’t think that would be helpful. I guess something like “the wizard game from a transphobic author” would work and people would still be able to readily identify it. I’m not sure if SEO would pick up on my suggestion or not so maybe your idea is better.

Even then though, I really don’t think there should be any threads on it at all. I can’t reconcile any way someone can share excitement for this game given how extensive anti-trans legislation and policy has become with how aggressive states like Texas have been and how others are looking to follow with Rowling’s history and active role actively contributing to it. She is so thoroughly against the values of this community that I can’t see any way to positively discuss this game and really I just don’t think it’s worth it either. We can just be a community that just rejects this game and Rowling outright. If people still want to play it, fine, but I don’t think Fami needs to be a place to discuss it at length. For those that still do want to play it, I do want to say here, there are other games and media that have magical wizard / witch academies. You really don’t have to support this series anymore regardless of where it fit into your life beforehand.
Personally I'm not very comfortable with people discussing the game. Given all the recent developments in America it's a pretty rough time for the transgender community. Seeing all these cis people talk about their excitement to buy a game that directly will fund a terf who will use her power and influence to fund anti-LGBT efforts is very frustrating. I've already seen multiple cis people, included several who go to this forum, talk elsewhere about how excited they are to buy this game, despite fully knowing where their money is going. It's always the same excuses; "It's not fair to point out that our money is going to terfs!" "I have to support the devs!" "She's rich anyway, nothing we do matters, so I'll just buy it!" In the end it doesn't matter; buying the game means you're funding a terf who only wants to spread hatred and misery.

I get that there's two camps of these people here; those who claim to care about the LGBT community until it inconveniences them even slightly, and those who just don't care about queer people at all. Maybe they can just discuss it somewhere else, in a place where there aren't any of us to remind them of what they've chosen to support. Or, if they really do want to discuss it here, I like Harina's idea of having an OP address the transphobia of the franchise's creator. Though personally, I'd go further; it should mainly be about her harmful actions, and it should be pinned to the start of every page in the thread, just so they don't forget. Maybe there could be some links to some charities that support transgender rights there too! But in the end, I'm not sure if it's worth the arguments it will cause, and the bad faith posters it will inevitably attract; I've already seen some on this forum ("Why's everyone upset? It's just a game!" etc etc)!

Maybe it would be better for those whose love for the wizard franchise is stronger than their concern for transgender people to just talk about it somewhere else. We don't have to give them a place to do that here.
While I have generally supported light-touch moderation, by that same token I feel that it would be better to ban dedicated discussion of the game outright than to borrow ambiguous rules of engagement from Era (e.g. what constitutes meaningful engagement?). Ultimately my opinion on the game doesn't matter, and I recognize that. As a reader and user of the forum, however, I prefer the simplicity of a ban. I won't continue, as I would end up repeating Clov's statements above.
I'm nor sure how I feel about this. Part of me thinks that making people aware of JK Rowling's transphobia is good, as while I'm sure a lot of this site is aware, the truth is that a lot of people I know irl just are not. But also, I don't think it'll reach many people who don't already know.

Another point is that I've experienced first hand is that if you ban discussion of a game, people are just going to be less likely to be aware of it. If you really want to reduce this game's SEO, just doing that would probably be more effective. There were some games on the old sites that were banned and then as a result when people brought them up on GameFAQs or whatever I had no idea what games they were talking about (this applies to a couple of skeevy Vita dungeon crawlers I think). I don't know if other people have had similar experiences to that, but in my experience, deplatforming game discussion works.

I'd understand if a blanket ban is hard to implement, but requiring people do all of the stuff in the OP just seems....harder? Like those are a lot of stipulations to follow, and at a certain point a blanket ban would probably just be easier to implement.

It feels like the motivations behind this situation by introducing all of the stipulations and forbidding the game to be named were done in good faith, I think. This thread itself was even posted by a trans woman, so I can tell you're not trying to silence trans voices who feel marginalized and hurt by Rowling's actions. But I'm still not sure if it's a decision I approve of, and I think I'd have to see how I feel about that once the game launches and if discussion here starts. It's not getting a Switch release and we don't even know if it'll be considered good even decoupling it from the franchise (the developer doesn't exactly have a super track record), so it's possible there might not even be that many people discussing it when it does come out.
These are points already brought up, but I think a point that should be stressed a little more is that there's plenty room for a touch-and-go situation until a firm decision is made either way... or even if a decision needs to be reasonably reversed/amended down the line.

I think the forum's smaller community will be the focus of how these threads would be handled. IMO, the make-up of this community means a outright blanket ban wouldn't be too hard to be agreed with by the community at large; on the other side of the same coin, the rules outlined by the staff might be easier to enforce with if discussion is allowed, because the forum simply won't see that much discussion naturally compared to other online places. Setting down stern expectations as outlined by Clov are all sensible directions to undertake in that scenario so there's no sense re-treading those ideas.

I personally disagree with the idea of not referring to the game by it's actual name. I am deliberately avoiding any notion of irony given the source material.

I understand the thoughts and intent behind it but a OP labelled "JK Rowling's Game" undercuts the frankness we should be approaching the topic with. Again, I fully understand and support the notion if it goes through but IMO Famiboard will not meaningfully engage with SEO enough to contribute.
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I just don’t feel comfortable with the game being discussed here, even with all the qualifiers. Rowling’s ‘legacy’ is so hateful and damaging and actively making life worse for people today. If someone really wants to talk about the game it’s not like they’re going to be lacking places in the internet to do so, I just don’t understand why discussion for it needs to be allowed on this particular forum. It really feels like it flies in the face of the pro-LGBTQ+ values this forum is supposed to represent. Do the majority of users here actually want to be able to discuss this game here?
First off, I just want to say I appreciate that staff is discussing how to handle this both internally and with the community as well.

Personally, as a trans person, if I never have to read JKR's name or hear about any of her works ever again it'll be too soon, but unfortunately that's easier said than done. My personal feelings as relevant to the forum though, as some other people here have also brought up, is that I think it's fine if we have some sort of thread that talks about why she's an issue and why supporting the franchise is an issue (it could even just be in this thread, if you want), but I think it'd be better not to give the game itself the time of day on here. Like @GamerJM said, I think this is one of those situations where deplatforming works best, and it leaves a lot less complicated rules to dance around, both for users and for mods.

Ultimately, people who really want to buy the game and/or talk about it have a hundred other places on the internet to do so, and it doesn't have to be here. Even if we bring up the transphobia whenever the game comes up, even if we remind people every time that buying the game will directly lead to money funding anti-trans legislation, the fact that the franchise (and especially its contents, not just its context) is still being discussed means it still contributes to staying active in pop culture. Adding to that, I also don't think there's very much to lose by just banning the game, especially compared to the positive difference I assume it'll make for a notable number of the trans members, myself included.

Also I want to second @Saturday in that I don't really think we need to avoid the game's name (since even if SEO does come up and we keep it, even just from the rules you laid out people would open the threads to explanations on the transphobia), but in the event that we do I think it would be in poor taste to have something actually based on its contents.
I appreciate moderation addressing this, and I can see how you'd arrive at these ground rules by trying to put the issue in the spotlight while giving those who want to discuss the game the chance to do so.

I still think, however, that there just isn't much to gain by allowing discussion of the game. I don't have a lot to add that hasn't already been said by other users, but I want to reiterate on this: JKR is a figurehead for a hate movement at this point. Being pragmatic, I doubt Famiboards threads will reach many people who are still, somehow unaware of her transphobia and racism. My opinion is that promoting a discussion environment in which our trans members feel safe and listened to should be the main priority here, and if what it takes is to not be able to talk about a certain game, that's a very small sacrifice to make.

More generally and with regards to the topic of building a community: I've always found this twitter thread useful when discussing the paradox of tolerance. It's not an apples-to-apples comparison exactly, but I hope you see the point I'm trying to make:

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I don't know jack about transgenderism but I wanted to show that I appreciate that this board is concerned about how some of our members can feel.
That's what makes this board a cherished place and I hope it will stay like this for a long time.
I would prefer if we simply outright banned discussion of the game on this board. Even as a fan of the franchise, 1) the author is indeed hateful (a broken pedestal for me) and 2) I don’t think the game will be good enough to warrant its own thread anyway. As others have said, there are plenty of other avenues to pursue for anyone who wants to talk about the game.
As I said in the other thread, I don't want to see this thing discussed at all. As @paranoodle said above, deplatforming works best in this instance. Also everything @Clov and @MarcelRguez said.

We've already had instances of bad faith transphobic baiting and whataboutism regarding this game. I can only assume the Stealthy Transphobe Playbook has seen a reprint. They're not smart and they're certainly not subtle, but they're here. I don't think they should be made to feel welcome or given the opportunity to do their little dance. I see you.

The Internet is a big place. If you really want to show your arse over kids lit written by one of the most powerful and influential bigots on the planet then consider doing it elsewhere.
I feel if we need to set this many ground rules to talk about this specific game that shouldn't be named by the author whose name I forgot, we probably would be better off just banning talk about it, really.

Deplatforming in these kinds of scenarios always works. This feels like tiptoeing around it.
Should this thread be used for any potential future games that would also fall in this problematic situation?

If yes it could be convinient.
I would prefer if we simply outright banned discussion of the game on this board.
I agree with this notion.

Usually, I'm wary about banning discussions on single titles/franchises explicitly, but there is absolutely nothing redeemable regarding the key figure behind this title and the frankly misanthropic beliefs held by said person. There's places where the people who take no umbrage with JKR's transphobia can go, if they want to engage with and discuss the game, the internet is vast and wide, but there's no no need for one of these places to be this one.
I've always believed that people should be comfortable when posting on a message board, and if seeing discussions about Legacy makes people uncomfortable, it shouldn't be allowed to be discussed. The site won't suffer if we don't have a thread dedicated to it. We don't have threads dedicated to a lot of games, and this is still a fun place to chat!
Outright banning of discussing the game doesn't seem like a good idea to me. People should have the right to both express interest and contempt for the game rather than nothing at all, and I think people being critical of it is more worthwhile than pretending it doesn't exist.

Containing it to one general thread with links to some of JK's tweets, actions and the anti-trans letter she posted in the opening post is best imo. Although if it does get out of hand it might need further measures - if said thread did bring nothing but arguments after a period of time it would be worth considering deletion and a blanket ban.

Also as someone mentioned above - the game could just turn out to be bad anyways due to dev track record, and discussion won't be needed as only the mega fans and "bought it to own the libs" types would be into it.
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Outright banning of discussing the game doesn't seem like a good idea to me. People should have the right to both express interest and contempt for the game rather than nothing at all, and I think people being critical of it is more worthwhile than pretending it doesn't exist.

Containing it to one general thread with links to some of JK's tweets, actions and the anti-trans letter she posted in the opening post is best imo. Although if it does get out of hand it might need further measures - if said thread did bring nothing but arguments after a period of time it would be worth considering deletion and a blanket ban.

Also as someone mentioned above - the game could just turn out to be bad anyways due to dev track record, and discussion won't be needed as only the mega fans and "bought it to own the libs" types would be into it.

This is where I stand as well. I think limiting it to one specific thread means anyone uncomfortable seeing it can easily press the ignore thread button and not worry about seeing more threads created about the game.

Games like this are made by so many different people, so I feel uncomfortable with a blanket ban on it, because who knows, the game itself may be good and have none of the issues that JK has. Obviously JK will get money from the game, which is bad, but I would assume the vast majority of people working on the team do not share Rowling's values. If this was a game solo developed by JK Rowling, I'd say a full ban on discussing might make more sense.
This is where I stand as well. I think limiting it to one specific thread means anyone uncomfortable seeing it can easily press the ignore thread button and not worry about seeing more threads created about the game.

Games like this are made by so many different people, so I feel uncomfortable with a blanket ban on it, because who knows, the game itself may be good and have none of the issues that JK has. Obviously JK will get money from the game, which is bad, but I would assume the vast majority of people working on the team do not share Rowling's values. If this was a game solo developed by JK Rowling, I'd say a full ban on discussing might make more sense.
Harry Potter as a text is rife with those issues. Its characters and world are built on the foundation of her grim politics.

It shouldn't be down to our trans members to 'just click ignore', and its effects are more than just making people 'uncomfortable'. Boiling it down to mere discomfort is so telling.

Also the developers already got paid, because that's how game development works. It doesn't matter if the game is 'good'. It could be a seminal piece of video game history, a landmark achievement that advances the medium in countless ways, and it still shouldn't be discussed here.
Harry Potter as a text is rife with those issues. It's characters and world are built on the foundation of her grim politics.

It shouldn't be down to our trans members to 'just click ignore', and it's effects are more than just making people 'uncomfortable'. Boiling it down to mere discomfort is so telling.

Also the developers already got paid, because that's how game development works. It doesn't matter if the game is 'good'. It could be a seminal piece of video game history, a landmark achievement that advances the medium in countless ways, and it still shouldn't be discussed here.
I was about to type something similar, so thank you for pointing it out! I have a couple things to add to the discussion but you've hit the main stuff between your two posts, honestly.

Even if people don't mean it as such, I do feel like it would be weird to have the implication that if a game is good enough, then that "mitigates" the transphobia in some way. It could be the best game in the world or the worst game in the world and I don't think that should have any effect on the decision to ban it or not.

The main thing with regards to "just click ignore" is that, speaking for myself at least, either way I wouldn't read any threads related to the matter, but it's less about "do I want to see this personally" and more about "how safe and respected can I feel in an environment that prioritizes gamers wanting to play/discuss the game that contributes to funding the most influential transphobe on the planet (with or without disclaimers), over trans people being free from that topic for once".

Not to say I can't appreciate compromises being made on certain levels, especially because I know it's not an easy call for staff (I used to be staff for a ~3k people discord for a couple years, so I get it), but I wanted to give a bit more context on the... scale? of this topic. JKR and her works are basically unavoidable as a hateful cultural juggernaut just about everywhere, either from people gushing about it or from people continually giving it more attention by publicly dunking on it. And yeah, the dunking is better than the gushing, I guess, but basically every trans person I know (myself included) would just rather never give her or her work the time of day ever again. It doesn't deserve more than fading into obscurity, even if it's only in one place at a time.

I know I might have stronger feelings about this than other trans members, and I don't want to discount anyone else's, but hopefully it's helpful to get this point of view too.
Harry Potter as a text is rife with those issues. It's characters and world are built on the foundation of her grim politics.

It shouldn't be down to our trans members to 'just click ignore', and its effects are more than just making people 'uncomfortable'. Boiling it down to mere discomfort is so telling.

Also the developers already got paid, because that's how game development works. It doesn't matter if the game is 'good'. It could be a seminal piece of video game history, a landmark achievement that advances the medium in countless ways, and it still shouldn't be discussed here.

I apologize, I don’t want to downplay the very real issues here. I understand my privilege and in no want want to tell trans people how they should feel about this. I see that uncomfortable was a bad word choice.

I’ll respect any choice made by the mod team on this, and definitely realize that trans views on this topic should carry more weight than mine as a cis person.
I think the question to ask is, when discussion of the game requires so many qualifiers and stipulations to even exist, is there a point in allowing it? I don't think there's some middle ground where we can have healthy discussion of the game in a way that doesn't hurt the trans community here.

And this is without getting into the bad faith posters such topics inevitably attract. Era's constant low-level background transphobia was exhausting, I'd rather not see it here.

I understand wanting to cater to everyone, including people who may be excited for the game while recognising the problematic aspects of it, but discussion of the game will be a net negative for the forum and the community. I say the most sensible option is to ban the game outright from discussion. It's not worth it.
People should have the right to both express interest and contempt for the game rather than nothing at all, and I think people being critical of it is more worthwhile than pretending it doesn't exist.
Sure, but isn't that just Twitter? Why do you need a thread on a forum to say a game sucks?
I'm glad that discussion of Joanne Rowling's latest video game attempt at keeping relevance isn't banned. I'm also glad that we are going to outright be upfront about Rowling's bigotry. When the game comes up as far as sales numbers, I'll keep the guidelines in mind, because Rowling is a very influencial bigot who is harming transgender people of all ages but especially transgender children. I will not be buying or promoting Joanne Rowling's game.

Edit: To be clear, I mean the NPD and Famitsu threads for whenever this game comes out.

Edit2: Shoutouts to Lambda Legal https://www.lambdalegal.org/ and Trevor Project https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ who do good work and who could always use more donations as well as the other groups that do good work.
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And this is without getting into the bad faith posters such topics inevitably attract. Era's constant low-level background transphobia was exhausting, I'd rather not see it here.
I think this something important to remember, since we probably shouldn't try to copy this compromise that Era will be doing considering how the mods failed to respect and protect the trans community there time and again, not that I think the same thing will happen here mind you.
yeah i don't really think we need to copy what the previous forum did, with empty (and inconsistent) gestures to give ourselves a pat on the back while at the same time fully having 600 page threads to discuss a game. we can just make rules based on what the community here is comfortable with. my question is did anyone even want to make an ot/hype/etc thread about this? there's so many games out there that don't get a thread on this forum. we're not exactly a forum where every game gets multiple threads.
This site is, first and foremost, a community.

People come here expressly because this place isn't Twitter, where everyone talks about that day's New Thing to everyone else, and it's basically impossible to avoid weighing in on The Discourse. People come here because we're, y'know, friends.

We can just...not talk about the game. We have that option. And in my opinion, that's what a community that cared about how its most vulnerable members felt would choose to do.
Just catching up on this thread after I wrote a post frustrated at Sony for their GT microtransactions and today's SoP in general. Removed my reference to the SoP after reading this thread as I agree– we should not give the game, or Sony's efforts to market it, any attention.

Fuck JK Rowling, and fuck Sony for giving her a platform.
Is the lack of "Yeahs" in this thread intentional? Just curious.

But on topic... I'd be ok with not discussing the game at all, personally. But I wouldn't like for that to mean that nobody can open a thread about it at all if they want to discuss it. So yeah the rules in the OP seem sensible.

Regarding using a different name for SEO purposes... I'd avoid using names that play on that world anyways (like "The Game that Shall not be Named" , "Terfwartz" as suggested), mostly cause it's still identifiable and playful and sounds to me like it would go against the point a bit. But that's a personal opinion.

(Also I'm not sure if that would work much in terms of SEO since people posting will likely reference characters or locations so the thread will likely come up anyways... but again, compromises).
I just want to post in support of our trans community and to add to the list of those asking for renewed consideration that discussion be outright banned for the safety of our members.
With so many rules around it, I feel it would be better to just not discuss the game at all. Normally I’m in favor of keeping things open for discussion. But as so many people have made their stance clear on the game, it feels like the game will get largely ignored anyway.

And maybe for the better. I won’t lie, I still like the books and the idea of the game is still somewhat interesting, but after all the hurtful things Rowling has said, I’ve decided to not give a cent anymore related to the franchise.
I'm the type of person who'd take the level of hype this game will, and is generating, to help spread the whole JK Rowling message to others who may not be aware, but I completely understand the argument about not having this game discussed at all.

I also advocate for anyone buying this game to buy it used. The devs may not be receiving bonuses (If that were even part of the contract, we don't know), but it will mean the sale of the game won't go towards Rowling.
I don't believe in absolute free speech, some things should not be covered by free speech and hate speech is one of them. What Rowling's been defending is hurting millions of people and I believe there has to be punishment for it, she should NOT get away after repeating same thing again and again.

But she won't be and she's posed to earn millions off the game. She's being rewarded for being a terrible person. Not only that, movies, merch sales, she's getting even richer every day. And louder. She won't shut up as long as she's platformed. People needs to take some serious action against her, like pressuring Warner Bros. to drop her or cut her off based on her hate talk. I don't know how possible for WB to continue to have HP franchise while not paying Rowling a single dime for it, but it needs to be done. Because if WB drops the whole franchise, someone else will pick up and Rowling will continue to have her wealth multiplied.

I think this issue should be talked before the game itself. Enough pressure, corporations have to do the right thing. They have already barred her from HBO special, we need to make it clear that there needs to be more. She needs to shut up and stop earning insane amounts of money. And even, if possible, go to jail.
I think if it makes our members here uncomfortable, there is absolutely no reason to allow discussion on this game at all. We are a small community, and can make some calls like that.

Besides, who here is chomping at the bit to create an OT and stuff here? Like, I haven't seen much interest, and it's not really necessary because we are primarily a Nintendo forum.
As someone who doesn't post but appreciates reading good discussions, I would very much value the removal of topics that ultimately promote a major source of bigotry. Prohibiting the discussion will send a much stronger, consistent message than banners at the top of each page or rules that everyone dances around. It would be a much easier thing to moderate, too.
This is very thinly veiled whataboutism that won't be tolerated on the board - Donnie, Harina, BlondKayvon
The game should be completely banned from discussion.

Any games made by a company guilty of Me Too controversies (i.e. Ubisoft) should be banned.

Every company verified to be engaging in crunch should also be banned.

At the end of the day we are all in this together. It's the only way to be consistent.
Sure, but isn't that just Twitter? Why do you need a thread on a forum to say a game sucks?
This place is a lot better suited to having a conversation with others than Twitter (where generally people prefer to snipe at each other with word limits) and I trust the general population of Famiboards more to have a good discussion than the general online population. I feel there's gonna be a lot of bad faith "bought the game to own the libs" type of people on other sites being obnoxious which we don't really have here.
This place is a lot better suited to having a conversation with others than Twitter (where generally people prefer to snipe at each other with word limits) and I trust the general population of Famiboards more to have a good discussion than the general online population. I feel there's gonna be a lot of bad faith "bought the game to own the libs" type of people on other sites being obnoxious which we don't really have here.
I mean we’re already getting posts like this
The game should be completely banned from discussion.

Any games made by a company guilty of Me Too controversies (i.e. Ubisoft) should be banned.

Every company verified to be engaging in crunch should also be banned.

At the end of the day we are all in this together. It's the only way to be consistent.
I mean we’re already getting posts like this
Even if they're using hyperbole, there is a point to be made about other companies like Activison-Blizzard and Ubisoft who have just as poor or even worse track records. I know the counter-argument is "a company and an IP is different" but these companies still own these IPs similar to JK who isn't very hands on with this game but will still receive profit.

It could very well be that no one on this board ends up caring about this game one way or another so a thread won't be necessary. But I believe discourse being fostered is better than none at all.

EDIT: And hearing about this new 'goblin' plotline, I would much rather hear and discuss the problematic elements of this here rather than Twitter etc.
I'm not sure what the point of allowing any discussion of the game here is tbh. I can't imagine many will want to engage anyway, and it's a pretty small and mostly Nintendo centric community. Not many here will miss it. There are other easily accessible places to discuss it if anyone really wants to. Better to take a hardline stance in support of the trans community imo
Indefinite ban for patronizing human rights as childish. -Harina, Donnie, Rika, BozPaggs
yeah i don't really think we need to copy what the previous forum did, with empty (and inconsistent) gestures to give ourselves a pat on the back while at the same time fully having 600 page threads to discuss a game. we can just make rules based on what the community here is comfortable with. my question is did anyone even want to make an ot/hype/etc thread about this? there's so many games out there that don't get a thread on this forum. we're not exactly a forum where every game gets multiple threads.
Agreed completely. I really don't think discussion on this game should be banned or have specific rules around it at all. It's going to be a popular game, one made by seperate people that's entirely disconnected from the original author's contentious political views.

If people want to discuss the game, they should be able to. If people want to debate JK Rowling's political views, they should be able to as well. One discussion shouldn't preclude and drown out the other, they should just be in seperate threads.

Resetera became incredibly overzealous and toxic with these political issues, and I don't want this place falling into the same trappings. I understand a lot of people here are young and these issues are important to them, but at the end of the day it's a game made by completely seperate people that's clearly not spouting hate.

Like Mazi and others are said, banning discussion entirely just feels sanctimonious. Nintendo and other game companies rely on manufacturing from Chinese labor camps, which is more important than a single person's political views. If you banned/coached discussion on everything unethical or perceived as bad connected to the games industry, it would never end; it's multiplicative. Have seperate threads discussing these issues, but don't ban the topics themselves or coach everything connected to them with a million warnings.
Agreed completely. I really don't think discussion on this game should be banned or have specific rules around it at all. It's going to be a popular game, one made by seperate people that's entirely disconnected from the original author's contentious political views.

If people want to discuss the game, they should be able to. If people want to debate JK Rowling's political views, they should be able to as well. One discussion shouldn't preclude and drown out the other, they should just be in seperate threads.

Resetera became incredibly overzealous and toxic with these political issues, and I don't want this place falling into the same trappings. I understand a lot of people here are young and these issues are important to them, but at the end of the day it's a game made by completely seperate people that's clearly not spouting hate.

Like Mazi and others are said, banning discussion entirely just feels sanctimonious. Nintendo and other game companies rely on manufacturing from Chinese labor camps, which is more important than a single person's political views. If you banned/coached discussion on everything unethical or perceived as bad connected to the games industry, it would never end; it's multiplicative. Have seperate threads discussing these issues, but don't ban the topics themselves or coach everything connected to them with a million warnings.
I think you severely misread what they said.
Fuck JK Rowling.
And not to promote the game or anything, but just because its so incredulous... this certain game has also been announced for Switch? somehow?
Agreed completely. I really don't think discussion on this game should be banned or have specific rules around it at all. It's going to be a popular game, one made by seperate people that's entirely disconnected from the original author's contentious political views.

If people want to discuss the game, they should be able to. If people want to debate JK Rowling's political views, they should be able to as well. One discussion shouldn't preclude and drown out the other, they should just be in seperate threads.

Resetera became incredibly overzealous and toxic with these political issues, and I don't want this place falling into the same trappings. I understand a lot of people here are young and these issues are important to them, but at the end of the day it's a game made by completely seperate people that's clearly not spouting hate.

Like Mazi and others are said, banning discussion entirely just feels sanctimonious. Nintendo and other game companies rely on manufacturing from Chinese labor camps, which is more important than a single person's political views. If you banned/coached discussion on everything unethical or perceived as bad connected to the games industry, it would never end; it's multiplicative. Have seperate threads discussing these issues, but don't ban the topics themselves or coach everything connected to them with a million warnings.
Did you miss their post earlier in the topic saying we shouldn’t discuss it at all?

This is another example why allowing discussion could be a minefield, because of the subject matter it’s hard for me to not view this as an intentional misreading of what a user is saying and whataboutism.
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