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Discussion Between SNES, DS, 3DS, and Switch, which has the best library of JRPGs?

Which has the best JRPG library?

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Hero of Hyrule

Frieren the Slayer
There have been so many JRPG libraries in the pantheon of Nintendo systems. Four systems among all of Nintendo's probably stand tall though - the SNES, the DS, the 3DS, the Switch were all incredibly packed and dense JRPG libraries.

However, which of them do you think is the best JRPG library, and why? Try not to consider backward compatibility for this question. If you think it meaningfully impacted your experience with the genre on the system, then sure, don't let me stop you, but really we are trying to see which was the best library of JRPGs on its own without being supplemented by backward compatibility.

So which do you pick, and why?
It’s Switch no contest even if you throw out NSO. I could see arguments made for time and place with SNES and perhaps even fondness for the amount of original titles on DS in particular, but the Switch JRPG library is absolutely stacked with tons of variety in all of the varying flavors of JRPGs and the games at the very top are all truly fantastic games.
This is Game Boy Advance erasure. It got ports of Final Fantasy VI and Mother 2 which hurts Super Nintendo even with Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. I have really fond memories of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Golden Sun. There are a bunch of options. For example, the Summon Night games are still exclusive to GBA (though I haven’t finished them yet). Mother 3 just recently got added to Nintendo Switch Online in Japan.

Out of the choices, it’s easily Switch. It has so many ports plus new RPGs.
The DS got the amazing Final Fantasy remakes and Dragon Quest remakes. Actually the DS was also the golden age of Dragon Quest spin offs.

Its the DS. Im commited to the bias.
DS has the peak Pokémon run. I'm biased

If you count remakes then it's no contest. If you count backwards compatibility then I guess it's 3DS though lol
If you ignore things like ports/emulation/remasters/remakes along with backwards compatibility and stick solely to "what was new when it released on the console", which is I feel what the spirit of the question is getting at, I think I'd give it to SNES. Chrono Trigger alone puts it way out in front and then there's plenty more all-timers like FF6, Earthbound, and Mario RPG on top of that

If you just ignore back-compat, I'd have to give it to Switch. The catalog of RPGs playable on that thing is downright legendary. Not only does it have the bulk of the SNES's tentpole RPGs (sans Chrono Trigger; get that figured out, Square), but then also things like most of the numbered Final Fantasies, Mario RPG/Mario&Luigi/Paper Mario, Persona 3/4/5, multiple Tales Of games, Dragon Quest 11, Sea of Stars, Octopath 2, and so, so many more
For me it's always going to be SNES. But that has a lot to do with when I owned one. It coexisted during a carefree time that the others did not, as well as introduced me to the genre. The DS and Switch both have incredible libraries in their own right, and while I'm not as familiar with the extent of the 3DS lineup I mostly played RPGs on it so... It was pretty good in that regard, too.

It has the best mix of new games from the big Japanese devs, remakes, experimental games, small scale titles, large scale titles, off-the-wall cool stuff from people you'd never heard of, and whackadoodle nonsense from people who should know better.

And I'm not counting Pokemon because DP was so bad I didn't play Pokemon again until the 3DS.

Switch is a VERY close second but the reality is that third parties decided against taking the console seriously (to their own detriment). While Octopath II is the best Square-Enix game in ages and SMT V is great too, they don't beat TWEWY, Covenant of the Plume, Strange Journey, the Devil Survivor duology, the first three Etrian Odyssey games, and Radiant Historia.
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When unlocalized, Japan only titles are also counted, still SNES. But this time DS comes very close in second.
Depends of the criteria.

If the criteria is the originality and impact of the original release, then there's no contest: SNES is, by a long shot, the winner.

If the criteria is the avaliability of the library, then Switch wins by default. But I think Switch pales if originality is the criteria, as most of it's library consists heavily on ports.
Xenoblade Chronicles, the first two Paper Marios, The World Ends with You, and Chrono Trigger are probably my all-time favorite RPGs. Honorable mentions to Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos as well.

All but one of those in on Switch. I know they aren't originally on the system, but having them all in the same place and available to new and old fans is huge. That isn't to mention stuff like the slew of HD 2D RPGs this gen, indies like Bug Fables, and other big, AAA releases that plenty of people like myself first experienced on the system. Xenoblade 3 had a huge impact on me and will probably go down as one of my favorites of all-time as the years pass. As someone who's primarily on Switch, this will be the platform where I first played Persona 5 (when I finally start it). Among my students, I've talked to plenty others like me who were able to play a new RPG they fell in love with, whether it was new or old, thanks to its availability on such a widely-owned platform.

Definitely Switch.
DS has my favorite group of original-to-DS RPGs, but Switch has indeed the best library, strictly speaking.
I'd say the Switch but the GBA, DS, and 3DS helped pave the way. Those systems cemented how well suited RPGs are for handhelds and did a great job building an audience for the genre.
It’s a copout but I’m gonna have to go with Switch since barring a few notable exceptions it has a genre library that encompasses most of the heavy hitters across history (including a number that never released outside of Japan previously). And it’s portable.

And I still think we’re going to see a Chrono Trigger re-release in a year or two since it’s got a birthday coming up.
It's the Switch. Yes there are a fair amount of ports but it just has access to so many of the best in the genre, and there's still more coming. I hope that this is one area they will continue to be strong with on their next hardware.
These kinds of questions just don't work with modern consoles. So many old games and indie games get released and re-released on everything nowadays, you probably need to specify exclusives, and that will put you in another tough spot because exclusives are becoming less and less of a thing. How many Switch exclusive RPGs can y'all name that aren't Nintendo games? Are there any? Stuff like Octopath Traveler didn't even last the generation before coming out elsewhere.

I'd say that you have to make the cut-off with 2010. The consoles before that point are from a different age when hardware was less homogenized and it wasn't as easy to release downloadable versions of everything in your back catalog on whatever could run them. It was before the remakester craze, before the indie boom, before everything had competent online storefronts, it was a really different time looking back on it.
The question only works if we count "released first on"
... Other then that, switch has the most and most of the heavy hitters from other platforms.

It's not even a contest.
Even without including backwards compatibility, it’s the Switch. So many major rpgs and tons more on the eshop too. The Switch library in general is just very strong.

Both the DS and 3DS have stacks that aren’t on Switch, but if I were to choose one to play forever, it would be the Switch.
This is Game Boy Advance erasure. It got ports of Final Fantasy VI and Mother 2 which hurts Super Nintendo even with Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. I have really fond memories of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Golden Sun. There are a bunch of options. For example, the Summon Night games are still exclusive to GBA (though I haven’t finished them yet). Mother 3 just recently got added to Nintendo Switch Online in Japan.

Out of the choices, it’s easily Switch. It has so many ports plus new RPGs.
the summon nights are so friggin good, I can't push the idea that them not being ported is STILL a crime.
i'm gonna be heretical- I recognize the switch has a shit ton of RPGs- I'm dragging the meaning of the OP to include ports, unless they saw multiple plats on release as opposed to later in their life. [Think NEO TWEWY [Released on EGS, Switch, and PS4 upon release], not TWEWY itself [Released on DS Exclusively, then ported to iOS, Switch] Also, yes, I will point a big [BEEEG] finger to Square's general laziness regarding their love for the cloud, but at the end of the day, the decision to make a cloud version is based upon the switch is due to the storage capacity of the console. Proprietary nintendo devices have long struggled with their internal memory being anything to write home about, and I genuinely think that's a problem when trying to place it at the top for me. Even if I can personally solve the issue for myself, I and pretty much any other consumer, lack a way to properly communicate this to Square or Nintendo, and Nintendo is very unlikely to ever 'Catch Up' to Sony and Microsoft in these regards.
On it's own merit, the best RPGs the switch has just simply don't interest me. There's ports of ones I love- Planescape Torment making it there is a miracle, never did I think that game would be on a nintendo console. Being able to play P5R, swap to undertale, and then close it out with some stardew valley or collection of mana is an RPG experience I can't cherish enough as a fan of the genre, but... Locking it to exclusives?
I don't like octopath or it's art style very much, Pokemon isn't for me any more, I'm sure one day I'll go through the Xenoblades, but I really couldn't care less about them given the time it takes to get into them. The Fire Emblem games on the console are pretty good, I think Three Houses is the meatiest experience of an RPG I've had on the switch that was for a game DEVELOPED for the switch. You're telling me second place for my most enjoyed RPG was Astral Chain, which barely counts, and besides that it's...Mario and Rabbids Kingdom Battle? [No shade, fantastic experience] And I want to emphasize- I'm no stranger when it comes to playing/finishing games not on their proprietary console. I am a big fan of emulation, and these days, I probably use my Retroid more than anything else, which, definitely effects how I view the switch, since any game before the GCN era can be easily played by something that's much more comfortable in my hands.
No, I look to using the hardware to it's limits, not shying away from it's weird gimmicks, and creating something that can ONLY be enjoyed on this console, for when I decide what RPGs take my heart.
SNES and 3DS both are good choices. SNES for it's raw library and some outliers which STILL haven't seen ports, providing the only game where I can get my Soul Blazer Trilogy fix. 3DS has some of my favorite remakes [which are totally distinct from ports, don't question me], and takes the time to really build up accessibilities and versions for games I wouldn't have experienced otherwise, like Dragon Quest 7.
But, I said, ONLY can be enjoyed on this console. My vote- DS.

Without making this post EVEN MORE DENSE, The World Ends With You could win this solo if it had to, no RPG is, and ever will be, quite like it. I refuse to see any other input method as good for this game as a DS. I've beaten every version of it there is by this point, and I won't be backing down for that being the best execution. Chrono Trigger DS is my favorite version of the game, though I'd say that does lean much more on port than remake, those touch screen controls don't REALLY add anything, but 1, easier menuing is always nice in those types of games, and 2, New friggin content baby. The DS has the 2 best generations for Pokemon, AND the best remakes. It has the best Mario and Luigi game. It has my favorite Dragon Quest, IX. It has Glory of Heracles, which is CRIMINALLY slept on. When it came out, KH358/2 was incredible, managing to shrink down a PS2 style combat system and have it translate halfway decently to DS was a feat in and of itself, and then they improved upon it with Coded. Children of Mana, Avalon Code, Magical Starsign, Friggin Izuna 1&2, Contact, Devil Survivor 1/2, Okamiden, FFTactics A2... I can't credit it enough. I weep for like, 7 or so games lost eternally on the SNES that we're not likely to see ported. The DS has an overstuffed graveyard, which has the added problem of the DS having such a condensed library to begin with. With Great Install Bases, comes great responsibility, and I can't cry hard enough.
...However, if we are to judge it not on being a 'Omakase' style experience, and instead a buffet, yeah switch wins, that's a lot of game
It's Switch by a mile, simply due to being released later and consolidating a lot of other systems' JRPG libraries as a result.

The only way this becomes a contest is if we exclude ports from older systems.
It’s Switch no contest even if you throw out NSO. I could see arguments made for time and place with SNES and perhaps even fondness for the amount of original titles on DS in particular, but the Switch JRPG library is absolutely stacked with tons of variety in all of the varying flavors of JRPGs and the games at the very top are all truly fantastic games.
I love your post and I need some game recommendations... 😁
It probably isn't the best but I want to shout out: I'm personally very partial to the 3ds library. It's definitely never going to be as influential as the snes gen nor as expansive as the switch catalog BUT. Fantasy Life is legitimately one of my favourite game experiences ever, I love the Yokai Watch games, we had never received an official release of DQVII before the 3ds release so that was a completely fresh experience on my end and a great effort to boot, Ever Oasis felt like a sidestep off of a new mana game, Bravely Default hit a lot of the same beats my favourite FFs do, I really enjoyed Pokemon X/Y and Sun/Moon, SMT IV was great. These are just the bigger names that come straight to mind but in a lot of ways the 3ds delivered for me on the rpg front, particularly during a time nowhere else really was. Even if there were not official mainline entries in some of the larger renown rpg series like FF or DQ, the titles I mentioned basically just did that for me anyway. It's not a big library, but it's one where most games went a long way for me so big shout out to the 3ds
Switch, on terms of both quantity and quality probably the best "jRPG" console to ever exist.

3DS is last for me. Not that the games aren't good, but the 3DS library has the least variety in that regard.
Xenoblade 1-3 being on Switch is enough for me to vote Switch, as someone who doesn't play too many JRPGs.
I’ve never really been an RPG guy aside from Paper Mario and Pokémon, but last year I fell in love with Fire Emblem as one of my new favorite franchises. Since Switch has TTYD (best Paper Mario) and 3H (amazing game though I admit I haven’t played all the FE games), I’ll give my vote to Switch.

Although I admit I haven’t played many (J)RPGs so this could change as I get older.
I love your post and I need some game recommendations... 😁
Thanks! I’ll give ten, not necessarily a top ten, to give some variety:

Xenoblade 3
Neo The World Ends With You
Trails From Zero
Pokemon SV (awesome in full online co-op)
Blue Reflection Second Light
Octopath Traveler II
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
Paper Mario The Origami King
This Way Madness Lies

Tried to stick with newer gamers here, but there’s tons of classics of course on Switch as well from tons of mainline Final Fantasy games (including VI, IX, X, and XII), Chrono Cross, Persona 3-5, a generous amount of Falcom games (Ys Origin in particular is fantastic), Dragon’s Dogma, Dragon Quest, NSO games like Earthbound etc. I didn’t even touch on strategy games yet either like Fire Emblem, Disgaea, Unicorn Overlord etc. (Unicorn Overlord I’m currently playing) or awesome spinoffs like Persona 4 Arena, Theatrhythm, Chocobo GP etc. and there’s stuff I haven’t really delved into too much myself like basically every Atelier game and a bunch of Saga games. Just an endless amount of cool stuff to check out!
Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest V

As original releases. That’s all I need to type to make the case but we can go on if needed.

Won’t compare to switch because the user base for games and the industry size and technology is unfair in my opinion as it would obviously win out on volume and diversity of gameplay/design. Also never include remakes when I compare so a decent DS/3DS portion is removed on my analysis.
Thanks! I’ll give ten, not necessarily a top ten, to give some variety:

Xenoblade 3
Neo The World Ends With You
Trails From Zero
Pokemon SV (awesome in full online co-op)
Blue Reflection Second Light
Octopath Traveler II
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
Paper Mario The Origami King
This Way Madness Lies

Tried to stick with newer gamers here, but there’s tons of classics of course on Switch as well from tons of mainline Final Fantasy games (including VI, IX, X, and XII), Chrono Cross, Persona 3-5, a generous amount of Falcom games (Ys Origin in particular is fantastic), Dragon’s Dogma, Dragon Quest, NSO games like Earthbound etc. I didn’t even touch on strategy games yet either like Fire Emblem, Disgaea, Unicorn Overlord etc. (Unicorn Overlord I’m currently playing) or awesome spinoffs like Persona 4 Arena, Theatrhythm, Chocobo GP etc. and there’s stuff I haven’t really delved into too much myself like basically every Atelier game and a bunch of Saga games. Just an endless amount of cool stuff to check out!
I could make a list of 10 Switch RPGs of games I have but haven’t finished or even played and it could probably be made out to be a Top 10.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Octopath Traveler II
DQ 11
Divinity Original Sin 2
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Persona 5 Royal
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Sea of Stars
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Triangle Strategy

And I could make another (or 2) of just remakes. Switch is stacked.
I could make a list of 10 Switch RPGs of games I have but haven’t finished or even played and it could probably be made out to be a Top 10.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Octopath Traveler II
DQ 11
Divinity Original Sin 2
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Persona 5 Royal
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Sea of Stars
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Triangle Strategy

And I could make another (or 2) of just remakes. Switch is stacked.
Haha that’s amazing. Here’s my Top Ten Switch RPGs I want to play but haven’t yet.

Rhapsody 1-3
Sea of Stars
Fire Emblem Three Houses (+ Engage)
Shin Megami Tensei V
Persona 4 Golden (started a few times never beat it)
Cosmic Star Heroine
Triangle Strategy (+ BD2)
Collection of Mana
Dragon Quest 2 (always wanted to play this, but haven’t)
Disgaea 6 + 7 (still need to play 5 too)

Honorable mention goes to like every Atelier game.

This should be it’s own thread lol.
what about the N64 with Quest 64

The DS and 3DS may not have the most, but it has some of the most memorable to me. They were coming out with all sorts of wacky shit that really could only exist on their respective consoles, much like Etrian Odyssey (I know it got ported but still). But I also heavily romanticize handheld gaming in general, and the novelty of epic 40-60 hour experiences on a handheld device made the world seem infinite.

The SNES has the big heavy hitters, but I played more JRPGs on my handhelds. Etrian Odyssey alone makes the DS/3DS generation worth it to me.
From its accumulated collection of titles that originated in earlier times, Switch is crazy in the lead. Most of the single-player FFs, SaGas, Seikens, Xenoblades. Fewer but still notable assortment of Phantasy Star, Persona, Dragon Quest, Ys, Trails, Star Ocean, Mario RPGs, Grandia.

For titles new to that platform... hard for me to get beyond SNES, but that's very subjective as someone who got into JRPGs in that period. Beyond SNES, I've probably enjoyed Switch's Xenoblades and Octopaths more than DS's and 3DS's original games.
If we're only counting original games, my Top 3 RPGs on the SNES are as follows (in no particular order):

  • Dragon Quest V
  • EarthBound
  • Super Mario RPG

Afterwards, for sentimental value, I'd put two games which I hold dearly but I admit their flaws: Tactics Ogre - Let Us Cling Together and Trials of Mana. These games can get grindy and slow, and sometimes overstay their welcome, but I love them nonetheless. This would also be true for my 8th favourite, which would be Tales of Phantasia.

My sixth favourite would be Harvest Moon. So many cherished memories of childhood with that one. I guess it's a simulation game, but it will count as an RPG for me.

I purposefully skipped my sixth and seventh favourites since I wanted to group Tales of Phantasia with my fourth and fifth favourites, since I think they share the same flaws. My seventh place doesn't share these flaws. It's Chrono Trigger.

I can comfortably put fucking Chrono Trigger as my seventh favourite RPG in the system. It's a better game than my fourth and fifth favourites. I might have played it more than them as well, since it's a perfectly rounded game. I really like Chrono Trigger. It's my seventh favourite RPG on the SNES.

When you can put Chrono Trigger as your seventh favourite RPG in the system without thinking twice, you just know you have a fucking banger of a system.

(My ninth would probably be Dragon Quest I+II - I'd finally cave in and put a non-original title in it - and at 10th, maybe, Final Fantasy VI. I still haven't played the Quintet games and some others. I think you can easily make a Top 10 SNES RPGs without a single Final Fantasy in it.)

It's the SNES. The quality of the defining gems the system has in original-only games is just absurd. The only one that can match it in this regard, I think, is the PS1. PS2, DS and 3DS may have some high quality and unique titles (TWEWY, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, Dragon Quest VIII - two times!), but I still think, specially when you consider only Nintendo ones, that the SNES is unparalleled.
I think if I was going to write my top 10 Switch RPGs while avoiding back catalogue ports and remasters, it would be something like-

Octopath Traveller II
Dragon Quest XI
Triangle Strategy
Rise of the Third Power
Chained Echoes
Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Monster Hunter Stories 2
Unicorn Overlord.

Then after that I’d add
Octopath Traveller, Sea of Stars, DQ Builders 2.

There’s so many good ones, and so many I haven’t played without even touching the back catalogue from older systems, especially the amount of quality remasters. Star Ocean 2, Etrian Odyssey 3, etc. Otherwise I’d be making a top 50.
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If we're counting ports and remasters it's Easily Switch.

If we're counting only original releases then it gets a lot tougher, though I'd probably go with SNES, especially when you factor in Japanese releases.

Without Japanese releases, and if you count "first time localized" then it might be DS.
I love your post and I need some game recommendations... 😁

Thanks! I’ll give ten, not necessarily a top ten, to give some variety:

Xenoblade 3
Neo The World Ends With You
Trails From Zero
Pokemon SV (awesome in full online co-op)
Blue Reflection Second Light
Octopath Traveler II
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
Paper Mario The Origami King
This Way Madness Lies

Tried to stick with newer gamers here, but there’s tons of classics of course on Switch as well from tons of mainline Final Fantasy games (including VI, IX, X, and XII), Chrono Cross, Persona 3-5, a generous amount of Falcom games (Ys Origin in particular is fantastic), Dragon’s Dogma, Dragon Quest, NSO games like Earthbound etc. I didn’t even touch on strategy games yet either like Fire Emblem, Disgaea, Unicorn Overlord etc. (Unicorn Overlord I’m currently playing) or awesome spinoffs like Persona 4 Arena, Theatrhythm, Chocobo GP etc. and there’s stuff I haven’t really delved into too much myself like basically every Atelier game and a bunch of Saga games. Just an endless amount of cool stuff to check out!

I could make a list of 10 Switch RPGs of games I have but haven’t finished or even played and it could probably be made out to be a Top 10.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Octopath Traveler II
DQ 11
Divinity Original Sin 2
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Persona 5 Royal
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Sea of Stars
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Triangle Strategy

And I could make another (or 2) of just remakes. Switch is stacked.

I think if I was going to write my top 10 Switch RPGs while avoiding back catalogue ports and remasters, it would be something like-

Octopath Traveller II
Dragon Quest XI
Triangle Strategy
Rise of the Third Power
Chained Echoes
Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Monster Hunter Stories 2
Unicorn Overlord.

Then after that I’d add
Octopath Traveller, Sea of Stars, DQ Builders 2.

There’s so many good ones, and so many I haven’t played without even touching the back catalogue from older systems, especially the amount of quality remasters. Star Ocean 2, Etrian Odyssey 3, etc. Otherwise I’d be making a top 50.
These are great lists! I'll throw mine in as well:

  • Persona 5 Royal
  • Octopath Traveler II
  • Unicorn Overlord
  • Triangle Strategy
  • Pokemon Legends Arceus
  • Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
  • NEO: The World Ends With You
  • Xenoblade (the entire trilogy, really)
  • Star Ocean 2R
  • Valkyrie Chronicles 4
There's still so much stuff I didn't name. I didn't name the Persona remasters, the Final Fantasy remasters, I didn't name stuff like the entirety of Falcom and Gust's catalog (so many Ys, Trails, and Atelier games there), I didn't name Monster Hunter Stories, Fire Emblem, Nier, Bravely, Live A Live, SMTV. Great library on the Switch, really.
What ? What is this ! Europe. I hope this is not Europe's RPG list.
But just... take. a. look. at. this. !

NES RPGs in Europe :
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

SNES RPGs in Europe :
Mystic Quest / Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Secret of Mana
The Legend of Zelda : A Link To The Past

N64 RPGs in Europe :
Holy Magic Century / Quest 64
Paper Mario 64

Switch RPGs in Europe :
Collection of Mana
Collection of SaGa
Cosmic Heroine
Disgaea 5, 6, 7
Dragon Quest 1-3
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Final Fantasy 1-6 Pixel Remaster
Final Fantasy 7-12 Remastered
Legend of Mana
Octopath Traveler
Octopath Traveler II
Paper Mario : The Origami King
Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door
Persona 3
Persona 4 Golden
Persona 5 Royal
Rise of the Third Power
Romancing SaGa Remastered
Romancing SaGa 3 Remastered
Sea of Stars
Star Ocean First Departure
Star Ocean The Second Story R
Super Mario RPG Remake
The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda : Tears of the Kingdom
Trials of Mana Remake
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna, the Golden Country
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

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