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Predictions After Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD and Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, what 3DS games would you like to see get a straight port?

I wont go into the semantics of "straight port" (nothing really is). But outside of atlus entire 3ds library, from first party I would take the following:

  • Fire Emblem Awakening, Fates and Echoes (IS has never done ports like that but first time for everything)
  • Samus Returns
  • Link Between Worlds (I have that game sealed, will play it one day lol)
  • The Mainline Pokemon games (sorta similar situation as IS, they dont do ports)
  • Ever Oasis.
ALBW seemed like a safe one, but Echoes returning to the ALTTP world again makes that way less likely. OoT and MM 3D seem like the most obvious ones. I think Fire Emblem Awakening would get more substantial gameplay changes when it gets remade. Would also expect more content for Robobot when it gets remade.
  1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
  2. Metroid: Samus Returns
  3. Kid Icarus Uprising
  4. Super Mario 3D Land
  5. Luigi’s Mansion
  6. The OOT/MM remasters, and the Bowser’s Inside Story remake
  7. Fire Emblem Awakening and Echoes
For the first party games, these are the ones I want first and foremost.
The 3 Club Nintendo Picross games, Pokémon Picross and Sanrio Picross.
Aside from Picross my most wanted is the incredible 3DS version of Ikachan.
A bundle with the BoxBoy! games would also be nice.
But most important of all, the Virtual Console (please, Nintendo)
I won’t regurgitate what everyone else has been saying, so I’ll just add an unusual choice that also isn’t 1st party:

Ironfall: Invasion

Was supposed to be a Gears of War-type game, but didn’t get the greatest praise, but it did look very good for the 3DS. It was kind of an interesting technical achievement. Would be interesting if it got a remake on Switch, or Switch 2.

Their latest game was Rise: Race the Future, which is actually a pretty decent little futuristic racer, and I distinctly remember for Switch, they eventually patched it to run at 60fps with a performance mode, or 30fps quality mode.

I feel these devs are pretty talented from a technical standpoint, so I’d be curious how a remake of Ironfall would fair on the Switch hardware.
Just wanna say that Luigi's Mansion 2 HD is definitely not a straight port and it replaces pretty much every texture as well as improving geometry way above what the 3DS game had.

But well, Metroid Samus Returns, Shin Megami Tensei IV/Apocalypse e Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D have to be my most wanted here. Kid Icarus Uprising too but that would be way more than just a "straight port".
A Link Between Worlds would cleanse us of that boring plastic toy style we're apparently stuck with.

I torn about Monster Hunter 4 because there's so much unique content it has that would be a shame to be left behind forever, yet a ton of weirdly aged stuff that kinda demands to be improved upon after the series has evolved so much, so it would almost demand a remake to some degree, which in the process would still sacrifice some of its original charm.

Fantasi Life i is supposedly coming soon, but the original game still deserves to be experienced by a wider audience so they can fully appreciate just how special it is that this game is finally coming back.

And on the topic of Level-5, they need to be better about remastering and localizing more Layton games, which mostly goes for the DS games but still. Don't they know they need to keep up with Capcom remastering the AA games so we can build towards Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright?
I dunno how you classify Other M, since Fusion announces itself as Metroid 4 and Dread as Metroid 5, and it’s not in chronological order.

Maybe it’s clearer to say “Metroid 1-5 and their remakes”
Dread seems to treat it like a mainline game. It was never going to impact Dread's number for chronological reasons though, like you said.
Samus Return's I find a surprising candidate to want a "straight port" for, that game kind of falls flat now with Dread existing. I'd be kind of pissed if they remade it and didn't try to incorporate Dread's improved movement. You could also expand the enemy variety while they're at it, as that was also a rather large issue for that game. And frankly while it looks ok for 3DS I really think the art style needs more than poly count increases and better textures to be palatable for HD displays.

As for something I can agree with I'll argue the 3DS Fire Emblem titles, with the eShop being pulled offline having definitive editions with all the content included would be great. And I would argue FE has never been a graphical powerhouse for Nintendo, so I don't much is lost just doing barebones ports in this case. Plus if FE remakes keep happening chronologically at the current pace lets be honest, I don't think we're gonna see any 3DS FE games happen till the 2030's or 40's, might as well do simple ports now. For that matter do Hagi ports of Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn for similar reasons.
Other than obvious ones like KIU and 3D Land, I’ve been playing Dream Team and I think it would be a big help to have a remaster with faster load times and less text.
Samus Return's I find a surprising candidate to want a "straight port" for, that game kind of falls flat now with Dread existing. I'd be kind of pissed if they remade it and didn't try to incorporate Dread's improved movement. You could also expand the enemy variety while they're at it, as that was also a rather large issue for that game. And frankly while it looks ok for 3DS I really think the art style needs more than poly count increases and better textures to be palatable for HD displays.

As for something I can agree with I'll argue the 3DS Fire Emblem titles, with the eShop being pulled offline having definitive editions with all the content included would be great. And I would argue FE has never been a graphical powerhouse for Nintendo, so I don't much is lost just doing barebones ports in this case. Plus if FE remakes keep happening chronologically at the current pace lets be honest, I don't think we're gonna see any 3DS FE games happen till the 2030's or 40's, might as well do simple ports now. For that matter do Hagi ports of Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn for similar reasons.
For me, when I think about Metroid: Samus Returns HD, I think of it less in comparison to Metroid Dread and more in comparison to Metroid II: Return of Samus on NSO. For that reason, Samus Returns HD is appealing to me.* That said, if they did want to modernize the game a bit with what they achieved with Metroid Dread, maybe even reusing Dread's graphics technology, I wouldn't say no.

*I've never played the Game Boy version of Metroid II. I assume Samus Returns is generally seen as a more enjoyable experience, but I believe I've read that the two games are pretty different so I'm sure the original has its fans.
I'm surprised. I figured it was 3DS based on that version's levels being added. Where did you learn this (or how did you spot it)? I'd like to learn more.
I agree, and I'm surprised too. Apart from the addition of the 3DS levels which makes a port of the 3DS version logical and likely, I think I saw a video (maybe GameXplain or NintendoLife) which showed that the shadow management was literally different from the Wii version BUT identical to the 3DS version.

Samus Return's I find a surprising candidate to want a "straight port" for, that game kind of falls flat now with Dread existing. I'd be kind of pissed if they remade it and didn't try to incorporate Dread's improved movement. You could also expand the enemy variety while they're at it, as that was also a rather large issue for that game. And frankly while it looks ok for 3DS I really think the art style needs more than poly count increases and better textures to be palatable for HD displays.
I mean, if at some point you don't want the same game anymore, it's not really called a port. I absolutely love this game as it is, and I think it's responsible for the renaissance of 2D Metroid, since it laid a lot of the foundations for Dread.

Quite apart from that, I think it's important to respect the original Game Boy game which, in addition to being a dazzling technical achievement on the GameBoy, is an absolutely enjoyable game whose peculiarities in relation to the rest of the series, which are decried by many, are precisely what make it so valuable and so good, in my opinion. And I think Mercury Steam has done a brilliant job of modernizing without betraying.
All the Fire Emblems. It’s a massive PITA to get Fates Revelations working now that the eShop is gone, I had to go find a pirated copy of Fates with all three routes because the eShop wouldn’t let me download it.. Would be much easier if it was on the Switch as a complete package
So many of them.

Monster Hunter 4
Link Between Worlds
Fire Emblem Awakening, Shadows of Valentia/Fates (the latter with the Revelations DLC)
Dragon Quest VII/VIII (thought I’d crowbar those in seeing as they are ported to 3DS…)
SMT IV/Apocalypse
SMT Strange Journey Redux
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
Etrian Odyssey IV/V/Nexus
For some reason, I want Animal Crossing New Leaf on Switch. That game was so much fun, Tortimer Island with online friends, Main Street, Hourly music that was better than ACNH imo, Big Tree that grows with each day you start the game and special cut-out standees, Campsite had the igloo theme, Harvey's RV camping site. A Dream Suite in which the dream towns aren't overly stuffed and framerate issues, Your house was so much bigger, More fruit, Train Station, etc etc.
After DKCR HD was announced the first things that immediately came to mind were Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn and Yoshi's Woolly World & Poochy, but I think that's mostly just because I've been wanting to revisit those games with my SO's kids and HD-ifying the Wii/Wii U originals and adding the 3DS content would be the perfect way to do it. And wouldn't you know, that's what they're doing with DKCR HD.

Other games I thought of when I saw this thread were Super Mario 3D Land and the two Bravely games.
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M | H.D would bring me unimaginable joy!! Not only would it give a second chance to one of Intelligent Systems’ most underappreciated releases ever, it would also do even more justice to the game’s already amazing silver age comic aesthetic seeing it in high resolution. The original also had some slowdown issues on older 3DS models so the performance being improved across the board would make the game basically perfect in my eyes.

(Also the incredibly obvious one everyone has mentioned, give me Samus Returns HD pls)
Addendum to my earlier post, I'd also really like to see the rest of the Kunio games get off 3DS, especially the handful that Natsume opted not to release here. We already got Rival Showdown so hopefully now that the engine is ported we can get the rest, because they're solid belt-scrollers and it'd be great to play them with couch co-op.
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M | H.D would bring me unimaginable joy!! Not only would it give a second chance to one of Intelligent Systems’ most underappreciated releases ever, it would also do even more justice to the game’s already amazing silver age comic aesthetic seeing it in high resolution. The original also had some slowdown issues on older 3DS models so the performance being improved across the board would make the game basically perfect in my eyes.

(Also the incredibly obvious one everyone has mentioned, give me Samus Returns HD pls)
Yeah, Codename Steam deserves more recognition, my favorite IS game ever.
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth
Etrian Odyssey NEXUS

Untolds can stay in 3DS jail, we already got the better versions of 1-2.
We finally got Pocket Card Jockey on the system, so now I'd like to Game Freak's other good game come to Switch: HarmoKnight. Make it happen Nintendo!
Kirby Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot
A Link Between Worlds
Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates
Every M&L in the art style of Brothership
SMTIV and Apocalypse
Super Mario 3D Land
Kid Icarus Uprising
Bravely Default + Second
Dragon Quest VII and VIII (lol)
I see absolutely no mention of this gem.


I thought I knew you, Fami.
Fire Emblem Awakening is my most wanted. I think Animal Crossing: New Leaf would also be an amazing option to help tide Animal Crossing fans over until the next main game.
I'd be happy to see Link Between Worlds brought over near enough as-is, though I think they should add Tri Force Heroes to it as a bundle. Samus Returns I'd like to see again, but think it would be better off bring up closer to Dread's gameplay standards.
Bundling TFH with ALBW would also be a cute callback to ALttP + FS. Anyways, a lot people hit up the main ones I want (Icarus, Kirby [including Triple Deluxe], SMT) so I'm gonna go with a deeper cut: the Dillon's Rolling Western series. Idk how feasible it would be since I hear the developer shuttered, but they seemed neat and I want to try them.
SMT IV and IV:A by a country mile. I loved V and finally got to complete Nocturne, but the IV games hit different. Would love to replay them in HD.

To a lesser extent, replaying Fire Emblem Awakening would be fun, but I wouldn't want Intelligent Systems devoting a lot of resources to it. As amazing as Switch has been for many Nintendo series, Fire Emblem has been one of the few that's felt it took a step back from the previous gen (weirdly enough). Three Houses was great, but other that was 5 years ago, and since then we've only got re-release of Shadow Dragon (very cool but obviously not substantive) and Engage (enough said).

I'd love to replay 3D Land, but I think Nintendo would see that as more of a ground up remake to put it on par with 3D World visually, as it has a ton of sales potential if done right. I don't think that's a "quick and dirty" port like DKC:R.
So we can get these physical in the west. Rhythm Heaven: Megamix and 3D Picross Round 2 (ideally these would be enhanced with new content, but since these are moribund series this would be the easiest way to HD them).
Yoki watch 3
This sparks joy.
fossil fighters frontier
This does not spark joy.

In all seriousness (and sorry for using your post as an excuse to ramble about a game), I probably biasedly think the latter would need a bit more than just a straight port. The game has a few problems, and I'm not just making a "car bad" joke here. Would honestly be nice to see them give it a second chance, though. I admittedly couldn't bring myself to even finish the game, but I think I could be willing to give it another chance if they somehow ever ported/remade it. (Again, I might be a bit biased with these opinions and am most likely spouting a bunch of crap.)
(Or they could just make an FF4...)
I definitely feel like Metroid: Samus Returns would be a great title to fit the type of remaster Luigi’s Mansion and DKCR are getting. Just enhance the resolution and textures, increase the frame rate from 30 to 60 and I think it’s ready to go. I really want Kid Icarus: Uprising on another platform, but I think it deserves a borderline remake to really sell how ambitious that title is. Hope to see it someday!
I’d want Kid Icarus Uprising for a better control scheme, and Dragon Quest VIII so it can have its better PS2 graphics + music with all the 3DS changes and content.

On the other hand, I’d want them to not port the Fire Emblem games over, maybe Shadows of Valentia, but I feel like it would be unnecessary, complicate the remake slate/pattern they have, and, furthermore, have options for much much much much better Fire Emblem games to do direct ports of.
Like literally a straight port? Samus Returns. I don’t need some upgraded Samus Returns Returns. Just getting the game on there would be good enough for me. Don’t even need the updated Dread movement

My most wanted 3DS game in general is Kid Icarus, but obviously that’d be more than just a straight port (and I’d want it to be)

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